manipulator and soda cans?


im sure in the e3 movie the cans were not effected by the manipulator????
Which ones? Do you mean the ones in traptown?
I think the reason the cans weren't affected was because the guy who was making the demo aimed the manipulator at the box under the cans. Just my uneducated theory. We'll know more when the high rez version is released.
Valve has said that the manipulator will visually indicate when you're aiming at an object that can be picked up, and while most people have assumed this meant only very large objects would be excluded, it's possible that small objects are included as well. Valve may have tagged only certain objects as "useful" meaning objects of medium size that would benefit the player in some way as either a shield or a projectile weapon and may have excluded small objects like bottles and cans simply because they aren't terribly useful, and it could get terribly annoying to see the manipulator rapidly open and close for every single mundane bit of debris every time you moved the crosshair around the room!
The manipulator kind of responds to the cans a little after throwing the radiator. And the reason they don't respond for about 2 seconds afterwards is maybe because the guy wasn't looking far down enough, or maybe he had to duck. I'm pretty sure they're effected. It wouldn't make sense if they weren't.

Edit: It'd kinda take away from the statement which says the whole world can be effected. I dont think the manip is selective. If an object can be affected by physics I think the manip can pick it up.
i dunno i think a soda can flying at pretty high speeds and then hitting me would at least do some damgae but those guys have bullet proof vest on mayb ei dunno but i think u could still use them to maybe distract the npcs and create diversions.
why the hell would you want to pick up a soda can anyways, this isnt splintercell where you sneak around.
You have no idea what the storyline of HL2 involves though. Maybe you have to smash a window with something, or stop a machine like with the wrench, and you have nothing else at your disposal. It's very possible that you can use the cans.
I'll use my crowbar if I want to smash a window thanks.
That's why I gave another example, and also if that window is on a second story and your outside it would make sense, thanks.
lol, calm down people, I was just enquiring.

It would be pretty cool tho, all those cans and 1 enemy to blast 20 at a time at, if the manipulator works on weight it could pick up like 10 cans one after another, then POW! batman stylee
the maipulator throws the shit pretty about picking up 5 full soda cans at once and throwing them....ouch that would hurt
if the physics engine was selective with the manipulator it would suck, there wouldnt be a lot of things to pick up. i dont think it will be though.
It would be pretty cool if you could suck up a whole bunch of cans up at once then spit them out :D
but with one at a time possibly collected these small objects faster as time goes by,

You could use the small objects tactfully aswell.
like hitting a switch through a small hole at the other side of the room when all you have is a crowbar kinda thing.
The question isn't whether or not the cans would be useful, its the level of interactivity in the game. I would be very disappointed if I couldn't chuck the cans (and other random objects) around:
I probably won't pick up the cans and actually do anything clever with them, I just want to know that if I wanted to, I could.
That's what makes a game with such good physics fun.
If you keep on applying the "well you aren't really going to need it" philosophy, then you'll eventually end up with DOOM.
good point, I can see where your comming from.
But who needs light switches in a game that doesnt aim depending on light levels (correct me if im wrong, im presuming they just aim at your entity) and they are still there. So i cant see why not picking up cans, or dead birds corpses :cheers:
You're all speaking as if you'll have the manip gun at the very start and throughout the game. You'll probably only aquire it later on so there might not be loadsa stuff to fling around. Hmm.
no no, just wondering in general. Not really specifiying where and when, just if and how
the kabinet was shot pretty far. so i guess you canblast soda cans very far. like

/me sneaks around see's a soda can. aims at watch tower combine peep. EVIL aimes with pinpoint precision fires! tak. .. Woaaahaaa.. plof! no more peep in watch tower. now I can enter a new area without detection
Screw soda cans! I wanna pick up a car and lob it at a head crab! :devil:
better thought if the cans are "soda" or have carbonation they could be used as ghetto nades
Originally posted by StardogChampion
You're all speaking as if you'll have the manip gun at the very start and throughout the game. You'll probably only aquire it later on so there might not be loadsa stuff to fling around. Hmm.

Impulse 101 :cheers:
I've noticed that there is a gauge on the manipulator gun. Mabey it can hint you as to if it can pick up something or not.

Screw soda cans! I wanna pick up a car and lob it at a head crab!
I dont think that will be possible in HL2, but it would be (00|.
Or vice-versa, pick up a headcrab and shoot it at a car!
I think the cans are there just to give you a laugh when you hit the machine.
I think that you CAN pickup the cans. You can even see that the manipulator activated when you were near them. Maybe the player just didn't choose to pick them up.
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
I think that you CAN pickup the cans. You can even see that the manipulator activated when you were near them. Maybe the player just didn't choose to pick them up.

Quoted becuase it's the only correct answer.

The cans are rigid bodies that are physically simulated inside the game. They haven't worked 5 years for nothing(as I always say) and there is no reason for them to not allow the picking up of cans.
Originally posted by what
Quoted becuase it's the only correct answer.
Quoted because I agree.
and you spelled 'because' wrong.:cool: :p
Originally posted by Cr@zY T3rr0r!$t
Quoted because I agree.
and you spelled 'because' wrong.:cool: :p

The word was still blatantly obvious so a correction is unneeded.
I still would like to peg a headcrab with a soda can, lmao :LOL: :E
if we can pick up most anything usefull then i sure hope i can pick up a nice long metal rod and be able to spear an enemy with it.
or a can full of petrol, lob it in the air then wip out your pistal...come l337 aiming and BOOOOM
They said almost everything is phisicaly simulated.
If the soda cans are, they would definitely be pick-up-ble (woot?).
Originally posted by Mountain Man
Valve has said that the manipulator will visually indicate when you're aiming at an object that can be picked up, and while most people have assumed this meant only very large objects would be excluded, it's possible that small objects are included as well. Valve may have tagged only certain objects as "useful" meaning objects of medium size that would benefit the player in some way as either a shield or a projectile weapon and may have excluded small objects like bottles and cans simply because they aren't terribly useful, and it could get terribly annoying to see the manipulator rapidly open and close for every single mundane bit of debris every time you moved the crosshair around the room!

That rubbish, soda cans would be great to smash windows and distract enemies.
Now this is gonna burst your noodle.

What if instead of using the manipulator to throw that radiator into the machine.
Then he took his gun and shot it, with(hopefully) the same effect. Would the cans then be psychically simulated, and then throw the combine of his feet, cause he fell on one?
I think the gravity gun only picks up what the retical is pointing at.