Mod: The Asylum - Help Wanted!


Oct 3, 2004
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Hey, Im new to these forums and would like to start by saying hello to everyone. This definitely seems like a better place than the steampowered forums. On to my ranting . . .

My mod that I wish to develop is called the asylum. It will be a realistic comabt simulator so to speak but will have much exaddurated gunplay to balance things out. I plan to add as many real world guns in as I can but one at a time to make sure they all get done right. Everything will be made to be as realistic as possible. Ammo counts, reload animations, recoil, bullet ballistics, the works. I havent put a solid singleplayer storyline together yet but multiplayer will be alot like counter-strike and quake meshed into one. It will basically be mercenaries and hitmen against each other and you battle it out for survival. Anyone who has seen the madness combat flash videos will know exacly what I am going for here. I plan to make an entire new system for the models so that all of the bodyparts will show realistc damage. Limbs can be cut and shot off, bullets will impair your breathing and movement. There will definitely be headshot and heartshots (CS really got me hooked on those). This description is very very brief but I will post an entire checklist of everything that I plan to have incorporated into the mod when the SDK is released. As I said before I expect tons of guns, many melee weapons, and a few explosives. The gameplay modes so far are DM, Team DM, and Co-Op. I may add a few more later but for the most part that is all I need for the theme of the game. I will need modelers, programmers, art designers, mapmakers, moderators for the forums and audio compilers. I personally know how to map, model (barely), code html and design basic art. The only real problem is I have no C++ experience so programmers are a must. I have a serious dedication to making this project happen and will do everything I can to keep this from dying like most of the modifications do. Any suggestions as to how I can recruit a good team are welcome. Thanks for any input ahead of time and for reading my thread.
Personally, I think you ought to work a better angle into your mod before you start recruiting. Something unique. Realistic damage is a start, but I expect a lot of people would be put off hearing comparisons to Counter-Strike or Quake. Why attempt to mimic something that has already been done successfully?

Have you considered maybe a particular setting, or time period, for your mod? Something that hasn't been done before? Some kind of gameplay innovation?
All of that I have been planning as I said I will give a much better outlook on the development when the SDK comes out. I used quake and CS as a baseline. Trust me it will be far from duplicating both of those games.
Speaking of does anyone know when the SDK will be released?
Well I dont know about you but shooting enemies in the legs, dropping them when using another guy as a shield sounds pretty engaging to me. This isnt going to be like a military realism kind of game where you have -5 hp for bleed damage. I am basically going to try and emulate real damage that would happen in reality. If a grenade goes off next to you, your body will be in peices. If you get shot, you die. Fast paced realism is a good game scheme if you can pull it off right and I think I may be able to do it.
Random fact - unless you go and dive on top of a grenade, it's unlikely to blow you into pieces. Explosions always take the easiest route, so that means the majority of it will be forced away from you. So, if the grenade goes off next to you, it's going to knock you over, but it won't blow you into pieces. If you lay on top of it, however, the easiest route for the explosion to go is through you, rather than the ground. Messy. Shrapnel tends to cut people up too, but I very much doubt you'd be in pieces.

Just a random fact. I think.

-Angry Lawyer
Well tell you what. Drop a primed frag grenade between your legs when you get a chance and see how well your limbs stay attached. :LOL:
I really don't understand how the MOD teams deal with the "realism" in their MODs. I can understand for big companies because they have researchers etc... but how can you tell if the recoil of a gun is "realist" or if a shot it the leg with that gun deals that amount of dammages? I think you don't want to make an ultra realistic game but still I always find it wierd when I see that a MOD team wants to do a realistic game. I would suggest you to make sure you have a good gameplay before trying to make it realistic. If something isn't fun or doesn't add something usefull to the game then you should probably remove it.

Good luck :)
Between your legs: on top of the grenade. Sort of.

Oh, and for realistic damages - if you prick yourself on a wood splinter, you have to get a tetanus shot, otherwise for the next few weeks in the game, your character has to lay in bed and recover, otherwise he gets gangrenous. And when you die, your connection to the mod is completely severed - if we're having it realistic, might as well have it one life only...
Only joking with you :) Good luck with the mod anyways.

-Angry Lawyer
It's called fast paced realism. It has worked in CS for years. If you dont like my MOD you dont have to play it. I am far from a communist.
CS is still quite some distance from real - there's no bleeding, folks don't tire, and people don't beg for you to spare them because they have a wife and family :p

Best of luck anyways.

-Angry Lawyer
I know, Im sick of talking about CS. The only thing "CS" about my mod will be headshots and a few guns. Sorry I even mentioned it. :dozey:
*grins* CS has a lot of imagery attached to it, as well as a lot of stigma. If you mention it in a mod's design documentation, people will instantly have the preconceived notion of AWPs, whining children, and dusty environments. Only make a comparison if you're actually trying to achieve something similar to the compared object.

Don't worry, I'm only toying with your mind. We Lawyers are like that :p

-Angry Lawyer