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It was productive. Sort of.

Today is a bad, bad day.
Oh, but I feel sorry for him. Unforunetly, there's not much I can do but make comments.
If someone buys your item on ebay, then you don't hear anything from them for 4 weeks, asking them occasionally when they're going to buy it, then you open a dispute and they claim 'i told you ages ago', so you double check your email and ebay messages and see no communication from them, what do you do?

I just resolved the dispute (mutually, with no unpaid item strike or cash claim) and gave them negative feedback. Can they do the same to me, even though it's them ****ing me around?
If someone buys your item on ebay, then you don't hear anything from them for 4 weeks, asking them occasionally when they're going to buy it, then you open a dispute and they claim 'i told you ages ago', so you double check your email and ebay messages and see no communication from them, what do you do?

I just resolved the dispute (mutually, with no unpaid item strike or cash claim) and gave them negative feedback. Can they do the same to me, even though it's them ****ing me around?
This should resolve everything.

I need to are cutted hair too. But I am always too lazy to go.
And all the science,

I don't understand,

It's just my job five days a week,

A rocket man.

Looking it up didnt help me. I assume you're talking about a bird, but you could also be referring to your band, a member of the King's Counsel, or a helicopter.

Either way, im sorry for your loss.
My budgie just died :(

oh man that sucks. GO with it man. Give it to your cat, as a treat and the circle of life continues.

Seriously, I know that doesn't sound compassionate, but I too, wish to be buried in the dirt without a casket, so that the bugs that I have lead a life-time of mistreatment of, may feast upon my delicious flesh.

also, this may cheer you up:

*shakes head at virus*

Aww, now im sad. Those are some sweet looking birds and I would be sad/furious if I had one and it died.
That was the first kind of bird that I've ever kept.

Also, I ****ing suck at skimboarding.
Yeah, I used to have 2 of them. Mine had rabies or something and always tried to attack me. hated me to no end.

I would be all bloody after playing with them.
that seems like a low price for that.... What is it? I mean, what does it do?
Best videos I could find...

It's a 2-part monophonic PCM synth, 8-part drum machine. A groovebox, basically. You program patterns on it, controls right on the board to tweak live.

Or you can take a look at one of my videos to get an idea what jamming on a groovebox is all about http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NzX4YPRkhk0
Well then, that makes two of us.

I've got therapy in 40 minutes, should be fun. Or productive, at the very least.
I've been seriously considering going back to therapy lately, which is bad bad bad but at least it'll help me get things off my chest (ie - all my moneys... YES I KEEP IT ON MY CHEST SHUT UP JEEEEEEEEZ).

Anyway, it's becoming pretty clear that I have to do something as I've been getting frustrated way too easily lately, even with the smallest things. I think it started getting worse around the time I bought Ikaruga from XBLA... hmm, I wonder.

That goes great with your avatar and sig.
Haha, that cheered me up a bit, even though it's brutally, horribly true.
Did my scene...

Was pretty good.

Is it weird that when I log on here it feels suspiciously like coming home? It's very comforting.
Took my friend too the hospital after he has an fit. Clearing out vomit isn't nice, but he's all good now, so :)
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