Manipulator = no ammo?

Tlaloc, whatever is that a spoiler that you can weld things with the physgun? it has been mentioned in early interviews.
And you know you can pick up and throw things with the manipulator, that's a spoiler for you too then...
drhansson said:
Tlaloc, whatever is that a spoiler that you can weld things with the physgun? it has been mentioned in early interviews.
And you know you can pick up and throw things with the manipulator, that's a spoiler for you too then...

Welding I think has been cancelled. Too many bugs, so valve just scraped the idea.
Llyranor said:
I think the manipulator requiring real objects in the environment rather than energy or ammo or whatever is balance enough. And makes for fun fun fun.

It won't need objects in the environment to extract energy, as there's a huge amount in the atmosphere.
The beauty of zero-point energy is that it exists everywhere other than a vacuum at absolute zero

Actually, Don, the most intriguing part of zero-point energy is that it even exists in a vacuum at absolute zero (though, technically, vacuum (in space) is about three degrees above absolute zero.). It's all very complicated, but it involves virtual particles and quantum fluctuations.

Disclaimer: I am not a quantum physicist, I'm just something of a science geek, though what I'm saying is reasonably accurate.

Quantum physics, is fun, eh?
The_Don said:
It won't need objects in the environment to extract energy, as there's a huge amount in the atmosphere.

No, no, I didn't mean as energy. I meant in terms of balance. Requiring the physical object in the first place to actually be present should be enough balance so as to not require 'energy' or 'ammo' as it is.
Driftlight said:
Actually, Don, the most intriguing part of zero-point energy is that it even exists in a vacuum at absolute zero (though, technically, vacuum (in space) is about three degrees above absolute zero.). It's all very complicated, but it involves virtual particles and quantum fluctuations.

Yeah, I realised my mistake in terms after posting. I meant vacuum as in an isolated volume containing absolutely nothing, including quantum phenomena or strings etc. As far as we know nothing like this exists in our universe, so it makes my point. I must admit that this isn't my area of expertise, however.

Driftlight said:
Quantum physics, is fun, eh?

I guess you could say that.

Llyranor said:
No, no, I didn't mean as energy. I meant in terms of balance. Requiring the physical object in the first place to actually be present should be enough balance so as to not require 'energy' or 'ammo' as it is.

I see what you're saying, and I guess it's down to how realistic the game is intended to be.