Munro! he's gone!

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i think he started his own busniess :(
He left us and went for the money :(

.drow yreve fo rettel driht eht ekat dna daerht siht fo egap driht eht ot og ,ornuM fo stuobaerehw eht revocsid ot redro nI

Ehangc yvere rettel uoy dinf ot eht gollowinf rettel ni eht tlphabea, MP em rouy sesultr, dna twaia ym snstructioni.
Ahaha, I've seen the Munro bus around. It's got one of them Voritgaunt charged rifles on it.

I think he may be in the roots of the Munro mountains, stroking the precious in his palm.

Beerend can blitz the countryside in his Nessie chopper. :p
venturon said:
.drow yreve fo rettel driht eht ekat dna daerht siht fo egap driht eht ot og ,ornuM fo stuobaerehw eht revocsid ot redro nI

Ehangc yvere rettel uoy dinf ot eht gollowinf rettel ni eht tlphabea, MP em rouy sesultr, dna twaia ym snstructioni.

That wasn't a riddle! That was just annoying! :laugh:
Munro, Munro
where did you go
you have us all worried
we're looking for you

Munro, Munro
who the hell are you
you're a twist of an enigma
wrapped up in tofu

Munro, Munro
don't take us for fools
you're trying to sell this site
and our souls to satan too

Munro, Munro
the revolution is sulky's idea
we'll spam your forums
and send you donkey pron

Oh Munrooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...............................................
*a speeding bus comes out of no where as he's running to give ammunition to the squad*
*kirovman's screaming : Munroooo!? Munro! Where are y-bumps over something-ou?!

kirovman [killed] a team mate.
Lucid died.

A vote started : Kick kirovman? Page Up to Forgive or Page Down to Punish.
<Dalamari> M Y G 0 T OWNZ J00
<Dalamari> M Y G 0 T OWNZ J00
<Dalamari> M Y G 0 T OWNZ J00

**Connection Problem Detected**

**Server no longer exists**
john3571000 said:
Lets move out
Fire in the hole
the " X " pwnd the " O " in your avatar !

on topic :
<Digi> Requesting supplies.
<Digi> Requesting supplies.
<Digi> Requesting supplies.
Shodan said:
Me and Samon aren't going to bust him out this time, he can save his own potato.

You know it was mostly me. Remember Samon's god damned wheel chair kept breaking?
DigiQ8 said:
the " X " pwnd the " O " in your avatar !

on topic :
<Digi> Requesting supplies.
<Digi> Requesting supplies.
<Digi> Requesting supplies.

You can't request supplies in a server that doesn't exist
Dalamari said:
You can't request supplies in a server that doesn't exist
It exsit , they just banned you LOLROFL !!oneone

You people that use the IRC channel know him well, now GO FIND HIM!
well there goes the rescue mission...can we raid jack thompson anyway?
So I had the sharks with the laser beams on their heads for NOTHING!

Do you have any idea how much IODINE I had to buy for my WOUNDS.

Asswipes! D:
Banimal will always be Banimal laser shark.
Weeeellll.... a long long time ago (maybe two weeks) a group of illegal immigrants wearing “British Telecom” jackets decided to come down my street in a big truck and dig up my road. In the process they managed to hit a water main and flood the whole street and a number of houses. They also disconnected everyone’s phone lines. With them not being able to speak a word of English we had to take our soggy mobile phones and call the water board to sort them out. At this point the BT lot did a runner.

The next day a new lot of BT blokes popped by and dug up the road again to finish the job the others attempted. The task appeared to be the installation of a new major phone cable to which all the houses were connected. They finished their job and went home with all looking well. That is until I and my neighbour realised we couldn’t use our phones.

It was another two days later when a BT chap comes by just to tell us they some how ‘forgot’ to connect our two houses to the main line and someone would be by next week. Bugger, no phone line = no internet. I of course cried.

Oh well, it’s now a week and a bit later and I finally have my phone line back. All it took was BT digging up my front garden turning it into a muddy wasteland.
Munro said:
Weeeellll.... a long long time ago (maybe two weeks) a group of illegal immigrants wearing “British Telecom” jackets decided to come down my street in a big truck and dig up my road. In the process they managed to hit a water main and flood the whole street and a number of houses. They also disconnected everyone’s phone lines. With them not being able to speak a word of English we had to take our soggy mobile phones and call the water board to sort them out. At this point the BT lot did a runner.

The next day a new lot of BT blokes popped by and dug up the road again to finish the job the others attempted. The task appeared to be the installation of a new major phone cable to which all the houses were connected. They finished their job and went home with all looking well. That is until I and my neighbour realised we couldn’t use our phones.

It was another two days later when a BT chap comes by just to tell us they some how ‘forgot’ to connect our two houses to the main line and someone would be by next week. Bugger, no phone line = no internet. I of course cried.

Oh well, it’s now a week and a bit later and I finally have my phone line back. All it took was BT digging up my front garden turning it into a muddy wasteland.
Munro survives 2nd Munro Incident Shock!

seriously buddy that sucks
something similiar happened to me a few months back but they hit a gas main instead and had to evacuate the estate for fear of a thermonuclear explosion:O

BT, bunch of no good commies. They're forever digging holes here too. Trying to reach China or something I think.
Munro said:
Weeeellll.... a long long time ago (maybe two weeks) a group of illegal immigrants wearing “British Telecom” jackets decided to come down my street in a big truck and dig up my road. In the process they managed to hit a water main and flood the whole street and a number of houses. They also disconnected everyone’s phone lines. With them not being able to speak a word of English we had to take our soggy mobile phones and call the water board to sort them out. At this point the BT lot did a runner.

The next day a new lot of BT blokes popped by and dug up the road again to finish the job the others attempted. The task appeared to be the installation of a new major phone cable to which all the houses were connected. They finished their job and went home with all looking well. That is until I and my neighbour realised we couldn’t use our phones.

It was another two days later when a BT chap comes by just to tell us they some how ‘forgot’ to connect our two houses to the main line and someone would be by next week. Bugger, no phone line = no internet. I of course cried.

Oh well, it’s now a week and a bit later and I finally have my phone line back. All it took was BT digging up my front garden turning it into a muddy wasteland.
Thank god your ok, worried is an understatement, this place has been falling apart without you. I'm sure when you called up BT and you complained they yelled out something along the lines of the term below in a fetching red.

I wish we'd had the time to think of a better cover story, but Jack Thompson has spies everywhere. Secrecy and speed of concealment were imperative!
Ah the operation was a success then? Excellent.

You won't be needing this then! *flies off in stolen F35*

welcome back, Munro :)
So it seems my diguise will no longer be needed....until the next 'Incident occurs'!

Welcome back Munro :P
How were you rescued in the end, Munro? While we were scheming and planning, the Samuri Pizza Cats got there first, didn't they? DAMN CATS!
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