Minecraft = Love

A few pics of my place

This is my entrance, complete with port cullis

The complete building
My garden (pointless, but looks nice)
The view from the sky library, on a clear day you can see for miles. Also, you can see into Warped's garden, which is what I really built it for.
My staircase wrapped around water. I was messing around and got it to look like this, kind of reminded me of the WTC towers, so I kept it.
I tried getting on the server, but it said I wasn't whitelisted. My username is Dekstar too so I dunno why it didn't let me :(
Sorry Dekstar, something weird was going on with the whitelist. You should be able to play now.
I just realised something guys. Every time I crash while playing SMP, it causes my whole internet to crash, and the only way to fix it is by resetting my computer.
This was happening with someone's friend.
The only time I've ever crashed while playing SMP was when I had my view distance set to Far.
A few pics of my place

This is my entrance, complete with port cullis

The complete building
My garden (pointless, but looks nice)
The view from the sky library, on a clear day you can see for miles. Also, you can see into Warped's garden, which is what I really built it for.
My staircase wrapped around water. I was messing around and got it to look like this, kind of reminded me of the WTC towers, so I kept it.

WOW! that's really cool. I like the staircase a lot. But the inside of the tower is kind bland (its ALL cobblestone.... maybe adding some windows or smooth-stone patterns.

I also like how there is a whole "Castle Complex in that area... together they look like one awesome fortress.
WOW! that's really cool. I like the staircase a lot. But the inside of the tower is kind bland (its ALL cobblestone.... maybe adding some windows or smooth-stone patterns.

I also like how there is a whole "Castle Complex in that area... together they look like one awesome fortress.

Yeah, i'm happy with how it's going, I really haven't got a clue what to do with the inside at all.

It's split over 3 (huge) floors at the moment, all my equipment is hidden in the (hidden) basement to keep things clean, but I haven't the foggiest how to decorate. Maybe it will come to me.

The tower itself isn't cobblestone, it's smooth. I made the roof and the floors glass because I wanted it to be like a tower of lights, but if i put things on the floor I will have shadows, beside which i have no idea what to do with the space.

Yeah, i'm happy with how it's going, I really haven't got a clue what to do with the inside at all.

It's split over 3 (huge) floors at the moment, all my equipment is hidden in the (hidden) basement to keep things clean, but I haven't the foggiest how to decorate. Maybe it will come to me.

The tower itself isn't cobblestone, it's smooth. I made the roof and the floors glass because I wanted it to be like a tower of lights, but if i put things on the floor I will have shadows, beside which i have no idea what to do with the space.


Go over to my tower. (its right near the spawn. From spawn walk forward until you hit the greeting sign area (You know "Welcome to HL2.Net Mincraft server.) thend turn left (south) towards the big castle and the large mountain south spawn. the entrance to my place is on the left once the road reaches sea level. There is an underwater tunnel that leads to my place. Its not finished but if you look up at the roof of the big room you can see I've placed a pattern of stone in the glass ceiling.

Maybe something like that would look good.
Is this Minecraft Alpha thing free?

It looks interesting, and if it is, I'd download it for sure.
I went onto the Minecraft page and it has a link to download the latest Alpha, I was just wondering if you had to do anything special.

Thanks for clearing it up Atomic.

EDIT: Apparently Classic is free?
Classic is free.

Alpha/Multiplayer Alpha costs around $13USD. You need paypal.
WOW! that's really cool. I like the staircase a lot. But the inside of the tower is kind bland (its ALL cobblestone.... maybe adding some windows or smooth-stone patterns.

I also like how there is a whole "Castle Complex in that area... together they look like one awesome fortress.

he built that tower and fortress in 2 days flat! I'm sure he is pretty damn tired because imo he built his walls faster than I built mine. as for me, I built a lot and am very tired. this game is like crack though, i went a whole day without building and i feel like shit
server down for anyone? i can't login

quix, as my neighbor (i'm thenextlastday, just in case you didn't know), do you have any claims about me digging quite a large hole/cavern into the ground? i want to elevate my house even higher by lowering the struts deep down into the world itself and then start building into the walls of the cavern, emphasizing on a living space that descends and ascends vertically with views straight down (and up) into the cavern, complete with waterfall starting small from my raised apartment and finishing in a larger drop straight into the hole. it won't be anywhere near your mountain home, but i'm just checking, just in case. a lot of the wildlife will be cut down in the process for this, but the trees are pretty bare right now thanks to logging but whatever, they're only trees anyway.

classic is what got me started on the game!

same here, I think if you look back at the earlier posts in this thread we all showed off what we made by ourselves.
I played Classic when this thread was made, and it sucked, and turned me off of the game for a long time.
I didn't care for classic. Was impossible for me to be creative in classic.
Classic was the reason I avoided Minecraft for so long.

Survival is where the fun is, what makes it a game.
Classic is basically a map editor with no game, so yeah, not fun. That said, there's not really much "game" to survival multi right now beyond mining and spelunking... I think this may be one of the few games that is actually enhanced by an element of grinding. :P

Oh also, server's down.
Yeah, I made a building in classic, and then got pretty bored and left it. Survival is awesome, I hope he fixes some of the annoying bugs pretty soon.
Classic is basically a map editor with no game, so yeah, not fun. That said, there's not really much "game" to survival multi right now beyond mining and spelunking... I think this may be one of the few games that is actually enhanced by an element of grinding. :P

Oh also, server's down.

Yeah, instead of making your building which is already predefined from a list, you can design literally anything you want but have to gather resources to build it. And you get a great sense of accomplishment when you started from nothing... and created so much cool stuff... one block at a time... thousands of blocks.
I quite like the thought that everything you see on a server (with the exception of spawned items) will have been made from blocks that were reappropriated from the map itself. It adds a sense of a natural economy of sorts, if mostly invisible (until you find said person's nerdhole, of course :P). It also means that expansion is inevitable after a while because of finite resources like coal or ore. Granted it would take your average server a while to strip the immediate area completely bare, but it's probably not a good idea to hollow out your building area, either.
got lost digging for coal last night. panicked a bit when I ended up in an area with a lot of stone and didnt have enough picks to get through fast enough. it was also pretty dark so it was hard to tell which way I was going. relived when I finally pushed through the ground to see the sky above
got lost digging for coal last night. panicked a bit when I ended up in an area with a lot of stone and didnt have enough picks to get through fast enough. it was also pretty dark so it was hard to tell which way I was going. relived when I finally pushed through the ground to see the sky above

/home or /spawn should help if you know how to type. /sethome wherever you want to go to /home
ya I might do that if I were a WUSS!!!

no, dig up stupid

lol Wiggum

but yeah I get to mine stuff then I teleport back when I'm full of inventory. but when exploring it is best to keep digging
We're saying that that's noobish. Part of the fun is making your way back up after you're loaded from your journey. You're playing SMP, why use sush a nooby and unrealistic feature like that?