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Well, basically, had a fit, Starting choking on his own vomit, had to pry his mouth open to let all the vomit out, so he wouldn't choke to death. it was all over me and the floor. it also stunk like rotten dead, just being finished raped, Bananas.
Yes. I'll taze your bear's penis.

Watching the guys at 4PlayerPodcast play Fatal Frame 2 right now, so far no mention of bears or tazing the penis, only flying Christina Ricci heads.. :(
I personally met Mr. Epic Fail today. Was in the car with my dad and driving around, and on the side of us there was like a platoe (spell?) with cars on it. All of the sudden we see a car with its backwheels hanging in the air and half of the car was about to slid of the platoe (about 2 meters high) onto the street that we were driving on and i see 2 old italians argue beside it, scared its going to fall down any moment. It was raining pretty heavy btw. I told my dad to stop so i could take a picture but he wouldnt :(

Fun, nontheless.
Anyone else here not well at the moment? I've got a bad cold and feel like shit. I can't be the only one here who's not well atm.
Feeling like shit due to going to bed at 4 and getting up at 7:30 (stupid girlfriend's alarm, curse you!) and drinking last night...hungover and tired...*cries*
I am tired and bored and I refuse to sleep for reasons I've long forgotten at this point.

Also I think our bitch-ass ISP capped our speed because we went over our bandwidth limit once or... thrice. Damnit. Gogo 35kb/s for the next... TWO WEEKS. ****.
I am tired and bored and I refuse to sleep for reasons I've long forgotten at this point.

Also I think our bitch-ass ISP capped our speed because we went over our bandwidth limit once or... thrice. Damnit. Gogo 35kb/s for the next... TWO WEEKS. ****.
35kb/s is a ****ing blessing, my ISP caps me at 3.5kb/s if I go over my limit. SLOWER THAN A MOTHER****ING TELEPHONE MODEM
Ive never been capped, and i often download like 5 gigs of shit a day.
I have 80 gig a month

And sometimes i still go over it and get capped too dial-up speed =(
Good man. The apartment complex right next to my best friend went down in flames last night, almost spread to hers. I have this really really horrible feeling when I think about if it had happened to her. Don't know what I would do if anything were to happen to her.
DISCLAIMER: THE FOLLOWING IS AN INSIGHT TO YOUR FUTURE. IT WILL HAPPEN TO YOU. So I was in math class one day and I felt the singing pain in my nostrilage area signaling the approach of a heavy, painfull sneeze. I knew it was coming, for there is no stopping these kinds of things, so I closed my eyes and made the 'baby-crying-and-pooping-at-the-same-time' face, took a deep breath like I was sucking air for the first time in my life, and awaited the full force. I sat there, holding the pencil away from my face just in case, holding my position. But the sneeze...it never came. People started looking; I started panicking. What do I do? I thought. The only excuse for this kind of face is a sneeze! I let down my guard, and my face formed back to its normal ugliness, for I knew the sneeze would not come. I was left sitting there, marked for my failure to produce an essential sneeze. I may never discover the mystery behind this missing sneeze.
Hate it when that happens. I always say "oh man I had to sneeze just then" to make up for the lack of a sneeze.
Sometimes when that happens I fake a sneeze. I don't know if it's very convincing or not, but I try.
Went for another bike ride today. SO many flowers...lupins and poppies covered the entire hillside. Awesome.
they must be eliminated. a lawn mower would be an excellent starting point.

seriously? why not take pictures?
My bike lost it's brakes and I rode my bike to and from school for a couple months. Bushes were my brakes. I live in hills too, so going downhill ain't fun.
Good man. The apartment complex right next to my best friend went down in flames last night, almost spread to hers. I have this really really horrible feeling when I think about if it had happened to her. Don't know what I would do if anything were to happen to her.

Suaside or Canada
Cananadia lol. I've been playing Fallout 2 all night and I have gone ****ing NOWHERE. Just wandering the map and finding all of the locations/towns.
So I'm ****ing watching a ****ing movie at my pc just having a good ****ing time and I ****ing suddenly see something move across my desk/keyboard and I look down and it's this ****ing long legged ****ing centipede mother****er, holy shit I ****ing flipped. I ****ing hate bugs, centipedes are like the worst. So I turn my light on, try to figure out what I'm going to do, it's too ****ing big and gross to squish with a tissue (I'd ****ing feel that ****er through the tissue and probably have a heart attack) so I go into the bathroom and get a washrag. When I get back I come in for the kill, and it starts moving around, and I'm thinking to myself "****, if I let this little shit get away I'm going to be paranoid for a week" so I grabbed my balls so to speak and squished that ****er, held it down for like 7 minutes, then lifted up and he was dead. On my mousepad. So then I went and got a tissue to wipe it up and throw it away.

And I finished my movie, and it was good.
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