Me banning Maj :)

modDB was based really heavily off deviant art but it added its own features and subheadings, that picture shows your stole the same headings and even the same completion bar. When Scotts back off his world tour he's coding version 2 which will be 6 steps ahead of that clone :)
azz0r said:
modDB was based really heavily off deviant art but it added its own features and subheadings, that picture shows your stole the same headings and even the same completion bar. When Scotts back off his world tour he's coding version 2 which will be 6 steps ahead of that clone :)

Its not really a clone, we're not even focusing on the same thing. I can admit that the mod page looks like moddb, but thats it really.

Release date is about 1-2 weeks from here.
azz0r said:
well its so highly similar

Heh, come back when you can read kid. Also, i dont see what all the fuzz are 'bout. We wont kill each others. Moddb is a database for mods, .Dev is a database for articles amd tutorials for modding. The modpages is just a small part of the page.