Most Over-rated games...

FoB_Ed said:
Halo was a complete pile of shit. The singleplayer was so lame and repetitive and the alien designs were so stupid. I'd rather play Dark Forces than that steaming pile of crap.

Exactly, like I said, the same old shit rehashed. Sure, plenty of maps, but does it matter when most of them are complete shit? And when I played the one multiplayer mode with vehicles, it felt the same as Halo, which was why I probably hated it. Tribes 2 > Halo and UT2k4
It would seem that you have only played the game for a total of 5.3 seconds.

the one multiplayer mode with vehicles
...and that gave you away. :)
the one multiplayer mode with vehicles

...and that gave you away.

That was amusing as hell. :D

I dunno what people think of it, but some of my friends love Lineage 2, and I think it's the biggest P.O.S. that has ever been bequeathed upon the earth. Games like that should be labeled MMOMLG's - Massively Multiplater Online Monotonous Leveling Games. There is no roleplaying - you just keep leveling (or grinding, as they call it. how befitting.) until you either die of exhaustion or become part of the "cool" group of people who spend 12 hours a day slaving away at a game. I think someone should call up whoever the heck made Lineage 2 and whine at them for false advertising under the premise that it is somehow, someway, an RPG. Because it's not. Blah.

/rant over
...and that gave you away.

I played it for 10-15 hours, and I don't care if the gameplay mode is called Onslaught or Assault or Shitmode, it doesn't change anything
Soundwave said:
Half-Life 2, and it's not even been released yet.

I'd say it's overhyped, not overated. I'm not the kind of fan who'd die if HL2 doesn't come out - some people on this forum seriously might, though. :|
Haha I know, I too am really looking forward to it, but some of the comments of a few of the posters here is just ridiculous.