Marijuana, a no no?

What are your thoughts on legalizing marijuana?

  • I use marijuana and hashish recreationally, and would like them legalized

    Votes: 19 19.8%
  • I use marijuana and hashish recreationally, but do not believe they should be legalized

    Votes: 3 3.1%
  • I do not use any sort of marijuana, but feel that it should be legalized

    Votes: 43 44.8%
  • I do not use any sort of marijuana, and would not like it legalized

    Votes: 31 32.3%

  • Total voters


Party Escort Bot
Dec 2, 2004
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Poll refers to any country that has some sort of marijuana prohibition, not just the US. If your country has already legalized marijuana (the Netherlands), than I guess you can ignore the poll portion :p

Wow, I never realised it till now, but a large portion of the United States has legalized the possesion of small amounts of marijuana (1 ounce being the norm, some being as large as 2 ounces!), punishable only by a small, $100 max fine.

How do you feel about this? Are you pro marijuana prohibition, or a weed activist?

Personally, I feel that weed usage amongst young people is an unignorable problem, harming only their maturity, and leaving their physical selves unscathed. The adult community seems to be completely responisible with themselves, while immature highschoolers dive into the drug, not knowing anything about the drug, and eventually doing unrational things like cutting class, just to get high (I dunno, maybe it just seems that way because in Hawaii, damn near everybody in highschool has either used, or actively uses the substance).

It seems to ME, that legalizing marijuana would be the best way to control its teenage usage. By legalizing the plant/drug, you allow corporations to produce it at a profit (allowing the government to tax the drug). Now that you have brand name hashis and marijuana products on the market that are not only legal, but also available immediately, for a reasonable price (to those over 18 or 21), the small scale growers who sell the drug at highschools and at parties will go out of bussiness (why risk getting caught with a "dealer", even if it is cheaper, when you could just get somebody with an ID to buy you an eightball?)

Now that you have an established market for recreational useage, the corporations that produce the crop will be able to sell portions of their existing crop off to be processed and used as/for fuel, rope, canvas, paper, , and other non-recreational medicinal purpouses. The corporations can lower prices even further, which will put the large scale importers and online dealers out of business.

There, now the US can use the pulp as a viable and less toxic fuel source, a cheaper and less enviromentally destructive way of producing paper and cardboard, and a readily available source of rope for whatever god forsaken military actions our politicians feel like getting themselves shit hole deep into.

Well, those are my thoughts. What do you think about pro-marijuana sentiments?

EDIT: BTW, I felt this was more of a social question, than a political one : /
I totally agree with your views on legalizing that bullshit. Not because I am a marijuana user, but, the benefits of it being legalized seems very valid - from what you have stated.
Here, this will give you a better idea of just how many states have "legalized" marijuana (or have it listed as a petty offense).

States allowing possesion of small, recreational ammounts of marijuana are characterized by a cannabis leaf.

I was actually pretty shocked to see California on this list.

HOLY SHIT! Ohio is up at 200 grams with no jail time!

And Nevada (again, of all the places, Nevada and Cali) allows ANY ammount whilst over 21 years old, up to two offenses.
Legalize it, everyone uses it anyways. Hell most teens use it because it IS illegal. I can't use it anymore because I'm joining they Navy in oct, they don't fancy their Nuke EM's smoking pot :)
I'd also like to mention that if marijuana is legalized.. and is produced by companies slapped with brand names... unlike some 'dirty' street dealers, you'd avoid having "laced" weed. Meaning, sometimes dealers like to sprinkle or spray other additives onto weed.. to give a better effect.

Sometimes shady dealers will spray Raid onto weed, as one example.. resulting in death sometimes when smoked.
I'd also like to mention that if marijuana is legalized.. and is produced by companies slapped with brand names... unlike some 'dirty' street dealers, you'd avoid having "laced" weed. Meaning, sometimes dealers like to sprinkle or spray other additives onto weed.. to give a better effect.

Sometimes shady dealers will spray Raid onto weed, as one example.. resulting in death sometimes when smoked.

Yeah, I know a girl who had to go into a drug program because she had been smoking snocaps (weed that's laced with cocain), without knowing it, and ended up with a cocain addiction.
I don't use and never have used it, but I think it should be legalized with many other drugs.
I don't use it these days except in special cases, but I used to smoke fairly regularly (not daily, but maybe weekly). I'm all for legalization. Mostly I just think people really need to be educated about marijuana (and drugs in general). Anti-drug commercials aren't helping get the truth out there, most people don't know how to find the real information online (they generally check anti-drug sites which make everything sound horrible), and DARE is one of the most horrendous brainwashing propaganda machines I've ever experienced. I wish I was more aggressive in fifth grade, I could have given that bullshit police officer who was teaching it a run for her money.

As always... erowid erowid erowid.

If people knew all the straight facts about drugs, they'd be much more tasked to actually do them, should they take that perogative, and then we'd have much less drug problems.

Referring to marijuana alone, I think that anyone above eighteen should be able to buy and use it, but in order to obtain a license to purchase or use they must go through a series of classes (that THEY pay for) that educate them fully on the pros and cons of using marijuana, what to expect, the few dangers associated with it, etc. Sort of like Driver's Ed.
All drugs should be legal. But it wont happen in any of our lifetimes.
Don't see any reason why something like cannabis should be illegal while alcohol is perfectly legal.

I don't use it though.
I do not use it, never intend to use it, and think it should remain illegal.

If it was legalized it would have to be like the netherlands (ie, you could only smoke it in marijuana "bars" and not be able to take any of it home)
I don't do it, but feel it should be legalized for private home use and "bars."
I do not use it, never intend to use it, and think it should remain illegal.

If it was legalized it would have to be like the netherlands (ie, you could only smoke it in marijuana "bars" and not be able to take any of it home)

But you can. You can also grow some plants at home. You just aren't allowed to sell it.
i just want to be able to grow three or four plants in my yard or house and use them for my own use and my close friends for sunny afternoons on the deck that i have nothing else to do but relax, for movie nights with good food, for rereading important books and getting a more visual perspective on them.
Grow them in your garden, but make it look as though rogue hippies got in, just in case the police find them.
I am all for making it legal. I dont use it, but people I hang with do. *cough cough* (Ikerous). Mexico had it legal for a while and their crime rate went down by like 45%. Thats pretty good for mexico.
I don't smoke it. It's just not my think, and very few of my friends do it. Plus, I had an experience as an ickle one that made me deathly afraid of smoking anything in general. Still, I don't see any problem in it being legalized.
Except in one of those small European states maybe.
I doubt it. Maybe after international law is changed to allow countries their own choice of whether to do it or not, but i dont see that happening for a very long time.
it was a politician's campaign platform, that marijuana was evil and he was going to make it illegal, so he demonized it with a lot of propaganda and then banned it. there were also a lot of big companies against hemp for various reasons, because it was a very powerful crop competitor to their industries.

logically speaking it's silly to have it illegal when both cigarettes and alcohol are not.
Cigarette and alcohol companies would never want marijuana legalized. They'd start losing millions of dollars a day.
I don't care if it is legalized if it is kept to over 21 like alcohol.
Well if the US legalizes it, it would still have to be illegal for minors, just like cigarettes.

But still, they would get their hands on it easily enough, and the effects of it are just too profound for teens to handle. They would do it before class, after class, while driving, whenever! They would become total bums just like all of my friends did. My best friend smokes, and the only reason he does it in 'manageable' amounts is because he has to avoid getting caught... and even then, it makes him very lazy.

The drug may not have an effect on the physical body, but it definately has an undenyable effect on people's minds. If legalized, it should be handled as serious as teens drinking underage.
I'm high right now...

and i also wish that it could be legalized, but legalizin' it in someways it hurts marijuana smokers themselves.
I think all generally 'bad' drugs (marajuana, cocaine, even the legal cigarettes) should be illeagal, I dont care about the withdrawl symtom crap, they could just get help at some rehabilitation place.
Simple answer. Legalizing it would make more people walking around town smoking, making me sneeze and my eyes watery.

I say legalize it for private use only, meaning if it is found on your person, it's ok, but you can't smoke it in public areas.
Cigarette and alcohol companies would never want marijuana legalized. They'd start losing millions of dollars a day.

Good point!

I never thought of that TBH.

Well if the US legalizes it, it would still have to be illegal for minors, just like cigarettes.

But still, they would get their hands on it easily enough, and the effects of it are just too profound for teens to handle. They would do it before class, after class, while driving, whenever! They would become total bums just like all of my friends did. My best friend smokes, and the only reason he does it in 'manageable' amounts is because he has to avoid getting caught... and even then, it makes him very lazy.

The drug may not have an effect on the physical body, but it definately has an undenyable effect on people's minds. If legalized, it should be handled as serious as teens drinking underage.

Exactly what I said, which is why I said to over 21.

Albiet, people will still get immature adults to buy for them, but the main thing is that with it legal, the government has complete controll of the crop, the ammount that goes out to different states, whether or not they want to limit it to people who pass a "marijuana awareness" test, that sort of thing.

And Ennui brings up a good point, in that not only would it be irrational to keep it from all minors, but that people would grow their own. This'd be just like tobbaco, in that there is no law banning home grown tobbaco/cannabis, and I think it should be similiar to alchohol, in that with adult consent, kids are free to smoke it.

Simple answer. Legalizing it would make more people walking around town smoking, making me sneeze and my eyes watery.

I say legalize it for private use only, meaning if it is found on your person, it's ok, but you can't smoke it in public areas.

Another good point. I'd like to see a similiar law enacted for ciggaretes. I have no problem with people smoking, but when you crap up the public malls and parks, it really gets annoying (the jappanese tourists here have turned our local malls into huge plumes of smoke).

I think all generally 'bad' drugs (marajuana, cocaine, even the legal cigarettes) should be illeagal, I dont care about the withdrawl symtom crap, they could just get help at some rehabilitation place.

You should get the general scoop on the drugs you dislike, before saying WHY you think they should be illegal. If you had done your research, you'd know that marijuana is not physically addictive, and gives no "withdrawal" symptoms :)
I got the yesca homie :cool:

Cigarette and alcohol companies would never want marijuana legalized. They'd start losing millions of dollars a day.

Cigarette companies have the resources to start cultivation and sell on a retail level far easier than most other corporations.
Deus mentioned that alcohol and cigarette companies would lose millions within days, but why? Would marijuana be more popular?