

  • yes

    Votes: 85 63.4%
  • no

    Votes: 49 36.6%

  • Total voters
superjuanchango said:
Number One:


Number Two:
Not such a strong psychological addiction that marijuana puts upon its users. Also those do not have such a long-term effect such as memory loss.

Number 1: hehe

Number 2: "These results can be interpreted in several ways. A statistically reliable negative effect was observed in the domain of learning and forgetting, suggesting that chronic long-term cannabis use results in a selective memory defect. While the results are compatible with this conclusion, the effect size for both domains was of a very small magnitude. The "real life" impact of such a small and selective effect is questionable. In addition, it is important to note that most users across studies had histories of heavy longterm cannabis consumption. Therefore, these findings are not likely to generalize to more limited administration of cannabis compounds, as would be seen in a medical setting."

Source: Grant, Igor, et al., "Non-Acute (Residual) Neurocognitive Effects Of Cannabis Use: A Meta-Analytic Study," Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society (Cambridge University Press: July 2003), 9, p. 686.

"In conclusion, our meta-analysis of studies that have attempted to address the question of longer term neurocognitive disturbance in moderate and heavy cannabis users has failed to demonstrate a substantial, systematic, and detrimental effect of cannabis use on neuropsychological performance. It was surprising to find such few and small effects given that most of the potential biases inherent in our analyses actually increased the likelihood of finding a cannabis effect."

Source: Grant, Igor, et al., "Non-Acute (Residual) Neurocognitive Effects Of Cannabis Use: A Meta-Analytic Study," Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society (Cambridge University Press: July 2003), 9, p. 687.
shadow6899 said:
EDIT- This post was for super's post a few up, i went to work and forgot to post this
This is actually a response to willyd, but the post above is all the proof I need. In case that doesn't do it for you: (Medical Page)
"Long term and daily use can lead to respiratory problems, and memory loss " (A Pro Medical Marijuana Page...)
In addition to this, marijuana has also been known to interfere with LTP. This is easily shown since 9-THC inhibits the influx of calcium through the inhibition of N- and Q-type calcium channels. In the hippocampus this leads to a lack of LTP. A loss of LTP in the hippocampus where memories are formed would prove to be an accurate assessment of the fact that marijuana causes loss of short-term memory (Diana et al 1998). In fact evidence has been found that 9-THC destroys short-term memory (Heyser, 1993)
Marijuana's damage to short-term memory seems to occur because THC alters the way in which information is processed by the hippocampus, a brain area responsible for memory formation.
oh man it looks like our sources conflict each other, any more debating will become arguing, we have 2 options:

A- I accuse your sources of being biased and came from nazi scientists, then you respond saying my sources are from stoners

B- We quit the debate, call truce and smoke a fat bowl. :smoking:
(or vaporize if you dont want to hurt your lungs)
Positive Consequences-- government has more money for fighting more dangerous narcotics, ie crack, heroin, etc

Negetive Consequences-- some people may take advantage an become dumbass's, the economy MIGHT do more poorly due to less alcohol and cigarettes being sold (you can grow marijuana)

But I think the positives are good enough to outrule the bad.
willyd said:
oh man it looks like our sources conflict each other, any more debating will become arguing, we have 2 options:

A- I accuse your sources of being biased and came from nazi scientists, then you respond saying my sources are from stoners

B- We quit the debate, call truce and smoke a fat bowl. :smoking:
(or vaporize if you dont want to hurt your lungs)

c- You smoke a fat bowl, I get shotgun and we play Mario Kart: Double Dash :thumbs:
superjuanchango said:
Ah, going to go ahead and blame that on the temperature. I’ll retract that statement.

burner69, however, your analogy is false. It is no harder for teens to get alcohol than it is marijuana. Your scenario only applies if there is no way to get beer from others. The difference is ANYONE over 21 can get alcohol. Do some research, more teens drink alcohol than smoke pot.
Yes, but it still remains that it is HARDER to get hold of beer than pot when underaged. Sure you CAN get fake ID, but it's hardly easier than not getting ID, and just going up to a dealer and buying them. Also, ANYONE under 21, over 21, whatever, can get pot if they want it.

Also your statement about people taking drugs making them into criminals is just plain silly. The same argument can be applied to any illegal action. Are you doing to defend this as well?p
I doubt anyone is. Why? Because smoking pot harms nobody and most other illegal actions do. Theft; Harms the person being robbed. Murder; Kinda harms the person being murdered. Smoking Pot; ..... It wouldn't be so bad, but with current drug laws you can get a longer spell in prison for having a class A drug on you compared to if you run someone over driving dangerously, or stab an old woman while mugging her. Somethings wrong with the laws there.

-The percentage of state prison inmates who reported being under the influence of drugs at the time of their offense was almost thirty-three percent (33%) (Bureau of Justice Statistics, 1997).
An interesting statistic. I won't argue it but there are a few points I'd like to raise.
1) Drugs is a broad term, amazingly enough even illegal drugs have different effects and so lumping them all into the category of "being under the influence of when committing crime" is foolish.
2) In the UK, and possibly the US, I dunno, 50% of all property crime is committed by heroin addicts trying to pay for their habit, and often done with smack still in their veins. That could well account for much of that stat (although it might not). Incidently, that's a reason to legalise heroin, because current street value is at 1000% of the value it would be if sold and regulated by the government.
But from experience I'd say that very few crimes have and will ever be committed when stoned, on hallucinagenics, or on stimulants - they're just not like that.
-An estimated 61,000 (16%) of convicted jail inmates committed their offense to get money for drugs (Bureau of Justice Statistics, 2000).
Again, I'd probably say heroin accounts for much of that. To me it just reaffirms my belief that we should stop criminalising everyone on drugs because we live in a dream that if we do the drugs related problems will just stop.

As for weed and memory loss. Yeah, I think it can lead to memory problems; but only for the foolish. Let me explain.
I was smoking weed a few times a month with no effects on my short or long term memory. However a little while back I started smoking it quite a lot, like several times a day, every day for a number of months. My memory went a little crap. Now, I didn't go stupid, I still got high grades in my university work, still knew stuff, just found it hard to recall what I'd done a few days before, or how much money someone owed me for beers down the pub.
As soon as I cut down (which is very easy to do by the way) my memory came back within a week. I had a problem and dealt with it; just as you'd expect anyone to do, be it with illegal drugs, alcohol, gambling.
What you need to realise is that most people who smoke don't smoke it like I used to, most enjoy a toke at the end of a stressful day, or as a weekend treat. And all this is besides the point; keeping weed illegal does not stop the issue. All it does is make it far more difficult for people to get accurate drug information (most get it from their friends or dealers after realising much of the stuff told to them at school is BS), seperates users from the rest of society, and just for good measure ensures many peoples lives are ruined by locking them up for taking drugs.

Like I say, prohibition ruins far more lives than drugs.
Teh_Poet said:
Positive Consequences-- government has more money for fighting more dangerous narcotics, ie crack, heroin, etc

Negetive Consequences-- some people may take advantage an become dumbass's, the economy MIGHT do more poorly due to less alcohol and cigarettes being sold (you can grow marijuana)

But I think the positives are good enough to outrule the bad.

Not with (for the UK) there being around £11bn extra taxable pounds coming in every year. That's around £6bn on weed itself and £5bn on pot related equipment; papers, tins, bongs, pipes etc.

Also we could then start using marijuana for its many other uses, potentially saving trillions of pounds.
It is in NO WAY harder to get alcohol than it is for marijuana. Right now, in my house, being under 21, I can walk downstairs and go to the cabinet and take out some Vodka. I could go to a neighbor’s garage and take it out of their fridge. I could go to the store and steal a bottle. Far less people have alcohol in their homes than marijuana. Far less people purchase pot than beer, and far less people sell pot than beer.

Again you have given no proof as to why it should be legal. Anyone savvy to the arts of the debate knows that a “Why not” attitude gets you nowhere other than agreeing with yourself. Making money takes a backseat to protecting ones country, despite what some may think.

Also, whoever is arguing that it would save money in other areas is just stupid. It may save trillions of your awful currency over a few trillion years. It’s something you hear from people who heard it from people but it is never true. Fact: Hemp necklaces, sold abundantly in the United States, do contain legal amounts of marijuana. Not enough to get high, but enough to wear around your neck and look like a tool.
i smoked pot all through my college life, and a junior now and i have 3.8 GPA (highest is 4.0). what does that tell you about memory loss?
the only reason why its illegal is because the gov. makes tons of money on it.
superjuanchango said:
It is in NO WAY harder to get alcohol than it is for marijuana. Right now, in my house, being under 21, I can walk downstairs and go to the cabinet and take out some Vodka. I could go to a neighbor’s garage and take it out of their fridge. I could go to the store and steal a bottle. Far less people have alcohol in their homes than marijuana. Far less people purchase pot than beer, and far less people sell pot than beer.
Difference of opinion it seems. But certainly everywhere that I've lived, everyone I've spoken to on the issue (with a few exceptions - yourself included), and friends in America all agree that it'd far easier while underage to get hold of weed than beer. My friend moved to the states last year and pretty much quit drinking because of the 21 law, instead he and all his friends smoke weed because its very easily available.
Out of interest, have you ever tried getting hold of cannabis? Of course being 21 means that getting beer for you is easy, but if you were 18 and wanted to get some pot you'd be sorted v.quickly. Might take a day or two to initially find a dealer, but after asking some mates I'm sure you'd get one who'd be more than willing to sell it to you without ID.

Again you have given no proof as to why it should be legal. Anyone savvy to the arts of the debate knows that a “Why not” attitude gets you nowhere other than agreeing with yourself. Making money takes a backseat to protecting ones country, despite what some may think.
Why cannabis should be legal:
1. Smoking cannabis causes no harm to other people.
2. Imprisoning otherwise innocent people for smoking a substances generally regarded as safer than alcohol is a breach of human rights.
3. Criminalising a large percentage of a population can lead to a sense of detachment from soceity for those involved.
4. Forcing cannabis users to go to dealers to get their wares puts them in contact with other, harder and more dangerous drugs.
5. Illegalising a popular substance such as weed leaves a massive profit margin for criminal gangs, who can sell the substance to get money for dangerous, and far more harmful activities such as large scale robberies.
6. Legalising two potentially very harmful drugs (cigarettes and alcohol) while imprisoning people for taking other, often less harmful drugs is hypocritical and immoral.
7. As soon as people start smoking cannabis and realise that it's not this evil, mind destroying drug they were told about they lose faith in the authorities, and don't trust them on other issues.
8. Legalising cannabis would make people feel more comfortable about talking about any problems they are having with the drug without fear of arrest or bigotry.
9. Legalising cannabis takes money currently going into gangs, and would put it in the governments pocket.
10. Legalsing cannabis would ensure that only good quality cannabis was sold. Soap bar, which can cause many ill effects to the smokers health, would be a thing of the past.
11. We could start growing cannabis en mass and utilise it as food, clothing, a CO2 free energy source, as fuel for cars, as car chasis, as rope, wood substitute etc etc.
12. More if you want them.

Also, whoever is arguing that it would save money in other areas is just stupid. It may save trillions of your awful currency over a few trillion years. It’s something you hear from people who heard it from people but it is never true. Fact: Hemp necklaces, sold abundantly in the United States, do contain legal amounts of marijuana. Not enough to get high, but enough to wear around your neck and look like a tool.
You now sound like a narrow minded idiot. If you wanna debate don't do it like a "tool". Tool.
It wouldn't save much money (although it would in some areas, such as gangs having less money so less police being needed etc), it would make money.
FACT: Alcohol, sold abundantly in the united states, is a legal substance. Plenty enough to get rat-a**ed, commit violent crime, vandalism, death by danerous driving, domestic violence, public disorder etc etc. Oh, and it leads to memory problems.
Should we make it a criminal offense to drink because some idiots drink too much? Should we spoil it for all the rest of us who drink sensibly? No, and you know that.
So then, why should cannabis be made illegal when it causes no where near as much harm to society or your body as beer?

Put simply, there is no reason. And right now people are sitting in jail with their lives f**ked up because of these laws, THAT is why it should be made legal. However I feel that, as usual, you'll come back to this argument saying I am wrong, that it should not be legal, despite never really giving any indication why, except for a few vastly generalised drug figures that do not accuratley reflect marijuana use at all, and which, if alcohol was thrown on the bundle, would multiply many times. Google for the stats as I can't be bothered, but they're there.

It's funny how in a western society where we're apparently so big on being "free" we can't even sit in our own homes and spark up a spliff without risk of imprisonment.
shadow6899 said:
But anytime i wanna go get a handle of vodka or something i gotta go through all this shit of finding someone whos either 21, works at a liqour store, or has a fake I.D.
or ask a bum to buy it for you
iyfyoufhl said:
i smoked pot all through my college life, and a junior now and i have 3.8 GPA (highest is 4.0). what does that tell you about memory loss?
the only reason why its illegal is because the gov. makes tons of money on it.
That’s some fancy crazy anecdotal evidence for your side, just like everything else you have brought up. Though, I must congratulate you on the nice GPA. :thumbs:

iyfyoufhl said:
or ask a bum to buy it for you
Which they will do very easilly. Bums will do anything for a buck, watch the South Park Movie for proof.

burner69 said:
Why cannabis should be legal:
1. Smoking cannabis causes no harm to other people.
2. Imprisoning otherwise innocent people for smoking a substances generally regarded as safer than alcohol is a breach of human rights.
3. Criminalising a large percentage of a population can lead to a sense of detachment from soceity for those involved.
4. Forcing cannabis users to go to dealers to get their wares puts them in contact with other, harder and more dangerous drugs.
5. Illegalising a popular substance such as weed leaves a massive profit margin for criminal gangs, who can sell the substance to get money for dangerous, and far more harmful activities such as large scale robberies.
6. Legalising two potentially very harmful drugs (cigarettes and alcohol) while imprisoning people for taking other, often less harmful drugs is hypocritical and immoral.
7. As soon as people start smoking cannabis and realise that it's not this evil, mind destroying drug they were told about they lose faith in the authorities, and don't trust them on other issues.
8. Legalising cannabis would make people feel more comfortable about talking about any problems they are having with the drug without fear of arrest or bigotry.
9. Legalising cannabis takes money currently going into gangs, and would put it in the governments pocket.
10. Legalsing cannabis would ensure that only good quality cannabis was sold. Soap bar, which can cause many ill effects to the smokers health, would be a thing of the past.
11. We could start growing cannabis en mass and utilise it as food, clothing, a CO2 free energy source, as fuel for cars, as car chasis, as rope, wood substitute etc etc.
12. More if you want them.
blahblahblahblah I use the word cannabis so I am teh smart! blahblah I know you are but what am I blah blah blah blah <insert opinion as fact here> blahblahblah

Since when did I come to defend alcohol? Stop putting words in my mouth buddy. You just listed the same reason eleven times as to why it should be legal. Every single one is: It should be legal because it is currently illegal. You say over and over again it criminalizes people. I agree with you. YES! Marijuana being illegal makes criminals out of people. Want to know something interesting? Theft being illegal makes criminals out of thieves! Murder being illegal makes criminals out of murderers! It in no way is a valid point. The other reasons you listed touch on money, none of which give any statistics from any valid sources. Just you stating it would save money, then stating its illegal because it makes the government money. Those conflict in a way that makes me feel all silly inside. :bounce: .

The question you ask: Why should marijuana remain illegal?
Marijuana should remain illegal because it is a mind altering substance which has negative long term effects such as memory loss and respiratory problems. The negative effects outweigh the positive short term effects. Since everyone else in this post used slippery slopes I will use one too, it would open the door to more harmful drugs being made legalized on the same grounds of "why not?" which is so far the only reasoning that has made it past your repetitive posts.

To end, I want to call you an ass for actually bringing up the freedom argument. It’s my freedom to live in a country that enforces laws which create law abiding citizens and tells children to say no to mind altering substances. See, I can play the jackass cop-out card too.

Edit: Oh yeah, and I stand by the fact that its much easier to get alcohol. Your only proof against me is "I know people in America." I am going to need to get the fact checker on that one ASAP.
superjuanchango said:
That’s some fancy crazy anecdotal evidence for your side, just like everything else you have brought up. Though, I must congratulate you on the nice GPA. :thumbs:

Which they will do very easilly. Bums will do anything for a buck, watch the South Park Movie for proof.

Since when did I come to defend alcohol? Stop putting words in my mouth buddy. You just listed the same reason eleven times as to why it should be legal. Every single one is: It should be legal because it is currently illegal. You say over and over again it criminalizes people. I agree with you. YES! Marijuana being illegal makes criminals out of people. Want to know something interesting? Theft being illegal makes criminals out of thieves! Murder being illegal makes criminals out of murderers! It in no way is a valid point. The other reasons you listed touch on money, none of which give any statistics from any valid sources. Just you stating it would save money, then stating its illegal because it makes the government money. Those conflict in a way that makes me feel all silly inside. :bounce: .

The question you ask: Why should marijuana remain illegal?
Marijuana should remain illegal because it is a mind altering substance which has negative long term effects such as memory loss and respiratory problems. The negative effects outweigh the positive short term effects. Since everyone else in this post used slippery slopes I will use one too, it would open the door to more harmful drugs being made legalized on the same grounds of "why not?" which is so far the only reasoning that has made it past your repetitive posts.

To end, I want to call you an ass for actually bringing up the freedom argument. It’s my freedom to live in a country that enforces laws which create law abiding citizens and tells children to say no to mind altering substances. See, I can play the jackass cop-out card too.

Edit: Oh yeah, and I stand by the fact that its much easier to get alcohol. Your only proof against me is "I know people in America." I am going to need to get the fact checker on that one ASAP.
ok, so are you pro or agains? flip-flopper
There is absolutely nothing you could tell a non-user that would change their mind. It's that simple. I was the most anti-drug and anti-drinking person one could possibly imagine growing up and into high school. Year 1 of college changed that completely. Now I can objectionably look at both sides of the equation, since unlike some people I've experienced both sides.

Now I'm in my very late 20's with a good computer programming career. Herb didn't ruin my life. Granted I wouldn't want my kids smoking it. It's not something I would condone, but at the same time it isn't something that someone should be chastized over. Different strokes for different folks. Like a drinker, if you can hold your liquor I don't have a problem. It's when your enjoyment encroaches on my territory that I start to get ticked.

Legalized? I don't know. The government could probably balance the budget in a year flat if they wanted to with that kind of tax money. Kids would have a harder time getting it. Dealers would be put out of business. It could positively effect the border issues we're facing.

It would be tough though, it shouldn't be done in public. It shouldn't be done in cars. It would be a tough adjustment for society. I say the more free the country the more decisions it allows you to make. Choices are good. With the right regulation it might be worth a shot. I'd hate to be the one in charge of that though.
Fishlore said:
There is absolutely nothing you could tell a non-user that would change their mind. It's that simple. I was the most anti-drug and anti-drinking person one could possibly imagine growing up and into high school. Year 1 of college changed that completely. Now I can objectionably look at both sides of the equation, since unlike some people I've experienced both sides.

Now I'm in my very late 20's with a good computer programming career. Herb didn't ruin my life. Granted I wouldn't want my kids smoking it. It's not something I would condone, but at the same time it isn't something that someone should be chastized over. Different strokes for different folks. Like a drinker, if you can hold your liquor I don't have a problem. It's when your enjoyment encroaches on my territory that I start to get ticked.

Legalized? I don't know. The government could probably balance the budget in a year flat if they wanted to with that kind of tax money. Kids would have a harder time getting it. Dealers would be put out of business. It could positively effect the border issues we're facing.

It would be tough though, it shouldn't be done in public. It shouldn't be done in cars. It would be a tough adjustment for society. I say the more free the country the more decisions it allows you to make. Choices are good. With the right regulation it might be worth a shot. I'd hate to be the one in charge of that though.
I think it should be legalized. As it was said in the beginning of this topic: it's just as alcohol or cigarettes. They're all 'not good' for one's health. And just for the fun of it all I grew one plant at home in the backyard (yeah I live in Holland) and I followed standard procedures and finally I had the marijuana, but I haven't tried it yet. So it's not like: yeah I have some, let's smoke. It was more like, well I'm 16 still in school, let's try some in the holidays. But now I postponed it again, waiting until I'm done and graduated.
That goes for other people as well. If the US should legalize it then maybe some people will try it, but it's not that suddenly 300 million Americans start smoking. I know what people think of the Dutch and our laws concerning marijuana, but not every Dutchie smokes weed as well, and some people think it should be illegal again. But I know it saved the government a lot of problems. And the marijuana is now used (special marijuana grown under government attention) as a medicin for people with chronic pain or cancerpatients or MS-patients.
And well if you get addicted to it, I think it depends on what sort marijuana you are smoking and how many THC there's in and of course how often you smoke (I think that pathetic weed of mine won't even get a snail stoned), but same goed for alcohol as well.

But then again since America is different than Holland I join Fishlore in his opinion. In Holland there are limits, so with the right regulations it is indeed worth a shot.
superjuanchango said:
Since when did I come to defend alcohol? Stop putting words in my mouth buddy.

He did no such thing. He just made a very valid point. If a far more dangerous substance is legal, why not marijuana? It serves as another reason as to why marijuana should be legal.

You just listed the same reason eleven times as to why it should be legal. Every single one is: It should be legal because it is currently illegal.

Are really lacking that much comprehension? The reasons are all different and all valid. Read them again, this time without your irrational anti-weed blinders.

You say over and over again it criminalizes people. I agree with you. YES! Marijuana being illegal makes criminals out of people. Want to know something interesting? Theft being illegal makes criminals out of thieves! Murder being illegal makes criminals out of murderers! It in no way is a valid point.

There's a world of difference between theft/murder and smoking marijuana. The fact that you're actually trying to compare the two shows just how ridiculously zealous you are. A thief is robbing somebody of their possesions. A murderer is robbing somebody of their life. What's a pot smoker doing? He's harming no person but himself. But send him to county for a couple of years and ruin his future, you'll find him more likely to engage in real illegal activity.

So far, you've done nothing but engage in the circular and nonsensical "It's illegal because it's illegal" reasoning. You have made the positive assertion that marijuana is harmful, therefore the burden of proof rests on YOUR shoulders. Brush up on your debate.

The other reasons you listed touch on money, none of which give any statistics from any valid sources. Just you stating it would save money, then stating its illegal because it makes the government money. Those conflict in a way that makes me feel all silly inside. :bounce: .

How could they lose money? It's really simple, super. When you tax a popular substance, you get money. But the drug war really only persists because drugs have become a convenient scapegoat for society's problems (but never alcohol, oh no!) and because we've invested so much in it.

The question you ask: Why should marijuana remain illegal?
Marijuana should remain illegal because it is a mind altering substance which has negative long term effects such as memory loss and respiratory problems. The negative effects outweigh the positive short term effects. Since everyone else in this post used slippery slopes I will use one too, it would open the door to more harmful drugs being made legalized on the same grounds of "why not?" which is so far the only reasoning that has made it past your repetitive posts.

With the selling of the proper equipment (vaporizers, etc.) you wouldn't see those respiratory problems (of course, nobody's died from marijuana). And you do not get long-term memory loss, so that makes you a liar and a perpetuator of the same bullshit that's been plaguing marijuana for years.

And your slippery slope is another crock as well. Drugs such as heroin and cocaine are extremely addictive and hazardous to the individual. Their mind-altering nature can result in a danger to others. Remember what happened with opium in China? But there's been zero evidence to suggest that marijuana would be anything like this.

And it's funny that you criticise people for using slippery slopes, and yet you use one as well. Why you would deliberately undermine your own argument is beyond me.

To end, I want to call you an ass for actually bringing up the freedom argument. It’s my freedom to live in a country that enforces laws which create law abiding citizens and tells children to say no to mind altering substances. See, I can play the jackass cop-out card too.

If you want to engage in a stupid semantic slap-fest, be my guest. It's your freedom to not do drugs, but it's not your freedom to stop everybody else from doing them. Cut it out with the rhetorical "law abiding citizens" crap. It only makes your nature as an arrogant prick all the more apparent.

Edit: Oh yeah, and I stand by the fact that its much easier to get alcohol. Your only proof against me is "I know people in America." I am going to need to get the fact checker on that one ASAP.

It's called logic, super. Again, make a reasoned comparison between what it takes to get marijuana and what it takes to get alcohol. Saying "Ah, but you can do this and do this and bypass this and if you have the money you can do this" and all that drivel is just you avoiding the truth.
For my country, UK, alcohol is legal, but there's a real binge drinking problem, due to almost non-existant alcohol control (I could buy my first alcohol when I was 13).

I suggest the government get this under control before they start to think about legislation of new things, they have a bad record already.

When the British people have proven they can handle one substance responsibly, then they can have another one.

Anyway people can get Cannibis here easily, and they aren't going to jail for it.
superjuanchango said:
Which they will do very easilly. Bums will do anything for a buck, watch the South Park Movie for proof.
You seem unable to actually hold an adult debate about this issue, I feel that we're wasting time here. If you want to insult people, go elsewhere.

Since when did I come to defend alcohol? Stop putting words in my mouth buddy. You just listed the same reason eleven times as to why it should be legal. Every single one is: It should be legal because it is currently illegal.
Erm... did you actually read any of them?
Cannabis use does not harm people not smoking it; and yet people are being imprisoned for it. It should be legal because it is currently illegal and therefore people are being sent down for the use of a substance which does not harm other people.
Cannabis is a popular drug, around 50% of people have tried it. So, if they want weed they need to see a dealer who might well sell other drugs - increasing the chance that they will move on to harder drugs. Legalisation would create a gap between the millions of cannabis users and class A drugs like cocaine and heroin. It should be legal because it is currently illegal and that is putting people in contact with class A drugs.
Cannabis can be used as a fuel, as food, clothes, wood substitute, carpetting, fibreglass substitute and many more. Also it is one of the toughest and rapid growing plants on the planet. It requires no pesticide to keep insects off, and its strong root structure can be used to help hold together brittle soil and make it useable for plantation again. As it stands we cannot use cannabis for these uses because of the laws against it. Cannabis should be legal because it is currently illegal and that is preventing us from using it as high quality, cheaply produced substitutes for many everyday essential items.
Cannabis is one of the least toxic drugs used in the medical proffesion, and many doctors and patients swear by it in helping in many ways for a large number of medical problems. Cannabis should be legal because it is currently illegal and that is limiting its use as a medical drug, on top of that people who are suffering with medical problems who use cannabis to help them are at risk of imprisonment - again, a breach of human rights.

You say over and over again it criminalizes people. I agree with you. YES! Marijuana being illegal makes criminals out of people. Want to know something interesting? Theft being illegal makes criminals out of thieves! Murder being illegal makes criminals out of murderers! It in no way is a valid point.
Did you read my earlier post?
Theft being illegal makes criminals out of thieves. Thieves steal from other people causing them harm. Ergo it's illegal and theives are criminals.
Murder being illegal makes criminals out of murderers. Murderers murder people, ending a human life and causing great sadness for friends and family. Ergo it's illegal and murderers are criminals.
Cannabis being illegal makes criminals out of cannabis smokers. Cannabis smokers smoke cannabis. This does not harm anybody except (arguably) the user. Ergo this law does not make sense. No victim, no crime.
Please, read my previous posts if you want to make comments like this as I covered this point only a while ago, and I feel like you're just making me repeat points - which suggests you do not have a valid argument.
The other reasons you listed touch on money, none of which give any statistics from any valid sources. Just you stating it would save money, then stating its illegal because it makes the government money. Those conflict in a way that makes me feel all silly inside. :bounce: .
Looks like you got confused; allow me to explain.
When something stops being illegal the police no longer have to deal with it. Now, I'm not sure how much money is spent on tackling cannabis but I know its a substantial amount. Suddenly the police have a lot more time on their hands to tackle more important things like theft and murder - those crimes that actually harm people.
Secondly when cannabis is being sold it can be taxed - once again I've mentioned this before but you seem to have not bothered taking it in - the government estimates in the UK that would mean there'd be an extra taxable £6bn from weed itself, and £5bn for things like papers, bongs, pipes etc.

The question you ask: Why should marijuana remain illegal?
Marijuana should remain illegal because it is a mind altering substance which has negative long term effects such as memory loss and respiratory problems. The negative effects outweigh the positive short term effects. Since everyone else in this post used slippery slopes I will use one too, it would open the door to more harmful drugs being made legalized on the same grounds of "why not?" which is so far the only reasoning that has made it past your repetitive posts.
Tea is a mind altering substance. Alcohol leads to memory loss. Cigarettes cause respiratory problems. Why should cannabis users get locked up for doing something no worse than what most of us do week in week out with other things?
The only way that cannabis use leads to harder drugs is because users have to go through dealers who sell other drugs. Legalisation would distance them from these drugs.
And once again you're forgetting, people are having their lives ruined by being locked up for smoking weed.

To end, I want to call you an ass for actually bringing up the freedom argument. It’s my freedom to live in a country that enforces laws which create law abiding citizens and tells children to say no to mind altering substances. See, I can play the jackass cop-out card too.
Why should legalisation make kids take drugs? As I've said before, it would reduce the number of children smoking cannabis for reasons explained to you over and over again. If you don't believe me take a look at Holland, where they've legalised pot and the use has declined, especially in children.
All laws, if followed, create law abiding citizens, doesn't mean they're right. It used to be law that a black person had to give up their seat on a bus if a white perosn wanted it - if people obeyed it they were law abiding citizens.

Edit: Oh yeah, and I stand by the fact that its much easier to get alcohol. Your only proof against me is "I know people in America." I am going to need to get the fact checker on that one ASAP.
If you're over 21 yes, I'm talking about kids. These kids you want to protect in your law abiding country.
Beer requires that you're over 21 and have ID.
Weed requires money.
If you legalise it you would require to be over 18 or 21 or whatever, and have ID. Ergo kids can't get it as easliy as now.

Please take the time to read these replies, as you clearly haven't been reading much of what has been said before. However I feel that no matter what is said you'll stand by your conviction that cannabis is evil and should always remain illegal.
kirovman said:
For my country, UK, alcohol is legal, but there's a real binge drinking problem, due to almost non-existant alcohol control (I could buy my first alcohol when I was 13).

I suggest the government get this under control before they start to think about legislation of new things, they have a bad record already.

When the British people have proven they can handle one substance responsibly, then they can have another one.

Anyway people can get Cannibis here easily, and they aren't going to jail for it.

Agreed there is a nasty culture of binge drinkers, but that should not spoil it for the dope smokers. Remember, alcohol makes you rowdy, violent and an idiot. Cannabis makes you passive and relaxed; you're not going to hit people or break stuff when stoned.

As for the jail thing in the UK; under current laws personnel possesion does not carry a prison sentence but suppose you buy an ounce for you and your mates and get caught. Suddenly you're going down for several years.
Also they're thinking of making it a class B drug again, which will probably involve there being harsher sentences for possesion.

Agreed though, if we legalised pot I'd want them to control it better than alcohol, with no advertisments for it and strict IDing policies. However it still remains that even if we had a country of binge smokers there would not be anywhere near as much violence as caused by a bunch of p*ssheads out on a friday night.
This will be my last post in this argument. All it is turning into is more people comming into the thread repeating the same bullshit that everyone repeats.

Absinthe said:
He did no such thing. He just made a very valid point. If a far more dangerous substance is legal, why not marijuana? It serves as another reason as to why marijuana should be legal..
Thats a red herring. We are not discussing alcohol, we are discussing marijuana. If this were an alcohol topic it would make sense, but it is not, so that is completely off topic.

Absinthe said:
Are really lacking that much comprehension? The reasons are all different and all valid. Read them again, this time without your irrational anti-weed blinders.
They are not all different than what he has been saying for the past 10 posts. They are all similar in nature, saying that it should be legal because he doesn't see a reason it should be illegal. The jail issue, negative effect issue, they all fall into that category.

Absinthe said:
There's a world of difference between theft/murder and smoking marijuana. The fact that you're actually trying to compare the two shows just how ridiculously zealous you are. A thief is robbing somebody of their possesions. A murderer is robbing somebody of their life. What's a pot smoker doing? He's harming no person but himself. But send him to county for a couple of years and ruin his future, you'll find him more likely to engage in real illegal activity..
DINGDINGDINGDINGDINGDINGDINGDING! You are right! Murder is different than smoking pot! Thats why murder carries with it a heaftiry sentance than pot does.
Absinthe said:
So far, you've done nothing but engage in the circular and nonsensical "It's illegal because it's illegal" reasoning. You have made the positive assertion that marijuana is harmful, therefore the burden of proof rests on YOUR shoulders. Brush up on your debate.
I call bullshit on that sir! As the status quo is that marijuana is illegal, and you are trying to change the status quo, your job as the affirmative is to prove harms in the current system and explain why it should be changed. My job as the negative is to point out flaws in your logic and propose new arguments to defend the status quo.

Absinthe said:
How could they lose money? It's really simple, super. When you tax a popular substance, you get money. But the drug war really only persists because drugs have become a convenient scapegoat for society's problems (but never alcohol, oh no!) and because we've invested so much in it.
With the selling of the proper equipment (vaporizers, etc.) you wouldn't see those respiratory problems (of course, nobody's died from marijuana). And you do not get long-term memory loss, so that makes you a liar and a perpetuator of the same bullshit that's been plaguing marijuana for years...
Where did I say it creates permanent long term memory loss? Overuse creates permanent short term memory loss, which is what I said you, you, you liar you!

Absinthe said:
And your slippery slope is another crock as well. Drugs such as heroin and cocaine are extremely addictive and hazardous to the individual. Their mind-altering nature can result in a danger to others. Remember what happened with opium in China? But there's been zero evidence to suggest that marijuana would be anything like this.
And it's funny that you criticise people for using slippery slopes, and yet you use one as well. Why you would deliberately undermine your own argument is beyond me.
What the hell are you talking about with China? You mean the country that went to war over opium? Red herring and bad comparison? Different drug/country/topic.

Absinthe said:
If you want to engage in a stupid semantic slap-fest, be my guest. It's your freedom to not do drugs, but it's not your freedom to stop everybody else from doing them. Cut it out with the rhetorical "law abiding citizens" crap. It only makes your nature as an arrogant prick all the more apparent.
It's called logic, super. Again, make a reasoned comparison between what it takes to get marijuana and what it takes to get alcohol. Saying "Ah, but you can do this and do this and bypass this and if you have the money you can do this" and all that drivel is just you avoiding the truth.
When did I call myself a law abiding citizen? I just don't want to see marijuana legalized because of what I have seen it do to former friends of mine. You keep hawking away about it being easier to get. Maybe for someone who has been getting it for the past ten years? It’s easier right now for a majority of people to get alcohol than it is for them to get marijuana.


iyfyoufhl: I still have no idea what I am talking about.
Flip flopping? Are you high right now?

shadow6899 said:
ummm read my post that's ur proof, i live in america buddy. Secondly u obviously didn't read burners post b/c he did not repeat the same sht 11 times. Theirs ur closed mind working for u again.

EDIT- Positive short term effects, wow u are one ignorant person my man. I am thru with u, with that statement u have completely convinced me you know nothing about marijuana and are using the most fake statistics and arguements you can just to hold on to that thread u have. Here's 1 example ONE example of a long term positive. Legalizing marijuana could bring in a revolution for new power, food, oil, clothes, ropes and many more things. ALL natural too, no oil to pollute with, no more shitty air. If that right their isn't a positive long term effect than i dont know what is!
You live in America! Oh, never mind then! Your word is gold!


So do I, it doesn't make your opinion any more valid than mine. As for repeating stuff 11 times, see above to when I replied to him. As for it bringing in a revolution for new power and such, that’s all hippie propaganda being pushed into your pipes, if you had any proof I would have liked to see it. But after this post I am not looking back to this thread and I assume it will go, for lack up better words, up in smoke.

To end this: I am NOT TELLING YOU PEOPLE NOT TO SMOKE. Go smoke, do whatever the hell you want. Just because you smoke marijuana doesn’t mean you need to think it should be illegal. As one poster said, he smokes it and is successful. That’s very good, and despite what you very nice people said I never assumed that was impossible or improbable. But he also said he doesn’t want his kids smoking it.

I just need a hug.

superjuanchango said:
This will be my last post in this argument. All it is turning into is more people comming into the thread repeating the same bullshit that everyone repeats.


Thats a red herring. We are not discussing alcohol, we are discussing marijuana. If this were an alcohol topic it would make sense, but it is not, so that is completely off topic.

No, it's a valid comparison. The hypocrisy of keeping a far more dangerous substance legal is very relevant to this argument. You only ignore it because it doesn't support your inane reasoning.

They are not all different than what he has been saying for the past 10 posts. They are all similar in nature, saying that it should be legal because he doesn't see a reason it should be illegal. The jail issue, negative effect issue, they all fall into that category.

Holy shit, so he's offering reasons as to why it shouldn't be illegal? Man, why on Earth would he do such a thing! :rolleyes:

You've effectively stated that no reason is good enough for you because... uhh... it's a reason. Or something idiotic to that extent. And after all this time, you've made no effort to refute his claims, except "all you're doing is giving reasons why it shouldn't be illegal!"


DINGDINGDINGDINGDINGDINGDINGDING! You are right! Murder is different than smoking pot! Thats why murder carries with it a heaftiry sentance than pot does.

But the debate is wether or not pot should even be illegal. You're doing some serious question begging.

I call bullshit on that sir! As the status quo is that marijuana is illegal, and you are trying to change the status quo, your job as the affirmative is to prove harms in the current system and explain why it should be changed. My job as the negative is to point out flaws in your logic and propose new arguments to defend the status quo.

And it has been explained time and time again why the status quo should be changed. You've made no effort to point out flaws in our logic. All you've done is belt out rhetorical circular reasoning.

Where did I say it creates permanent long term memory loss? Overuse creates permanent short term memory loss, which is what I said you, you, you liar you!

long term effects such as memory loss

You've been caught red-handed.

And no, marijuana abuse cannot result in permanent STM loss. You've just substituted lies.
What the hell are you talking about with China? You mean the country that went to war over opium? Red herring and bad comparison? Different drug/country/topic.

China saw alarmingly high numbers of opium consumption. High addiction rates, worker inneficiency, and illness plagued the country for a time. It reached the point where the government had to lay the hammer down upon the substance.

Instead of repeatedly throwing out names from your logical fallacy index, how about you explain how this is a red herring and a bad comparison?

When did I call myself a law abiding citizen? I just don't want to see marijuana legalized because of what I have seen it do to former friends of mine. You keep hawking away about it being easier to get. Maybe for someone who has been getting it for the past ten years? It’s easier right now for a majority of people to get alcohol than it is for them to get marijuana.

You have still failed to do the comparison. And your reasoning rests entirely on your own personal experience. Did we not already have a discussion about the validity of personal experiences?

So let's summarize:

-You have relied on circular "it's illegal because it's illegal" reasoning.
-You have relied on statistical reports that fail to differentiate between the numerous drugs that exist on this planet.
-You have fabricated health issues associated with smoking marijuana.
-You have never attempted to refute any of our claims or reasoning, sans your assertion that alcohol is easier to get.
-You have acted like an insulting and immature brat, especially with your last few posts.

Might as well write a concession speech. Oh wait, you essentially have already.
superjuanchango said:
This will be my last post in this argument. All it is turning into is more people comming into the thread repeating the same bullshit that everyone repeats.
As ever the anti-weed argument implodes on itself and gives up. This always happens, every time I've debated it. Anti-weed side makes a point (Cannabis and murder are both crimes) the pro-weed side debates is (smoking cannabis harms nobody, unlike murder) then that comment is ignored then a few posts later brought up again, and when the same response is given, after being ignored the first time, we are told we're repeating points. I'm amazed you can't even admit to doing this, reread the last dozen posts, you keep bringing up issues and totally ignoring our responses.

Thats a red herring. We are not discussing alcohol, we are discussing marijuana. If this were an alcohol topic it would make sense, but it is not, so that is completely off topic.
As absinthe said, no it's not off topic at all. Weed is a drug, alcohol is a drug, alcohol is worse for your health than pot - yet pot is illegal. Hypocrisy. If you can't figure that out I wonder what your memory is like without the aid of cannabis.

They are not all different than what he has been saying for the past 10 posts. They are all similar in nature, saying that it should be legal because he doesn't see a reason it should be illegal. The jail issue, negative effect issue, they all fall into that category.
Lier. In those bold bits of text I explain WHY they shouldn't be illegal. Reason why they shouldn't be illegal, not because I don't see a reason. You've ignored all my points again, and continue to show yourself as an arrogant poster.
Challenge for you; Go through my list of "why cannabis should be legal" points, 1-11, and explain how they fit into your above description, and then try and respond to them - explaining how keeping the substance illegal helps on each issue. If you don't I'll assume it's because you can't, and once again logic and common sense will prevail and cannabis wins the debate - AGAIN. I wish you guys would at least try to make an effort, rather than relying on a "drugs are illegal and bad" approach to all our comments.

DINGDINGDINGDINGDINGDINGDINGDING! You are right! Murder is different than smoking pot! Thats why murder carries with it a heaftiry sentance than pot does.
Not entirely true in many cases. If somebody is trying to steal a person's handbag, and in the struggle stabs them, they can be in and out of prison quicker than somebody caught with an ounce of hash.
Also, as Absinthe mentioned, you need to explain WHY people who smoke cannabis deserve to be locked up in the first place. They haven't hurt anybody; No victim, no crime.

I call bullshit on that sir! As the status quo is that marijuana is illegal, and you are trying to change the status quo, your job as the affirmative is to prove harms in the current system and explain why it should be changed. My job as the negative is to point out flaws in your logic and propose new arguments to defend the status quo.
Erm... each of my 11 points shows harm caused by the system, you've just ignored them - and with you now quitting this debate I think you know dam well that they are right, and you can't retaliate against them, except by saying: "All your points are the same" (They're not, read them again slowly) and "You're just arguing that it should be legal because it's illegal" (again, you miss the entirity of all the points.

Where did I say it creates permanent long term memory loss? Overuse creates permanent short term memory loss, which is what I said you, you, you liar you!
Ah, so the people who don't overuse it don't deserve to be punished then? Because that's been your argument so far; it should be illegal because it causes memory loss. Which, by the way, is a load of crap anyway. "Yes, cannabis can mess up your life if you smoke it too much, so just to make sure that dosen't happen we'll mess your life up for you by putting you behind bars for a few years. <--- READ THIS!!!! THIS IS WHY IT SHOULD NOT BE ILLEGAL READ IT DAM YOU! THE LAW IS SCREWING UP PEOPLE'S LIVES! DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH HARDER IT IS TO GET A DECENT JOB AFTER DOING TIME? DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD IT IS TO BE IN PRISON FOR A FEW YEARS? DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY EX-PRISONERS REOFFEND BECAUSE IT'S SO HARD GETTING BACK ON TRACK AFTER PRISON? PLEASE EXPLAIN HOW LOCKING PEOPLE UP 'HELPS' DRUG PROBLEMS.
What the hell are you talking about with China? You mean the country that went to war over opium? Red herring and bad comparison? Different drug/country/topic.

When did I call myself a law abiding citizen? I just don't want to see marijuana legalized because of what I have seen it do to former friends of mine. You keep hawking away about it being easier to get. Maybe for someone who has been getting it for the past ten years? It’s easier right now for a majority of people to get alcohol than it is for them to get marijuana.
So you'd rather your friends spend a few years behind bars? DO you not see that its messed your mates up not because it's illegal, but because they abused it? Do you not see that bad things still happened when it was illegal?
The majority of over 21s in the US, yes. Not kids though. No ID, no sale of beer. Cannabis has no barriers to stop kids buying it.

Flip flopping? Are you high right now?
You live in America! Oh, never mind then! Your word is gold!
Sorry, weren't you saying earlier that your friends got lazy on pot and therefore your personal experience meant that it should be illegal?

Are you drunk right now? You seem violent.

So do I, it doesn't make your opinion any more valid than mine. As for repeating stuff 11 times, see above to when I replied to him. As for it bringing in a revolution for new power and such, that’s all hippie propaganda being pushed into your pipes, if you had any proof I would have liked to see it. But after this post I am not looking back to this thread and I assume it will go, for lack up better words, up in smoke.
We aren't putting opinion, we're putting fact. You are saying that cannabis is immoral and should be illegal because that's the law. That, my friend, is opinion.
Cannabis can and has been in the past used to make rope, clothes, wood substitute, car chasis's (the first ford car was designed to run on cannabis and the chasis was made out of cannabis) and paper (The declaration on independance is written on hemp paper). It is also believed that cannabis can be used as a green energy source, and as mentioned before, which you ignored again, grows in 90 days and can grow in adverse conditions - bingo, plenty of green energy.

To end this: I am NOT TELLING YOU PEOPLE NOT TO SMOKE. Go smoke, do whatever the hell you want. Just because you smoke marijuana doesn’t mean you need to think it should be illegal. As one poster said, he smokes it and is successful. That’s very good, and despite what you very nice people said I never assumed that was impossible or improbable. But he also said he doesn’t want his kids smoking it.
So what's your argument? That we can smoke it, but we should go to jail for doing so? That kids shouldn't smoke it, and it being illegal prevents that now?
And while you're not telling people not to smoke it, you are serving as a great pro-weed advertisment; all your arguments have been debunked, you have hardly attempted to tackle our arguments, and you've come across as an insulting, arrogant, narrowminded person; if I didn't smoke weed I'd start right now after seeing what NOT smoking weed can do to you.

I just need a hug.
You need more than that.

Next time you enter into a debate, try debating, and not just using it as an outlet to vent your hatred towards the immoral drug use in the world. Try repsonding to other people's points, and not repeating the same, already answered points, over and over. We've gone in one big circle, your argument has gone nowhere further than "it's illegal so you're a criminal if you do it so you deserve to be locked up".

Don't do drugs, you don't deserve them.

PS: Thank you to all the anti-weed people who made an effort in this debate.
Heh. "Lying shitdicks" was changed to "very nice people".
The Truth About Marijuana

An hour-long interview with the communications director of the Marijuana Policy Project. Might not want to bother with it if you don't have the patience, but I found it quite interesting.
Any seasoned pro-pot debater should know most of what is said.

Alcohol is worse.
Kids today are smoking more weed than they are cigarettes.
The Drug War pretty much only remains because it gives jobs to a lot of people.
There's no evidence that links marijuana consumption to lung cancer.
Withdrawal symptoms only exist in real heavy long-time users, and they're very mild (and very rare).
If you were to ever overdose on THC, you'd need to smoke 500 pounds in one minute.
Laws against marijuana were based on absolutely irrational and untrue BS.
700,000 people are arrested per year on marijuana charges.

...did you know that the Constitution of the United States was written on hemp paper? ;)

I knew most of the stuff before I listened to it, sans a few things and minor details. I'm only linking to it because I think some anti-weed people should give it a listen, and it should be informative to those who don't know a lot about the subject. Plus, it's nice to have your own views verified. :)

ADDED: "If you're a college student and you commit rape, you don't get your student loans taken away. If you get caught with a joint, you can. Explain that one to me."
It will be abused. Making it easier to get will not ease the tensions. People are using over-the-counter medicines now to get high, imagine if mary jane was OTC.
I <3 burner and absinthe.

I'm going to type a massive post in this thread tomorrow.
Absinthe said:
ADDED: "If you're a college student and you commit rape, you don't get your student loans taken away. If you get caught with a joint, you can. Explain that one to me."

Maybe anti-pot people love rape? No wonder they cant get laid...j/k

But seriously can you name any drug, besides marijuana, that you can't OD on?
AzzMan said:
But seriously can you name any drug, besides marijuana, that you can't OD on?

You can OD on marijuana, its just very difficult because you'd be coughing up your lungs by the time you inhaled enough.
bliink said:
You can OD on marijuana, its just very difficult because you'd be coughing up your lungs by the time you inhaled enough.

In a practical sense I mean. Its easy to down a bottle of pills or booze or shoot yourself up or smoke crack/coke until your heart stops, but smoke yourself to death on weed? I'd love to see someone try. I tried smoking a whole quarter ounce to myself, only reason I stopped is cause I was too high to pack another bowl :smoking: (awesome trip when i went to sleep btw, but thats a whole nother matter...)
It's not just practically impossible.. it is impossible..
You'd need to smoke 1500 lb. in under fifteen minutes..
Thats what, almost 2 pounds a second?
Ikerous said:
It's not just practically impossible.. it is impossible..
You'd need to smoke 1500 lb. in under fifteen minutes..
Thats what, almost 2 pounds a second?

Well I sure could try. Anyone wanna donate some cannabis in the name of science? :)
Ikerous said:
It's not just practically impossible.. it is impossible..
You'd need to smoke 1500 lb. in under fifteen minutes..
Thats what, almost 2 pounds a second?

Either way, its not the marijuana you're OD'ing on.. its that chemical inside.. i forgot its name.. has three letters as the abreviation..

anyway, drink a bottle of that and you will OD
bliink said:
Either way, its not the marijuana you're OD'ing on.. its that chemical inside.. i forgot its name.. has three letters as the abreviation..

anyway, drink a bottle of that and you will OD

Lol XD Thats like saying if you took 1500 pounds of hamburger meat and compacted it into a lil cube and swallowed it you'd die

How awesome would it be to have a bottle of thc though... man..
Ikerous said:

Lol XD Thats like saying if you took 1500 pounds of hamburger meat and compacted it into a lil cube and swallowed it you'd die

How awesome would it be to have a bottle of thc though... man..

I'm sure it would last me the rest of my life ;)
Ikerous said:

Lol XD Thats like saying if you took 1500 pounds of hamburger meat and compacted it into a lil cube and swallowed it you'd die

How awesome would it be to have a bottle of thc though... man..

yeah exactly my point... its like someone saying "you can't OD on coca cola!" .. in reality, you can OD on anything... :p
bliink said:
yeah exactly my point... its like someone saying "you can't OD on coca cola!" .. in reality, you can OD on anything... :p

Yeah very true. Although I think most people know that the dangers from smoking cannabis are not the risk of death by overdosing, it's the health problems asociated with its use.

What the entire argument boils down to is this:
Cannabis is a recreational drug that relaxes you, however in-part due to it being often smoked in spliffs it has several health problems linked to it, such as lung cancer and bronchitus (sp?). There is conflicting evidence on this matter however. It has also been shown to increase the chances of a person suffering from schitzophrenia (latent or otherwise) experiencing a (re)lapse. Memory loss is also an issue, but as with all of the above points it is extremely rare in anyone smoking cannabis in sensible amounts - ie not everyday.
As it stands this drug is illegal and people are being sent to prison for taking it - based on the idea that if a substance is bad for you then you must be punished for taking it; in this case with a several year jail sentence.
Many people cite the crime that weed fuels, the amount of kids who smoke it, the rising THC (Tetrehydrocannibinol :p ) count, and many other things as reason that it should stay illegal - however when looked at logically these problems would be drastically reduced if our government took control of the drug as opposed to criminals.
So all we are left with is the argument that it is bad for you if smoked irresponsibly, ie too often. The thing is, alcohol is bad if drunk too often, so is playing half life 2, so is watching tv, so is eating twinkies. So realistically the only argument that remains, after all the others have been looked at logically, is that cannabis is immoral, or evil...

So, to summarise:
Legalisation of cannabis;
1) Reduces the number of children smoking the substance
2) If Holland is anything to go by, reduced the number of people smoking the substance
3) Brings in revenue previously going into criminal activity
4) Give us the opportunity to utilise cannabis as a fuel, material, food source, medicine etc etc.
5) Prevents otherwise innocent people from being imprisoned and messing up their lives.
6) Promotes the idea of freedom
7) Stops cannabis users from coming into contact with harder drugs, sold by their dealer.
8) Would allow us to put health warnings on cannabis, explaining exactly what the known problems with it are, and how to reduce the chances of having them happen to you.
9) Would save the police, prison service and courts millions of pounds and allow them to target the real criminals such as theives and murderers.
10) Would give Joe Public an alternative to alcohol, a drug that has many more known effects on health than cannabis.
11) Would shut me up on these forums.

However we should keep cannabis illegal because;
1) Drugs are bad.
2) It is illegal and so it's a crime to take it.
3) It's immoral.

burner69 said:
However we should keep cannabis illegal because;
1) Drugs are bad.
2) It is illegal and so it's a crime to take it.
3) It's immoral.
i think you were sarcastic with that but anyway

1) they sell DRUGS at walgreens
2) "weed should be illegeal because it's illegal"?
3) immoral, shmoral