Metallica vs Trivium

Metallica or Trivium

  • Metallica

    Votes: 17 81.0%
  • Trivium

    Votes: 4 19.0%

  • Total voters


May 6, 2005
Reaction score
Simple question, who do you all prefer, Metallica, the true masters of Metal during their heyday, or Trivium the young upstarts looking for global domination?

And, yeah i know i've left out many bands like Maiden and Slayer, but they don't fit in it in my opinon
oooh look at me! i listen to high pitched shitty screaming music! im SO HARDCORE!! screamo.... trivium suck.
i dont hate metallica even though theyre losing it in their old age, so i vote metallica
Ok, i like Trivium, but should have mentioned this originally, many music critics are comparing these two bands, as such, my poll...
Compare Metallica to another band again, and I shall see to it that you are thrown into a woodchipper.
Metallica. Although I haven't listened to them in a while, Trivium however are everywhere I go, read and watch.
Evo said:
Ok, i like Trivium, but should have mentioned this originally, many music critics are comparing these two bands, as such, my poll...

Seriously? Care to link me to one of these "critics"?

Theres been a bit of talk about Trivium (Mainly because Matt Heafy's only 18 IIRC) but I haven't seen enough to make them worthy of a Metallica comparision.

Personally, musically, I prefer Metallica.
Metallica sucks, most overrated band ever. :D

(lol - and I own three of their CD's)
Trivium is shit. How can anyone like vocals like that?

I mean, there guitarist/drummer is fine.

But the vocals are brutal.
Trivium needs more singing - guitars, drums and lyrics (when not screamed ALL the time) are great.

If that is sorted...THEN they can become the next metallica and be the stuff of legends...but not until then really.

voted Metallica as a result
Okay, I'm a huge Metallica fan if you didn't already know. It was about two days ago my friend showed my Trivium. He gave the the Like Light to Flies song. I gave it several listens before coming to a comclusion.

I absolutely love their guitar riff for that song. It has an extremely metal feel to it.

Their drummer is alright I guess, I know nothing about drummers so all drummers sound the same to me lol.

Their lead guitarist is a breath of fresh air compared to what other newer bands I've been hearing. Who said the guitar solo is dead? I see it making a come back with these newer bands who actually want to play their instruments and show what they're made of.

The vocals is where I'm ehhh at. The song starts out with him growling about rebels or something I can't really make it out. Then he goes into normal singing, which i absolutely love. Ever notice how that the bands that have growling singers usually sound amazing when singing normal? I really wish they would sing. Like Avenged Sevenfold's new CD is all singing (he blew a blood vessel and can't growl anymore) and no growling and they sound so much better now.

If they changed their singing to normal then they could get so much more attention. I know Avenged Sevenfold has actually gotten radio air time now since they don't growl anymore.

My vote still goes to Metallica though. They are Gods of metal and they're practically defined Trash metal as what it is with their Kill 'Em All album. To me Metallica will always sit up top as one of if not the greatest metal band ever, along with Maiden.
I hate Metallica, but damn, they're lightyears ahead of the metalcore shite that Trivium pump out.
SimonomiS said:
Seriously? Care to link me to one of these "critics"?

Theres been a bit of talk about Trivium (Mainly because Matt Heafy's only 18 IIRC) but I haven't seen enough to make them worthy of a Metallica comparision.

Personally, musically, I prefer Metallica.

Ok, so Matt Heafy, the singer says "We wanna be the biggest band in the world! Not just next to Metallica! We wanna be the biggest band in the world and that's what we've wanted since we started" Kerrang!

Another Kerrang! quote: "check em out before they take off and get Metallica-huge"

More elsewhere i guess, but you get the idea
wow, just saw Trivium down Cardiff Barfly last night for a 'secret' gig, playing as a 'Tribute' Band to Trivium. Anyway, they were frickin amazing, sorry, but those who think they are just a heavy emo band are mistaken (imo) they are pure Metal, and while they are never gonna reach Metallica status, Trivium and Bullet for my Valentine are the next big things in Metal (imo)
Good thread ev, id just like to add one thing before i start, if u dont like trivium or metallica bugger off and dont even bother posting in this thread. If you dont like the music fine, who cares, your wasting ur time giving ur opinion if it 'I hate metal' or 'metallica and trivium suck'

Anyway you cant argue with the fact that trivium will never reach the status of metallica...ever. And yes they have been compared to eachother all over the place, if you dont beleive me you should read more.

I love the fact that trivium are trying to bring back heavy metal, differ as they may from metallica (screaming) which i love aswell, they are still an awesome band. Just respect them in what they are doing.

I also went to see them in cardiff barfly, what a gig!!! truely blew me away even after seeing them at download.

Just stop winging about either band sheesh, if ya dont like, dont post, its about repect, please realise this.
Evo said:
wow, just saw Trivium down Cardiff Barfly last night for a 'secret' gig, playing as a 'Tribute' Band to Trivium. Anyway, they were frickin amazing, sorry, but those who think they are just a heavy emo band are mistaken (imo) they are pure Metal, and while they are never gonna reach Metallica status, Trivium and Bullet for my Valentine are the next big things in Metal (imo)

There are a number of people in this thread that have no idea what does and does not constitute 'metal'.
I don't know who Trivium is so I didn't vote.

I'd bet if you considered today's Metallica as if they were a new band, none of you would give them a second look. They's old and has-beens, yo.
I respect Trivium (only because they stuck up for Maiden over the Ozzfest thing and did a couple of covers in tribute) but compared to classic Metallica(Kill 'Em All to The Black Album) they're no where near the quality.
MuToiD_MaN said:
They's old and has-beens, yo.
That's pretty much a given but people seem to bring it up all the time. You could make a thread about 80's Metallica and people would come in and say, "Metallica is washed up LOL!" We weren't talking about new Metallica we were talking about 80's Metallica. People just wanna throw that out the second they see the band's name.

But yeah, if Metallica was a new band and they came out with St. Anger everyone would hate it even more than they already did. I wish they'd get in touch with their roots. Play some god damn thrash metal from like the Kill 'Em All days.
"Metallica is washed up LOL!"
I woud pay good money to see evidence that that exact piece of dialog took place (including the LOL!). But yes, I did understand you all meant 80's Metallica, and yes, guilty as charged, I felt the need to throw the remark out.
I love both of them. Metallica has some great hits, and some of their songs are just great on multiple levels (Fade To Black, Enter Sandman, Master of Puppets, and Astronomy come to mind for me.) However, I like the sound of Trivium a lot. I like metal, and screaming, and their guitar riffs are great, in my opinion. As others have said, I don't believe they'll ever be as big as Metallica, but they have the possiblity of becoming well-known.
Trivium are good at what they do, talented at that, but I just can't stand them. They get the crowd going live, though. And I respect bands that put a good live show on. But I just dislike the music.
Thats a fair enough opinion, i like it when people say that they respect the music even if they dont like it
Hm, I prefer 'tallica lyrics and vocals compared to Trivium. Possibly because you can make out what James is saying...unlike the dude in Trivium who shouts all the damn time!
aye its true u cant understand what hes sayin
just back from Trivium and they were insane - got the whole crowd going, plenty of energy and everything...

Still stand by my theory that the only thing holding them back is vocals - need more melodic parts or branch off into songs that are all singing...
sabre0001 said:
just back from Trivium and they were insane - got the whole crowd going, plenty of energy and everything...

Still stand by my theory that the only thing holding them back is vocals - need more melodic parts or branch off into songs that are all singing...

Cool, where did you see them?

According to Matt in this weeks Kerrang! "There'll be a lot more singing in the new record. I've improved with all the live shows we've been doing and i love singing more than ever"

Sounds like good news for their next album!

Anyone know if Metallica have anything in the works or not?
Ooh, found this page thanks to a link form your link Gui!

There are only a few official words about the next album and their future plans. St.Anger was released in 2003 and it is about time to release some fresh metal.
Metallica hope to start recording later this year with a release next year. Probably in the spring or October/November. My guess is that the band is currently writing and rehearsing songs already. I will keep you updated as soon as I hear anything.

Though that is probably just speculation, but who knows really
nice one evo, best be better then st anger, you know what we think of that one dont we ev
Gui! said:
nice one evo, best be better then st anger, you know what we think of that one dont we ev

Damn that St. Anger piece of SHITE! was appalling! arggh :flame: :flame: /rant

Did anyone here actually like St. Anger?
saw trivium in dublin...said already that they WILL be back in March. its cool - they sold out one venue so it was moved to a bigger one which they also sold out!!!

And got the whole place freaking out!
sabre0001 said:
saw trivium in dublin...said already that they WILL be back in March. its cool - they sold out one venue so it was moved to a bigger one which they also sold out!!!

And got the whole place freaking out!

Nice one mate, me and Gui! saw them down Cardiff Barfly the day after they played Newport. Was very cool with some great covers. They play any covers for you?
That was such a sweet ass gig, got too meet em all too and have a chat with matt...he he
no, no covers - whole gig was over by 11:30. Pity cos I missed All That Remains and It Dies Today...

Stupid public transport...
sabre0001 said:
no, no covers - whole gig was over by 11:30. Pity cos I missed All That Remains and It Dies Today...

Stupid public transport...

Ah well, unlucky mate.

Due to the gig i went to being them as a tribute to Trivium band, "Ember to the Inferno's" it was only Trivium playing, so they had time to throw in some covers, Master of Puppets and Du Hacht by Rammstein being particularly memorable
why isnt there a 'neither because the music they make is shite' option?