MaxiKana's Photographs

Here's a "new" one from 19th of January.

MaxiKana said:
That's actually using a maglite 3D :p

Hehe, no worries :LOL:

Last one is awesome, too. I haven't had my camera for 6 months now (my underwater enclosure flooded and getting the company to a) admit liability for giving me faulty equipment and b) sort me out with some new gear has been a nightmare) but it's due back within the next two weeks :)
Fantastic, I love the mist/clouds in the background.
As if everyone else hadn't said it enough, these are really, really impressive. Sadly I missed out on some of the earliest ones, seemse the image hosting dropped them. :(
spookymooky said:
As if everyone else hadn't said it enough, these are really, really impressive. Sadly I missed out on some of the earliest ones, seemse the image hosting dropped them. :(

My URL registration ran out, so I registered a new one, and since I cannot edit the posts to fix the urls... well..
wow lush photos! snow looks so amazing in pictures tht panaramic is amazing!
/me scracthes out bread
/me put in "MAXI"
The pictures in the original post are no longer available. I wanna see the chick with tattoos that people mentioned!
:eek: If some kind mod were to edit the posts and change to they would work :p

oh, sorry for the very wide panorama shot. I don't think it would look right if it was a smaller width.
MaxiKana said:
:eek: If some kind mod were to edit the posts and change to they would work :p

oh, sorry for the very wide panorama shot. I don't think it would look right if it was a smaller width.

Hell I couldnt even see that there WERE links there. THey were invisible to me.

EDIT: Oooooh... the girl with the tattoo's is a hotty!

I like the girl pic, the dog pics, and the slug pic the best. <grins> Very nice.
Ooooh :) Thanks alot Shippi! :)

Aand here's what people say is my best shot :eek:

Holy shit.

Amazing photos Maxi, that last one looks unbelievable. :O
You've got to be kidding :O

What an amazing shot. And the ocean to the right of the wave looks so... I don't know, but I love it.
MaxiKana said:
Ooooh :) Thanks alot Shippi! :)

Aand here's what people say is my best shot :eek:


Are you on devart? I'm only asking this bcos this photo is the best one i've ever seen! :O
That last one is awesome, keep it up maxi :)

you doing this as a hobby, or gonna try and go pro?
I'm gonna try and go pro 2008, after my military service.

Here's some of my latest ones... sorry guys for most of the pics being offline, I lost my hosting D: but they are all on deviantart anyway. Link.

Here are some from this summer/autumn:







Maxi, these are all seriously amazing. Your composition is fantastic, and your camera must be awesome.

Maybe I'm an untrained eye, for the most part, but those look completely professional to me.
Maxi, these are all seriously amazing. Your composition is fantastic, and your camera must be awesome.

Maybe I'm an untrained eye, for the most part, but those look completely professional to me.

That's exactly what I was thinking. I wish I was 1/2 the creative cameraman he is. :( I'll just blame my $150 camera...
aw wow maxi, they are beautiful.


love that, any wallpaper versions?
Sorry, not at the moment. I could make one, but atm I haven't got the time.
Hey all! About a week ago I went to Cambodia briefly for four days. Here are two shots, tell me what you think and I'll post some more later.



Maxi you are quite a photographer aren't you? In regards to the last shot of the Angkor Wat, I believe you should have taken a similar horizontal shot with the middle tower in the background slightly to the side of the monk's head.

Question for you regarding the pictures on your first post. Did you use color filters or did you do all the color editing using software?
If you really want to go professional with photography, go to a school. You'll learn that professional photography has much more to it than just a digital consumer camera. The shots look nice, yeah, but to me the pictures you shot really are not that interesting. It has all been done before a million times.

I am not trying to bash here, but giving tips. I am just saying that if you want to take photography to professional levels, go see exhibitions of some, go to open door days of art schools, and take class. It'll really make a difference, I promise.
Love the third one of the monk or whatever he is. Don't people mind you running up and taking pictures of them?
Thank you all! =) Glad I didn't buy my camera in vein.

If you really want to go professional with photography, go to a school. You'll learn that professional photography has much more to it than just a digital consumer camera. The shots look nice, yeah, but to me the pictures you shot really are not that interesting. It has all been done before a million times.

I am not trying to bash here, but giving tips. I am just saying that if you want to take photography to professional levels, go see exhibitions of some, go to open door days of art schools, and take class. It'll really make a difference, I promise.

As much as I appreciate your comment I'd like to point out that I don't have a "digital consumer camera", and I've only been shooting seriously for about a year and a half. And Photography is much more than just photography, especially when being a pro. You need to know how to market yourself, you need to know pricing, tax and budgeting. Granted, taking a class in photography probably wouldn't do harm I don't want to go to an art school and become an art photographer churning out the same kind of photography as all the other photography students I know do. Besides, since I've already been published, I can't be doing things totally wrong, can I?
Well, I fully agree that getting published is a nice feature, and knowing about the market is a good thing. But I am really trying to determine what you want to do in photography. Photography as art or for commercial purposes? Or a combination? Not an unimportant question...

Do not underestimate the power of art school: it is far from simply churning out the same as others. It is quite the opposite... It is supposed to get the creativity flowing, thinking about unique, inspiring concepts, shooting series. I ahve not yet seen you shoot series, just technical shots that have no real content. I miss stories in your photographs. I know it is just my opinion...

Also, the Canon EOS 350D (or 400D), and a Fuji Finepix are still consumer digital cameras, no matter how you put it. EOS cameras are defenately not bad (I own two myself; 300V, 300D), but professional photography to me still is film. TC. Hasselblad. dark room developing, etc.

I am not saying you are doing things wrong, I am just giving you another vision on photography, perhaps it can help you in your aims.