Man raped his dying stepdaughter

AzzMan said:
Also, I wouldnt be suprised if he was the one who gave her the alcohol/drugs.

Supplying alcohol/drugs to a minor, rape (of a minor btw), murder, wow I would have a blast with this guy if I were a judge.

No you wouldn't, you'd be eating yourself because you'd have to strictly abide by the law and sentence him only what you are allowed to from the pure facts of the case.
Nat Turner said:
If the girl is drunk, and seduces him, and later calls it rape, then clearly it isn't *that* severe of a crime. If the girl is 17, and the guy is 18, and they have sex, that instance of "rape" is simply ridiculous and shouldn't be criminal at all..

Agreed on that. As a matter of fact I think that women who are found lying about things like that should serve a sentence just as bad as the accused, since not only do they make an attempt to ruin an innocent person, but manage to make a mockery of the real victims of such crimes.

Nat Turner said:
I'm just pointing out that there's a wide variety of interpretations for situations of rape and theft. Often the crime of theft is more severe than the crime of rape.

But stolen property is usually easily returned or reimbursed. Emotional damage is not...
NotATool said:
No you wouldn't, you'd be eating yourself because you'd have to strictly abide by the law and sentence him only what you are allowed to from the pure facts of the case.

3 felonies = ouch for him
AzzMan said:
Agreed on that. As a matter of fact I think that women who are found lying about things like that should serve a sentence just as bad as the accused, since not only do they make an attempt to ruin an innocent person, but manage to make a mockery of the real victims of such crimes.
You have some good points there. I'm not sure how severe this crime of lying should be though.

But stolen property is usually easily returned or reimbursed. Emotional damage is not...

lol, no it usually isn't. That is false. You may not know this, but the vast majority of crimes go unsolved. Also emotional damage can sometimes be healed, depending on the person and other factors.
It seems that there is a confusion on what the penal systems true purpose really is. We have some saying it is for Rehabilitation and others saying it is for Punishment.

I believe in order to get the issue in question truely resolved we should come to a consensus on what the penal system should be used for.

Also, is true rehabilitation possible?
AzzMan said:
3 felonies = ouch for him

Then he should be imprisoned forever, not killed. When both options result in the same effect on society (actually capital punishment is more expensive), then clearly you should let the guy live. Life > Death.
TheAmazingRando said:
It seems that there is a confusion on what the penal systems true purpose really is. We have some saying it is for Rehabilitation and others saying it is for Punishment.

I believe in order to get the issue in question truely resolved we should come to a consensus on what the penal system should be used for.

Also, is true rehabilitation possible?

Yes true rehabilitation is possible. There's lots of people who commit a single crime and then live a normal life. If rehabilitation isn't possible *at all*, which would mean that jailtime isn't a deterrent to crime, we might as well do away with all prisons.
Nat Turner said:
Then he should be imprisoned forever, not killed. When both options result in the same effect on society (actually capital punishment is more expensive), then clearly you should let the guy live. Life > Death.

I think that that should be decided on the cost effectiveness of his sentence. No more of the stupid monthes long wait. A week long wait, one bullet and the incinerator would be enough.
Nat Turner said:
lol, no it usually isn't. That is false. You may not know this, but the vast majority of crimes go unsolved. Also emotional damage can sometimes be healed, depending on the person and other factors.

If it's THAT valuable to where having it stolen would be worse than taking it from behind, you better have some sort of theft insurance. Of not then your own fault.

And on a better note, FEAR sequel in development :sniper:
15357 said:
I think that that should be decided on the cost effectiveness of his sentence. No more of the stupid monthes long wait. A week long wait, one bullet and the incinerator would be enough.

You seem to forget that not everyone in jail is actually guilty. Over 100 times, people have been set free, between the time they were found guilty and sentenced to murder and their execution date. I think it's worth the cost to save innocent lives.
TheAmazingRando said:
It seems that there is a confusion on what the penal systems true purpose really is. We have some saying it is for Rehabilitation and others saying it is for Punishment.

I believe in order to get the issue in question truely resolved we should come to a consensus on what the penal system should be used for.

Also, is true rehabilitation possible?
I'd be surprised if we ever came to a consensus here, though it's nice to try. :|

I personally don't know enough about whether or not rehabilitation is possible. But whether it is or isn't I don't think the point of a justice system should be retribution, or reciprocity. I think it should be simply to reduce crime. If scaring people away with the death penalty actually works (which seems not to be the case, if the stats i've heard are correct), then go for it, assuming it is at all efficient. However, punishing crimes of passion with severe crimes seems only to serve to satisfy the people's bloodlust.
AzzMan said:
3 felonies = ouch for him

Yeah but you can't prove he caused her death or intoxicated her.

I think you'd enjoy yourself much more as the prosecuting attorney.
My hope is that his fellow prisoners straighten him out, or just outright kill him.

Some people simply should not be allowed to live, or should suffer horribly for their crimes. And if prisons over there are anything like prisons in the US then they're a f*cking cakewalk. Cable TV, three meals a day, a job, a bed, time for recreation, etc. Prison is a far cry from what it used to be.

And this rehabilitation bullshit is just that. A very small amount of people are rehabilitated. A high percentage of people who go to jail are, or become, repeat offenders. People who don;t commit crimes after prison don't usually do it because they're rehabilitated, but merely because they don;t want to go back, which doesn;t really solve anything.

I personally think the whole prison idea is a waste of taxpayer dollars. I've still not exactly devised a better idea, but the whole idea of an "eye for an eye" seems pretty good. If that were the case then this man should have his genitals mutilated so that he could never use them again. If everyone was lucky he'd just commit suicide after that.

None of these people deserve any remorse.
Icarusintel said:
I've still not exactly devised a better idea, but the whole idea of an "eye for an eye" seems pretty good. If that were the case then this man should have his genitals mutilated so that he could never use them again. If everyone was lucky he'd just commit suicide after that.

Let's see, did he mutilate her genitals? That would be a no.
Nat Turner said:
Let's see, did he mutilate her genitals? That would be a no.

Dude. He raped a ****ing dying member of his family. What punishment is too bad for him? What doesn't he deserve? Certainly not any form of mercy. I can even go the humanist route and say at least make his death quick and painless, but the bastard deserves to die.
Greatgat said:
Dude. He raped a ****ing dying member of his family. What punishment is too bad for him? What doesn't he deserve? Certainly not any form of mercy. I can even go the humanist route and say at least make his death quick and painless, but the bastard deserves to die.


You're just another one of those types who would kill someone because it's emotionally appealing. Very unstable type IMO.
Greatgat, ask yourself: why do you think he should die? Then give us the answer.
Nat Turner said:

You're just another one of those types who would kill someone because it's emotionally appealing. Very unstable type IMO.

Because we are human beings, we have standards of decency and morality, and of course, emotions as well.

Emotionally appealing? Yes.

Moral? Yes.

But anyway, we could just 'nullify' his power to reproduce with chemicals and make him work. Hard.
15357 said:
Because we are human beings, we have standards of decency and morality, and of course, emotions as well.

Emotionally appealing? Yes.

Moral? Yes.

But anyway, we could just 'nullify' his power to reproduce with chemicals and make him work. Hard.

Then it's very fortunate that you aren't a judge. Ever heard of an 'unbiased' or 'objective' opinion?
People here can spout out all their morality or emotions that they want, but it's all just empty and unsubstantiated words...

Justice only for the sake of justice cannot be proven as beneficial for anything.
It is, isn't it? :E

I really fail to see how the **** unbiased an opinion can be. Its an opinion. Therefore it is biased toward the person's feelings and beliefs.

In an ideal world, there'd be military justice.

EDIT: That, I agree. Justice shuld be something that makes prisoners productive to society, not keeping them well and alive in prisons.
Hahaha, I'm already having a blast here. 15357, you are a funny man. :thumbs:

I think this argument has come down to differing opinions, and opinions are as irrefutable as facts in one another's mind.

In simpler words: I agree to disagree :).
Lets get over with the argument then. :E

Here's another question: Is humanity in general nature kind and good?
15357 said:
Here's another question: Is humanity in general nature kind and good?

Here's a better question: Does it matter? Or should we fight for kindness and good regardless?
How about everyone elect me Supreme Leader of Earth. That way I win and everyone else loses.
JNightshade said:
Greatgat, ask yourself: why do you think he should die? Then give us the answer.

I think he should die because he caused another human being great and undeserved harm. I think he should die because whatever grievous sin he committed has deprived another dying person whatever good and safe feeling they may have left this unfortunate plane with. They are forever tainted because some inhuman son of a bitch took satisfaction of some sort upon a relatively innocent member of the species, that like to call themselves human, didn't have the moral rectitude to know that something like this is ****ing insane.

I don't believe in God per se, but seriously, this kind of shit just doesn't lend itself to my hopefull views of humanity.
TheAmazingRando said:
How about everyone elect me Supreme Leader of Earth. That way I win and everyone else loses.


howsthat? :E
TheAmazingRando said:
Here is a question for everyone here:

Is the current justice system of the United States there for Rehabilitation of convicted offenders or a method of Punishment by keeping them excluded from society for the length of their sentence?
Neither. Sure, rehabilitation is a nice bonus and punishment is an essential part of justice, but the justice system is (or at least was) there for the sole purpose of discouraging people from committing crimes, by making them think of the consequences.
Is it really that hard of a concept to understand?
Greatgat said:
I think he should die because he caused another human being great and undeserved harm. I think he should die because whatever grievous sin he committed has deprived another dying person whatever good and safe feeling they may have left this unfortunate plane with. They are forever tainted because some inhuman son of a bitch took satisfaction of some sort upon a relatively innocent member of the species, that like to call themselves human, didn't have the moral rectitude to know that something like this is ****ing insane.

I don't believe in God per se, but seriously, this kind of shit just doesn't lend itself to my hopefull views of humanity.

Basically he should die because you're pissed.
NotATool said:
Basically he should die because you're pissed.

Yes. I AM pissed. This shouldn't happen, but it does, and those who commit such atrocities should be punished with the most severe means at our disposal.
Greatgat said:
Yes. I AM pissed. This shouldn't happen, but it does, and those who commit such atrocities should be punished with the most severe means at our disposal.

I can imagine you in a position of power.

"I'm pissed, let's gas the Kurds".

NotATool said:
his daughter was so intoxicated she fell down the stairs and killed herself.

I acknowledge how despicable and perverse his acts are, and I certainly do not condone such horrors, but satisfying our primal instincts by doing anything more than necessary is peevish.

The problem I have :

Did he supply the drugs? Did he drug her with or without her knowlege?

Did he push her down the stairs?

She had several head injuries.

Who is to say he didnt push her down the stairs, bring her back up, push her down again and again? Sure maybe she fell originally, knocking herself out, then he just made sure she was out cold?

Thats the part I don't like.
It might be hard to prove he pushed her.

If it can be proven that he didn't influence her death then remember that rape is not murder. However he should be charged with some more things like child neglect since he neglected to care for her safety. He did much worse than just watched her die. *shudders*
My problem probably started with the 'rape' bit and ended with the 'full stop'.
SHIPPI said:
Some of you guys are sounding way too lenient. Just because he didn't kill her it doesn't mean he doesn't deserve a severe sentence. Come on, this man found a member of his family dying, and instead of summoning help like any normal human being he decided to take advantage of that, take her to the bedroom, and severely rape her, instead of getting her medical help which could have saved her life. This guy sounds beyond rehabilitation to me. What normal human being could possibly do that? The 'usual' rape as a crime is horrific enough, but to take advantage of your own stepdaughter as she dies is abhorrent. What is going on in his head? Is it possible to rehabilitate someone so twisted? Well I hope so, cause he'll be free soon enough. :|

I agree with you 172.5345%
I won't go into a discussion on whether 9 years is too long or too short, but I do agree than "that's f***ing disgusting" is not a valid argument for extending a jail sentence.
I think those of us who're being "lenient" on the guy are simply taking his crime into account, not the entire situation. The crime committed here was rape. Yes, it was an especially odious case; the guy could've saved her, his own daughter who he had helped raise, but instead raped her while she was unconcious and dying, but the case is still ONLY (and believe me, although I say only I do not mean to attach less significance to the word, only emphasis) rape. A lot of you would judge his crime based on the circumstances involving the rape, which is wrong.

Can he be rehabilitated? I doubt it. Should we give him more time to rot? Couldn't hurt. But should he die for his crimes? A part of me would like to say yes, simply because I feel that all heinous criminals should be disposed of. But the other part wonders where we should draw the line...yeah the guy raped someone, and in all honesty maybe he shouldn't be let back into society, but the awesome power of cutting someone's life off just because we can...isn't that something to think about, rather than bandy around whenever the mood strikes us? That isn't how laws and sentences should be administered.