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Spent the last couple of weeks bashing my head against the door, and have now had all remaining faith in the media eradicated...permamnently.
elkaebee said:
Spent the last couple of weeks bashing my head against the door, and have now had all remaining faith in the media eradicated...permamnently.

So now it's time to begin the elimination. Starting with you.
Went on a 14 mile bike ride today. There's still a lot of snow, but I was quite pleased to be able to ride over it at great length. We also stumbled upon a previously unknown ditch trail, but we'll have to wait a few months for the snow to melt to hit it. We found an old helipad in the woods too.
Went on a 14 mile bike ride today. There's still a lot of snow, but I was quite pleased to be able to ride over it at great length. We also stumbled upon a previously unknown ditch trail, but we'll have to wait a few months for the snow to melt to hit it. We found an old helipad in the woods too.

An old helipad? Awesome. Search around some more in that area... where there is a helipad there has to be other stuff of significance. I mean, they don't just build heli-pads willy nilly.
That's awesome. A friend is coming over to help keep me awake all night, gonna finish Dark Sector on Brutal and maybe play some Viking: Battle for Asgard.
I haven't posted in this thread for aaages.

I went to a party last night. It was cool. I hung out with the girl I always hang out with at parties. Then I went home. Yeah.
I just had a bad snack pack. /shockhorror

Also came home from a party. Not a terrible hangover, though some lovely wrenching throughout the night. Had some terrible KFC in the morning though :(

Should have a nice shitface photo up in the mugshot thread laterz.
I got into an argument with someone in youtube comments. Im usually more careful. Be right back, need to smash my own skull repeatedly with a shovel to try and forget the discussion.
What the hell Que? Awesome.

I got into an argument with someone in youtube comments. Im usually more careful. Be right back, need to smash my own skull repeatedly with a shovel to try and forget the discussion.

Can I help?
Just finished a huge apocalypse game at the Games Workshop's near mine's first birthday. 2000 points each, like 6 people per side. It was tiring.
Crimsonland was such a bitch to me. The massive, gold colored aliens always pissed me right off.
You are right, que. It is spelled surprise. Not suprise.
suprise is gay.
Metroid Prime 3 is incredibly good. and I have collected almost all of the Smash Brawl challenges.
Do you know how awesome God Of War for PSP is? I'm pretty much hooked..its got too much awesome. Way to much..
just got a txt message from uh-hoo-hoo saying

"Hey Alex, haven'y heard from u in a while. How r u babe? Um probs just gonna gave a few ppl ovr, then hit da town wekend aftr. We should do somthin. Why dont u cum ova and i can show u the true meanin of screama? Xo babe. Cass"
Last night I fell asleep at 6:15 pm. I woke up around 8:30 and thought "I should eat dinner," but then I fell asleep again.
It seems I can't sleep in anymore. I'm constantly waking at 10-10:30am even though only having four hours of sleep for the past two days. I used to get through 12-14 hours of sleep no problem.
Called my mom today, wished her a happy birthday.

I wish she didn't have such a horrible life. I feel like it's my fault a lot of the time because I can't go rescue her and give her a better life. Can't even keep my own going too well.

Last time she saw me in person was probably 7 years ago.
Called my mom today, wished her a happy birthday.

I wish she didn't have such a horrible life. I feel like it's my fault a lot of the time because I can't go rescue her and give her a better life. Can't even keep my own going too well.

Last time she saw me in person was probably 7 years ago.
:( how come?
:( how come?

Because she lives all the way in California... and the last couple times I went to California I didn't get to visit her for various reasons.

It's all so sad really. She's living a miserable life, and I wish I could free her from her pains and give her happiness again by having her live closer to where I live so I can visit in person, and not just once every couple weeks or month on the phone.
An old helipad? Awesome. Search around some more in that area... where there is a helipad there has to be other stuff of significance. I mean, they don't just build heli-pads willy nilly.

It turns out there's a gaging station/flume/diversion dam not far from there that peels the ditch off of the Stanislaus (south fork) river. They probably use(d?) it to airlift heavy equipment/materials in and out. We're debating where to go riding today. We're kind of pinched in about a 1000' elevation gap between too much snow and budding poison oak. The poison oak grows up to around 4000' and the snow gets consistent enough to make riding a problem at around 5000' and above. It seems like a lot of distance, but it's only a few miles here between those elevations, which cuts out a lot of our favorite rides. The ride yesterday through all the snow was between 5000' and 5400'.
that party i had on thursday...lol found out some clowns smashed an entire 2-4 of MooseHead (canadian Beer) all over my driveway, the street and my neighbors driveway, so i had to clean that up while cutting myself several times. Some clown threw up all over my washroom, in my sink in my bathtub and broke the toilet handle.

I had to windex my glass table 3 times to get it clean, someone stuffed 1/2 of a McRib sandwhich in my sink drain and some fries and poured milk all over the place (lol wtf?) and there are several scuffs and scratches on my wall.

My parents aren't too happy with me at the moment lol, all in all it was an awesome party because i finally hooked up with this really hot girl i didn't get to a few weeks ago and it was glorious.
My gf's birth control takes effect the same day that GTAIV comes out. God hates me.
that party i had on thursday...lol found out some clowns smashed an entire 2-4 of MooseHead (canadian Beer) all over my driveway, the street and my neighbors driveway, so i had to clean that up while cutting myself several times. Some clown threw up all over my washroom, in my sink in my bathtub and broke the toilet handle.

I had to windex my glass table 3 times to get it clean, someone stuffed 1/2 of a McRib sandwhich in my sink drain and some fries and poured milk all over the place (lol wtf?) and there are several scuffs and scratches on my wall.

My parents aren't too happy with me at the moment lol, all in all it was an awesome party because i finally hooked up with this really hot girl i didn't get to a few weeks ago and it was glorious.

You should probably hire some other form of entertainment next time :shh:
Doggie style sex is awesome.

Doggie style is my favorite of the positions..
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