Map Scale


Aug 29, 2004
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Anyone have any idea how many units tall a player model is in HL2? Or, for that matter, how many units are in a foot?

Been experimenting for a while, but I can't seem to nail it down... :)
1 unit = 1 inch. Gordon is 72 units tall making him 6 feet.
sw337n3ss, thanks a bunch.

Edit: Here's another question - in the original game, brushes had to be carved and transformed very carefully for the renderer to function correctly. Is this still true? It seems like there are a number of nicely curved surfaces in HL2, (I meant lightbulbs, you perv :p ) but are these just models? Or am I missing something?
dealing with brushes is the same, they still have to be convex.

most of the detail is done using models, which dont have this limitation (and have lots of other advantages)
pmab said:
dealing with brushes is the same, they still have to be convex.

most of the detail is done using models, which dont have this limitation (and have lots of other advantages)
Agreed.. Use the brushes for the very basic building blocks then use models/props to improve on it. The brush work shouldn't need to be anything more complex than a simplified HL1 type map. Everything else can be props.
MiMMiC said:
1 unit = 1 inch. Gordon is 72 units tall making him 6 feet.

Not true, you make anything in half-life to that scale and you wont be able to fit through doors and you will feel like a giant.

I was hoping in a way that they would fix this in HL2 but I spose they couldn't since they wanted to port from HL1 to 2.

If you are working in half-life you are going to just have to go with the flow, all the doors are the right scale if shrunk to .5 texture scale, so then build the door the size of the texture etc.
Yea, sort of, better to use the textures. The actual point at which the camera is mounted within the player box is somewhere stupid as well as far as I remember, and CS has it lower than HL etc. (possibly why the hosties in CS look like giants)
could any of you tell me how tall a player unit is in pixels ?
and also the max. map size of a HL2 map in pixels
that way i can make a pre-map layout in 3DSmax, would be really helpful

uhhh... Well...since most door warys are 7 feet tall (going of my my college classes here about architecture) And gordon is 6 feet talk...that puts a full 12 inches btwn his head and the door way.

I don't think he'll get stuck

And about feeling like a giant. That's easy to avoid if you know how tall the avg ceiling is etc. Yes some of it is playing around with the values. But in my test map that has a 9-10 ft high ceiling, it seems perfectly normal.
thereisaspoon said:
u cant measure a map in pixels, only 2d images can be measured in pixels.

well, in 3DSmax when creating a box, you can enter the height, width, and length, so, if i would have that from the map / player i could make a map preview in 3DSmax so that the scale would be about the same :p your rite, it's not pixels, badly asked of me
From my own research in CS:S, I've found this:
Height = 63 units
Width = 33 units
Crouch = 46 units
Max Crouch Jump Height clearance= 65 units

I didn't test, but I'm figuring Jump Height (to top of head) would be 112. And I don't know what max jump length is or the non-crouched jump height clearance.

Hope that helps a bit.
Carbon said:
Yea, sort of, better to use the textures. The actual point at which the camera is mounted within the player box is somewhere stupid as well as far as I remember, and CS has it lower than HL etc. (possibly why the hosties in CS look like giants)
ahh gotcha. Heh I wondered about those hostages, thanks :)
and what would the units be for the max. mapsize ?
pretty please? could someone check that out, so we can build it in 3DSmax :)
(ooh, and map height)

tia !!