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I just realized that i'm an out of shape mofo...

It's not a good feeling.

I also just remembered that I set some goals about a month ago that I failed to complete.

Also a shitty feeling...
Inorite? It's not like you can tell them, "look, I just like to **** you. You annoy the shit out of me and it's a chore talking to you because you worship me and you are boring and have no interesting interests besides my dick. So I'm not going to talk to you on the phone until I want to ****. OK, so I'll talk to you later baby. :) "

just don't answer the phone, or make things up. "oh shit! can't talk right now, someone is at my door."

Haha, yeah mate that'd be lovely :D if only it was that easy

i'd be saying that if it weren't for my morales :(
yes u all fat u sit on tv anitime dayi louk stupit schow laike pokamen and digamen than u no now how write speell each wort and no gramer
u all bad people fat u go school or out out home or play with fiends or prey to jesis u fat unaducated fat kids
u fat
Yay just turned 18 21 minutes ago!!! Finally I am no legal! =D
I was scared shitless during last night's storm.

Was laying down to sleep at around 3:30 or so, and my window was open.

I started hearing a loud tornado siren going off in the distance, so I got up and warned everyone in the house.

Then things really picked up. In my room, my shades were blowing really hard through the partially opened screen window. The noise around the house was astronomically loud, and I never experienced anything like that in a storm before. The sky outside was being constantly lit up by lightning flashes every half second, and things were really very intense. I was fairly certain a tornado was going to rip through, so we were staying in the most structurally sound room in the house, the hallway.

It all blew through fast though, within a period of 20 minutes. I had managed to get my TV on(the satellite miraculously started working again), and was watching the news. No confirmed tornadoes or anything, but lots of upper windshear data being picked up around the area I was living in.

Apparently the storm had been moving very very fast, ripping across a large swath of the Dallas area north and south, with wind being clocked at like 70-80mph.

Today there were downed trees in the neighborhood, blocking roads and stuff... but I'm relieved not much happened to our house.

I'm not afraid to say I was scared shitless that night, as I was sure something bad was going to happen. That was the most epically terrifying storm I had ever been in, and I've been in some bad lightning storms before(once while in a vehicle).
So how's the weather with everyone?
Then things really picked up. In my room, my shades were blowing really hard through the partially opened screen window.

Just wasted half an hour singing to White & Nerdy. I finally nailed the minesweeper part :phew:
Spent an hour perfecting the Scout class. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee baseball bats!
The storm last night was fun, lots of lightning. I love lightning. After you live in the dead middle of Tornado Alley, you tend to stop being afraid of tornados, and just love them and want to see more of them....

I REALLY wish I was a storm chaser.
Saw Leatherheads with a friend, surprisingly good movie.

On an unrelated note I feel really shitty.
I have three weeks to catch up on a looooottt of work.


But at the end of that, GTA!

On an unrelated note thanks for joining and leaving 5 seconds later Tavibitch. I will now start calling you Taffybitch
I'm currently watching Andromeda, and I have a 2,500 word essay to finish by 4pm today (Friday).
I've done about 200 words.
She pack my bags last night, pre flight.

Zero hour, Nine AM,

And i'm gonna be high as a kite by then.
So my chest hurts like a mofo right now. I went to the doc and he said it might be a clotted lung or a phenumenoia. Either way I'm pissed.
I just heard the instrumental: Neil Zaza - I'm alright
It's awesome!
My friend busted the shit out of his head at school today. Blood everywhere. Forgot his phone number while he was trying to call his dad. I couldn't stop lolling, I even have a pic from after the cleanup, but **** my unsteady hands.

I nailed my part at Grease practice tonight.

I mean ****ing NAILED it.
So who has never seen Grease before?!

*raises hand slowly*
Johnny Casino; he's never shown in the movie, so don't try and remember him from that. He's the lead singer of the band at the dance where everyone does the hand jive.

My friend busted the shit out of his head at school today. Blood everywhere. Forgot his phone number while he was trying to call his dad. I couldn't stop lolling, I even have a pic from after the cleanup, but **** my unsteady hands.

Oh how did he do that?
He was running around some bleachers in the gym, but see he couldn't see what he was doing because he has Jesus hair. Suddenly, "LOL **** MAH HEAD."
Christ, I've just spent the past 14 straight hours working on my Russian History exam papers, one about the Soviet role in WWII and another about how Stalin should be judged. My eyes are messed up from staring at word processing for too long.

I just got the grade back from this and I got an 88.5 on the exam, ten points over the class and department average \o/
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