Medal of Honor: Pacific Assualt demo

Wtf? I tried playing on all high settings and witha 1600x1200 rez and it took about 6 mins to load the map, then when it was done, my fps in-game was about 2. What rez is everyone else playing on?
simmo said:
DAMMIT!! if I wasnt playing World Of Warcraft I would have this by now ;(
thats your punishment for being able to be in the WoW beta you dirty, dirty man
kungfucheez said:
Wtf? I tried playing on all high settings and witha 1600x1200 rez and it took about 6 mins to load the map, then when it was done, my fps in-game was about 2. What rez is everyone else playing on?

i play at 1024 x 768, and it takes a long time for the map to load for everyone, what are your specs?
Epyon said:
i play at 1024 x 768, and it takes a long time for the map to load for everyone, what are your specs?

Well my specs are: P4 2.5ghz, 768 mb ram, Ati 9800pro 128mb card

I also just tried loading it a second time and it loaded much faster yet again, as soon as I got in-game my fps dropped to maybe 5 or so However game runs ok when i look at the ground :) Well, do you know how to change the res? Seems that option menu only comes up once
just go to the start menu and go to EA Games and then under MOH PA demo there should be MOH PA Configuration Tool.
Tredoslop said:
Bastards! I want to play.:(
I'll have to wait. I hate File front. I lost my place in line after waiting 25 minutes even though they said I'd be ready in 6.
Then I watched a recorded ISKA US Open World Karate weapons form video which I wanted to see.
I'm using Fileplanet right's a lot better.

it took exactly 27 minutes to dl ..I waited 18 minutes in line problems
Mmm 60kb/sec :D

My phat pipe appears to be not phat enough.
CptStern said:
it took exactly 27 minutes to dl ..I waited 18 minutes in line problems

Holy shit 27 min? Its taking me over 3 hours on Broadband.

@kungfucheez - Turn your resolution down to 1024 x 768 and turn off AA.
Jippi!!!!!! if you guys on 9700 and 9800 pros can get that beautiful graphic, WHAT can i get with my X800XT PE then? :O :O :O :O :O
:thumbs: Great demo, but too quick. Anyways I thought, GOD DAMN! Character models are beautiful, better looking than any game I have played so far. The physics are cool, but you don't really get to mess with it that much. I am on a x800 Pro 512 333 DDR Ram, sucker ran smooth as a mofo @ 1280x1024 all settings on high, but no AA or AF. It's pretty intense as well, I love this game!

500 Megs for that little much of gameplay! Imagine how big the final release is going to be!
The key to getting a framerate above 3 or 4 FPS is turning down texture detail from high to medium. It worked for me (I was getting about 3 FPS on an ATI 9700 Pro, 1024MB of RAM, and a 3GHz cpu). The demo itself is...ok. It wasn't spectacular in my opinion. I've played many WWII games, and this seemed rather run-of-the-mill. I've been looking forward to the game to be quite honest, especially after seeing some really impressive technology demos. However from a tech standpoint it did not impress me all that much. The opening with the soldiers face was quite impressive, but after that it was rather, and I hate to say this, blah. Soldiers seemed to have a sort of strange glow to them, physics are quite spasmatic and very, very jerky, something was going on with the shadows that I can't exaplain, but they seemed to jitter and jump (not the traditional aliasing seen normally with shadow maps, jittering of a different sort). The post processing effects were nice, and the amount of action that could be going on all at once was impressive I guess. Still neither thing is new. Overall I came away rather unimpressed.
All I can say... Impressive


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Well, after changing the res down I finnaly got it to run well, thanks for the help.

Now about the demo, It was very intense I felt, much more intense then cod but was over way too quickly. The AI wasnt all that impressive either , they seem to clip into things and make some very stupid choices most of the time but its an improvement. Graphics wise, Not all that wonderful since I had to turn my res down but ill try to get it higher. The physics were a nice touch and made a big difference when choosing what to take cover behind and its coolh wo you can shoot those small tanks of gas and they fly forward and explode:) Overall I thought it was a nice demo but way too short
there are supposed to be 2 more demos: 2 multiplayer demos
Harryz said:
Holy shit 27 min? Its taking me over 3 hours on Broadband.

@kungfucheez - Turn your resolution down to 1024 x 768 and turn off AA.

try filefront ..blazing fast
I must honestly say, it wasn't as bad as I had imagined it, but since my expectations were so low, that says next to nothing.
It's an improvement on MoHAA, possibly the most overrated mediocre game in recent history.

But honestly, all immersion is gone when you see a guy rolling over the floor who is supposedly mortally wounded, magically without any blood. I'm not a blood and gore whore , but in some games, it's necessary.

It gets even more ridiculous when you see the banzai guys, I mean, come on, that's absolutely retarded! What is it? A WW2 shooter or Serious Sam? When you get close to an enemy, yes a melee attack would be cool, but not when they come running at you with 25 m between you and them and you're waving your Thompson at them. Normally, I'd say, f*ck realism, but this is stupid. It's a comedy act ffs!

The magic AI they promised also is completely missing, AI? Where? Not in this game there is. It's missing on friendly and enemy side, your allies do absolutely nothing when some jap is stabbing him to death, they just continue their business.
I don't care what my team is doing, let them die, who cares? And if you think that way, it tells that something is wrong with the gamedesign, a team shouldn't be useless, or merely a good distraction so the japanese focus their attention on them, no, they should help you.

Also, the action comes nowhere near the action of CoD, which was very well directed, in PA I'm just thinking WTF? most of the time and just opening fire on everything that moves.

Pluspoints are good graphics, great sound and that awesome view of planes flying over.
PvtRyan said:
I must honestly say, it wasn't as bad as I had imagined it, but since my expectations were so low, that says next to nothing.
It's an improvement on MoHAA, possibly the most overrated mediocre game in recent history.

But honestly, all immersion is gone when you see a guy rolling over the floor who is supposedly mortally wounded, magically without any blood. I'm not a blood and gore whore , but in some games, it's necessary.

It gets even more ridiculous when you see the banzai guys, I mean, come on, that's absolutely retarded! What is it? A WW2 shooter or Serious Sam? When you get close to an enemy, yes a melee attack would be cool, but not when they come running at you with 25 m between you and them and you're waving your Thompson at them. Normally, I'd say, f*ck realism, but this is stupid. It's a comedy act ffs!

The magic AI they promised also is completely missing, AI? Where? Not in this game there is. It's missing on friendly and enemy side, your allies do absolutely nothing when some jap is stabbing him to death, they just continue their business.
I don't care what my team is doing, let them die, who cares? And if you think that way, it tells that something is wrong with the gamedesign, a team shouldn't be useless, or merely a good distraction so the japanese focus their attention on them, no, they should help you.

Also, the action comes nowhere near the action of CoD, which was very well directed, in PA I'm just thinking WTF? most of the time and just opening fire on everything that moves.

Pluspoints are good graphics, great sound and that awesome view of planes flying over.

japanese soldiers during ww2 didnt surrender, if they ran out of bullets they would charge you, knowing they will be killed: it's a warriors death
CptStern said:
japanese soldiers during ww2 didnt surrender, if they ran out of bullets they would charge you, knowing they will be killed: it's a warriors death

There's no pride in being killed, it's just a demonstration of how primitive human kind is at this moment.
Xenome said:
There's no pride in being killed, it's just a demonstration of how primitive human kind is at this moment.

if it was up to me there would be no war

drop by Off topic forum sometime, we discuss this all the time :)
hmmm, no one will change me from gettin this game. PvtRyan, It simply might be cause it a demo version of everything that MOHPA full version has.
I agree Gorgon, I'll get this game no matter what ..multiplayer will rock
Newbie's Journey said:
u can set the blood on in the option

No, I mean blood as in blooddecals on players and the world. Not just puffs of red smoke when you hit someone. But I understand why they removed all hope of being dramatic so they could get a Teen rating and lie under the Christmas tree of little Billy this holiday.

PS: and why doesn't the game quit when I do? It kept running and uselessly swallowing 300 megs of RAM.

CptStern said:
japanese soldiers during ww2 didnt surrender, if they ran out of bullets they would charge you, knowing they will be killed: it's a warriors death

Some couldn't even be bothered to fire and went straight to the harakiri banzai thingy and ran at me. For example when they came out of that shed where the truck blew up in the start, they all ran at me (and my 'allies' just kept standing there) and died very quickly (okay one of them chopped up my 'buddy' good, but that doesn't bother me because allies are useless anyway).
CptStern said:
if it was up to me there would be no war

drop by Off topic forum sometime, we discuss this all the time :)

I already am , about aliens mostly so far lol :)
It didn't look very good on my computer. I maxed out the graphics and it ran at about 25 FPS, which isn't bad for a pre-release version, but I didn't get any fancy effects. I didn't get the shadows on people and guns like I saw in the videos, or the shiny faces from sweat. I get all of the DX8 effects in other games, such as Far Cry and Doom 3, but not here for some reason. I have a:

Pentium 4 2.2GHz
Geforce 4 Ti4200 128MB

Aside from the decade long load time it ran well enough, but it didn't look much better than the old MOH games. Anyone know why?
Was it just me, or was the quick save/load function disabled (I assigned the keys, but it still didn't work).

To sum up, I had more fun playing Evil Genius than Pacific Assult. Plus Pacific doesn't even come close (I'm talking light year apart here) to the sophistication of Call of Duty. I mean how many times do you need to get stabbed by a japanese soldier to shoot back.

Aside from the decade long load time it ran well enough, but it didn't look much better than the old MOH games. Anyone know why?

Come on, look at the game, but I do agree, the loadtimes and the framerates are way to low for the rather subdued graphical detail. The best explanation I can find is the large number of character models must really drain the processing power.
I got 2 questions. how do i take screenshots? and how do i see my fps?
Just finished playing it and my suspicions were pretty much confirmed - it's nothing particularly special. More of the same we've come to expect from the Medal Of Honor series (which is fine if you like the old games and aren't expecting much in terms of innovation).

Graphics are decent, but not particularly outstanding. They're an improvement over previous MoH games but don't reach the standards of recent FPS titles like Far Cry or Doom 3. You'll probably need a decent PC to play the demo on, since there's alot going on - particularly when you reach the airfield. Even on my rig, there was a very slight slowdown at that point (but then all was fine again). Character models are improved over previous MoH games but still aren't hugely impressive. Weapons are generally okay, and explosion FX are much as you'd expect. The old "blur cam" effect from Call Of Duty and Vietcong is here and accounted for, but obviously nothing new or innovative anymore.

Sound, as you'd expect from a MoH game is generally very good. Your team-mates and the enemy do alot of shouting amongst the blaze of gunfire, and the ambience is, on the whole, decent. Strangely, however, once you start shooting planes, the sound seems strangely muted. Have no idea why, but it ruined the immersion for me.

Gameplay is nothing special at all. You've seen it all before - run, shoot, run, shoot, lather, rinse, repeat. The enemy aren't any smarter than their counterparts in previous MoH games. Infact some of them are even stupider. I shot several Japs who were just standing around, admiring the grass. The animations weren't particularly great either - they lacked fluidity, particularly during melee combat. Sometimes they looked more like they were doing a little close-range dancing than fighting.

The much-vaunted team command system was fairly redundant. You only have four basic commands and I never found a need to use any of them. On the whole, I ended up wasting most of the enemy myself while my team-mates wandered around firing randomly at single targets (while I was mowing down multiple targets with Thompson sprays). There are no health packs, so you have to call a medic if you get hurt. I guess I prefer it this way, but you need to take yourself to a safe place (ie. behind a stack of crates) if you hope to benefit from any healing without taking further damage.

Scripting is evident all over the place. After the first 2-3 times through, I could readily predict where that jeep would be shelled, or that plane would explode. Furthermore, since your path is totally linear, once you've been through it at least twice, you've effectively been through it a thousand times.

So overall, I can't say I'll be buying this one (not that I intended to in the first place). Considering what a hard drive space-hog the Medal Of Honor games have been to date (the original MOH and it's expansions being some 2.64GB in size on my HD), I don't think I'll be wasting my precious space on a game as linear and arcadey as this. I'm just going to wait for the imminent Call Of Duty: United Offensive expansion pack and then the very-promising Brothers In Arms.

Truth be told, I've never cared much for the Pacific aspect of World War II anyway. I'm a sucker for the European & Eastern fronts. :D
Bah, I could have told you a month ago this game would be mediocre at best. I'm not going to waste my bandwidth on the demo. From what I hear, I was right.

The only WWII game (other than CoD and its expansion) that I'm really interested about is Brothers in Arms.
Screenshots? Fps? Buttons? Anyone? Please...
Bio said:
Screenshots? Fps? Buttons? Anyone? Please...

I know it's not my place, but I generally can't keep my mouth shut :afro: .

Every time I turn on the fps counter on any game (and sorry I don't know how to do it in Pacific), my enjoyment of the game goes down by 10%, since I always thought the game was running much better than it actually was, and once I turn it on once, I keep turning it on again and again in different areas.

In short, my philosophy about frame rates, if its playable do yourself a favor and ignore the frame rate counter, since ignorance is bliss.
I have a x800xt pe... it runs well :)
Christ i have fraps **** IT!!! why didnt i think of that.

*Bio smacks his head in the wall
Im stuck on the demo!!! The part where you get on the AA gun, and take down the planes, then you have to take down the fighter and bomber planes, but i keep dieing. The demo is weird, no place to set your keys, or stuff like that.