MGS3 trailer... looks ****ing class


Jan 15, 2004
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as i fan of MGS myself, im really exited about the new one. it really looks better than my wildest dreams and i urge you to watch the video.

but theres a catch... its 330 mb and bloody long to watch (15 mins :eek: )
but i can assure you its worth it if you even remotely like MGS.

for those of you who wont be able to watch this due to low bandwith, ill tell you what it shows:

the start is snake parachuting in to the jungle, listening ot his mission breifing. We then see some stealthy espionage assault on some guards, solid snake style. We see some strange scouting hover-thingies in the dark with searchlights... what could they be? he escaped them by putting on a crocodile discuise (at which point someone watching laughs). we'll also see someone who has been trained by ocelot OWNING some guards (although he doesnt have a revlover). Snake watches with a hostage that he has been sent to rescue, a scientist.

we then see some more action (yay!) snake is on a mounted machine gun, and is mowing down some guards. we also notice hes very handy with a sniper rifle as he picks off some guards (who dont notice theyre freinds are dying a metre away...).

BUT THEN!!! shock horror!!! we discover what the scout things were as described earlier, and they are a one man hover pad with a riot sheild on the front!!! and when i say hover, i mean they are flying next to snake who is on a mountain. thats some hover machine. Snake then gets on an anti-aircraft gut and shoots them (though he shoots the riot sheild part, NOT the drivers head strangely) and then takes down a helicopter with the gun and an RPG ;)

after a close encounter with some flamethrower guys (who set him alight ROFL). it then skips back to the guy trained by ocelot, and snake has him on the floor. then loads of russians come in with balaclavas (i think theyre russian) and start getting owned by snake (who only uses a knife ;) ).

Next snake is breifed by the scientist (which i mentioned earlier) on the fact that theres a new metal gear (or old, seeing as this is during the cold war). cue the snake suprised "METAL GEAR?" line that weve all heard a million times.

now my favorite bit. the MGS music comes on (you know.. the OWNAGE music that feels so patriotic and kewl) and the screen flases between action and snake talking to a fit woman about politics and war. We also see a guy with electricity flowing through his hands beating snake to a pulp ( oh no! ) Then it looks like the end of the trailer, as the logo is desplayed as well as all the small print.

BUT WAIT!!! theres more!! we see snake talking to the guy who was trained by ocelot (again... sigh ) and snake mentions that the guy weilds his gun like a revolver, even though its a combat pistol. we also see the guy with electric hands meet a guy who looks like raiden. The raiden look-alike salutes the man, and the electro man GRABS HIS BALLS and crushes them. the raiden look alike hardly flinches, so he DOES IT AGAIN. the electro guy then says "we may be able to use him", implying that he has balls.

and thats how it ends.

it looks great, and im definately going to drool over any other info i get.

long live E3!!!
Too unbeliveable(I have seen previous trailers).
Gameplay-wise it *looks* like nothing we haven't seen in Splinter Cell, with the exception of that really quite crap mounted gun section. Story-wise it looks superb. :)
Holy christmas!

This better be released on PC!, like the other two, (currently I have substance on my comp)
*exclusively on ps2*

and ur il luck!!!
i toiled with paint taking screens, and now i can show you theese pictures. the qualtities shit, but thats because the video is low-res. the vid is better tho because it all kindof blurs together but you cant appreciate it through screens.

#1 is the hover things with riot sheilds
#2 is the flamethrower guy
#3 is the guy from ocelots squad
#4 is metal gear (sorry u cant see anything- they only show a snippet)
#5 is the guy grabbing someones balls (ROFL)
If it's anything like the other two MGS I probably won't buy it. I liked the first one ok but by the second one I got fed up with hitting the wrong button and going into a crouch instead of punching my target. There shouldn't be two action/activate buttons.
Suicide42 said:
*exclusively on ps2*

#5 is the guy grabbing someones balls (ROFL)

For christ sake...ill probably not be getting it then

Anyways, the last pic is Riden again...remember the president in the 2nd one grabbing his balls? :)

lol, cause he looks like a girl :|
Looks pretty good, I loved the first 2 so Ill definetely pick this one up. Although I think they shouldnt have revealed it was taken place in the 60s, it would be awesome to start the game up and find out its big boss. :D
This is the best series ever. And Hideo said the ball grabbing thing was a joke, he was making fun of the fact that everyone thought Raiden was gay, so the dude was checking if he had balls.

Anyway, the games amazing. Much better than any stealth game out there, the amount of innovative stuff in the third one is jaw dropping. Definitely the game I'm most looking forward to, followed by HL2.
simmo said:
For christ sake...ill probably not be getting it then

Anyways, the last pic is Riden again...remember the president in the 2nd one grabbing his balls? :)

lol, cause he looks like a girl :|

He's not grabbing his balls in that picture, 'tis just that guy walking past him.. his hand is in front of the other guy... not on him.
I have never played a single MGS game (primarily because I've never owned a Playstation) but I do have one observation about all of the trailers I've ever seen: do these games make ANY sense at all ?!? Are they supposed to be serious espionage or some alternate-reality?

This one did look a bit more "sensible" than the previous two.
I never saw Metal Gear as wierd, it was just cool. I heard a lot of Metal Gear enthusiasts complain about how "stupid" people like Psycho Mantis, Vulcan Raven and the Cyborg Ninja were in MGS, but I thought they were brilliant characters (all their last scenes were especially touching and memorable for me). Fat Man could have been a total disaster though, if it wasn't for the superb voice acting saving the day (for me, at least). I guess you could say it's very wierd in MGS 2, but otherwise, I'd say it's just unique. I like to approach it as being based on an anime series, instead of rooted in realism like the original Metal Gear. :)

[EDIT]: And can we have a mirror? :)
Panthers_Domain said:
He's not grabbing his balls in that picture, 'tis just that guy walking past him.. his hand is in front of the other guy... not on him.

no, trust me, he grabs his balls. i have seen thevideo. theres a satisfying cruch and the guy stumbles a bit. he is actually grabbing his balls, watch the video if you want proof!

*edit* ye i see what u mean now, it does kindof look like hes walking past him, but thats just because im shit at taking screenshots of videos :LOL:
Yeah, checked out the trailer once it hit and it was awesome.
Something to note: you can't judge the games content by their trailers. The series creator, Hideo Kojima, has made screwing with people an art. Plenty of the stuff in the trailers is either a joke or purposely misleading to the people watching it.
For example, he hid almost the entirety of MGS2 from the public until it was released and instead released several huge trailers detailing stuff that never even happens in the game.
This would all be a horrible and mean trick if the games weren't so consistently damn good. :D
Direwolf said:
Yeah, checked out the trailer once it hit and it was awesome.
Something to note: you can't judge the games content by their trailers. The series creator, Hideo Kojima, has made screwing with people an art. Plenty of the stuff in the trailers is either a joke or purposely misleading to the people watching it.
For example, he hid almost the entirety of MGS2 from the public until it was released and instead released several huge trailers detailing stuff that never even happens in the game.
This would all be a horrible and mean trick if the games weren't so consistently damn good. :D
I love that about Hideo Kojima, I wish more game developers would follow his example. It was one of the biggest suprises to end up playing as raiden for the later part of the game, I hope this one is the same way.
Hehe...Play as Raiden AGAIN. I think there would be murderizing and rioting. :D
I like the look into Ocelot's origins. Means we may yet find out what is going on. :)
Panthers_Domain said:
He's not grabbing his balls in that picture, 'tis just that guy walking past him.. his hand is in front of the other guy... not on him.

No, he is grabbing his balls. If you've seen the video he grabs them multiple times.
smwScott said:
This is the best series ever. And Hideo said the ball grabbing thing was a joke, he was making fun of the fact that everyone thought Raiden was gay, so the dude was checking if he had balls.

Anyway, the games amazing. Much better than any stealth game out there, the amount of innovative stuff in the third one is jaw dropping. Definitely the game I'm most looking forward to, followed by HL2.
Innovative stuff like what? Another new character named after an animal?
I love the MGS3 trailer, will it be released to PC or Xbox? Damn, I hope it will and not some PS2 exclusive game.
*ps2 exclusive*

i hope my ps2 doent break again anytime soon...
I love how movie-like the cinematics are in all the MGS games. I really like the new combat moves Snake can do in this one. They make it that much cooler. That and the camo system are just some of the things I was looking forward to in MGS3.

I have always liked the variety and the quirky characters they have had in MGS1/2. The stories are also amazing if you ask me. I can't wait to see what we have in store for us this time around.
Suicide42 said:
no, trust me, he grabs his balls. i have seen thevideo. theres a satisfying cruch and the guy stumbles a bit. he is actually grabbing his balls, watch the video if you want proof!

*edit* ye i see what u mean now, it does kindof look like hes walking past him, but thats just because im shit at taking screenshots of videos :LOL:

:LOL: god I hate Riden...snake could 0wn him in seconds
Foxtrot said:
Innovative stuff like what? Another new character named after an animal?

No, like a true jungle setting (not the linear "might as well be indoors" missions in Pandora Tomorrow). It has the brand new camo feature, which sounds awesome. From what I've heard of people who played the demo the AI is unbelievable. It's the first stealth game I know of to constantly make use of height in the gameplay as you can always be up in a tree or cliff, as can some guards. It has a brand new combat system that's a huge step up from other stealth games. You actually have to hunt to stay alive and maintain your stamina. Also, it's Metal Gear, these games always have a huge amount of polish and quality, it won't be bad. I'm sure I've missed plenty of stuff, but it's undeniable that this game has taken further leap than pretty much anything else coming out soon. I think it will definitely replace MGS2 as the best stealth game to date.

The graphics are also quite impressive. The lighting is at least on par with Splinter Cell, judging from the cave scene with the torch and the way the jungle trees casts individual shadows on the player. The game will be amazing.
This looks amazing, or maybe its because i love MGS games :D. It will beat spinter cell, MGS2 was a top seller for ages back and this is even better by far :).
smwScott said:
No, like a true jungle setting (not the linear "might as well be indoors" missions in Pandora Tomorrow). It has the brand new camo feature, which sounds awesome. From what I've heard of people who played the demo the AI is unbelievable. It's the first stealth game I know of to constantly make use of height in the gameplay as you can always be up in a tree or cliff, as can some guards. It has a brand new combat system that's a huge step up from other stealth games. You actually have to hunt to stay alive and maintain your stamina. Also, it's Metal Gear, these games always have a huge amount of polish and quality, it won't be bad. I'm sure I've missed plenty of stuff, but it's undeniable that this game has taken further leap than pretty much anything else coming out soon. I think it will definitely replace MGS2 as the best stealth game to date.

The graphics are also quite impressive. The lighting is at least on par with Splinter Cell, judging from the cave scene with the torch and the way the jungle trees casts individual shadows on the player. The game will be amazing.
Sounds interesting, I want to see how some of that stuff will work out. Once the real Splinter Cell 2 comes out it will be easily the best stealth game.
Foxtrot said:
Sounds interesting, I want to see how some of that stuff will work out. Once the real Splinter Cell 2 comes out it will be easily the best stealth game.

i dont like splinter cell. its a good game, but IMO MGS owns it. much better story, much more fun, more action, more realistic weapons... the thing about SC is that it has cool spy gadgets, but thats about all its got over MGS (i personally dont like the way stealth is done... MGS may be more bulky and square orientated, but i prefer that than to SC where guards just suddenly see you).
Suicide42 said:
i dont like splinter cell. its a good game, but IMO MGS owns it. much better story, much more fun, more action, more realistic weapons... the thing about SC is that it has cool spy gadgets, but thats about all its got over MGS (i personally dont like the way stealth is done... MGS may be more bulky and square orientated, but i prefer that than to SC where guards just suddenly see you).
I think Splinter Cell is a true stealth game, and MGS is more of just an action game.
i agree that SC is more stealthy... but that doesnt mean MGS is an action game. you can be as stealthy as you like. i try and complete MGS2 and MGS:TS without killing anyone, on hard mode. This requires the tranquiliser gun, a lot of skill and a lot of stealth.

Basicly, i think MGS are better games because they give you more options. it can be a stealth game (especially if you set tit to game over when discovered) and it can be an action game (you get loads of health anyway). there are so many things to do, from hiding bodies in lockers to crawling under cardboard boxes. There are tons of secrets, loads of humout and a storyline thats one of the best to be in any game.

But in comparison, SC is short, it has a crap story and its very linear. :(

i guess it just depends on what you prefer, but theres no doubt that MGS fans are getting more for their money than SC fans.
Suicide42 said:
i agree that SC is more stealthy... but that doesnt mean MGS is an action game. you can be as stealthy as you like. i try and complete MGS2 and MGS:TS without killing anyone, on hard mode. This requires the tranquiliser gun, a lot of skill and a lot of stealth.

Basicly, i think MGS are better games because they give you more options. it can be a stealth game (especially if you set tit to game over when discovered) and it can be an action game (you get loads of health anyway). there are so many things to do, from hiding bodies in lockers to crawling under cardboard boxes. There are tons of secrets, loads of humout and a storyline thats one of the best to be in any game.

But in comparison, SC is short, it has a crap story and its very linear. :(

i guess it just depends on what you prefer, but theres no doubt that MGS fans are getting more for their money than SC fans.
More for their money? MGS didn't even have online play so it can't compete for replay value. Maybe just comparing the single player games then I would agree MGS has more then PT. You can play SC many ways too and even more when SC3(2) comes out, it will have coop single player with amazing things never before done in any game.
oh ye, i forgot about MP. but for now lets just say that were talking about it on PS2, and no-one can be bothered to get the crappy net connection :D

i have to admit co-op SC would be class. it would work best if the levels actually needed you to work as a team, though- not just doing the levels with an extra character slapped in.

The thing im not too sure about in MGS3 is the gameplay... sure its class in the others, but how do flat walls and cuboid enviroments translate to organic, flowing, movinge forest? well have to wait and see.
That is always the problem with games, they can look great on paper(screenshots and a list of features) but then the gameplay can be terrible.
I like Splinter Cell and MGS, although I must say MGS is much better. Splinter Cell games are much more stealth based and much more realistic (at least on both games normal setting), but MGS is just much more fun. As far as replay, I own both MGS2 and PT, and I don't think I'll ever play PT as much as I did MGS2. There are so many unlockables, me and my friend beat the game around 10 times just to get all the important stuff, I even played through it again yesterday for the hell of it. I will probably never play the SP of PT again and the MP has already gotten sort of repetitive.

SC3 looks great though, really impressive. I bet the co-op will work really well, it seems like the kind of game that's made for it. But even with the online additions, I believe MGS3 will still be better.

But if your complaint is that MGS games aren't stealthy enough, crank the difficulty up to Extreme and try to shoot it out with the guards. You might survive if one of them sees you, you kill him, and then hide fast enough but it's unlikely. Even so you'll have to change hiding spots at least once since they search the area extremely well on Extreme. You will not survive a large gunfight, Splinter Cell is Quake compared to the way you have to play Extreme or Euro Extreme.
Extreme on MGS2 is crazy. I couldn't get passed the first boss. She'd hit you once and kill you.
Direwolf said:
Extreme on MGS2 is crazy. I couldn't get passed the first boss. She'd hit you once and kill you.

Olga Gurlucovich (how the hell they spelled her last name) was pretty hard actually, but that's maybe because I suck.
Crab you have the worst tastes, you don't know what a good game is :).
The only department in which SC won over SC2 was that you had to move slower to not be heard and the shadow system. If MGS had shadows as good as SC it would warm my cold heart.
with sc3 aren't they making it more of an action game in that you can start killing enemies without failing missions? Like on gamespot they were talking about how you are given a knife and stuff, you can now snap guards' necks etc.

Or has that always been a part of Splinter Cell? I've never played it. I saw my friend play it pandora tomorrow. He was sneaking around and decided to shoot some guards, then all of a sudden it's game over.