Magazine coverage of HL2

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See that thing in the HUD: "squad: following" ? Kind of odd: so we get feedback on whether allies are following us or not?
There is new info after all. Its made quite clear how the game starts. :O

Don't know what the guy who said there wasn't new info was on (not me, the guy I quoted before you say anything).
Notice that one of the prison scenes is the exact same location as in one of the early three scans we saw today: there's just different stuff going on there now.
Apos said:
See that thing in the HUD: "squad: following" ? Kind of odd: so we get feedback on whether allies are following us or not?

Hmm, yeah. Noticed that too... Pretty cool. :)

Thanks for the scans guys.
Hmm, in one of the scans, it says "Squad: Following" above the ammo indicator....

Must mean that you can give at least rudimentary commands to your AI friends...
BTW zoom out on the scans there rez is way way over the top...

Oh and don't thank me I just hosted them on my free NTL webspace.
"Using the manipulator's alternate fire button, i start shunting the car out of the water, get back on board and resume my uncomfortable journey"

Sounds like we wont see the game until at least July if they are planning on having the mod conference in June.
It'll be later than July man, I'd say September at the earliest.

thanks for the scans zx7rp3, do they say anything particularly interesting about Team Fortress 2 in the mag or is it just a quick sentence or two confirming it will be released someday.
"Half-life 2 could be twice as long as the original"

the last one is up; number 11 and the SS in the lower right corner is pretty good ;)

EDIT: too slow lol
justindugard said:
It'll be later than July man, I'd say September at the earliest.

thanks for the scans zx7rp3, do they say anything particularly interesting about Team Fortress 2 in the mag or is it just a quick sentence or two confirming it will be released someday.

I scanned over them. :cool: I never said I actually scanned them ;) All that is mentioned about TF2 is what's in that HL2 article.
He said there giving a date at E3 (or hopefull to)
That was awesome. I hope PC Gamer has different screens, we'll see..
Roll on E3! :)
To be fair, the reason they say it'll be twice as long is primarily because people playing tend to spend more time in each level doing all sorts of different things rather than just rushing through.
tomoz the pc zone mag will have sweet new screens and info :D

then 13th may on a thursday pc gamer will have fresh new screens

i have the may issue of pc gamer and there is 6 pages of hl2 and it says "part 1" and it also says "part 2 will have fresh new screens and facts" which will be released in june's pc gamer on may on a thursday which i am sure it is 13th :D

gonna be sweet
Apos said:
See that thing in the HUD: "squad: following" ? Kind of odd: so we get feedback on whether allies are following us or not?

I just noticed that (i'm on that page now :D). This should get the hype machine in motion again properly t00t t00t

Cheers guys for doing this :D (ps to any people from PC Zone, i'll still be buying the mag :P)
Holy mother of god this game is looking more appealing than ever!

I just saw the scans and more importantly the text. And at last they said they might give a release date at E3. :D

I can't bloody wait!!!!! :smoking:
Wow, I've read the article, and just wow.
Left me with a big smile behind :)

PC Zone has a habit of exaggerating, so I'm gonna reserve my judgement until 1st of may with PC Gameplay.

Great work zx7rp3 :thumbs:

BTW, their only point of criticism seemed to be the guns, that seemed the same as in HL1. But people who played the leak say there's like 20 more, or we're they just test weapons? Ah well, I trust in Valve to make the right decision, I rather have 10 perfectly balanced weapons than 50 guns that are put in so it looks cool. But I'm positive Valve has some big surprises for us in store.
Some of the screens in there weren't super great, which is a bit disappointing, but.. others were top notch :thumbs: Can't wait
God damn, I am getting hyped again!


Must control self Must control self Must control self Must control self Must control self Must control self Must control self Must control self Must control self Must control self Must control self Must control self Must control self Must control self Must control self Must control self Must control self.......

I didn't read it all, so I will have something to do tomorrow :p I have to say though - bland weapons: my ass. There's loads of detail on that MP-7.
About the bots following orders - they'll argue with you if they don't wanna go there cos of the risk and then when your back is turned they'll go and do their own thing! That is awesome, only a little thing but it seems like the characters in the game are gonna be so much better than what we have experienced before :D
flupke said:
Whatever, i worship you anyway ;)

and so you should I'v PM'md over 500 people in the last couple of days :farmer:

I'll ask once again, don't PM, add me to your MSN list. i want big MSN list :farmer: :E :rolleyes:
Yeah, Murray, it looks like valve are really trying very hard to not just make a game world but a believeable game world that you can actually get properlly imersed in like we never seen before. Which is nice of them...... :P
the only gripe he mentioned was a lack of weapons, but ive been hearing the beta has about 20-30 or so in various stages of development, so the fact he didnt see many in 3 levels doesnt bother me :O
thanks again guys

oh and I would like to point something out:
in PC Zone, they have no pics of the Buggy, and when describing it they say it has a machine gun mounted now instead of the TAU cannon, further leading me to believe that those 3 pics from pcAction were of leaked material.
I can't wait till E3!

E3 will answer all of our questions and our hopes. I think they will say that the game is coming out this Sep. because its better for it to come out then and I think they will put some extra stuff with the game other than the SDK (Hammer 2.0). I don't know maybe something like "The making of Half-life 2 or Counter Strike stuff". I do know whenever it comes out I will buy it and enjoy it but it as too come out due late summer or early fall before games like Doom 3 or Halo 2. I think those game won't be out till next yr. the way things are going and people have to remember that these games are next gen. stuff and they want to make sure that the final copy of the games. Have no bug and no holes in the softwear.

I don't want any of these games if they have Bugs or holes in the Multiplayer, where people can cheat all the way though an online game, which they do now but at least at first they won't be able too (I hope!). We also have to remember that the source code got stolen from them and they have to change everything around that piece of the code. Which is a lot I think right now just like Halo 2 team, the HL2 team are just finishing the game and fixing bugs and polishing the graphics. I think the game is going to be one of the best just like HL1.

So, I think at E3 HL2 is going to look a lot better and the final due date will be told Aug. or Sep. :thumbs: I mean think about it ATI is partnering with them, I think they also will package the game with their New next gen. ATI card at E3, which I heard is the Faster card then, the Nvidia next gen, card. That's what I heard ;)
Heheh, look in page 11 of the scans and you can see a large rifle held by a combine on a new vehicle. That alone is more official info than we have had in practically a year! :laugh:
Anyway guys like i said before, It looks like there may be a prequal expansion about alyx's life leading up to Hl2.

Or backstory could mean an opposing force/blueshift style story running alongside the main one from a different perspective, im glad to hear the games gonna be at least as long as the original, to many short games these days.
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