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I nearly shit my pants/trousers today. Thank goodness I wasn't wearing my favorite boxers. :P

I'll never drink milk with coffee again.
Spirited Away

ah, i knew it

i rented that from the library once

i like all their movies. checked all of them from the library

firefly grave
spirited away
the cat returns
my neighbor toro


Saturus, coffee is a laxative. milk can be as well, especially if you are mildly or severely lactose intolerant. tobacco acts like a laxative as well

combine all three for some serious entertainment
Saturus, coffee is a laxative. milk can be as well, especially if you are mildly or severely lactose intolerant. tobacco acts like a laxative as well

combine all three for some serious entertainment
Ya, I would've filled my drawers to the elasticized brim if I had been sensitive to all three. :cheese: It takes a real man to hold emergencies under dire circumstances.

I would've never announced this if it happened. "Shaturos! Hahaha!" :P
We would have all just called you Dragon Shit.
LOL, good one. I'll give you that. :D

My colon has spared my pants/breeches/trousers though. (Or whatever you UK people call "leg coverings")
soup, /misc/

I have the sudden urge to bang a Gardevoir after reading the Image Drop thread.


And then I found an illustration of "that story" in the Image Dump.


pm me for sauce
Waking up for school when I'm out of school... what is this?!

Oh yeah, graduation practice.

**** it's early.
We should all meet up. for super duper bumshecks.

Also, i'm so freakin' tired :(
woot, first day back at work at the Gamefrog lan center i used to work at, its been a year, man i missed these long hours of standing around bored out of my skull listening to 16 year olds talk swag about super smash brothers.

oh well, gettin' paiiiid
My phone is out of commission.

I'm seriously getting pissed god, cut it out. I'm serious.
I wore a dress because we were acting out Romeo & Juliet in my english class.
woot, first day back at work at the Gamefrog lan center i used to work at, its been a year, man i missed these long hours of standing around bored out of my skull listening to 16 year olds talk swag about super smash brothers.

oh well, gettin' paiiiid

Like so?
Had a game of Combat Flight Simulator 3 with my aviation class. !6-person server, everyone came, but as soon I had won six games(each game had 25-kill limit), everyone beside three(including myself/your mum). We were at the very least, scattered over a twent mile radius, so we couldn't find each other by radar, so we used the maps avalible to us to find each other, and just as the bell for period four went, we were within one mile of each other. It was a good day.
u know what I don't get? People who post a reply and have the quote underneath
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