Men biologically unnecessary.

I guess it's all going to be Children from Women only?


Like cockroaches they will breed I tell you, dem females! :sniper:
I'll make a bold prediction here - within 20 years the entire chemical soup that makes sex pleasurable and addictive will have been manufactured synthetically/extracted from other organic sources.

Where is your God now? D:

We already have that - it's called masturbation.

-Angry Lawyer
We already have that - it's called masturbation.

-Angry Lawyer
And studies have shown that the era of widespread porn and increased acceptance of masturbation have already reduced sexual satisfaction around the world. It's only going to get worse. I'm confident that sex will be a thing of the past before the next century begins.

The need and desire to have sex are both slowly dying.
In case any of you don't understand why it isn't possible to get male children from using this with two normal women:
Where's the Y Chromosome gonna come from?

However, the method would be great for people affected by Turner's Syndrome, Klinefelter's Syndrome etc.
In case any of you don't understand why it isn't possible to get male children from using this with two normal women:
Where's the X Chromosome gonna come from?

Don't you mean the Y Chromosome?

While two women could only produce Girls, could a Gay couple produce both Boys and Girls since they have X and Y? Either way, I agree that this method would be good if it can prevent certain genetic diseases/defects from occuring or help people have can't have children normally for what ever reason. Using it for general reproduction could be risky though. I can see a few Sloth's being born.
Don't you mean the Y Chromosome?

While two women could only produce Girls, could a Gay couple produce both Boys and Girls since they have X and Y? Either way, I agree that this method would be good if it can prevent certain genetic diseases/defects from occuring or help people have can't have children normally for what ever reason. Using it for general reproduction could be risky though. I can see a few Sloth's being born.

I edited just as you were posting, hah!
Made typo as brain was trying to remember which syndromes were which.

Anyway, yes that could happen.
However the whole thing isn't ideal, since if you use somatic cells to create sperm cells there may not be recombination (though it's not clear from the Daily Lol about specifics on the method).
I assume this dailymail isn't a reliable source?

It's a lousy sensationalist middle class British news paper, whose writers opinions on anything aren't worth the paper they are printed on. They make even Fox News look like intellectuals.
I wouldn't go that far, but they are pretty shit.
*scoff* Good luck convincing women to give up dick. Sorry but if British town centers on weekend nights are anything to go by, the male role in nameless father unwanted drunken pregnancies are here to stay.

I get the feeling its for lesbians. They wouldn't want the dick. :D
so your idea of a real man is one who jumps through windows holding a CQB weapon with an ACOG scope?

makes 0 sense.

You try finding a good picture of the SAS :E

I don't think that's a real picture anyway, I'm pretty sure they don't use a scope like that. They do more than just CQB too, they're the best of the best