

  • yes

    Votes: 85 63.4%
  • no

    Votes: 49 36.6%

  • Total voters
Absinthe said:
What are you on about?
Well, the fun thing about majja is the excitement of the possibility that you might lose your brain.
The_Monkey said:
Well, the fun thing about majja is the excitement of the possibility that you might lose your brain.

...I hope to God that this is sarcasm.
It should be legal. You get no where close to as impaired as you are when drunk, and unlike alcohol you're perfectly capable of proficiently functioning and performing everyday tasks while high.

A vaporizer heats it enough so that it does not combust but releases the THC, thus you don't get any tar or carcinogens that you would get as a result of combustions but you still get the THC.
kmack said:
as for "all pot smokers are losers" (thanks gh0st, another stunning revelation from you) that would be the same as saying "every cigarette smoker has lung cancer" and everyone who drinks "is a homeless man on a streetcorner", it is completely unfounded, and is based on your very narrow experience. not many laws are based on things you've seen other kids doing.
Where did you get that quote from? I said in my experience. Of course I dont have nearly the experience of a pompous felch monger who voted!! I offered a suggestion, by abolishing welfare or at least reforming it, ensuring people dont squander their checks on fruitless things such as the marijuana that has made you all so intelligent, thered be no problem.
gh0st said:
Where did you get that quote from? I said in my experience. Of course I dont have nearly the experience of a pompous felch monger who voted!! I offered a suggestion, by abolishing welfare or at least reforming it, ensuring people dont squander their checks on fruitless things such as the marijuana that has made you all so intelligent, thered be no problem.

what about alcohol, what do you think is a bigger danger to people on welfare?? and what bout scratch tickets?? you are talking about things you know very little about.

and can you post once without a cheap shot at me a "pompous felch monger who voted", especially when its not true.

yay! yes is winning 2:1 :thumbs:
T.H.C.138 said:
hey Foxtrot,I think kmack is trying to say that you came off rather offensive,and that you have a VERY narrow world view..

I live in a fairly large city in California and have lived in a small "farm" town in Utah..and traveled though a few other states..nothing east of Colorado yet

and guess what? there were junkies rapists and murderers in all of those places!!

remember:good books can be hidden underneath a bad book cover, and bad books can be hidden under a good cover!!


Bodacious said:
I'll tell you what I think.

Sure it should be legal, but have lots of restrictions.

First, it should be a state's rights issue. The federal government shouldn't be involved.

Second, it should be taxed, a lot. Also, a price minimum should be enforced to discourage it's use.

Third, you should have to have a license to sell or grow and getting that license shouldn't be easy. A person should have to take classes, pay yearly fees, and abide by strict guidles to sell or grow.

Fourth, it shouldn't be allowed in public places.

Fifth, an individual should not be able to carry or purchase large amounts unless they are a seller or grower.

Sixth, it should be the same as a DWI if caught while driving high.

7th, a person should be 21 to smoke.

I don't care if it makes people stupid. That is their choice.

really good points, i think i finally agree with you, especially on the DWI part, and the 21 part, keep it out of high schools as much as possible, let them get dumb after they start college
Hell people that smoke weed can be some of the smartest people I ever met.

Hell my uncle was a hippy and did all that shit...and he was a freaking genius!He worked at boeing for christ sakes... :O
kmack said:
what about alcohol, what do you think is a bigger danger to people on welfare?? and what bout scratch tickets?? you are talking about things you know very little about.
Read my post big guy, I said reFORM the system. Right now all it is is abused and it leaves less money for the people who actually NEED government handouts. There wouldnt be a problem with legalizing it as long as this goes hand it hand.
and can you post once without a cheap shot at me a "pompous felch monger who voted", especially when its not true.
You never voted?
It seems to me the more you try to criminalise something the more people will be tempted to try it.
My children are very young, but as they grow older they may venture into the drugs scene I personally would prefer this scene to be controlled by the state rather than by criminal gangs.
Tr0n said:
Hell people that smoke weed can be some of the smartest people I ever met.

Hell my uncle was a hippy and did all that shit...and he was a freaking genius!He worked at boeing for christ sakes... :O
I smoke pot (in moderation) and I've got a 4.3 GPA.

I'm 16 and in honors pre-cal - 2 grades ahead.
Predispositions are not fair. For some people, they can handle marijuana with no ill effects; others become addicted, use it as a gateway drug, or develop other health problems (schizophrenia and other psych. disorders). There is evidence for both sides. This is similar for anything (alcohol or ciggarettes), some people get it and some don't.
I don't use any of these for two reasons:
1. I don't know how susceptible I really am to any drugs because my experience has been limited. I just know that I don't want to push beyond the line of addiction or worse.
2. I want to respect other people that have a serious problem; that are 'unfairly' susceptible to a drug. One thing you can do to help a friend quit smoking is not to start smoking yourself; even if you are missing out on a thrill. Don't tempt them, remind them or make the substance available. I guess it's almost like a sacrifice, you give up something for yourself for the good of other people.

If everybody thought about it this way I don't think we would need to decide if it's legal or not, we just wouldn't do it. The only alternative I see is that everybody does it and those who are biologically predisposed to problems just get the short end of the stick. However, values always differ....
it would not change a thing if it were legalised or not.
do you guys know what kind of herbs they give to medical patients? they give them pure shit, I hear it takes some 10 grams to feel a little something and that some patients had to smoke so much before feeling any relief that they were led to vomit.

i guarantee that the legal weed we would find in shops would be disgusting, totally unfresh, and that the black market for it would be even bigger as a result
that's why I say don't legalize it just decriminalize it. it can be done. but the government would never let that happen these leeches need to tax stuff to live.
therefore, i suggest leaving it as it is :)
shadow6899 said:
but it's no good as it is! we can be arrested for smoking this shit... i mean it's ridiculous. Theirs so many people in jail just for marijuana related crimes that it's ridiculous!!!!!!!!!!!
just plain ridiculous!
Mechagodzilla said:
It takes the money away from the dealers, so yes, definitely.
Maybe, what if buying it illegal would be cheaper? I bet people would still buy them. And there would be regulation on the drugs, people would still buy the illegal stuff or the "good stuff".
Foxtrot said:
Maybe, what if buying it illegal would be cheaper? I bet people would still buy them. And there would be regulation on the drugs, people would still buy the illegal stuff or the "good stuff".

like cigarretts, i know i roll them myself after i buy from a guy who grows them in his backyard twice the nicotine :LOL:. the corporations would take over, they would push out the little guys, pushing cheaper better smoother weed in 9 flavors with sexy spokespeople.
Foxtrot said:
Maybe, what if buying it illegal would be cheaper? I bet people would still buy them. And there would be regulation on the drugs, people would still buy the illegal stuff or the "good stuff".

Assuming the government was giving shit quality weed, yeah, a black market would probably still exist.

But sheer price alone won't sustain such a market. You still find people selling illegal cheap packs of cigarettes and alcohol, but there are so few of them that no sane person would persist in trying to make money off of them. When something's legalizes, you'll find that most people will ditch the illegal alternative. You'd be making a substantial cut into the profits of drug dealers, and they're not going to continue peddling a substance when there's such small demand for it.
Foxtrot said:
Maybe, what if buying it illegal would be cheaper? I bet people would still buy them. And there would be regulation on the drugs, people would still buy the illegal stuff or the "good stuff".

Illegal stuff will always be cheaper, but legalization will, without a shred of doubt, cut into those illegal profits for the same reason why no-one buys black-market pepsi when there's a 7-11 next door.
ok,the weed in the legal shops (at least around my place) is some of the best quality out there..

and they have low grade for those who cannot afford high grade,but even the low grade bud is better than half the crap on the streets..

some places even give a weekly or monthly "hand out" if you are really strapped for cash..
not to mention no worries if its laced with PCP or of getting mugged/ripped off in someway..

you can buy the proper equipment(vaporizer or a bong)to cut down the risks from smoking,and/or you can buy edibles(brownies,cookies,etc.) so you don't have to smoke anything at all at these legal medical pot shops

criminals(obviously!)make more money keeping it illegal,how the hell do you think the "Godfather" mafia types got most of the money they had?

answer: Prohibition! smuggling booze!

make it legal and you cut out the sometimes(usually) evil middleman

and BTW the price in the shops is the same as the streets(mostly less though),but its properly weighed and you know the quality..from the sample tray..unlike the streets where you never quite know
T.H.C.138 said:
ok,the weed in the legal shops (at least around my place) is some of the best quality out there..

and they have low grade for those who cannot afford high grade,but even the low grade bud is better than half the crap on the streets..

some places even give a weekly or monthly "hand out" if you are really strapped for cash..
not to mention no worries if its laced with PCP or of getting mugged/ripped off in someway..

you can buy the proper equipment(vaporizer or a bong)to cut down the risks from smoking,and/or you can buy edibles(brownies,cookies,etc.) so you don't have to smoke anything at all at these legal medical pot shops

criminals(obviously!)make more money keeping it illegal,how the hell do you think the "Godfather" mafia types got most of the money they had?

answer: Prohibition! smuggling booze!

make it legal and you cut out the sometimes(usually) evil middleman

and BTW the price in the shops is the same as the streets(mostly less though),but its properly weighed and you know the quality..from the sample tray..unlike the streets where you never quite know

Don't compare these drug dealers to the Godfather, kthnxbye.
Foxtrot said:
Don't compare these drug dealers to the Godfather, kthnxbye.

and why not? do you have anything useful to say at all?

hell the mafia was behind all the cocaine, its part of what they moved to after alcohol became illegal. dont be so friggin ignorant, especially when you are so completely wrong kthnxbyeasshole.
kmack said:
and why not? do you have anything useful to say at all?

hell the mafia was behind all the cocaine, its part of what they moved to after alcohol became illegal. dont be so friggin ignorant, especially when you are so completely wrong kthnxbyeasshole.
Lol, you are one of the most ignorant people I have seen on these forums, you lost the right to call anyone ignorant a long time ago.
Foxtrot said:
Lol, you are one of the most ignorant people I have seen on these forums, you lost the right to call anyone ignorant a long time ago.

i do not see the relevance of this post to the said topic. it was not even a reasonable response to my rebuttle (which owned you). dont flame please.
I don't deal with scary dealers. I deal with the hippies that grow or get it otherwise. They're fair and they care more about spreading it than they do making money.
Foxtrot said:
It wasn't meant to be taken that seriously lol.

you are so pathetic. you meant to be taken seriously, but the tide has turned and now you pretend that it was a joke. this post has nothing to do with my topic, neither do your "jokes" (as all your arguments seem to be).
Stop fighting and get back on topic.
kmack said:
you are so pathetic. you meant to be taken seriously, but the tide has turned and now you pretend that it was a joke. this post has nothing to do with my topic, neither do your "jokes" (as all your arguments seem to be).
If I meant it to be taken seriously I would not have put kthxbye at the end, and how the **** is it even an argument?
No, it doesn't harm your system much. Doesn't mean it should be legal. I see people, friends, who because of ol' mary jane have their lives spin down to a point where they just don't care about life, only pot. Its a waste of life.
shadow6899 said:
ur right fox it isn't an arguement... b/c we have already won. just the otherside is slowly catching up... super, maybe it's not that they dont care about life, maybe it's that life doesn't care about them? I.E. everyone forgets about them, or their isn't much else to do but smoke weed.
Good job taking things completely out of context.
So because life has them down they give up? With that attitude I am sure you will go far in life. I don't smoke but I used to be on your side. I figured there was no reason NOT to legalize it. The more you talk to people who agree with your side on this argument, and not in a poetry circle, you will see how bad of an idea it is. If the leaders of the legalization movement werent stoners maybe they could remember not to be useless.
look up the fact that you can make clean(er) burning fuel from weed in your own backyard...

who loses money from that?

you can make paper that is stronger,more water resistant and cheaper in environmental costs than regular paper...

who loses money from that?

medical board that needs less tree material,that is(like the paper)stronger,more water resistant,low impact on the environment,etc...

how about the fact that it only takes 90 days (average) to grow an acre of pot to maturity when it takes how long for the same area of forest to reach maturity?

all of these uses for the cannabis plant(and there are more) take money away from big businesses..and they obviously don't like losing money

THAT is why it is illegal,mostly(IMO)..

George Zimmer, owner of The Mens Wearhouse(clothing company) smokes weed,Bill Gates used to,not sure if he still does..but probably ;)

I know the George Zimmer thing from meeting him and smelling the weed on him and hearing him talk about it to another executive type..

before promptly going to his office and smelling the place up with weed

my point is that many successful,intelligent people smoke weed or used to smoke weed..

soooo kick the stereotyping to the curb!!

superjuanchango said:
So because life has them down they give up? With that attitude I am sure you will go far in life. I don't smoke but I used to be on your side. I figured there was no reason NOT to legalize it. The more you talk to people who agree with your side on this argument, and not in a poetry circle, you will see how bad of an idea it is. If the leaders of the legalization movement werent stoners maybe they could remember not to be useless.

If you can show some real evidence demonstrating how marijuana results in a downward spiral in life, then do so. Otherwise, this is just emotional conjecture.