My parents think I'm on drugs

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Ikerous said:
Oh well, he's banned, i'm warned, doesn't really matter XD
But, theres an obvious sense of hypocrasy in his statement...
Whats more immoral, condoning sex before marriage, or what he said?
According to common sense, and of course Jesus' teachings, it would be what he said.

Well, he was the one who got the warning....

But enough on that.. time to go back on topic :)
Just admit to the drugs, and tell them that you keep all your 'reefer' and 'opium' in the shoebox under your bed.
Then put a shoebox there with a note inside that says "I don't actually take drugs you gullible cow!!!"

Then, keeping a straight face, ask for six thousand dollars to fund your rehab.
Offer to make dinner, and add hash as the secret ingredient, and then when they're high, turn the tables and accuse them of doing drugs. Offer to just let bygons be bygons and drop the whole matter. If they refuse, call the police on them for child abuse.
Take away their TV priveledges. That's where they get all these crazy ideas about you doing drugs. The damn television paints an unrealistic view of teenagers such as yourself. Yeah. So no TV for them.
just change around the pop3 settings in their email and refuse to let them get any email until you're ungrounded. Either that or sign them up for spam.
lol Dan that is truly the ultimate geeky way out of it :p

If they are going to be ignorant ignore them and go to the party anyway, your a teenager your meant to rebel! :p
I'm lucky.

I take several different illicit drugs, some more often than others, and my 'rents don't know (I hope).

My advice buddy is to have a talk with your parents, telling them that you really DON'T do drugs - if they can't trust you then just screw um. If you don't wanna do drugs and you know you're not, that's all that matters.

But you dooo drink you rebel, beers one of the most f**ked up drugs I've taken, and I've taken a few. Not many good effects, several bad; loss of co-ordination, increased chance of violent behaviour, dry mouth, addictive qualities - be careful with it. Have a ball when you're young, y'know, but it is really bad for you, and make sure you don't get addicted - you're screwed if you are.
The only drugs I take are ibuprofens (spelling?) for my headaches. I would never consider drugs becuase they would make my life miserable. But, the real question is, ARE YOU ON DRUGS? Your parents think it, but are you really on drugs? You admitted to alcohol, but what about drugs?
ray_MAN said:
The only drugs I take are ibuprofens (spelling?) for my headaches. I would never consider drugs becuase they would make my life miserable. But, the real question is, ARE YOU ON DRUGS? Your parents think it, but are you really on drugs? You admitted to alcohol, but what about drugs?

:naughty: Always the optimist eh? So why don't ibuprofens make your life miserable? They are, afterall, a drug.
Tr0n said:
...and probally did more than just "clean" it.

Nah, she just hated the stench. She's no toker. Has her objections but thats more the smoking, not the weed.
burner69 said:
:naughty: Always the optimist eh? So why don't ibuprofens make your life miserable? They are, afterall, a drug.
Because my headache goes "bye-bye". :p I should put it like this. Drug abuse will make my life miserable. :) Happy?
Not another pot thread? As for the drinking part; everybody drink, I got really drunk for the first time when I was 13. It's no big deal.
for the record, it has been a new find that 1 drink a day is good for your heart, however why the hell would you drink 1 drink a day?

Anything beyond that will damage your liver

My step dad's father died at around 50 from liver damage becuase he was an alcoholic, but most people who drink die from car accidents, like my friend Will Rainwater RIP and this girl(forgot her name) partied with a few times, she was drunk and high and the police tried to pull her over, and she tried to lose them and she crashed and died also

Anyway, if you are going to drink, DO NOT ****ING DRIVE I don't care if you think you are ok, even if you are ok enough to drive, just a little alchohol in your system and the police will **** you like a prom queen on prom night, trust me, I've been down the wrong roads and it has come back to haunt me every turn. I've been to jail more than a dozen times. I will say it again in case you think its BS. you can get ****ed up and have a good time, but do not use drugs or alcohol and get into a car. just plan your party with enough to eat for the night so you can go to sleep so you have no reason to go out. OK?

Basicaly, if you stay home, 99% chance you will never get in trouble with the law, but especially late at night if you are in a car the police ARE LOOKING FOR PEOPLE LIKE YOU
The doctors told me I can't drink alcohol becuase my liver is already damaged. This happeded while playing hockey.
ray_MAN said:
The doctors told me I can't drink alcohol becuase my liver is already damaged. This happeded while playing hockey.

You got stabbed in the liver with a hockey stick?
My friends mom thought i was a heroine user cuz i fell asleep next to a stereo with full volume on it.
AzzMan said:
You got stabbed in the liver with a hockey stick?
I got checked and my stick hit my liver. Hurt like hell, and I got the wind knocked out of me, to boot.
ray_MAN said:
Because my headache goes "bye-bye". :p I should put it like this. Drug abuse will make my life miserable. :) Happy?

As will the abuse of anything :cheers: :cheers: :bonce:

Stay safe, don't do drugs (or anything) in large quantities for extended periods of time.

Though to be fair I've known two friends who've used class C and class A substances to beat depression, like actually fully get over it and not have to continue taking the drug. I've certainly used ectasy to sort me out in the past.

So while ibuprofin (sp?) makes headaches go bye-bye, many illicit drugs are used to make other things go bye-bye... and sometimes make some undesirable's come along though.
burner69 said:
So while ibuprofin (sp?) makes headaches go bye-bye, many illicit drugs are used to make other things go bye-bye
Like lives.
ray_MAN said:
Like lives.

Lol. Yeah.

Alcohol kills more than 4000 people in Britain a year, ectasy kills around 4. Just to put things in perspective.

EDIT: And yes, prescibed medication kills about 106'000 people a year in the US - making it the fourth top way to die. Also, anothe 2.2 million people in the US end up in hospital from serious reactions to medication. So drugs are bad... mmkay
Adrien C said:
And, there have been studys that people who drink alcohol lives longer than people who don't.

Rifk show me this article...
burner69 said:
Hello again Reaktor, we always seem to bump into eachother whenever drugs are mentioned, don't we :LOL:
well, as long as the brainwashed ones keep spewing their crap well have to keep correcting them :cheers:
Reaktor4 said:
and prohibition kills millions

And makes gangsters rich and famous.
On topic: Accuse your parents of taking drugs if they accuse you. If they laugh at something, accuse them like they did to you. :D
My parents think I do drugs. Aside from my drinking bouts every weekend (which they're full aware of) and the occasional bud (which I've plainly admitted to them), they think I'm on other stuff. LSD, ecstasy, heroin, etc...

The most common thing they accuse me of, however, is cocaine. You see, I sniff a lot because my nose is kind of screwed up in that air doesn't flow through there properly. Never mind that this is something my doctor has told me and my parents. They still think I'm a coke head whenever I sniff. Whenever I forget something or begin to "act up", they say "It's the ****ing coke, isn't it!"

Then I'll mutter something under my breath and leave the room.

Oh, and I read some of the earlier pages. All I can say is... Hooray for starting drinking at 15!
Teh_Poet said:
I love how all of the supporters of alcohol have bad grammar, spelling, and etiquette, and the ones fighting AGAINST underage drinking have nice grammar and spelling.

Tip: Go away from your computer and never touch it again.
pr0nking said:
Rifk show me this article...

I think he is probably talkin about drinking a glass of red wine a day is supposed to be good for your heart or something.

And I would like to ask you all why it is you take drugs?
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