Microsoft: Alan Wake will no longer be coming to the PC

Jesus H, maybe you love your PC more than your mother, okay, but just get a console FFS. How much is a 360 now, like $12, right? Easy.
Yeah, just buy a console already. Look, you have a great selection to choose from: you can get the console with no games, the console with kids' games, or the console with no good exclusives* which has most of its stuff ported to PC.

*Alan Wake does not qualify as a good exclusive and should not warrant the purchase of a console.
What poo - more than any time before it makes sense to buy every platform going. Not only because the best games of this gen have been spread thinly across all formats, but because this generation is seemingly never ending. For a few hundred £ you get alot of gaming.

//disclaimer - i'm not advocating the purchase of a console for Alan Wake!
Can't argue with bullshit.

Yeah, just buy a console already. Look, you have a great selection to choose from: you can get the console with no games, the console with kids' games, or the console with no good exclusives* which has most of its stuff ported to PC.

*Alan Wake does not qualify as a good exclusive and should not warrant the purchase of a console.
Pretty much. I've seen only few games that I'd probably like since these consoles came out. If they don't come to the PC, I get something else.

What poo - more than any time before it makes sense to buy every platform going. Not only because the best games of this gen have been spread thinly across all formats, but also because this generation is seemingly never ending. For a few hundred £ you get alot of gaming.
A FEW HUNDRED pounds? Or, since I already have a good PC, I can just buy cheap games for it, and spend the rest on hookers and booze.
Well erkay, you win by virtue of caring about this the most. GO YOU.
What poo - more than any time before it makes sense to buy every platform going. Not only because the best games of this gen have been spread thinly across all formats, but because this generation is seemingly never ending. For a few hundred £ you get alot of gaming.

//disclaimer - i'm not advocating the purchase of a console for Alan Wake!

No you're just advocating buying every gaming platform known to man. /facepalm

As for the game itself, I was really excited about it a few years ago, now I don't care that much TBH.

Also bullet time in a supposed horror game? haven't seen that before...

Long time ago, I was playing Silent Hill 2. I was high. There was some monster shit scurrying underneath cars. **** that game. I'm not scared of much, but when shit moves so fast you aren't sure if you really saw it, it's just psychological. Did I really see that? What in the **** was that? Is it getting ready to kill me, or is it waiting until I'm not paying attention to sneak up on me? **** you. Turn this game off, I'm too high for this.
This was decided a long time ago wasn't it? Back then it was the blame the pirates mantra and now this? Meh. Remember those awesome games you guys made that sold a massive load of copies? Yeah. The only reason you can sell console games is because of that.
I hope the lot of you are upset over the reasoning behind this decision and not upset that Alan Wake won't be coming to the PC. The game looked like garbage, folks. GARBAGE. It was billed as a horror game for 4 years, then last year when we got some actual footage of gameplay it was all BULLET TIME and SHINE YER FLASHLIGHT AT THE SHADOW MEN. You can't honestly be lamenting the loss of this title, can you?

For god's sakes, people, this has 'crap' written all over it. And on top of that, this one game has been in development for five years, and Alan Wake is planned as a TRILOGY. You wouldn't be getting anything out of this series until 2020.

And before OmegaX says, "See, I told you people would be saying 'This game sucks' now," I said this in the last two Alan Wake threads, back when it was still coming to PC. It's gonna be CRAP, people. BULLET TIME IN A HORROR GAME. SLOW-MO TO DODGE BULLETS. IN A HORROR GAME. Just sit there and think about it. Take a good long think about it.

Don't steal my shtick, man.
Cool story, bro.

The game is a thriller. It's T-rated, Microsoft announced today, and doesn't aspire to be the kind of scary game we've played before. Remedy writer Sam Lake described the game to me as a "smart, tightly-paced story" and as a "thriller." I asked him earlier this week what he meant be smart. "This is more of a thriller than a horror game," he said. "When you talk about horror in video games, it usually means blood and gore." He said the Remedy team wanted something other than cheap chills. "We want to make sure there are no scares just for the sake of scares," he said. Everything, all of the game's creepiness, will cohere into a narrative.
The darkness had descended and the flashlight-and-gun core shooting gameplay was in effect. Enemies in Alan Wake are covered in a shadowy haze. To defeat them before they kill Alan, the player has to focus Alan's flashlight on the enemy, burning off the haze. Once that's done, Alan can — and should! — shoot.
Real cool scary game, bro.

Play Scratches if you want to see how an atmospheric horror game should be done.
Was anyone really going to get it anyways?
well, some people here paid 50 bucks for bioshock 2 so...
Real cool scary game, bro.

This game is a thriller

schnarf schnarf

You were all up in Alan Wake's grill a while ago. I never really understood why. The 'bullet time =/ horror game' thing doesn't really add up (F.E.A.R), Remedy have a fine record, and we haven't seen a massive amount of gameplay or even much of the story.

But it's cool I'll wait for the great reviews to come in before I'm all like 'yeah yeah yeah' and you're all like 'it was the 360 mags man they totally overrate everything'
Remedy has a fine record for ONE FRANCHISE. And again, Fear is not a horror game. If you thought Fear had any kind of horror in it you're probably one of the people who thought Dead Space was scary.

I'm up in Alan Wake's grill because it was billing itself as some serious Weird Tales shit, and then I saw that video of Alan Wake shining his flashlight on people and shooting them, and Alan running from the cops and using bullet time to avoid spotlights and bullets. It's like, "Man, what the hell? I thought I was going to be playing something crazy about a dude whose nightmares are coming to life. This guy's shooting possessed shadow guys and using bullet time, and after certain encounters it does this weird motion-blur, 'cinematic' pan around thing more suited to flashy action games."

Game is like Max Payne 3: Coastal City Edition.
What's Alan Wake and why should PC gamers care?
Remedy has a fine record for ONE FRANCHISE. And again, Fear is not a horror game. If you thought Fear had any kind of horror in it you're probably one of the people who thought Dead Space was scary.

I'm up in Alan Wake's grill because it was billing itself as some serious Weird Tales shit, and then I saw that video of Alan Wake shining his flashlight on people and shooting them, and Alan running from the cops and using bullet time to avoid spotlights and bullets. It's like, "Man, what the hell? I thought I was going to be playing something crazy about a dude whose nightmares are coming to life. This guy's shooting possessed shadow guys and using bullet time, and after certain encounters it does this weird motion-blur, 'cinematic' pan around thing more suited to flashy action games."

Game is like Max Payne 3: Coastal City Edition.

To each their own. In my opinion there is no such thing as a "horror" game. When I look at all those clips of people playing, and being literally scared off the ****ing chair, I can't hep but faceplam.

If this really was going to be as you put it "Max Payne 3: Coastal City Edition", I would've enjoyed it.
I'm up in Alan Wake's grill because it was billing itself as some serious Weird Tales shit, and then I saw that video of Alan Wake shining his flashlight on people and shooting them etc.

Yeah I get that, but you also said it was gonna be a bad game - it not being 'horror' or whatever has nothing much to do with it sucking

What's Alan Wake and why should PC gamers care?

They shouldn't, not anymore ;(
I never heard of it before, but I youtubed some videos of it, and it looks like crap.

Penumbra: Overture kinda loses the fear factor when you discover how vulnerable the enemies are. It just becomes an FPS point-and-click beat-em-up with some scare moments.

Then Penumbra: Black Plague completely screws that vulnerability over by giving you no weapons and freaky aliens that charge you. Cue the fear.

Maybe horror games would be better without weapons?
how can you talk about horror games without mentioning the clock tower series
In my opinion there is no such thing as a "horror" game.

Clock Tower

Fatal Frame

Enjoy living out the rest of your life wearing diapers because you can't control your bowels anymore.

jondy said:
Yeah I get that, but you also said it was gonna be a bad game - it not being 'horror' or whatever has nothing much to do with it sucking
When something purports itself as something else and doesn't deliver, I deem that as "sucking." It SUCKS at delivering on its promises. It is BAD at being a horror game.

Also it looks bad, but that's just my personal opinion. It looks like bad even as an action game.
I'm up in Alan Wake's grill because it was billing itself as some serious Weird Tales shit, and then I saw that video of Alan Wake shining his flashlight on people and shooting them, and Alan running from the cops and using bullet time to avoid spotlights and bullets.
I'm not gonna bother disagreeing with you cause, well, it's you, but two questions for curiosity's sake:

Where is this gameplay footage where he's dodging bullets?

When did Remedy claim this was going to be a horror game?

Again, just curious. Please don't slay me with your :words: Mr. Paragraph Man. ;)

Non-edit: That Scratches game looks pretty awesome also, too bad I'm a huge pussy about horror games (I think I got about 15 minutes into SH2 before putting it down :().
I wish they would make a new genre for movies and games called "startle" so that we could have real horror movies still be called horror, and movies that just use shitty tactics like sudden and loud noises be startlers. I jumped at a few things in FEAR, but they were nothing more than cheap gimmicks that didn't make me fearful of anything in the game.
I actually bought the 360 controller for my PC long ago. You know how many Microsoft published games I have that use it? Gears of War.

With Halo, Halo 2, Fable, Gears of War, and Shadowrun making their way to the PC, I was assuming Microsoft would be bringing more/most of their other games to the PC. Oh man, was I wrong. Am I missing any?
Where is this gameplay footage where he's dodging bullets?

Marvel as he runs from the cops and dodges their bullets in slow-mo.

When did Remedy claim this was going to be a horror game?
They called it a psychological thriller. You play a horror writer. All the trailers pre-2008 showed you being chased to a lighthouse by unseen assailants with camera angles that were obvious homages to Sam Raimi.

It's a psychological thriller. That means it's supposed to fuck with your head, unsettle you, put you on the edge of your seat if not make you outright jump. If you go to watch a movie billed as a thriller, you expect scares. If you read a book billed as a thriller, you expect scares. If you play a game that calls itself a thriller, you should be getting scared.

Instead you're shining your flashlight on enemies long enough to shoot them and win your cinematic motion-blur pan-around. That is bullshit and a gimmick, and it ain't a thriller.
If you go to watch a movie billed as a thriller, you expect scares.

Yes, because Keyser Söze was the scariest mother ****er I've ever seen in a movie.

Wiki said:
Thrillers are characterized by fast pacing, frequent action, and resourceful heroes who must thwart the plans of more powerful and better equipped villains

Sounds absolutely chilling.

Wiki said:
The suspense created by psychological thrillers often comes from two or more characters preying upon one another's minds, either by playing deceptive games with the other or by merely trying to demolish the other's mental state.
Sometimes the suspense comes from within one solitary character where characters must resolve conflicts with their own minds. Usually, this conflict is an effort to understand something that has happened to them. These conflicts are made more vivid with physical expressions of the conflict in the means of either physical manifestations, or physical torsions of the characters at play.

Gee Remedy, way to misrepresent the genre of Alan Wake. Should be Slapstick Comedy imo.
Herp, several of the movies on that list are scary movies. Alien is on there, The Shining, Psycho. I don't know why things like Leon and Return of the Jedi are on there, though.

Maybe along the way the word 'thriller' got mistakenly attributed to things that it shouldn't be attributed to. When you hear the word "thriller," do you honestly think of The Godfather? Be honest, now.

Besides, come on, you can't show off a game like Alan Wake the way you do, have the protagonist be a horror writer who moves to a small coast town like damn near every Lovecraft story ever written, and have the horror stories he writes start coming to life and then be like, "But we really meant 'thriller' in the same sense like Leon. You know, where you've got two guns and you go around shooting up your foes BANG BANG BANG BANG." You know damn well what they were going for with those trailers and the way the game was presented, and so did they. No wiki quoting and imdb lists can make it seem like they weren't showing this one off as a scary game.

Marvel as he runs from the cops and dodges their bullets in slow-mo.
Um... no he doesn't. He sprints through a hail of gunfire, but there was no slo-mo. In fact, I've never seen a "bullet time" effect in any of the videos I've watched that wasn't a cinematic effect, or a byproduct of something you'd already done (like shooting a flare). You can dislike it all you want, but I don't think it's a gameplay mechanic as such...

Also, I watched that video through, as well as part 2 (hadn't seen it, thanks). The entire time he was being pursued by an unseen assailant. You know, the thing you were complaining doesn't happen earlier.

Also I'm with Sedako on this one. It's clearly going for a different vibe than you expected (whether or not that changed during development I honestly can't say), but to say it's not scary based on a few videos seems kind of presumptuous, especially when the article I linked earlier says the entire idea of the game is to build atmosphere through the advancement of it's plot.

But yeah, you're totally right, BANG BANG BANG haha, who ever heard of an effective horror/thriller game/movie with guns.