May 2005 Forum awards!

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Axyon said:
With the quite trollish nature you've been taking recently, it's very hard to tell. But, if you insist.
Does this mean I'm on ya'lls watch list? ;)
oh drats! I'm not good with names. I don't know who any of you are. I'm such a turd.
I can't wait for Ritz to come in and badmouth this thread.
Best member: qckbeam
Best Mod: SpuD
worst member: Banimal
worst mod: Banimal
Whinest member/mod: that dude who complained about salty semen
Most annoying member/mod: Ritz
Coolest member/mod: sheepy
Most intelligent member/mod: theGreenBunny (also 2nd friendliest :))
Most friendly member/mod: Neutrino
Best member/mod's Avatar: My old one (sorry guys :D)
Worst member/mod's Avatar: lePobz
Best potential Mod: Everyone except for Vegtables699

Thanks, morningstar! Wow I've never been best member before! <3!
Best member - Me, duh.
Best Mod - Bliink I dunno
worst member - Chav
worst mod - Dont know
Whinest member - Chav
Most annoying member - Chav
Coolest member - Bad^Hat
Most intelligent member - Dont know.
Most friendly member - Me, you idiot.
Best members avatar - Bad^Hats
Worst members avatar - Chav
Best potential Mod - I wouldnt know.

edit: ship why do I want to badmouth this thread? Doesnt seem anything wrong with it.
SimonomiS said:
Slightly dislike Chav then Ritz?

Hey everyone so far seems to have me down as hated member, and I dont feel like putting myself, next one down is Chav.
Stigmata and Erestheux are the only ones who've put you down for something negative.
Ritz said:
Hey everyone so far seems to have me down as hated member, and I dont feel like putting myself, next one down is Chav.
Hell...I've been put down as the most annoying/whinest more than 3 times. :| Then add on no one likes my avatar... (The stars'n bars are staying boys and girls...get use to them. ;)).
Tr0n said:
Hell...I've been put down as the most annoying/whinest more than 3 times. :| Then add on no one likes my avatar... (The stars'n bars are staying boys and girls...get use to them. ;)).

I like your avatar as it reminds me of dudes of hazards, which was evily cheesy.
Tr0n said:
Hell...I've been put down as the most annoying/whinest more than 3 times. :| Then add on no one likes my avatar... (The stars'n bars are staying boys and girls...get use to them. ;)).

But I don't think anyone hates it either. Kinda neutral.

Dudes of Hazard...?
Dukes of Hazzard?
SimonomiS said:
Stigmata and Erestheux are the only ones who've put you down for something negative.

No one else had the guts, the wimps :P
SimonomiS said:
But I don't think anyone hates it either. Kinda neutral.

Dudes of Hazard...?
Dukes of Hazzard?
Dukes of Hazzard, dude.
Why does this thread exist?
... May isn't over yet... things could change. :(
Datrix said:
Why does this thread exist?
... May isn't over yet... things could change. :(

Speaking of worst/best avatars, is that from war of the worlds trailer? I been trying to figer out what it is, and it seems like a clip from that.
Ritz said:
Speaking of worst/best avatars, is that from war of the worlds trailer? I been trying to figer out what it is, and it seems like a clip from that.

It is, just very fast and very small. Is the size limit really THAT small?
Ritz said:
Speaking of worst/best avatars, is that from war of the worlds trailer? I been trying to figer out what it is, and it seems like a clip from that.
Yay! :D
Someone actually knows its from WotW! :bounce:
It's the bridge destruction scene. :E

SimonomiS said:
It is, just very fast and very small. Is the size limit really THAT small?
Unfortunately, that is the maximum size limit :( . I had to work with it for half an hour to get it to fit.
Ritz said:
No one else had the guts, the wimps :P
Teeheehee. <3

If we had a Best Post, I would say one of Datrix's posts a few days ago. I don't feel like finding it, though, haha.
bliink said:
"People who confuse me"

Oh shit, but that would mean banning the entire forum though?

It has been nice knowing you all :(.
Razor said:
Oh shit, but that would mean banning the entire forum though?

It has been nice knowing you all :(.
O shit, I want to change my "Best Avatar" to Razor's!
Ritz said:
I like your avatar as it reminds me of dudes of hazards, which was evily cheesy.
That is my new sig.


Dukes btw. ;)
Datrix said:
Unfortunately, that is the maximum size limit :( . I had to work with it for half an hour to get it to fit.

Couldn't you cut out a few frames? Use a few less colours maybe? I'm sure people have managed to get decent animated avatars on here...

In other news, new (new) avatar! The Easter Ferret was just temporary.
SimonomiS said:
Couldn't you cut out a few frames? Use a few less colours maybe? I'm sure people have managed to get decent animated avatars on here...
Oh trust me, I took out as many colours as I could (still allowing it to look decent), plus I removed 1/4 of the frames and shrunk it to 45p wide.
You can see its evolution of getting on this site:

- Version 1 (I actually thought this might fit :P)

- Version 2

- Version 3

- Version 4

- Version 5
Datrix said:
Oh trust me, I took out as many colours as I could (still allowing it to look decent), plus I removed 1/4 of the frames and shrunk it to 45p wide.
You can see its evolution of getting on this site:

- Version 1 (I actually thought this might fit :P)

- Version 2

- Version 3

- Version 4

- Version 5

That sucks. Petition for larger avatars! (file-size, not actual space taken up.)

1 more day = last chance to try and get people to award you.
Erestheux said:
Back on topic, or I'll close this, then ban you.
Yes sir...

... actually, it sorta is on topic... this thread includes the selection of best avatar, and they wanted to know what mine was so they could vote it as the best at :E
Best Avatar = Datrix-if-the-limit-would-let-him-upload-the-first-one.
* Datrix imagines with a 3mb avatar size limit, where he would be able to put miniature movies for display *
Ritz said:
edit: ship why do I want to badmouth this thread? Doesnt seem anything wrong with it.
Just teasin'.
You've been down on a lot of threads lately.
ship said:
Just teasin'.
You've been down on a lot of threads lately.

Im just one of the many people annoyed with the ammount of spam going around latly.
Best member - Suicide42?
Best Mod - Danimal! Bliink aslo
Most annoying member/mod - Bodacious (former ones count, right?)
Coolest member/mod - CB
Most intelligent member/mod - Stigmata
Most friendly member/mod - RJMC!
Best member/mod's Avatar - Mine, soz.
Worst member/mod's Avatar - Tr0n :P
Best potential Mod - Can you guys make me a mod? :D
Most sexually orientated member - Orientated towards what??? North?
Ritz said:
Im just one of the many people annoyed with the ammount of spam going around latly.
I know. You're good like that. :)
Best member: CREMATOR666
Best Mod: The Dark Elf
Worst member:Takashi Shimura
Worst mod: Pi Mu Rho
Whinest member/mod: N/A
Most annoying member/mod: ríomhaire
Coolest member/mod: Angry Lawyer
Most intelligent member/mod: Mechagodzilla
Most friendly member/mod: Danimal
Best member/mod's Avatar: ComradeBadger
Worst member/mod's Avatar: Tr0n
Best potential Mod: Jandor
DoctorWeeTodd said:
Best Mod: The Dark Elf

Er, yeah. You do realise that he's not been a mod for months now, don't you?
Best member: TrippyG
Best Mod: TrippyG
worst member: TrippyG
worst mod: TrippyG
Whinest member/mod: TrippyG
Most annoying member/mod: TrippyG
Coolest member/mod: TrippyG
Most intelligent member/mod: TrippyG
Most friendly member/mod: TrippyG
Best member/mod's Avatar: TrippyG
Worst member/mod's Avatar: TrippyG
Best potential Mod: TrippyG

I'm not selfish... :D
Best member - Mechagodzilla/Kirovman/AJ Rimmer/Jimbo118
Best Mod - CrazyHarijj, Comradebadger and Axyon
worst member - Takashi Shimura and Eber
Whinest member/mod - Eber
Most annoying member/mod - Eber/Takashi Shimura
Coolest member/mod - Kirovman/Angry Lawyer
Most intelligent member/mod - Mechagodzilla/Kirovman
Most friendly member/mod - Kirovman
Best member/mod's Avatar - Samon/Gorgon :D
Worst member/mod's Avatar - Chav

Teh all time best :thumbs:
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