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Looking for feedback for my website. It's for an "IT for Writers" class that is aimed at people with no prior HTML/CSS experience. I have some of both (and obviously computer knowledge that most don't have), so I made this site. Rules are it must be done in Notepad (I used Notepad++ which is also allowed) and must have stories/poems up.
I ask you lot knowing you're all better than me at this stuff to have a gander, and give me any ideas on some stuff I can do to either optimize the site or up my grade a little. I was thinking along the lines of an RSS feed for my website, because my sister wanted one so she would know when I upload a story there. What do you think? Are they easy to make by hand/maintain by hand?

Link is: HYAAAR
Make the fonts look better, give the content div some padding, do some things with the colors (the white bg of the content area looks awful, make it go with the layout more). it looks alright, especially for someone who's more or less a beginner, but it could have a lot more done to it.
Make the fonts look better, give the content div some padding, do some things with the colors (the white bg of the content area looks awful, make it go with the layout more). it looks alright, especially for someone who's more or less a beginner, but it could have a lot more done to it.
Any actual ideas for Fonts? I have already changed it a little from feedback on the hl2.net steam channel but if it could do with something different that'd be good.
I agree with the white background though actually, it is a bit garish. I'll have a fiddle with colours and try and get something a bit darker.
On the technical side of things, we're meant to make it as accessible to people with disabilities as possible, so if you look at the html there's some hidden text with links to skip the menu and stuff for people using text readers. Any other stuff like that would be cool to implement. Also the cogs and that are me just messing with relative positioning. If you think you'd prefer a cleaner design with different pictures then I could just change them and have something brighter and perkier. In fact I was thinking about having multiple themes (which might bump my grade up loads). How hard are they to program in without using javascript?

EDIT: Damn, Vegeta. Ok does anyone have any tips on how I can fix the broken formatting too?
Who the **** uses IE6 anyway. That's like trying to be compatible with beta tracks.
You could start by not using PNGs for transparency. Doesn't work in IE6.
What else could I use for transparency?

And Peshy; My university uses some god-awful old internet explorer, and my IT teacher blamed my poor coding on the fact that the formatting was broken when I loaded it up on their computers, despite it looking fine on my Firefox. I think I need to be as compatible as possible, though without losing as much niceness as possible. If that's possible.
What else could I use for transparency?

And Peshy; My university uses some god-awful old internet explorer, and my IT teacher blamed my poor coding on the fact that the formatting was broken when I loaded it up on their computers, despite it looking fine on my Firefox. I think I need to be as compatible as possible, though without losing as much niceness as possible. If that's possible.

http://www.w3.org/ is the standard for web language. If your teacher uses an outdated browser intentionally to grade your webpage, then he's an idiot and shouldn't be doing that.

Despite, find out what version of IE he's using and conform to those standards. However if you fix the problems outlined in the validation check, you'll more than likely fix all browser compatibility issues.
What else could I use for transparency?
Gif? Or try doing it without transparency.

This image specifically... http://dek.nicholson.googlepages.com/Title2-Bronze-Backgroundedcopy.png
Why is there a huge chuck of transparancy on the right? That doesn't seem proper. Either convert the image to gif (if it looks okay in a smart 256 color palette) or paste in whatever you would be seeing being that transparency and save as a JPG. (If you can't just cut off that part of the image to begin with due to some odd reason... you should be able to.

It doesn't seem like you need to worry about the background behind your transparent images changing, so you should be able to simply map it in and save as JPG.
Ok I'll do all that. I've also looked at the validation thing and fixed most of the stuff (One of the errors was to do with the RSS feed linking to my blog, which I didn't make and don't understand at all, so I can't fix it). Oh the tutorials I used to make my site were all from www.w3schools.com.

Thanks for the help, I'll update my site when I'm at uni tomorrah.

EDIT: Did a tiny bit of updating, and have a new version of the site that is fully XHTML 1.0 valid:
Only problem is, the formatting looks screwed on Firefox now. I checked the source but couldn't find anything that would make the title bar image jump up like that. Any thoughts?
EDIT2: Ok I have it. Basically the Tidy thing I used from the validation site grouped my Div tags together, so now my title bar AND title image are being moved 30px up and 30px left (instead of just the title name).
EDIT3: Wewt ok it's back to normal. Can you guys now using IE6 and that check out my site and see if there are any more problems (apart from the png transparency thing, I'll fix that tomorrow). Use the newindex link above, I'll update all my pages tomorrow too.
I just had a massive influx of testostorone to the head.
Debating whether to put a photo of myself in the mugshot thread and as a display picture.

Strange how I can get so annoyed over relatively non-impacting decisions.
I despise analytical modelling.
Ohhhh, structures?

Right now I wonder if a career move is the right move for me. If I stay, I have comfort, monies and practical skills I've used since high school. If I move, what if it turns sour and I dig myself into a nasty rut?

Do what you think is best, but don't be complacent sitting in one place wondering

protip: don't sacrifice your economical form to shape a future career move you cannot afford (ie: consider your rent, mortgage).
Ok I'll do all that. I've also looked at the validation thing and fixed most of the stuff (One of the errors was to do with the RSS feed linking to my blog, which I didn't make and don't understand at all, so I can't fix it). Oh the tutorials I used to make my site were all from www.w3schools.com.

Thanks for the help, I'll update my site when I'm at uni tomorrah.

EDIT: Did a tiny bit of updating, and have a new version of the site that is fully XHTML 1.0 valid:
Only problem is, the formatting looks screwed on Firefox now. I checked the source but couldn't find anything that would make the title bar image jump up like that. Any thoughts?
EDIT2: Ok I have it. Basically the Tidy thing I used from the validation site grouped my Div tags together, so now my title bar AND title image are being moved 30px up and 30px left (instead of just the title name).
EDIT3: Wewt ok it's back to normal. Can you guys now using IE6 and that check out my site and see if there are any more problems (apart from the png transparency thing, I'll fix that tomorrow). Use the newindex link above, I'll update all my pages tomorrow too.

Now it's time to validate your CSS! http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/

Come on seriously? How can you be a regular hl2.net member and fail a religion and science test?

yeah, i'm pissed. I'm going to post my essay here tom. on helplife2.net and see if you people could critique me.
Free burger from mc donalds is awesome. Some dumb bitch put some old mans order in my bag together with my order. I went outside and decided to just eat it there cuz i was to lazy to carry it home. I soon realized i had free food in my bag and got exited. Then i see the old man who was waiting impatiently for his food walk up to the counter to ask wtf his food is...so i quickly throw all my shit in the bag, run to my bike, and take off. Got home..and enjoyed my free food.
Free burger from mc donalds is awesome. Some dumb bitch put some old mans order in my bag together with my order. I went outside and decided to just eat it there cuz i was to lazy to carry it home. I soon realized i had free food in my bag and got exited. Then i see the old man who was waiting impatiently for his food walk up to the counter to ask wtf his food is...so i quickly throw all my shit in the bag, run to my bike, and take off. Got home..and enjoyed my free food.

Wow... you're so greedy. lol
Free burger from mc donalds is awesome. Some dumb bitch put some old mans order in my bag together with my order. I went outside and decided to just eat it there cuz i was to lazy to carry it home. I soon realized i had free food in my bag and got exited. Then i see the old man who was waiting impatiently for his food walk up to the counter to ask wtf his food is...so i quickly throw all my shit in the bag, run to my bike, and take off. Got home..and enjoyed my free food.

i don't really eat much anymore because i'm trying to get really fit. i only eat like vegetables and basically my biggest meal of the day is breakfast. i could probably excercise more but **** that, i'm too lazy so i just stopped eating. at least i don't have to leave my house that often.
i went to get a sub at school, went completely passed the cashier without even noticing sat down and ate my sub. 20 minutes later, i dig into my pocket to find my $20, i realized i didn't pay and they didn't notice.
I felt bad so i went back and paid, now i feel stupid lol.
i went to get a sub at school, went completely passed the cashier without even noticing sat down and ate my sub. 20 minutes later, i dig into my pocket to find my $20, i realized i didn't pay and they didn't notice.
I felt bad so i went back and paid, now i feel stupid lol.

I wouldn't feel stupid. I would have done the same thing, honestly.

Especially if it was my parent's money.
Just think of how many people watched you do that but didn't say anything.
I once got a free cheese pizza by mistake when I went to the local pizza shot.
I didn't find out until I got home.
I just realized You Suck At Photoshop 8 came out...along with 2 more episodes. I am listening to that now.
Realised that I'm half a foot taller than everyone in my year at school, brutally murdered Kevin Rudd (before each of the several dozen pieces i cut him up into began to grow into new Rudds'), began a War on Everything, broke into a fit of rage after playing Halo 3 (all of it) on Lengendary 6 times, hoping to see the extended ending, having to suffer through the ending cinematic each time, and each time seeing a cheerful massage about how I helped Bungie on their way to world domination instead on my rightfully deserved extended ending.
I need to get a ****ing job.

I don't want to get a ****ing job.

Conflicting interests...
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