Most disturbing thing you've ever seen?

AzzMan said:
Theres a HUGE difference detween marijuana/alcohol and something like PCP...

I know, but does that prevent me from having fun?
AzzMan said:
No one I know who has done pcp would call it a "fun" experience.

I meant, does that prevent me from having fun saying something mockingly that I did previously? Can I mimic in a mocking way the people who say things like that without it becoming all serious like?

Mythology and appearances in pop culture

More so than any other illegal substance, PCP has developed an elaborate mythological history surrounding itself, spread by sources such as D.A.R.E. PCP is said in an urban legend to cause such entirely realistic hallucinations, such as that of spiders on the users' faces, which in turn causes them to create deep lacerations in the attempt at removing them.

Among police and firefighters, PCP is treated as a menace. Individuals on PCP are treated almost as bogey-men in personal safety lectures that are loaded with ghost stories such as people on PCP chasing down cars and breaking through walls because they are unable to feel pain.

Heh. You'd think these people who wrote this on wikipedia never saw that video you guys are describing?
hmm, in my line of work, there is some pretty disturbing stuff around...

If you must know, here are the top three

1. I read it in an article, that two 11 year old kids tortured and killed a two year old
2. A man got his kneecaps shot out and had his top half layed on a train track. That was probably the worst thing I ever saw. :( his lower half was probably as bad as the top :(
3. Some guy lying in the grass with his girlfriend...shot through the head. That was probably the hardest to work with, man, she was shook up by that :\
Raziaar said:
Heh. You'd think these people who wrote this on wikipedia never saw that video you guys are describing?

Theres other stories of people doing things like ripping their teeth out with pliers, stabbing themselves in the face, chewing their fingers to the bone, all sorts of things. Theres plenty of first-hand experiences of it on also. But that reading was pretty much true, pcp was used as an anesthetic for a short while, discontinued for obvisou reasons though lol.:rolling:
AzzMan said:
Theres other stories of people doing things like ripping their teeth out with pliers, stabbing themselves in the face, chewing their fingers to the bone, all sorts of things. Theres plenty of first-hand experiences of it on also. But that reading was pretty much true, pcp was used as an anesthetic for a short while, discontinued for obvisou reasons though lol.:rolling:

I don't deny it. That link from wikipedia sounded like people trying deny the existance of the craziness of the drug, putting it off as myth.
Ahh ok I see what youre saying. Just to be fair most of the crazy violent stories were by people of a somewhat questionable mentality anyways (another reason I dont wish to do pcp haha). Also most of the violent ones were by habitual users, or by people who stay up for days doing the stuff (kinda like meth binges)

i once saw the pictures of the guy who injected diarrhea down his urethra to masterbate it out again. It was a series of pictures titled "shitdick"

I was IMing a friend of mine who sent me this link. Like an idiot i click on the link. I scroll down and am greeted by this image. Somehow it fails to gross me out. I don't even remember cringing. I was all like "hmm, thats pretty gross, he has shit coming out of his penis, ho hum." (once you've seen a picture of a man who self mutilated his penis into the shape of a starfish down to the base, everthing else sorta falls short)

I think that my lack of being disturbed is what disturbs me most of all. It feels like the internet has killed my soul or at least turned it into a nasty charcoal lump. This is also why i hate furries. Cause every time i see some of their disgusting fetish pr0n, i feel a little bit of my soul just shrivel up.

Damn you internet!



Darkside55 said:
The tale I'm about to tell is a horrible one.

A little background first: in my IRC channel, we make a habit of posting the worst things we can possibly find on the internet. Nothing's taboo or considered too graphic for posting, and we regularly try to shock the shit out of newcomers by posting whatever awful material's at hand.

Now, I'm gifted with an iron stomach. Nothing sickens me, and some things that should disturb me I laugh off (I admit to laughing inappropriately at things like Faces of Death...watching people get hit by trains or being burnt alive or getting shot in the stomach with a shotgun during a riot in Mexico [God that one was funny]). I've seen almost every disturbing sexual fetish there is, seen all manner of diseases and conditions from genital rot to harlequinn babies, and I've even seen what sick people (read: bastards) can do to animals (setting kittens on fire, cutting them up and hanging them from their own sinews, skinning foxes alive). Nothing I have seen comes close to Urethra Man.

I don't even remember how I came across it, but there was this video on the internet cryptically labeled as "Sandbox." I click on the video, and it opens to a scene of a man sitting naked on a bed, with this dominatrix-type woman next to him. She's holding his penis in her hand, and a white vibrator in the other. After some small words, she proceeds to JAM THE THING INTO HIS PEE-HOLE and violently shove it in, out, in, out. The guy is screaming his head off. All of us in the channel really felt for that guy. We named him Urethra Man, and consider him a martyr.

What a sick disturbed bunch of people you all are :|.

Anyway, Wednesday night was landmine night so it showed lots of pictures of people who had trudden on mines, including one per chap who was missing the left half of his head, his left arm and everything below his belly button and his innards dangling out.