Miscellaneous the Second

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Haha, sure :P I got my exams results a week or so ago,

I got 94% in English, 83% in maths, 91% in science and last, but not least, 94% in Psychology :D

But they changed our scoring systems the ****s. We either get a Satisfactory Or a Not-Satisfactory...no more A's, B's ect ect. :(

Nice work mate :D
I have this friend.

I've only known her a few months, she came to school halfway through the year (she was homeschooled before) but we got close really quickly and it's just awesome.

She wears this ring all the time, it has the letters "NA" on it. I didn't know what they meant, but I never asked. One of her initials is A, so I thought maybe it had to do with her name. I never thought much about it.

A week or so ago she was working on a project for photography class. The project is called "teen life" and it's pretty much what it sounds like. At some point when she was putting it together I saw a picture of me in it, so of course I was interested. She wouldn't let me look at it (she let me see the contact sheet, but I didn't want to see the picture really, I wanted to know what part I played in her project) until after she got her project back. Finally on the last day of school the teen lifes were in a box in the teacher's floor, she dug hers out, and after I threatened to leave her by herself for the rest of the day she let me look at it (she made me go outside and promise not to make any remarks, which I wasn't going to do anyway)

I get outside and open it (it's in a book form) and the first page I see a ring like the one my friend always wears, but the hands aren't hers. The hands are holding a paper that says twelve points. Around the border of the picture, she's written "the picture isn't in focus, but I wish it was, so you could read the twelve points on the paper- they helped my mother turn her life around" and other stuff to that extent. I remember at this point that she's told me her family all used to smoke and do drugs anda stuff like that but her mother made a big turnaround, and I figure that's what she did her project on. I flip to my page.

There's a picture of me doing a stupid face, and she's written more around the border- "Wesley Russell. I love this guy. He makes morr perverted jokes than anyone I know, but he's still innocent. He's clean and he's never done any drugs, and he's really nice even when he tries not to be. My mom cleaned herself up because she wanted me to have friends like him. I really appreciate him and he is an awesome friend."

And then I start crying outside the classroom in front of a bunch of people, and I don't even care, it just really touched me... I had no idea that I meant anything like that to anybody. She came outside and asked me what, was I reading the whole thing? I said no, gave her a hug and a kiss, and went back inside.

I asked her later what NA stood for, and she told me Narcotics Anonymous.
Haha, sure :P I got my exams results a week or so ago,

I got 94% in English, 83% in maths, 91% in science and last, but not least, 94% in Psychology :D

But they changed our scoring systems the ****s. We either get a Satisfactory Or a Not-Satisfactory...no more A's, B's ect ect. :(

Satisfactory or Not-Satisfactory? Wow... that's like back to a third grade type scoring system. :| Why would they change that?
Yup, pretty much. They only changed it last year, but then again, they change it every 4 years or something one of my teachers told me D:
They should revert back to stars and smiley face stickers.
It has been decided what I am going to do to celebrate my 18th birthday: in the summer I am going to do a tandem skydive. That's free-fall. It's mainly to raise money for UNICEF but it's also an awesome way to celebrate a birthday!!! :D

I've just discovered that the jump will be between 10 and 14 thousand feet!!! :rolling:
Like, did you just phone up UNICEF and say "I would like to do a skydive please." One needs a plane, equipment and training to do these things, so I'm wondering who is providing the service.
Like, did you just phone up UNICEF and say "I would like to do a skydive please." One needs a plane, equipment and training to do these things, so I'm wondering who is providing the service.

I didn't phone up UNICEF! i just decided I was going to raise money for them and so when the jump is done and I've collected sponsor money i will send it to them! The way I've managed to be able to do the jump itself is this: my brother has just got skydiving license so he knows someone who can organise the jump for us. He can now skydive anywhere so we're going to use a different drop-zone to his usual one.

I, er, hope that makes sense!!! :P
Oh yeah kinda. I thought there was some scheme you joined up with. What a pity! If I want to do the same, I will have to sleep with your brother or something.

Thanks anyway.
Oh man that was fun , my friend bought 20 water melons from some guy he knows and brought them over to my house , we smashed em , smashed em dead.
Oh man that was fun , my friend bought 20 water melons from some guy he knows and brought them over to my house , we smashed em , smashed em dead.

Some black people just starved to death.

...IN AFRICA, those skinny little kids drop like flies.
Oh yeah kinda. I thought there was some scheme you joined up with. What a pity! If I want to do the same, I will have to sleep with your brother or something.

Thanks anyway.

I managed to find the website of the guy who runs a drop-zone in Durham.
You could find out more information there.
I don't really know about any drop-zones in Brighton, though!!!
Considering changing my name on the forums to something more memorable. At the moment people only really remember me as the guy with the army of :p faces in his sig.
Main choices are my in-game names: Andy Pandy or Captain Bloodloss. Will also make a new avatar and possibly new sig.
Considering changing my name on the forums to something more memorable. At the moment people only really remember me as the guy with the army of :p faces in his sig.
Main choices are my in-game names: Andy Pandy or Captain Bloodloss. Will also make a new avatar and possibly new sig.

But if you do that, it's most likely that no-one will remember you!!!
Pffft I always remember you, who could forget Kakashi?

And wtf happened to Koola Mena's avatar, I remember people by their avatars, its totally throwing me off :(
Oh I rarely do not enjoy tits, it just throws me off when trying to recognize people.
About an hour

*winces apologetically*

edit: Well what do you reckon...should i leave it or change to this one


or this one,


....or go back to the orgininal one?

About an hour

*winces apologetically*

edit: Well what do you reckon...should i leave it or change to this one


or this one,


....or go back to the orgininal one?


Lol at polar bear but we can recognise you more easily with the original.
About an hour

*winces apologetically*

edit: Well what do you reckon...should i leave it or change to this one


or this one,


....or go back to the orgininal one?

The guy with the giant gun is pretty cool.
Iron is right, your easily recognized by the runnin man!
Def change it, to running man. Gunman looks metal slug, so he's cool too.
I have just drawn a Weighted Companion Cube on the back of my hand!!! i have also come up with new initials for it: WCCC. Means Weighted Constant Companion Cube. What d'you think??!!!
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