Dem0nEgg said:Yes, the BBC is so biased!Americans, close your ears! ONLY LISTEN TO FOX NEWS - this foreign LIBERAL media is misleading you! Only Bill O reilly can save you -
It is all part of a LIBERAL CONSPIRACY to put a lawn gnome in the white house!
Britain HAETS FREEDUMB!!!!!!
*ahem* - I think if you wake up and take off your blinders you would see that the BBC is respected around the WORLD to be a bastion of UNBIASED and HONEST reporting. Do a little research on this one.
oh i have... i never once said i agreed with those views portrayed on that cd at all. i was simply stating that i received a cd with said label on it. i havent really looked threw it very much, as i like the BBC somewhat... they do have a slight left-leaning, but at least they're not rank with it. the guardian however... thats another story lol.
the CD could present a convincing argument, but they assume too much in their interpretation of certain article they cite. it is a pretty extensive inquiry however, so i must commend them for that. but in the end, it seems the makers of this cd resorted to a few moore-esque tactics (half-truthing, distortion and manipulation of facts, etc).
thats more than enough reason for me to dismiss it.