Ministry of Combat - Looking for new members.


Aug 9, 2005
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Ministry of Combat is a new game development team looking for members for high quality Modifications using the Half Life 2 engine.
Note: Ministry of Combat is the name of the TEAM. NOT the mod itself.

With current ideas going through a pre-developmet process we are urging for new members to join the force!

We are currently looking in all areas and are hoping to get a strong team together.

We are aiming for a professional level. This means no-one who is learning or has a minimal amount of experience.

Also i must warn you all before you post - We are not posting any information along the lines of the modification itself. Simply because the design is currently going through a drastic change. Meaning we don't want to promise anything as of yet.

All i can say is it will be definately set in the future. Have a lot of military styled combat. And be much more diverse than any game you have played yet. If you love the look of the soldiers in the film "Aliens" you will understand the marine theme we are aiming for.

In addition to field-specific requirements, all applicants wishing to work on the Ministry of Combat team must understand the following:

  • Positions are reserved for skilled individuals with previous experience in their field.
  • Without examples of previous work, your application will not be considered.
  • Applicants need to be prepared to work a full time schedule.
  • We require work to be presented every two weeks at our team meetings. Progress reports will be given, demonstrating your current progress and where you plan to be next meeting.
  • We are happy to work around school and personal schedules, but everyone is required to post in the team’s schedule forums when they’ll need to be away for a day or more. This includes exams, business meetings, family trips, medical illness, etc.
  • Applicants are not allowed to work on other projects. This means no other modifications or conversions. Projects at your place of employment are obviously excluded.

In addition to meeting the terms above, you must also meet the field-specific criteria detailed below.

* 2 years experience in your league
* Good communication skills
* Highly motivated with a strong work ethic
* Ability to deliver on time
* Experience working with a team

Bonus qualifications include:

* Experience working with large projects
* Previous mod development experience
* Previous source engine experiece

Apply via email to [email protected]


Due to a high volume of applications, we have high standards. It is expected that serious applicants will present a solid application, demonstrating not only their qualifications but their desire to be a part of the team and provide good examples of previous work. Without examples of previous work, your application will not be considered.
what salary are you offering?
is relocation neccersary or are you asking for people to work from home?
crackhead said:
what salary are you offering?
is relocation neccersary or are you asking for people to work from home?
We're a mod team at the moment - no salary, no relocation, no centralized development, anything like that.
Are you sure you can't divulge any other information?
There's no way I would apply to this if I didn't know anything about the game, not to say you don't know what you're doing, but it sounds like you haven't much game design (and we all know that is the most crucial part).

Anyway good luck finding people to help you, I'm sure there are a lot of people who are into the professional businessy atmosphere.
SixThree said:
Everyone has something to learn.
To clarify... we're not recruiting people who don't know their stuff, or are beginners or even really intermediate with their specialization. Obviously modding is a learning process no matter how experienced you are, but that's not what we're referring to.
SixThree said:
Everyone has something to learn.

I think maybe he meant no novices. As in nobody who is still learning the fundementals of whatever they do.

Edit: Bah, beaten to the punch. :)
Ennui said:
To clarify... we're not recruiting people who don't know their stuff, or are beginners or even really intermediate with their specialization. Obviously modding is a learning process no matter how experienced you are, but that's not what we're referring to.

I'm intermediate, bizatch.

-Angry Lawyer
But, don't you support "sticking it to The Man?"

On topic, this mod team's got some brainpower behind it, and the gameplay style's pretty unique compared to alot of what is popping up.

-Angry Lawyer
Yes we are very unique!

No Salary.
No Relocation...

Just noticed Ennui has already posted. :)
To summarise:

It's a singleplayer or multiplayer -possibly co-operative, possibly not- (or all of these) Modification for the Source engine which might be a total conversion but might not be. The Mod will feature Human vs. Human or Human vs. AI (but there will definitely be a Human on one of the teams) military combat set in a future. This future could be a Human future or an invented Alien race's future, this is being kept under wraps. It might be First Person perspective, although it could well be Third Person, and the decided camera distance has not yet been decided, nor can it be said that this would be fixed or permitted free-movement by the player. You should therefore be able to model high and low detail models depending on how detailed the maps are going to be, which is yet to be divulged. For mapping, texturing and skinning you should be able to create indoor and outdoor environments in a realistic/cartoon style for a Cyberpunk/Steampunk/Post-Apocalypse/Fantasy/Period/Sci-Fi and/or Other genres over a range of Industrial/Organic (Earth)/Organic (Alien)/Hi-Tech/Period/Contemporary and/or Other architectural styles. The Models and Animation will be for bipedal Humanoid and/or polypedal Alien/Monster types... etc.

I think a bit more information, no matter how ambiguous would be better than the very little we know about this. For instance, is this Mod a result of Ennui's thread on What we'd like to see in a Sci-Fi Mod? Which perspective. Is SP or MP play confirmed? What's the main thing this Mod aims to give the player gameplay-wise?

Being vague's better than being completely unforthcoming.
Our first project, the one the team is being assembled for, is indeed related to the thread I made some time ago - though I'm afraid we won't be able to include everything Shens posted - which was really just a testing of the waters to see what people want.

Like ChrisL said, we're being extremely vague because we're very early in design at the moment and we're still a long way from any sort of feature lock, so anything we say here is subject to change drastically. We're merely trying to recruit any skilled and experienced modders that would like to work on a team that not only can guarantee a quality finished project (and I can assure you, there is absolutely no question that this team will bring the mod to release and beyond) but also a more professional development environment than is the norm with nonprofit modifications.

I'll be a little less vague though - what Ministry of Combat is working on is a multiplayer-only modification with a very original and distinctive style, both as far as atmosphere and gameplay are concerned, drawing heavy inspiration from the work of H.R. Giger (the Alien movies) among other notable science fiction works. Any of this is subject to change, obviously.

This is most certainly going to be one of the larger-scale, more professional modifications.

Further questions can be asked in this thread - we'll clarify if possible, but we don't want to reveal much of anything.
Ennui said:
Our first project, the one the team is being assembled for, is indeed related to the thread I made some time ago - though I'm afraid we won't be able to include everything Shens posted - which was really just a testing of the waters to see what people want.
You can't please everyone, but I'm sure you already know that. If you're all gamers try to find something you all have in common - a vision you all share of what gameplay works well within your chosen genre. You can use that as a base for your work, an ideology if you will, and relate everything else back to this set of core gameplay objectives as you work your way through gameplay mechanics.

Then maybe you can tell us some more :naughty:
Like I said, that thread was intended mostly just to get a little idea of what people want, to keep in mind while designing the mod. Not guidelines, by any means.

You'll learn more when the time comes :)

Just keep an eye out for Ministry of Combat's first mod.

On another note, I also live in Durham, though it's in America :p
Folks all ya need to know is the ministry of combat team is full of some incredibly talented people from your very own Whatever comes from this team will be of high quality, and will be incredibly fun to play. Cheers to all the great staff that is already on board.
No probs man :D

Things are just starting to heat up in the team. Time to boil up something tasty for the community...

Hopefully they like what we spit out on the plate... ;)
I'm disappointed that nobody noticed (everyone ignored?) my punpost.
We've got some very talented artists join up.

And i've just got some other stuff sorted for the team.

The mod idea has changed a lot due to some confusion and similarities with other modifications.

The Ministry of Combat team will now be working on one of Half Life 2's first ninja type mod.

Think "The League of Shadows" from Batman Begins.

Please contact me via PM or MSN ( [email protected] ) If you're interested.

( More information will be coming as more is being developed on the mod )
aliens to ninjas is quite the jump :D
Sure is mate.

There were many reasons based on our movement. Ranging from a game which is unique yet the style has been done before. And people just not having time to work on such a large project.

The new project is rather excitign as a "ninja" type mod has never been done before. And the style etc we are aiming for has also never been done before!

We are very excited to start on work on the mod ASAP!

One of the most IMPORTANT parts of the mod is to have a Animator. A very good one at that aswell!

So consider us as your choice of development team! Because i guarantee you will be happy :D
When you copy another modification’s expectations of recruitment, it’s best to at least edit it so it isn’t distinguishable :rolleyes: . If you can’t take the time to write a few lines of criteria, then how do you expect others to believe you are actually going to be able to develop a quality design document, let alone an entire modification?
It's not just that mods. But all mods.

It's actually just exactly what we we're looking for. So just a quick edit and there we go. What we are looking for.

You are trying to say we want something different? Because we dont...

All it is is a list of expectations etc. That's all. If you are going to judge us on this fine. Do so. But it's nothing big at all just a list.
OK, so you can't really tell us what this game is, per se. But can you tell us what it is not?

For example, are we talking more Shadow Warrior or Tenchu?
What i just can't understand is why people would want to join a team who literally don't have any work done yet. There is several mods out there that has been undergoing work for months or even years but oh well =)
zyd said:
What i just can't understand is why people would want to join a team who literally don't have any work done yet. There is several mods out there that has been undergoing work for months or even years but oh well =)

Thats what I'm trying to figure out :p

It is pretty easy to just waltz in here and state that this mod will be one of the most professional mods out there, and that it will have tons of stuff that "has never been done before". Don't get me wrong, I'm sure you guys are capable of it, its just that it comes off sounding like every other mod.
SixThree said:
Thats what I'm trying to figure out :p

It is pretty easy to just waltz in here and state that this mod will be one of the most professional mods out there, and that it will have tons of stuff that "has never been done before". Don't get me wrong, I'm sure you guys are capable of it, its just that it comes off sounding like every other mod.

exactly =D
The reason for joining a team that doesn't have any work done is to do the work that needs to be done.
and then risk that all your work will get thrown in the trashcan afterwards because it closes down ? Mods that have been around for a long time have a way bigger chance of making it to the end than the new ones
There's always a risk that a mod will never be released, no matter how long it's been around. That's just the nature of amature development.

Teams that have been around for a long time usually have few roles that need to be filled. That's because they've filled the roles with people who took a chance on the potential of the mod. Everyone who's too afraid to take a risk gets left behind.
The team has me doing the groundwork for the code. They *do* have some work done.

-Angry Lawyer
zyd said:
What i just can't understand is why people would want to join a team who literally don't have any work done yet. There is several mods out there that has been undergoing work for months or even years but oh well =)

No the biggest problem i see is that i can't understand why people would want to join a team who literally are copying other mods ideas.

THAT'S what really gets me.
ChrisL said:
No the biggest problem i see is that i can't understand why people would want to join a team who literally are copying other mods ideas.

THAT'S what really gets me.

Well most running mods are the ones being copied so its literally only on new mods you get on teams that are copying other mods =)
You are wrong there.

There are a lot of mods out there which you dont even know about which are absolutely different.

Trust me i know.

And you tell me if my mod is copying any other mods?... or any other game in that matter.

If you have any grudge with me or the mod please feel free to email me about it. But i don't see any point in you having to pubicise it all.