'Michael Moore Hates America' -- reviewed.

Except that Micheal Moore wasn't sued for sexual misconduct/abuse. :P
Lil' Timmy said:
so when can we expect "michael wilson is a lying ****: the movie"?
if you ask me, wilson is getting too big for his britches :O
someone needs to knock that guy down a few pegs :eek:

ps. your gf does not look pleased about being photographed.
i'd watch my back if i were you :)

probably never... did you read the review? i can tell you havent seen the movie. he hardly levels any allegations against moore directly... more against his methods. i suggest viewing the film first, before judging the movie by its title.
qckbeam said:
To be honest, if someone came up to me and said "Hi, I'm one of those wackos and I'm currently making a film entitled 'qckbeam hates America', would you mind sitting down and giving me an interview for 45 minutes" I'd rip into them as well. It is slander, and it's unfounded.

unfounded slander? you must be joking. i know you havent seen the film, its much more ambiguous than the title suggests. wilson even comments throughout the movie about how he almost changed its title because of closed-minded individuals like yourself.

ou can disagree with Mike all you like, that's fine. But the man obviously loves the country and is doing what he's doing right now (visiting 60 college campuses around the United States promoting voting) because of that love. He made a movie dealing with the issues. The conservative response is a film attacking him. I'd watch a film dealing with the issues from a conservative standpoint. I won't watch a film that attacks a man because he says things the right doesn't like.

offering restitution for people pledging to vote for kerry, is hardly admirable. beyond that, its illegal. his movie doesnt deal with the issues, it dodges them and sets up strawman arguments, in an attempt to connect some invented dots. the movie doesnt attack him... look past the title for a sec. i suggest reading the review, as it seems you havent.
Wouldn't it be better to create a documentary on the lies and deceit Bush et al used to bring America into a war? Moore is hardly a danger to innocent lives whilst Bush is. People have to get their priorities right.

These people devoting so much effort to discrediting Moore have bigger issues to worry about.
Mr-Fusion said:
Wouldn't it be better to create a documentary on the lies and deceit Bush et al used to bring America into a war? Moore is hardly a danger to innocent lives whilst Bush is. People have to get their priorities right.

You could be the poster child in my campaign.
othello said:
offering restitution for people pledging to vote for kerry, is hardly admirable. beyond that, its illegal.

I personally don't consider ramen noodles and underwear to constitute political bribery. But perhaps you do.
Mechagodzilla said:
Yeah, it's getting rather tired. The correct title would be Michael Moore Hates George Bush and His Shitty Pointless War. That's more accurate.

And the movie is supposed to be all about truth, yet it's got a slanderous statement right in the title.

Wait, you criticise Moore for saying that, when the posters for this movie everywhere are boldly proclaiming the identical opposite message?

i didnt criticize moore for saying that. i simply relayed what happen. wilson does the same thing. he doesnt even say anything negative about that incident, instead... he lets the people who were there to see moore and witness the event, come up to him afterwards and tell him they didnt agree with moore's reaction and why.

its not so much about truth, as it is that moore's negative portrayal of our country is offensive. before anyone says it btw, the movie doesnt even mention bush... so dont think this is a pro-bush flick. its hardly even anti-moore (which is quite ironic consering the title). a more accurate title would be 'michael moore's actions and dishonest methods suggest that he hates america'. again... open your mind for just a tiny sec, im sure its hard for you mech, and look past the title. watch the film, you'll enjoy it.
Neutrino said:
I personally don't consider ramen noodles and underwear to constitute political bribery. But perhaps you do.

so you're all for loopholes around the system i assume? it doesnt matter what i think, the laws state what hes doing is illegal.
othello said:
unfounded slander? you must be joking. i know you havent seen the film, its much more ambiguous than the title suggests. wilson even comments throughout the movie about how he almost changed its title because of closed-minded individuals like yourself.

Heh, I'm not close minded bud. Saying he hates America is unfounded slander. The guy is trying to make a change and happens to disagree with you and your conservative pals. You're response? Make a film attacking him and not the issues.

On a totally unrelated sidenote. Neut, did you happen to be watching HBO at 11PM last Friday? ;)
Innervision961 said:
hahahaha that was sponsored in part by "worldnetdaily.com" and you want us to take it seriously? Thats just sad, Bush must fullfill the biblical prophecies!!!!!!!

hahahaha even weaker.


it was also sponsored by freerepublic.com... im sure you want to lash out and call me a 'freeper' now as well, dont you? i swear, the hypocrisy is rank in this thread. open up your minds to something thats out of your comfort zone people! :rolleyes:
qckbeam said:
Heh, I'm not close minded bud. Saying he hates America is unfounded slander.

not in the slightest, several of moore's action suggest that he hates america. for one, the islamic group 'hezbellah' is endorsing his movie and asking for distribution to their land. all moore has to do is say 'no!', but he has yet to do so? why? surely a man who loves america would want nothing to do with islamic radicals. and i guess its not the slightest bit odd that most of the american-hating middle east loves his movie... or thats its being shown in cuba to fester anti-americanism?

you ARE closed-minded if you refuse to watch this movie based on the title.
othello said:
so you're all for loopholes around the system i assume?

Then you assume incorrectly.

othello said:
it doesnt matter what i think, the laws state what hes doing is illegal.

Then the courts will decide the matter. If they convict him of it I'll retract my statement.

Until that time I think some situations justify the use of a little common sense.

qckbeam said:
Neut, did you happen to be watching HBO at 11PM last Friday? ;)

I don't have a TV. Did I miss something good? I do sometimes wish I still had HBO.
f|uke said:
Seriously. Liberals are just as American as anybody. Its ridiculous that conservatives try to allege otherwise. Somewhere they got the idea that not supporting the current administration is unpatriotic. Questioning the government is a core value of democracy!

You'd almost think that conservatives would rather we live in a totalitarian society,. and how patriotic is that?

you have every right to question our government and its leaders. more power to you. however, you cross the line when you resort to such dishonest and malicious tactics, as moore has. i dont think liberals hate america... however i do have very strong anti-moore beliefs. and it wouldnt matter to me one bit if he was a conservative, libertarian, or whatever.
othello said:

it was also sponsored by freerepublic.com... im sure you want to lash out and call me a 'freeper' now as well, dont you? i swear, the hypocrisy is rank in this thread. open up your minds to something thats out of your comfort zone people! :rolleyes:

Are you sure your not the one in your "comfort zone"... Come on, give me a break. You are telling everyone to be open minded, yet your the one putting on the blinders bud.

Oh wait, i'll revert to a classic conservative rebuttal.

" Lay off the conspiracy theories, you loon."

Is that easier to identify with?
Neutrino said:
Ok, the "Michael Moore hates America" argument is getting a bit old to tell the truth.

Better? :)

not really, as his actions consistently suggest that he does :P
Innervision961 said:
Are you sure your not the one in your "comfort zone"... Come on, give me a break. You are telling everyone to be open minded, yet your the one putting on the blinders bud.

Oh wait, i'll revert to a classic conservative rebuttal.

" Lay off the conspiracy theories, you loon."

Is that easier to identify with?

how am i 'putting my blinders' on, exactly?
othello said:
not really, as his actions consistently suggest that he does :P

Prove it. Or atleast provide a good argument for it if you are going to accuse him of it.

What exactly has he done to justify the accusation that he hates this country?
f|uke said:
Yes, of course it is more right! And it is fine for conservatives to think liberals are morons! But to say that they are unpatriotic is itself an unpatriotic act, as it undermines the principles of democracy.

so does offering ramen noodles in exchange for a vote for a certain candidate. and yes, if he was doing it for bush i would feel the same. moore's actions imply that hes unpatriotic... and very rarely do they suggest otherwise.
othello said:
not in the slightest, several of moore's action suggest that he hates america. for one, the islamic group 'hezbellah' is endorsing his movie and asking for distribution to their land. all moore has to do is say 'no!', but he has yet to do so? why? surely a man who loves america would want nothing to do with islamic radicals. and i guess its not the slightest bit odd that most of the american-hating middle east loves his movie... or thats its being shown in cuba to fester anti-americanism?

you ARE closed-minded if you refuse to watch this movie based on the title.

His film raises many good points in regards to some controversial issues we're currently dealing with in our society. It got people asking questions. I'd love to watch the conservative film that argues against what Moore says in Fahrenheit 9/11. Instead all they've got is a film knocking Moore himself. Deal with the issues, I don't care about Moore. The man doesn't hate America, it's foolish to say such a thing.

Based upon some of the footage in Fahrenheit 9/11 showing off our troops/tactics, I can't say I'm exactly surprised Islamic fundamentalist groups praise the film. It shows some of our guys acting like right assholes out there, humiliating detainees, showing total disregard for Iraqi life, etc. It proves a part of their point.
Neutrino said:
I don't have a TV. Did I miss something good? I do sometimes wish I still had HBO.

Real-Time with Bill Maher :) He had Moore on his show talking about handing out clean underwear and ramen noodles :)
First of all, Moore isn't bribing anyone to vote Kerry, he is tellilng eveyone just to vote, period. Just because he is speaking to a younger demographic, it scares you, typically because the people whom he is urging to vote are less likely to vote for your candidate. Get over it. We all have stake in this election, if someone doesn't vote your way, boo freakin' hoo.

And to the blinders comment. You had the nerve to say that hypocrisy was running rampant in this thread. The only hypocrit I've found in here is you. You claim moore is so bad then praise the people who make these films attacking him. They are doing the exact same thing, but on the opposite side of the fence. Funny thing is, moore attacked issues in his film, important issues. These guy are attacking moore, pretty pointless if you ask me.

And you want to talk about political ethics? I'd call mass voter registration fraud a serious offense... How about shredding voter reg cards who've registered democrat. Does that not sound worse to you? Of course it doesn't.
Neutrino said:
Prove it. Or atleast provide a good argument for it if you are going to accuse him of it.

What exactly has he done to justify the accusation that he hates this country?

where to start, he has made a movie (F9/11) that portrays our nation in a very dismal state. he use very dishonest methods in splicing together his work of deception including clever editing, manipulative wordplay, half-truthing, and flat-out lies. these instances have been documented and proven by liberals and conservatives alike... and people inbetween. the movie levels all sorts of ill-founded allegations against our current president, all of which have been thoroughly debunked and refuted. he portrays our soldiers has incompetent killing machines who were, seemingly, wisked away in the middle of the night to fight a war for oil, who are ignorant to the 'reality' of the situation... all of which is erroneously untrue. i could go on and on about F9/11, but i have other posts to respond to...

on a side note, every time he has visited a foreign country he has told the crowd that 'americans are the dumbest people on the planet' in some sort of fashion. when F9/11 debuted in paris, the movie poster had a picture of an american flag on fire.
blahblahblah said:
The day I believe that is the day pigs fly.

Michael Moore is in it for the fame and fortune than the truth of it. He just seems like that type of person to me. He wants the 'shock value', not the 'I care value'.

amen... hes like a political marilyn manson in that regard.
qckbeam said:
And you call yourself a member of the gloglebag army.... ;(

I kid, the gloglebag army is open to everyone!!! Even conservative sun-worshippers :p

you realize you're saying that about a man voting for kerry right? :rolleyes:
qckbeam said:
Real-Time with Bill Maher :) He had Moore on his show talking about handing out clean underwear and ramen noodles :)

Heh, sounds entertaining.

I'm a pretty staunch supporter of John Kerry, but if Bush offered me some noodles and clean underwear I might just have to change my mind I think. I mean we're talking snacks and clean undergarments here! I'm all for Kerry, but I have my priorities.
qckbeam said:
His film raises many good points in regards to some controversial issues we're currently dealing with in our society. It got people asking questions. I'd love to watch the conservative film that argues against what Moore says in Fahrenheit 9/11. Instead all they've got is a film knocking Moore himself. Deal with the issues, I don't care about Moore. The man doesn't hate America, it's foolish to say such a thing.

Based upon some of the footage in Fahrenheit 9/11 showing off our troops/tactics, I can't say I'm exactly surprised Islamic fundamentalist groups praise the film. It shows some of our guys acting like right assholes out there, humiliating detainees, showing total disregard for Iraqi life, etc. It proves a part of their point.

I've watched the movie Ferenhype9/11, the movie that is suppose to show how wrong Moore is. It really is a bad movie. They make very few good points and say the SAME thing over and over and over. They even do a bad job of mocking him. The only parts that shows one of Moore's bad sides is how he used footage of some people with out them knowning what it was going to be used for. Like the Oregon Trooper and the one guy from Iraq that lost his arms. They both don't support Moore and felt really bad that they were in his movie. Moore has some damn shaddy editing tacktics. But some times it takes an asshole saying things that piss people off and arent right 100 % of the time to make some poeple think.
And if you hate him.....then super...fine..thats cool....just quit being a bitch about it.
Gather all his flaws you can find and SHOW PROOF OF, display them in a non radical maner.....and you will be herd and much more likely to be taken seriously.
othello said:
you realize you're saying that about a man voting for kerry right? :rolleyes:

You do realise he said that to a moderate conservative who is voting for kerry right? :rolleyes:
Half truths, editing tricks, and partial statements, are you sure moore isn't a conservative?
othello said:
he portrays our soldiers has incompetent killing machines

He portrays some soliders as killing machines. But what about that one that cried to his parents that he did not want to go to Iraq? The one who said he would not go back there if they called for him? But seriusly the tank crew playing The Roof is on fire bothered me a lot...

Micheal Moore do however portray a fairly one sided case.
f|uke said:
Well then you and I believe two very different things. I believe his techniques are abrasive. I know he comes on strong. Yes he does want to be heard,. but he does not want to be heard for just anything, otherwise he would just go off and be the next Howard Stern. He wants to be the champion of the working class, the voice of the oppressed. I believe that he honestly believes he is a champion for justice. And millions of people do support him for this.

give me a break. the man lives in $2 million apartment in downtown N.Y., and he doesnt even come from 'working-class' flint, michigan. he comes from davison, michigan which is an upper-class suburb, more or less. im sorry you believe that, because you have been duped beyond belief. the man is in it for the money... he charges $40,000 for 3 hours of his time so he can speak to a crowd of college kids at their campus! do you realize how inane that is?!?!!? for some colleges, thats more than their yearly budget for arts & entertainment!

by contrast, sean hannity will speak for free.
Michael Moore loves America. He wants the American Dream to stop being a dream and start getting closer to reality.

"Michael Moore hates America" is awful. It's even more propagandish than Farenheit 9/11 was.

And think about one thing. "Farenhype 9/11" and "Michael Moore hates America" will never be shown outside Amerika. Why ?
HunterSeeker said:
He portrays some soliders as killing machines. But what about that one that cried to his parents that he did not want to go to Iraq?

i dont remember that scene.

The one who said he would not go back there if they called for him?

i heard a liberal say that that man was not a true soldier... i tend to agree.

But seriusly the tank crew playing The Roof is on fire bothered me a lot...

Micheal Moore do however portray a fairly one sided case.

that scene didnt bother me so much, id want music playing in the background as well... thats how i play cs lol.
othello said:
i dont remember that scene.
They did not show it, we where told during an interview with a mother that lost her son in Iraq.

that scene didnt bother me so much, id want music playing in the background as well... thats how i play cs lol.

War is not a videogame, shooting civilians has more consequence then the risk of pissing of a few geeks. Also they where not there to torch Bagdad.

Define true solider.
Sprafa said:
Michael Moore loves America. He wants the American Dream to stop being a dream and start getting closer to reality.

"Michael Moore hates America" is awful. It's even more propagandish than Farenheit 9/11 was.

And think about one thing. "Farenhype 9/11" and "Michael Moore hates America" will never be shown outside Amerika. Why ?

propaganda? you obviously havent seen the movie, or you dont know what the definition of 'propaganda' is. the movie is obviously biased against the man, but when you contrast both movie's integrity... theres no comparison. michael moore has none.

those movies wont be shown overseas for many reasons. for one, theyre not being distributed by an international distributor, like F9/11 is. they arent big money-makers, like F9/11. they dont fall into the anti-america, anti-bush fad... like F9/11 does.
Ikerous said:
I'm a liberal and i hate the sun..
I wanna join!
Do i get a neat hat?

yep... made out of tinfoil and everything. :thumbs:
Phisionary said:
If he helps change the president, I disagree...

if he does it with a complete disregard for facts and integrity? would you advocate? is trying to remove the president really such a noble cause if its done with such blatant mendaciousness?
othello said:
if he does it with a complete disregard for facts and integrity? would you advocate? is trying to remove the president really such a noble cause if its done with such blatant mendaciousness?

Yes, it is. :p
othello said:
i heard a liberal say that that man was not a true soldier... i tend to agree.

You just portrayed a soldier of this country in a bad light because you disagree with them. I'm going to have to assume you hate America then.

othello said:
that scene didnt bother me so much, id want music playing in the background as well... thats how i play cs lol.

It disturbes me that you somehow find a correlation between a videgame and real war.
Innervision961 said:
Have you seen farenheit blah? Moore actually does nail congress pretty hard in a few parts. The patriot act section for one.

I agree however. He should have focused more on congress. But he does attack the supreme court (bush appointed?) bush himself and congress in some sections, however he doesn't go as deep into the problems with them as I would have liked.

thats because he wastes the movie on his easily-refuted conspiracy theories with absolutely no merit to those of us with, at the very least, an exiguous intellect.