MaxiKana's Photographs

Also, the Canon EOS 350D (or 400D), and a Fuji Finepix are still consumer digital cameras, no matter how you put it. EOS cameras are defenately not bad (I own two myself; 300V, 300D), but professional photography to me still is film. TC. Hasselblad. dark room developing, etc.

You're incorrect in saying that professional photography is film, or even 'pro' digital. The market changed with the advent of consumer DSLR's, and I'll be damned if it takes a Canon 1Ds and thousands of pounds worth of 'L' glass to be considered 'professional' - that's the antithesis of what 'art' is, and on a more practical note, hundreds of publications use prints from d70, d100, 350d cameras, hell, I know of more than a couple of coffee table books shot entirely with a d70 - 'those second bodies' see an awful lot of use. Just because the newer DSLRs fall into a reasonable price range doesn't mean they're somehow discredited as 'prosumer' or 'consumer' models - all of them are now leaps and bounds ahead of the Canon D30, which did a modest 3MP at 3fps, and sold for three thousand dollars!

The pro vs consumer SLR and film vs. digital debates are to me just rehashes of the struggles everyone watches the audio industry go through, with the same predictable conclusions - it's about how you use the equipment you have. Consider the limited importance of the camera body in the composition of the shot in all but the most extreme conditions (extreme high ISO, motordrive-speed capture for sports, extensive flash configurations).

Besides, put your money where your mouth is, and post some photos :D I seriously reckon there should be a 'gallery' thread in here or something, I love seeing people's work
I want to see your last awesome pictures that everyone was talking about in the previous page D: D: D:
You're incorrect in saying that professional photography is film, or even 'pro' digital. The market changed with the advent of consumer DSLR's, and I'll be damned if it takes a Canon 1Ds and thousands of pounds worth of 'L' glass to be considered 'professional' - that's the antithesis of what 'art' is, and on a more practical note, hundreds of publications use prints from d70, d100, 350d cameras, hell, I know of more than a couple of coffee table books shot entirely with a d70 - 'those second bodies' see an awful lot of use. Just because the newer DSLRs fall into a reasonable price range doesn't mean they're somehow discredited as 'prosumer' or 'consumer' models - all of them are now leaps and bounds ahead of the Canon D30, which did a modest 3MP at 3fps, and sold for three thousand dollars!

The pro vs consumer SLR and film vs. digital debates are to me just rehashes of the struggles everyone watches the audio industry go through, with the same predictable conclusions - it's about how you use the equipment you have. Consider the limited importance of the camera body in the composition of the shot in all but the most extreme conditions (extreme high ISO, motordrive-speed capture for sports, extensive flash configurations).

Besides, put your money where your mouth is, and post some photos :D I seriously reckon there should be a 'gallery' thread in here or something, I love seeing people's work

I can agree with two things: yes, it is all about how you use your equipment, and that it matters not how expensive that is, as long as it suits your needs.

I highly disagree, though, that film is of no importance to go pro: both in film and photography film still is the dominant carrier, and there are good reasons for that. I am not against the digital revolution; on the contrary; I love it.
I'm not saying film is/isn't important - I'm stressing it being one of two equally viable methods of taking pictures :)
At least, over/up here film is dead. When I've been to concerts people shoot digital, magazines use digital, papers use digital. Only people who don't use digital are the ones using MF or LF and can't afford the 30.000€+ price tag associated with a good quality MF or LF back. 35mm Digital is superior to 35mm film. And saying EOS cameras aren't professional is wrong. Okay the xxxD series isn't, but I met a photographer shooting a gig for the largest commercial radio station in Finland and he was using a 20D and a 70-300 DO IS...

And I do know what I'm doing.

I want to see your last awesome pictures that everyone was talking about in the previous page D: D: D:

You don't see it? D: It should be there.

Anyway, here's another from Cambodia.

Where are you dude? I love seeing your work. Come back! :p
In the army baby, or rather the Navy. And ofcourse I'm serving as a military photographer =)

(Compulsary military service)
"New" shots!

I'm sorry, but I can't publish any of my army shots here... however if you'd like to see some of my work for the finnish navy, check out this link. Maanantai, Tiistai, Keskiviikko, Torstai, Friday are all days of the week (Monday through Friday) Click on them to see the photos. Them with Max Edin underneath are mine.



Awesome photographs. You do a great job at capturing emotion.
Sorry for not posting anything for a long time... here's some from last week!














i love the last one of the firework pics, those previous shots were awesome too of the swimming etc.
great photos, you have a great eye for taking in the right moment. i'd like to see more unusual angles/exposures too, some photos are too documentary so to speak.

i really haven't appreciated your stuff as much as I do now, but i've gone into photo myself and have a friend who's pretty much a brilliant artsy photographer who's taught me a bit
Thanks guys!

Just as a sort of report thing, I just(two weeks ago) bought a 40D, and with 10 days left of the army, I should start posting photos more often!
Sorry, I've had to delete them from the FTP they were on, since it got full and it isn't for my photos. But do not worry, I will very soon get a site of my own. So until then you'll have to do with my deviantart.
Right then... some updates.

I've kind of stopped taking arty shots and have concentrated on photojournalism. Taking photos for student magazines, friends and stuff. Currently having a friend of mine who is a web designer help me to create a webpage for me and when that's done it's time to start an toiminimi (I think thats an LLC in the US? ) and start photography as a freelance PJ. I've done a few "mugshots" for a magazine so just to help future buisness I thought I'd start an LLC.

Oh, and here are some shots.