May you kindly discuss Plot Twists/Spoilers/Ending here (WARNING: NO SPOILER TAGS!)


Aug 29, 2003
Reaction score
In the interest of not breaking the rules and not ruining the undoubted enjoyment you will have with Bioshock, MAY YOU KINDLY DO NOT READ THIS THREAD if you have not completed the game. This thread is for the interest of discussing "forbidden fruits" freely without it being spoiler tag-heavy thread.

So my friend and I finished Bioshock last night at 2:30am. No, we did not "breeze" through it. When my friend played, he explored all the nooks, especially Fleet Theatre and the Apiary while when I played, I mostly followed the objectives. With that said, I think the plot of this game was one of the best I've ever seen, better than Half-Life 2 (yes, I said it).

When you meet Andrew Ryan in his office, his dialogue with you was so chilling and cool in a metaphysical way. The "May you kindly" scene downright cool. It's like the game told us to do it, because Atlas told us to do it, so we did it. So it's basically saying that gamers are slaves. BUT what about our choices with the Little Sisters? So was Ryan a good guy, albeit crazy, after all? His death scene nonetheless was too cool. I only wish I can do it myself.

I must say I was surprised Atlas turned out bad, or not Atlas at all. The fact that the whole thing had to do with your family connections wasn't too surprising since that's the first thing said in the entire game.

I thought the boss fight to be overly derivative despite the advances in gameplay everywhere else. Instead of destroying the boss' crystals, healing stations etc. it's Adam. I would have liked to have used plasmids for the boss fight, but a shotgun/nade launcher combo was all sufficient.

Now for the ending. Alot of reviewers said it was abrupt and bad. I agree. I don't know whether there are 2 endings, one if you kill the sisters, another if you save, but my friend and I voted on saving them. I have a feeling it will be the weaker ending betwen the two except them pwning Fontaine. The "looking forward into the future" ending was so UNLIKE Bioshock I was surprised and disappointed.

So what of Rapture? What of the Doctor? By the way, I wouldn't be surprised if there's a sequel or expansion that will explore "the rest" of Bioshock. I was expecting a huge kaboom-city-destroyed ending.

And "being" a Big Daddy was genius. A huge "you're a f***ing genius" award to whoever thought that up.
Im pretty much at the end, but I killed all the little sisters so if its any different I'll just edit the post, but yeah the "Would you kindly" and the big daddy thing are awesome. Would've even been alot more awesome if you could get the rivet gun the other Big Daddies use D: That would've been badass.
best game I ever played,the ending was very sad :(
Ending A - Save the girls, family, blah, blah.
Ending B - Power hungry bastard, splicers being unleashed, fades out on what appears to be a nuclear weapon (on the Sub).
I didn't like Ending B too much. I felt like it just basically told me "Bad shit happens". I've would've liked to hear a bit more bout myself other than "You became an asshole. End"
I just realized (being the dumb idiot I am). The "ghosts" weren't ghosts, they were flashbacks.
Endings were incredibly disappointing. Everything is just perfect 10 up until then. It's like not only is the game influenced by the 1930s and 40s, but it also ends like a movie from the 40s too. Saving the Little Sisters anyway is. The other ending is ridiculous in its own right. I harvested two sisters maybe, and saved all the other ones and suddenly I'm a power hungry Adam eater who wants to take over the world with an army of splicers? I was expecting something more complex and philosophical with a game filled to the brim with Objectivist philosophy and Morality and Ethics in general. ESPECIALLY from the creators of System Shock.

But the endings are my only complaint I guess.
So atlus is a bad guy? Ive only gotten as far as the farmers market. Plus i save all the little sisters. Now that I know some of the story but not enough I want to finish it.
I just like hearing endings of games cause I got nothing better to do. So yes i wanted to know the ending.
i didn't read the above posts but this is just for the ENDING discussion yeah?
Yes, everything after Andrew Ryan's office basically. So if you haven't gotten that far yet, you probably shouldn't be here. ^^
I can be anywere I want:farmer: lol I just wanted to know a few parts of the ending so when I saw this post I figured id find it here.
Who here killed the stage performer bastard, i.e the bunny? He sent me on whack job missions and sets splicers on me out of frustration. At the end he came down in his "glory", lol, and I was really pissed at him. He put me thorugh tons of bs. So we had a little boss fight and I got the key to that lock. Plus I loved the dead bodies with slashed throats in plaster. The doctors were insane with molding the faces too. What I think what happened to Rapture is that it caved in. With no maintenance and the place leaking it was bound to happen. Never trusted Atlas for one second. I never trusted anybody down there so why should I trust a citizen? My beliefs were confirmed with the "don't trust Atlas" on the walls and the loud speakers calling Atlas a loser. Something told me that many people hated Atlas for some reason lol.
I killed him too... then went and looted his office! :p

The game was good, but waaaay too short. I sat down last night thinking I'd play for about an hour an a half and still have at least another good day left in it, but I ended up being at the end in under half an hour...
Who here killed the stage performer bastard, i.e the bunny? He sent me on whack job missions and sets splicers on me out of frustration. At the end he came down in his "glory", lol, and I was really pissed at him. He put me thorugh tons of bs. So we had a little boss fight and I got the key to that lock. Plus I loved the dead bodies with slashed throats in plaster. The doctors were insane with molding the faces too. What I think what happened to Rapture is that it caved in. With no maintenance and the place leaking it was bound to happen. Never trusted Atlas for one second. I never trusted anybody down there so why should I trust a citizen? My beliefs were confirmed with the "don't trust Atlas" on the walls and the loud speakers calling Atlas a loser. Something told me that many people hated Atlas for some reason lol.

I killed him then looted the box but then I saw that I didn't need the cash or the incendiary bolts. So I reloaded my last save and left him alive. I don't know if that's why he let me in his apartment in that zone before appolo square. Did you get in his apartment?
I killed him then looted the box but then I saw that I didn't need the cash or the incendiary bolts. So I reloaded my last save and left him alive. I don't know if that's why he let me in his apartment in that zone before appolo square. Did you get in his apartment?
I didn't even know that he had an apartment. Gonna have to raid it next time lol. I did get the thing he gave me though and the present that was locked up. I'm not good enough my ass lol.
As a musician myself, I actually liked the guy, so I didn't end up killing him. Very tempted to though.
Yea, I'm a musician, and I actually liked him. I kept him alive, but I was sorely tempted to kill him.
Who pulled the lever killing the supposed Atlas family? I did and I felt really sad about Atlas after that.
Just finished it about 10 minutes ago. I knew it was coming to an end a while ago, after Ryan's death, and I said to myself I'd continue tomorrow so I don't feel guilty about completing it over a weekend. But seeing that I'v got ALOT of college work to do I just thought frag it, I'll go to the end. And what an end, although it was typical boss stuff really but it was damned fun. I literally went through just about every attack plasmid just so I could waste all 9 of my EVE injections. Got the bad ending, which was alright but it ended abruptly, as in the background music just cut off and that was it. I was expected some really nice credits too, maybe even some pictures of the game, of the develpers and their comments/thanks like at the end of GOW, but it turns out it's just a boring scroll of writing over the main title screen. :( Ah well.

When I've got my college work all sussed out I'm going to go through it again and this time soak it all in. Alot of the time I wasn't listening or couldn't hear the audio blogs, and I never had the patience to sit around and listen to them, so that's a priority this time. I'm sure I didn't get them all, either, so that's something else to do. Also going to explore more of Fort Frolic, Olympus Heights and that other place towards the end, as I was far too involved in the story/mission to want to detract and go for a wander.
I just finished 5 minutes ago lol. I got the nice ending yet it was sad. I really hope there will be a second bioshock or something cause this game rocked. Still I knew what my ending would be. The part were you dress up like big daddy was a hit. :LOL: Im gonna start playing it over in hard mode cause I want the achivement. I still think the part were you kill ryan is kinda sick cause he didn't have to make you kill him. Another thing I don't understand is why was atlus/fontaine So intrested in that sub. Did he really have a family or friend inside of it? Its confuseing. And can you do anything but pull that lever or is there another way?
Thinking of that part (above), it was one of the major clues that Atlas is not who he appears. There's no way he could have survived those splicers. Johnny died in the beginning to just one and I'm pretty sure he said he had a gun.

I'm quite curious what was on that sub. My third replay (going with what *I* think I would do, on hard). I'll look for clues once I get through Neptune's Bounty.

As well, I'm going to check out Fontaine's House for the Poor this time through. It's a big part of the story and I basically walked right past it.

I might also make a list of all the (major) diary characters known deaths. The only one I remember from the first play-through (besides the chick hanging in front of Ryan's office) is Suchong getting drilled by a big daddy. But perhaps I'll do that after this play-through (i'll be making sure I find every nook and cranny, every diary entry, etc)
Well maybe it was a ton of adam on the sub or someone atlus/fonetaine cared about. I searched the home for the poor it was kinda sick. Its were i found another little sis and big daddy. And a ton of splicers.
I might also make a list of all the (major) diary characters known deaths. The only one I remember from the first play-through (besides the chick hanging in front of Ryan's office) is Suchong getting drilled by a big daddy. But perhaps I'll do that after this play-through (i'll be making sure I find every nook and cranny, every diary entry, etc)

McDough (is that how you spell it?) is also one of the charred corpses hanging in the hall outside Ryan's office. Two of the major characters that I lost track of were Diane McLintock and Sullivan. Anyone remember what happened to them?
Did Suchong get drilled?

I remember him hitting his daughter, thus getting the BD to react.

Anyway, Ken Levine said that one of the big plot reveals was done through an audio-log. Which audio log was that?
I don't recall Sullivan clearly, I've been on a ZM-spree (played from about 6pm - 6am the other day), and I'm going out of town for a bit. Hmm. EDIT: Oh, is he the guy who started work on the bomb? Or was that something with a 'k'. As I said my super-detailed replay is just nearing Neptune's Bounty. ReEDIT: PLaying through a bit of Neptune's Bounty, Sullivan is the security chief, and I'm pretty sure he ate a bullet/splicer claw when he tried to take out Fontaine. Pretty sure.

All I know for sure about Diane is she was wounded when Fontaine released his splicers on New Years 59, she went to Steinman, and from there I'm not sure. I'm pretty sure she survived Steinman, didn't she?

Speaking of people who ended up on Ryan's wall, I really enjoyed that part of the game and story: everyone trying to get to Ryan during all the chaos, what they were willing to do to reach him, and then you being the one to succeed after what they tried.

Yes: Suchong was drilled. When you find that log, look at the corpse on the table. I mean, it *could* be an assistant or something, but since Suchong was the one who pissed it off, I'm guessing that's his body with a giant drill stuck in it :p.
I don't know of any specific audio log that reveals plot extensively. Perhaps one of Suchong's that refers to Jack.

Also: I don't know if everyone caught this and it's interesting: You are also susceptible to "Would you kindly" in text form, as the hijacking kit/gift asks you to kindly wait until something to open it.
Sullivan was the the one who killed Coulpeper (Spelling may be off here) after she made the Sander Cochen parody.
I think Diane was killed somewhere in the House for the Poor. The last log of her I found has her meeting Atlas, being welcomed into his bunch, and then nothing.
If you get to Atlas' safehouse, there are two logs that overlap. One where you can hear Fontaine change his voice back to Atlas, as you can hear Diane say 'I can't wait to tell Atlas'. That very phrase is also the end of her log, that you find on her body. I think.
Last bit of re-playing for tonight and then sleep, heh. Now I'm curious if they'll do a sequel though it may be hard with multiple endings, since Ryan is quite possibly still alive. Suchong said Vita Chambers are calibrated to Ryan (working with you because of the primitive DNA scanners or whatever)

Hmmm, sequel... At point of ending, assuming Ryan is alive, Fontaine dead, but Little Sisters could go either way...

You take control of splicer hordes as new king of Rapture and play with your new little sister friends/super-adam'd powers, but US/UK (or would it be called Great Britain then?) whatever military investigating the plane hijacking invades. Splicers turn on you and you're forced to flee the crumbling city, now being pummeled by depth charges, heavy weapons fire, and the ravages of years of leaks.

It could work...?
the game didnt really leave itself any viable way of being a series....but that could be a good thing, I think it was very well done.
2k would be stupid not to try to pump more money out of this franchise.
Just playing through again now, at the Medical Pavillion. I NEVER went inside that funeral service place. Scary stuff. And the dentist, too. Not as scary as the splicer behind you at Fort Frolic but still.
Rapture, as of now, still stands. I can imagine some other story taking place in the unexplored parts of Rapture.
i read that if you leave cohen alive you will come across him later at his apartment and he'll give you a free plasmid.

However, i did not. After he opened that cage, i thought for a moment and delivered an electric 00 buck warning shot to his face starting a drawn out fight. Then i photographed his corpse and tried to place the pic on his artpiece unsucessfully. I later found out that had i been playing the 360 version, i'd have gotten the irony achievement just for taking the snapshot.

So far i know Suchong got big daddy'd
Ryan died like a man
Steinmann died by your hand
Cohen could be left alive or not, depending on your actions
Anna Coulpepper was assassinated
Fontaine is the final boss
Tenembaum survives
Some girl that was trying to get at ryan by sleeping with those who had his info ended up on the wall
The emp bombmaker guy was "dissappeared"
Irish lady who laments at having her daughter little sisterized commits suicide with her husband
paparazzi guy dies next to his camera
Diane McClintock breaks up with ryan, falls for "Atlas" and becomes part of the rebellion
Peaches dies by your guns
A Stripper who was pregnant with Ryan's baby was assassinated with a lead pipe by ryan (i think)
Botanist Lady was gassed by ryan

can't remember the fates of any other characters off the top of my head now