

  • yes

    Votes: 85 63.4%
  • no

    Votes: 49 36.6%

  • Total voters


should it be legal?

what would the consequence be if the government could regulate it (taxes) and farmers in the US could grow it?

negative consequences?
Yes legalize...but only as long as you smoke it at home or on your property.

I for one don't smoke weed and hate it, but I think it would help america.
yes.. I agree with Tr0n though about keeping it at home,for (the stoners!) safety of course!

oh yeah 3 guesses if I smoke or not! lol
T.H.C.138 said:
yes.. I agree with Tr0n though about keeping it at home,for (the stoners!) safety of course!

oh yeah 3 guesses if I smoke or not! lol

Who doesnt smoke/has smoked?
Killing2Live said:
Who doesnt smoke/has smoked?
I've tried a cigar, cigarette, and second handed weed (which was because my friends were smoking weed right beside me in a van)...and thats it.

Never actually done any of that shit or do I plan on to...Oh and I don't drink ether, but I have tried/tasted many alcoholic drinks.

So to sum it up...I haven't nor will I ever.
Can i smoke you out when you come to cali? ^_^
We cant get high and touch each other ;-)
I think i use too many emoticons :/

11 to 1... ::Wipes tear from eye:: This is why i love you guys t_t
Ikerous said:
Can i smoke you out when you come to cali? ^_^
We cant get high and touch each other ;-)

Edit:I wonder who voted no...
Um.... no, because the people who use it (in my experience) are losers. They should be legal only if welfare is abolished, or at least reformed.
-Viper- said:
Hasn't this already been discussed to death? Twice?
Yes, but with this pole, we can see how many people paid attention :p
gh0st said:
Um.... no, because the people who use it (in my experience) are losers. They should be legal only if welfare is abolished, or at least reformed.

there is a big difference between use and abuse..but I do know what you mean..

I have seen alot of people just "burn out" and become the "Chong" type...

so I respect your experience,I just want you to know we aren't ALL like that!

I don't see how they can justify allowing alcohol and tobacco when both of these things will kill you a hell of a lot quicker than ganja. For the record, there isn't a known lethal dose for the stuff, because when they tested it on mice they simply couldn't get enough into them to cause any harm. This is beside the fact that cannabis smokers generally do it a lot less than tobacco smokers; statisticians [sic] may say cannabis is more harmful but they generally leave out the fact that it isn't used half as much when they present their research to the nimby soccer mum types.
Alcohol and ciggaretes is worse and more dangerous than marijuana...
Couldn't see a reason why not, it 1) takes a huge amount of money away from the crminal industry 2) you don't have to penalize people for something that's no worse than a beer 3) you can control the quality of the stuff when it's legally grown, safer for everyone 4) it's plain hypocrisy to have alcohol, tabacco and even coffee legalized and no soft drugs.

It's not really legal here yet either, it's simply tolerated, and can lead to akward situations. A coffeeshop can sell the stuff (but only a possession of x grams is allowed) but can't buy it from the people who grow it, legally at least. This de-criminalization does work well here, but a complete legalization could prevent police from wasting their time with arresting people who grow more than 5 plants in their house (which is also strange, a coffeeshop has to get their stuff from somewhere, but that's of course not from the people who grow <5 plants, but from big illegal cultivations).
gh0st said:
Um.... no, because the people who use it (in my experience) are losers. They should be legal only if welfare is abolished, or at least reformed.

I know plenty of people who use it who aren't losers. That's a bit like saying "Let's ban alcohol because that tramp drinks whisky out of a paper bag".
tr0n said:
Yes legalize...but only as long as you smoke it at home or on your property.

I for one don't smoke weed and hate it, but I think it would help america.
I agree you with you for the most part.
The truth is that happens for the most part anyways.
I've never smoked pot, don't plan to. I have cigars ever now and then. I have a few friends from the Dominician Republic and they hook me up with a few boxes every now and then. It's good times.
Feath said:
I know plenty of people who use it who aren't losers. That's a bit like saying "Let's ban alcohol because that tramp drinks whisky out of a paper bag".

Yeah... I was waiting for somebody to say something stupid like that, but you've pretty much pre-empted such a post. :)
personally, based purely on the fact that alcohol and cigarettes are both legal and arguable more dangerous than marijuana it should be legal. the potential government tax revenue would be astounding, the money saved on drug task teams (who could focus on dangerous drugs such as heroin and cocaine) would be enourmous. with growing medical usage for the drug, its legality would open the door for further research in the medical technologies field.

I do think it will be legalized in our lifetime, probably sooner in Canadia :thumbs:

as for "all pot smokers are losers" (thanks gh0st, another stunning revelation from you) that would be the same as saying "every cigarette smoker has lung cancer" and everyone who drinks "is a homeless man on a streetcorner", it is completely unfounded, and is based on your very narrow experience. not many laws are based on things you've seen other kids doing.
There is no need to legalize it, all you drug addicts seem to be getting enough of it already. Besides, if you are caught with it you did somthing wrong.
Foxtrot said:
There is no need to legalize it, all you drug addicts seem to be getting enough of it already. Besides, if you are caught with it you did somthing wrong.

Ah, what an insightful post.

People are busted for possession of marijuana every month. Just because most people can get away with it doesn't mean the law is any less unjust. I don't know what you mean when you say if I did "something wrong". If by that you mean smoking marijuana, then you're not making an effective statement. Responding to "Should pot be legal?" with "No, because it's against the law" is circular reasoning.

I rarely touch marijuana. At the most I perhaps smoke it once a month, and that's only in the company of others. So calling me a drug addict isn't even a valid insult, let alone an argument..
Absinthe said:
Ah, what an insightful post.

People are busted for possession of marijuana every month. Just because most people can get away with it doesn't mean the law is any less unjust. I don't know what you mean when you say if I did "something wrong". If by that you mean smoking marijuana, then you're not making an effective statement. Responding to "Should pot be legal?" with "No, because it's against the law" is circular reasoning.

I rarely touch marijuana. At the most I perhaps smoke it once a month, and that's only in the company of others. So calling me a drug addict isn't even a valid insult, let alone an argument..
Having it illegal is a good deterent anyways, legalizing it would just get more people using just like prohibition. The only people I know that have been caught with it are people who bring it to school, which is pretty ****ing dumb.
Foxtrot said:
Having it illegal is a good deterent anyways, legalizing it would just get more people using just like prohibition. The only people I know that have been caught with it are people who bring it to school, which is pretty ****ing dumb.

In some areas of the UK with drug problems, many residents have welcomed the declassification of Cannabis. When Cannabis was a class B drug, the police would have to arrest anyone caught in precession. Now it's a class C drug, the police just take it off them and they get a warning.

This leaves them free to deal with more serious drug use, such as heroin. Which is what the residents like. It's now safer.

Legalising it would get more people using it? Yes, but that's not the argument. The argument is that it doesn't matter if people use it, no matter the number.
Foxtrot said:
Having it illegal is a good deterent anyways, legalizing it would just get more people using just like prohibition.

I'm confused here. There was increased alchohol consumption (not to mention the rise of a lucrative black market) in the United States because of the Prohibition, not in spite of it.

The only people I know that have been caught with it are people who bring it to school, which is pretty ****ing dumb.

What about people found growing pot? Or getting charged with possession when a cop pulls you over for some reason? How about smoking it on your front porch? Or getting snagged by some tipping anonymous "do-gooder"? Or how about getting caught in a random drug test?

But I do agree that people who take it to school are stupid and should be treated the same way as somebody caught bringing beer to school.
Absinthe said:
I'm confused here. There was increased alchohol consumption (not to mention the rise of a lucrative black market) in the United States because of the Prohibition, not in spite of it.

What about people found growing pot? Or getting charged with possession when a cop pulls you over for some reason? How about smoking it on your front porch? Or getting snagged by some tipping anonymous "do-gooder"? Or how about getting caught in a random drug test?

But I do agree that people who take it to school are stupid and should be treated the same way as somebody caught bringing beer to school.
People shouldn't be smoking it on their porch, god that stuff smells and it seems to carry pretty far. Also, if you are caught in a drug test you deserve to be punished, you were given the drug test for a reason. Also, people who drank alcohol did increase after prohibtion ended.
I would welcome the legalisation of cannabis in the UK.

I agree that it would mean the police can concentrate on drugs such as coke, herion etc.

Yay ganja! :D
Smoking on the street should be illegal, smoking in public places should be illegal, smoking in cars should be illegal. If you smoke it in your bedroom, behind locked doors and closed windows and you never discuss it with anyone,, just leave it illegal. But there is proof that it does cause harm to your brain, both short term and long term.

Saying that, i am also someone who believes that smoking cigarettes should either be made illegal or done only behind locked doors.
Foxtrot said:
People shouldn't be smoking it on their porch, god that stuff smells and it seems to carry pretty far.

Great argument. I guess I also shouldn't be eating kalamari on my porch either, since that shit reeks to high heaven.

Also, if you are caught in a drug test you deserve to be punished, you were given the drug test for a reason.

I should be punished for something I smoked last night or even last week? Can you explain why I deserve to be punished?

Also, people who drank alcohol did increase after prohibtion ended.

Cool. So let's ban alcohol again.
Razor said:
Smoking on the street should be illegal, smoking in public places should be illegal, smoking in cars should be illegal. If you smoke it in your bedroom, behind locked doors and closed windows and you never discuss it with anyone,, just leave it illegal. But there is proof that it does cause harm to your brain, both short term and long term.

And what long-term damages might these be?
Absinthe said:
Cool. So let's ban alcohol again.

it worked so well the first time!

alcohol in prohibition times is the same as marijuana now. once alcohol was relegalized many problems went away, same will happen with marijuana (albeit new ones may spring up, but we wont know till we try it). frankly alcohol is probably a lot more dangerous.
Absinthe said:
Great argument. I guess I also shouldn't be eating kalamari on my porch either, since that shit reeks to high heaven.
Kalamari doesn't get you high, and if it did smell enough I would tell the person to go inside or I would call the police.

Absinthe said:
I should be punished for something I smoked last night or even last week? Can you explain why I deserve to be punished?
Yes I can explain, when you are given a drug test it is usually for a sports team (give me another example and I can use that too). The team says it is unsafe to be using that drug if you are going to be playing the sport, so if you were using the drug you deserve the punishment. In schools it is usualy dealt with all inside the school system.

Absinthe said:
Cool. So let's ban alcohol again.
kmack said:
it worked so well the first time!

alcohol in prohibition times is the same as marijuana now. once alcohol was relegalized many problems went away, same will happen with marijuana (albeit new ones may spring up, but we wont know till we try it). frankly alcohol is probably a lot more dangerous.

Also, people that have problems with cigarettes and alcohol have an open forum to discuss their problems and seek help. You don't get that with people using illegal substances.
Absinthe said:
Also, people that have problems with cigarettes and alcohol have an open forum to discuss their problems and seek help. You don't get that with people using illegal substances.

they do have options, rehab and other groups, but no, its not as widespread as with alcohol.
Foxtrot said:
Kalamari doesn't get you high, and if it did smell enough I would tell the person to go inside or I would call the police.

Why is it a problem if I get high? And I'd love to see how far you'd get with the police. "Hello, officer. Can you arrest this man for eating stinky food?"

Might as well bitch about the smell from a barbecue drifting into your backyard.

Yes I can explain, when you are given a drug test it is usually for a sports team (give me another example and I can use that too). The team says it is unsafe to be using that drug if you are going to be playing the sport, so if you were using the drug you deserve the punishment. In schools it is usualy dealt with all inside the school system.

This is pretty weak, IMO.

School system: There are many cases where the school has taken it to the authorities, but it's a moot point any way. Drugs shouldn't be in schools.

Sports team: Do these athletes drink beer? Kick 'em off! Actually, let's be fair. If a sports team says it doesn't want its players to use drugs, it's up to them. I highly doubt they'd kick you out because "it's bad for you" as much as they would because you're decreased physical performance may risk the overall team quality, but whatever. I don't see why I should be arrested for that.

But why does Joe Blogg working at a consulting or software company need it? Why does an employee in an office environment need it? Why does he need to be fired and reported to the authorities when his piss contains leftovers from a joint he smoked last month?

Don't you see? Ever since the end of the prohibition, America has turned into an alcoholic wasteland! Its consumption has gone out of control! We're dying! We're dying, man!

Oh wait, we're not. Things are actually quite fine even with the increased consumption of alcohol (and such a statistic is rather dubious since it doesn't differentiate between regular consumption and "hammer time" consumption). Even if things did go horribly with alcohol after it was re-legalized, assuming that marijuana would be the same is not logical. Just because it would have happened with alcohol doesn't mean the same thing would happen with marijuana.
kmack said:
they do have options, rehab and other groups, but no, its not as widespread as with alcohol.

It's not the same. You're not going to get in trouble with the law for solely being an alcoholic or a cig addict. You can go get help with no legal fuss and muss.

Many abusers of illegal substances avoid such groups because of the legal status of the substance, even if you know you have a problem. You generally pay the time or the fine before going to rehab.