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I'm drunk and thinking about how much I just don't like people my age, they all so ****ing shallow, materialistic, elitest and/or just plain stupid. This isn't because I've been rejected or anything either, **** I just hate them all wether they personally chose to like me or not. ****.

I lol'd at that spider photo and it has now made me happy and holy shit that's the monster from that skying game in his avatar.

wdit 2: ****, now I look like a whiney fool.
video games are an art form, but if they're any too things that should never be mixed together it's capitalism and art, and right from the begining and evidently right now ****ing video games are an art form that needs to be fueled by cash and everyone just gets greedy and makes sequels to rake in more of your money, no one will ever really care for video games as art because all of the founders and all time greats were just greedy ******s. and the nest picasso will never make one of his great works a video game because he's probably going to be as ignorant as everyone else and be so blind that he won't see any potential in the medium at all because all the founding fathers were executives in the McDonalds coroporation. dont know what this has to do with anything but ****.

edit: don't beleive me think about what music would be like if it was invented by 50 cent or Eminem, Beethoven would have been a painter.
Erm, the forum feels like a pub today. Everyone is drunk and making retarded threads, and even the mods are joining, and Hazar is an asshole...
I'm wearing a frail glass cup on my head and I decided I'm going to misspell drunk as djunk from now on. And I've never even been djunk in my life. :D
Twelve quid for 9 holes on a ****-mothering council course?!

12?! Jebus. I'm a wee bit pished aff today.
Dude, I'm sorry to break it to you, but you got played by the repair guys. Golf courses are supposed to have holes in them.
They are? All this time I've wasted pegging balls at passing cars. :(
Omg, this is one long thread...

Wowza, over 70 pages. Nice :D
Mine says 71

try clicking 'Last Page' you'll get there
Buying a wireless adapter for my 360. I seriously cannot be ****ing bothered with trying to bridge my internet connection anymore. And my LAN cable is pretty much ruined at this point.
I did. If this thing doesn't work well, there's a 30 day return policy which (thankfully) applies to opened products as well. Chances are I'll find out about some half-as-expensive alternate method of giving the 360 a wireless connection, so I'll just return this adapter and go with the cheaper option. But honestly I've been screwing around hopelessly for a long time trying to get it to connect via a bridged/shared connection with my computer's wireless card, and it has never even slightly worked. So this is $100 to ensure a huge lack of frustration in the future.
What happens when you run a toll booth? I had to do it because the machine didnt register my 75 cents, didnt have any more change, and it was an un-manned toll booth.
They photograph your license plate, trace your home address, and send you a ticket.
What happens when you run a toll booth? I had to do it because the machine didnt register my 75 cents, didnt have any more change, and it was an un-manned toll booth.
You forgot to pay the dollah twenty five ya dirty whore. I'll come outta the booth and ****in' drop you with a Louisville ****in' slugger, wadda ya say to that ass F*CK?!


Well, its kind of unlikely that anything will happen, but probably a small amount.

Any idea if they check the video before sending the fine? If they do, then they will probably see me drop monies in it, and then get all confused when nothing happened.
Background: I study Creative and Professional writing at university

Currently internally debating whether to risk my reputation (or maybe enhance it?) on submitting this poem for workshop (NSFW):
"An ode to masturbation"

I sit alone, with cock in grip
and open up my pr0n.
And then I just go wild, let rip
until all my sperm is gone.

It's spread out far across my keyboard
it really is quite sticky.
I shudder as I realise
cleaning it will be tricky.

I wipe it up with a sullied sock
and shove it in a drawer.
And then I put away my cock
and try to work some more.
By workshop, it means the class will all get a copy of the poem and (while anonymously workshopped) the class will know it's me almost instantly.
Suggestions? I have one more workshop opportunity to get this in. Should I take it, or just submit it for my folder (meaning it'll get marked as part of an assignment folder, but only the teacher will read it)?
If you do it, go all the way and have the whole class get it.
Background: I study Creative and Professional writing at university

Currently internally debating whether to risk my reputation (or maybe enhance it?) on submitting this poem for workshop (NSFW):
"An ode to masturbation"

I sit alone, with cock in grip
and open up my pr0n.
And then I just go wild, let rip
until all my sperm is gone.

It's spread out far across my keyboard
it really is quite sticky.
I shudder as I realise
cleaning it will be tricky.

I wipe it up with a sullied sock
and shove it in a drawer.
And then I put away my cock
and try to work some more.
By workshop, it means the class will all get a copy of the poem and (while anonymously workshopped) the class will know it's me almost instantly.
Suggestions? I have one more workshop opportunity to get this in. Should I take it, or just submit it for my folder (meaning it'll get marked as part of an assignment folder, but only the teacher will read it)?


are you serious?
By workshop, it means the class will all get a copy of the poem and (while anonymously workshopped) the class will know it's me almost instantly.

I find it disturbing that your class will know it's you almost instantly. What the **** do you do to make people that aware of you in that way? lol

EDIT: oh wait... you said it's mostly all girls. so you're just one of a few choices of who it could be.
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