

  • yes

    Votes: 85 63.4%
  • no

    Votes: 49 36.6%

  • Total voters
Absinthe said:
Why is it a problem if I get high? And I'd love to see how far you'd get with the police. "Hello, officer. Can you arrest this man for eating stinky food?"

Might as well bitch about the smell from a barbecue drifting into your backyard.
I didn't say for them to be arrested, but if the smell is bad enough for me to call the police, I would. It is just as bad as those assholes who play really loud music and you can't get to sleep. Well, if it is a hot summer night and I open up my window and some asshole on his porch is eating it with a fan behind him, blowing the smell right into my room and the smeel is such a strong smell that it keeps me awake I would call the police if he did not take it inside.
Foxtrot said:
I didn't say for them to be arrested, but if the smell is bad enough for me to call the police, I would. It is just as bad as those assholes who play really loud music and you can't get to sleep. Well, if it is a hot summer night and I open up my window and some asshole on his porch is eating it with a fan behind him, blowing the smell right into my room and the smeel is such a strong smell that it keeps me awake I would call the police if he did not take it inside.

wow, where i grew up, you would be a narc, and you would be retaliated against.
kmack said:
wow, where i grew up, you would be a narc, and you would be retaliated against.
Where I grew up, your kind found themselves in jail pretty ****ing fast.
Foxtrot said:
Where I grew up, your kind found themselves in jail pretty ****ing fast.

well the suburbs must be nice huh, when cops have things like murder and robbery to worry about, some things take the sidelines. it must be nice to have grown up somewhere where the main problems were someone smoking pot on their porch. i envy you.
Foxtrot said:
I didn't say for them to be arrested, but if the smell is bad enough for me to call the police, I would. It is just as bad as those assholes who play really loud music and you can't get to sleep. Well, if it is a hot summer night and I open up my window and some asshole on his porch is eating it with a fan behind him, blowing the smell right into my room and the smeel is such a strong smell that it keeps me awake I would call the police if he did not take it inside.

And, again, I say "good luck" to you.
kmack said:
well the suburbs must be nice huh, when cops have things like murder and robbery to worry about, some things take the sidelines. it must be nice to have grown up somewhere where the main problems were someone smoking pot on their porch. i envy you.
I apologize, my Dad wasn't a drunk who failed out of community college.
Foxtrot said:
I apologize, my Dad wasn't a drunk who failed out of community college.

is this someone who "****ed up really bad"?
my father is a former marine who served in Vietnam, he graduated from a state college working as a firefighter to pay his way, he is now the second highest ranking officer (one step below warden) in a prison in connecticut. i am proud of where I grew up, it gave me better perspective on life and shaped me into the person i am today. My family moved to the suburbs for high school, so i have had a bit of both worlds... so i understand where your sentiments come from, im just saying that in your world marijuana is more criminalized than where i grew up, and that you should think about that.

Dont ever attack my family. i would like that removed, and an apology.
BTW over half the people who've voted thus far have the right idea.

A report by a doctor in England that says that there are links between smoking cannabis and schizophrenia, but also, cancer.

I don't mind people smoking the disgusting shit in their bedrooms, same view i have of smoking, but it should never be allowed in public, even in open areas. It is a drug that causes side effects, side effects that even cigarettes don't have, e.g. temperory laziness and droziness.

edit: but then no matter how many studies are done to prove Canabis is dangerous, there will always be people who deny it as it might mean they will have to stop.
Razor said:

A report by a doctor in England that says that there are links between smoking cannabis and schizophrenia, but also, cancer.

I don't mind people smoking the disgusting shit in their bedrooms, same view i have of smoking, but it should never be allowed in public, even in open areas. It is a drug that causes side effects, side effects that even cigarettes don't have, e.g. temperory laziness and droziness.

then why is smoking allowed? look at the dangers to second hand smoke. why is alcohol allowed? look at the dangers behind drunk driving
kmack said:
then why is smoking allowed? look at the dangers to second hand smoke. why is alcohol allowed? look at the dangers behind drunk driving
It is too deeply ingrained in our society to get rid of now, but we are trying.
kmack said:
then why is smoking allowed? look at the dangers to second hand smoke. why is alcohol allowed? look at the dangers behind drunk driving

That is why i think smoking should be banned from public places, like it is moving towards now, and why i don't drink...well, once a year anyway.
Foxtrot said:
It is too deeply ingrained in our society to get rid of now, but we are trying.

you coming back in here and pretending posts 46 and 47 dont exist? i want that out now. let me refresh your memory:

Foxtrot said:
I apologize, my Dad wasn't a drunk who failed out of community college.

my father is a former marine who served in Vietnam, he graduated from a state college working as a firefighter to pay his way, he is now the second highest ranking officer (one step below warden) in a prison in connecticut. i am proud of where I grew up, it gave me better perspective on life and shaped me into the person i am today. My family moved to the suburbs for high school, so i have had a bit of both worlds... so i understand where your sentiments come from, im just saying that in your world marijuana is more criminalized than where i grew up, and that you should think about that.

I can't believe that you said that. :eek:

Dont ever attack my family. i would like that removed, and an apology.
Razor said:

A report by a doctor in England that says that there are links between smoking cannabis and schizophrenia, but also, cancer.

I don't mind people smoking the disgusting shit in their bedrooms, same view i have of smoking, but it should never be allowed in public, even in open areas. It is a drug that causes side effects, side effects that even cigarettes don't have, e.g. temperory laziness and droziness.

Gee, something that causes harm when abused. A true surprise. Alcohol can cause cancer, and lots of other problems too, but I guess this is alright because it's socially accepted. Besides, the article mentions that this damage is also caused by the strength of modern cannabis. When controlled by the government, the THC levels can be controlled too. More reason for legalization.

Incredible to see in how much length people like Foxtrot go to prove they are truely clueless. It doesn't go much further than "drugs are bad mkay?" and "it should be illegal because it should be illegal" and "the smell is making me high and thus a pillaging murdering rapist!".
The schizophrenia link is a half-truth. Certain people are predisposed to it (ie. the mentally unstable and people with a history of mental illness), but your average dude is in no danger. None. In fact, some new studies have given reason to believe that it may be a genetic issue.

To quote your very own source:

"According to a review carried out by UK drugs information service Drugscope, evidence of long-term mental health effects of cannabis is far from clear-cut. It points to criticism of the Swedish study mentioned by Dr Henry - and says that while cannabis consumption is increasing, the incidence of schizophrenia is not, which would suggest that cannabis may not be to blame."

Why medicinal marijuana would be subscribed to cancer patients if it causes cancer is something I'm not really understanding. Nobody has ever died from it. If you're concerned about the health of your lungs, then you should look into alternative ways to smoke it. Vaporization = Good.

It is a drug that causes side effects, side effects that even cigarettes don't have, e.g. temperory laziness and droziness.

So? God forbid a man feels like chilling out to Cartoon Network with a bag of Doritos after smoking marijuana. And unlike cigarettes, it's not physically addictive.


"There's no government health warning against cannabis but there are all kinds of warnings about tobacco."

Oh, gee. Maybe that's because it's a ****ing illegal substance that doesn't come with a warning label? (Yet another thing that legalization would solve)
kmack said:
you coming back in here and pretending posts 46 and 47 dont exist? i want that out now. let me refresh your memory:

my father is a former marine who served in Vietnam, he graduated from a state college working as a firefighter to pay his way, he is now the second highest ranking officer (one step below warden) in a prison in connecticut. i am proud of where I grew up, it gave me better perspective on life and shaped me into the person i am today. My family moved to the suburbs for high school, so i have had a bit of both worlds... so i understand where your sentiments come from, im just saying that in your world marijuana is more criminalized than where i grew up, and that you should think about that.

I can't believe that you said that. :eek:

Dont ever attack my family. i would like that removed, and an apology.

I wasn't saying your father was a drunk, I was just saying mine wasn't and I never had to live outside the suburbs.
Foxtrot said:
I wasn't saying your father was a drunk, I was just saying mine wasn't and I never had to live outside the suburbs.

you know damn well what you were implying.
kmack said:
you know damn well what you were implying.
Ya, I was implying that you had to **** up pretty bad to be forced to live in somewhere so shitty that murder is a problem. I live in Minnesota, and there are very few places where you have to worry about that.
Foxtrot said:
Ya, I was implying that you had to **** up pretty bad to be forced to live in somewhere so shitty that murder is a problem. I live in Minnesota, and there are very few places where you have to worry about that.

i lived in springfield massachusetts, murder is a problem. i lived there because my father was a firefighter there and it was close to his job in connecticut. i didnt know that made my father

Foxtrot said:
I apologize, my Dad wasn't a drunk who failed out of community college.

is this someone who "****ed up really bad"?
my father is a former marine who served in Vietnam, he graduated from a state college working as a firefighter to pay his way, he is now the second highest ranking officer (one step below warden) in a prison in connecticut. i am proud of where I grew up, it gave me better perspective on life and shaped me into the person i am today. My family moved to the suburbs for high school, so i have had a bit of both worlds... so i understand where your sentiments come from, im just saying that in your world marijuana is more criminalized than where i grew up, and that you should think about that.

Dont ever attack my family. i would like that removed, and an apology.
I'd rather it kept the status quo it has today.

Illegal, but you're not going to get done for smoking it in your own home.

And I'd also like to see steps towards curbing tobacco and alcohol a bit more, not by making them illegal, but just by making them more socially unacceptable (today it's cool to drink and smoke, amongst pretty much everyone).
An end to smoking in public places and curbing binge drinking culture.
Foxtrot said:
Ya, I was implying that you had to **** up pretty bad to be forced to live in somewhere so shitty that murder is a problem. I live in Minnesota, and there are very few places where you have to worry about that.

hey moron, what do you think the crime and murder rate is in NEW YORK CITY??????? i think there are more important and more successful people there than in minnesota. what about Boston? or any major city for that matter? lol you dont even make sense.
kmack said:
hey moron, what do you think the crime and murder rate is in NEW YORK CITY??????? i think there are more important and more successful people there than in minnesota. what about Boston? or any major city for that matter? lol you dont even make sense.
What is your point? You aren't making sense at all.
I say legalise it, it is not likely to make a person dangerous or cause harm(less so than alcohol at least), in moderation it does not have any drastic effects on health.
I personally don't touch drugs in any form but if that's what other people want to do then fine, as long as it dosn't affect me.
If they are to keep it illeagal then they may as well ban alcohol and cigarettes as well.
weed is a lot less harmful than alchohol, legalize it, but make the legal age 21 not 18

Fun Weed Facts
US was the first country to make weed illegal, and then economicly forced all other countries to make it illegal

originally, weed was made illegal in order to keep ilegal immigrants from Mexico at bay

Illinois has the highest number of outdoor marijuana growing

weed does not make you slow nor stupid
hey Foxtrot,I think kmack is trying to say that you came off rather offensive,and that you have a VERY narrow world view..

I live in a fairly large city in California and have lived in a small "farm" town in Utah..and traveled though a few other states..nothing east of Colorado yet

and guess what? there were junkies rapists and murderers in all of those places!!

remember:good books can be hidden underneath a bad book cover, and bad books can be hidden under a good cover!!
T.H.C.138 said:
hey Foxtrot,I think kmack is trying to say that you came off rather offensive,and that you have a VERY narrow world view..

I live in a fairly large city in California and have lived in a small "farm" town in Utah..and traveled though a few other states..nothing east of Colorado yet

and guess what? there were junkies rapists and murderers in all of those places!!

remember:good books can be hidden underneath a bad book cover, and bad books can be hidden under a good cover!!
There are ****ed up people everywhere, but a lot more are in the inner cities. And don't think I live that sheltered of a life, about %35 of the people at my school aren't white, and I even have a black friend! :O
a black friend? wow you truely are a Renaissance man
kirovman said:
I'd rather it kept the status quo it has today.

Illegal, but you're not going to get done for smoking it in your own home.

And I'd also like to see steps towards curbing tobacco and alcohol a bit more, not by making them illegal, but just by making them more socially unacceptable (today it's cool to drink and smoke, amongst pretty much everyone).
An end to smoking in public places and curbing binge drinking culture.

That is what i want it to stay as, a class c drug. You won't get done if you smoke it in your home, but take it out into public places and you should be arrested for possession.
shadow6899 said:
a black friend AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! woooo boy u are sheltered.... :/
Wow, you really missed the point of that. This a lot like fishing, except with better results.
I'll tell you what I think.

Sure it should be legal, but have lots of restrictions.

First, it should be a state's rights issue. The federal government shouldn't be involved.

Second, it should be taxed, a lot. Also, a price minimum should be enforced to discourage it's use.

Third, you should have to have a license to sell or grow and getting that license shouldn't be easy. A person should have to take classes, pay yearly fees, and abide by strict guidles to sell or grow.

Fourth, it shouldn't be allowed in public places.

Fifth, an individual should not be able to carry or purchase large amounts unless they are a seller or grower.

Sixth, it should be the same as a DWI if caught while driving high.

7th, a person should be 21 to smoke.

I don't care if it makes people stupid. That is their choice.
Bodacious said:
I'll tell you what I think.

Sure it should be legal, but have lots of restrictions.

First, it should be a state's rights issue. The federal government shouldn't be involved.

Second, it should be taxed, a lot. Also, a price minimum should be enforced to discourage it's use.

Third, you should have to have a license to sell or grow and getting that license shouldn't be easy. A person should have to take classes, pay yearly fees, and abide by strict guidles to sell or grow.

Fourth, it shouldn't be allowed in public places.

Fifth, an individual should not be able to carry or purchase large amounts unless they are a seller or grower.

Sixth, it should be the same as a DWI if caught while driving high.

7th, a person should be 21 to smoke.

I don't care if it makes people stupid. That is their choice.

f@#% that, don't legalize it, it will become more expensive and less potent, keep it illegal
did you know its easier to buy weed for underage kid than to buy alchohol

and once again, weed doesn't make you dumb, i know a whole bunge college professors who don't drink but get high on weekends
iyfyoufhl said:
f@#% that, don't legalize it, it will become more expensive and less potent, keep it illegal
did you know its easier to buy weed for underage kid than to buy alchohol

and once again, weed doesn't make you dumb, i know a whole bunge college professors who don't drink but get high on weekends

Responsible users aren't dumb, but a lot of irresponsible users are.

If weed were ever to become legal I guarantee that a lot of what I said would happen. Of course, we would just have to wait and see. Aything less than what I said would be too irresponsible, IMO.
Nothing that would ever harm my health (within reason) should be legal. I know weed is not really bad for you but then again all smoke is not good for you (particles in your lungs). You can smoke or drink all you want but personally any extra time I can get out of life I will take. Why get happyness from a material when you can live longer and be there for family and friends who care and need you? Legalise it all you want but if you make me inhale any of your smoke you should be sent to jail. I am more against smoking and drinking though but I think preventing any problems ahead of time is better. People didnt know cigarettes caused many different kinds of cancer until recently so maybe a side effect of this could happen if there is a larger user base to study.
DrDevin said:
Why get happyness from a material when you can live longer and be there for family and friends who care and need you?

Because I like to live my life.
CptStern said:
if you use a vaporizer you get none of the harmful effects of smoke

Ain't it against rules to tell people how to smoke weed or any drugs on the forums?I remember someone did that in a thread about drugs and it got closed.
Best. Marijuana Site. Ever.

(WARNING: Contains material not intended for children to read.)

I stumbled across that a few years ago and kept it as a bookmark because I find a certain amusement in shitty Geocities websites. Plus, the diagrams were kinda funny.