My old Monitor is a Gateway into Hell.


I Hate Custom Titles
Sep 13, 2003
Reaction score

Seriously though. My old monitor has this problem with all sorts of arcing electricity looking stuff across the screens surface. Degaussing doesn't fix it, and nothing I do seems to help. There's a green tint to everything, and its driving me bonkers because it doesnt' even work when plugged into a monitor card. Can't even utilize the dial to change settings on it.
i remember one of my old monitors, a sort of black thin circle (eclipse ?) would start to 'grow' until it was taking up half the screen, weirdest thing, ever.

the first time it happened, i was playing d2 so i was like 'oh boy . .'

we bought a new monitor.
my monitor changes colors from purple to yellow to occasional red
it oftens garbles everything up in an electric syle usually does this once every minute

thank god this isnt my primary monitor im talking about though have a new one then? I suggest taking a sledgehammer to that one and get it on video. ;)
A long time ago, one of my CS friends had a monitor that, whenever he would get flashed, his monitor would literally shut off, and he would have to turn it back on and wait for it. Funniest damn thing.
EC said:
A long time ago, one of my CS friends had a monitor that, whenever he would get flashed, his monitor would literally shut off, and he would have to turn it back on and wait for it. Funniest damn thing.
One of the com labs in my school has a com that doesn't render flashbangs at all. Whenever we play CS everyone would fight over that com :P
HAHAHA I have that monitor...... mine also has a green tint. its gay