Most memorable characters on

So I went through this circlejerk, and I noticed that in 16 pages I'm only mentioned by the longtime members as either an edit or on one of the, "I'm going to list everybody" kind of things. One or two rare times I'm actually not mentioned in that way by someone who's been on the forum for awhile.

All the things that Darkside's done and I'm not memorable? You fagets, you wound me to the quick.

You know who I was mentioned by? Noobs. Like every noob said, "Darkside." So from now on, I'm throwing in with the noobs. So fuck everybody but noobs; love is over.

Noobs, let's fucking mob out. We are Audi 5000.

Call me a noob will you!?

I guess you have a point.
Oh, man, Rambler. There was one hilareous guy.
Rambler was one of the best members this forum ever had.
So I went through this circlejerk, and I noticed that in 16 pages I'm only mentioned by the longtime members as either an edit or on one of the, "I'm going to list everybody" kind of things. One or two rare times I'm actually not mentioned in that way by someone who's been on the forum for awhile.

In my top ten, man. Silence yo' fat ass and crawl back into yo' loft! :|
this is my most memorable member ...and just for this line alone, comedy GOLD:

=1nfiltrat0r= said:
dood passion of the christ isnt made up fiction. it is a true story of some guy in isreal like 3000 years ago. it isnt made up. i cant believe people dont know this.

I love you =1nfiltrat0r= , please come back

the rest of his post is just as good:

passion of the christ will make way more money its better in every way. shrek2 doesnt have any cool violence like passion of the christ. i bet shrek 2 doesnt have any blood at all. plus shrek 2 is all in english where passion of the christ is in the real language. i know some people dont like to read on the bottom of the screen but having it in the real language just makes it cooler. passion of the christ has already made like a billion dollars nothing will beat it sorry you lost the bet.

you just cant make this shit up
I love you Raziaar, because you think I'm memorable!

You are a very memorable person. I'd recognize your name even if I left these forums and visited again in 5 years. Same goes for most people actually. I'm very good at name recognition(VERY GOOD).
this is my most memorable member ...and just for this line alone, comedy GOLD:

I love you =1nfiltrat0r= , please come back

the rest of his post is just as good:

you just cant make this shit up

haha yeah that's the best quote ever. his other posts are almost equally good too:

ok i did sum research the guy in passion of the christ lived 2000 years ago and he was really torutred so it is a true story. so i was right about that. here is what you have to look at when you decide..

passion of the christ=

real language= yes
vioelnce= yes
blood= yes
true story= yes
hot girls= yes

shrek two=

real language= no
vioelnce= no
blood= no
true story= no
hot girls= no

thats what it b0ils down to. plus u have to k33p in mind that mostly children will go to shrek two and not many children have the money for a m0vie but mostly adults will see passion of the christ and adults usually have the money so u have t0 think about that.

if u go with shrek two u lose the bet. period.

hahah damn this is hilarious i need to read through all his posts
CptStern may not have said it, but at heart I'm the first thing springs to mind when he thinks
haha yeah that's the best quote ever. his other posts are almost equally good too:

hahah damn this is hilarious i need to read through all his posts

holy shit this is lol funny

ok i did sum research the guy in passion of the christ lived 2000 years ago and he was really torutred so it is a true story

research? did he look at a calender? :laugh:

CptStern may not have said it, but "sex with Samon" is the first thing that springs to mind when he thinks


Oh god. I can't think of them all. Wow, I'm on the internet again.

Ones that come to the top of my head.. All the Het's, Stern, Thugenstein, Kupoartist, SHORT RECOIIIIL/Terminator, Rickety Tendons, Vegetables, Joule (I miss that man) Ritz, CyberPitz, Raziaar, Numbers, Qonfused, No Limit, Numbnutisis.. Cannot.. think.. more. Oh Smoke seems vaguely familar.
Dragonboy, it's the internets. He could be 40 and still spelling like that. You never know, with the internets.

Damn, I should have made a name for myself here with some sort of hilareous gimmick.
shrek2 doesnt have any cool violence like passion of the christ.
Jeez, 1nfiltrat0r's grammar is absolutely terrible. How old is/was this guy? 10? :laugh:
Yeah, he's probably still wearing unicorn shirts and shitting his rainbow printed diapers. Lol, what a noob.
Don't talk shit about unicorn shirts. Or rainbow diapers. Or noobs.
anyone from 2003-2004

Especially beerdude (for making an avatar out of a silly video i made)
and angry lawyer...for being angry.
Just because you don't remember names, it doesn't make them not memorable. :D

The guy who made the 'Sean Connery is dead' thread.

The guy who made the 'Will my toaster run HL2' thread.

Raziaar, Qonfused, Krynn, Sulk, Que-Ever, Kyo, Ryuken, CyberPitz, Pesh, xcellerate, ennui, delusional, zombieturtle, the monkey, tollbooth, evilmilk, atomicpiggy, eejit, druckles, acepilot, jintor, dog.


I ****ing love you.
I hate Vegeta. He and I do nothing but argue.

Stupid jerk.

But I guess that makes him memorable.