My parents think I'm on drugs

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Yeah I have a friend called Chris, who does smoke the occaisional drug. but he's 16, and (In the UK at least) he's able to smoke normal cigarettes. So when he got pulled over to the side of a corridor in school, and promtly search thoroughly for drugs, all they found were a packet of smokes, and he got sent home for the day.

Now, more recent:
He was NOT in school, but in our home town, and selling this guy Hemp. Now, hemp is legal in Britain because, well, even though it's in the same family as cannibis, it's just not as bad. And then this guy went to his mum, who went into our school, and got Chris suspended. I mean what a loser. for one, Chris was TOTALLY within the law, and he wasn't even on school grounds when smoking/selling the hemp. They also pick on Chris a lot, because he has been known to smoke outside of school grounds during school hours, which is again legal, whether their school rules say it is or isn't.

Stupid teachers.

I don't smoke, drink, or take drugs by the way :thumbs:
I can pull up thousands of sites that say acohol is as bad as smoking. I could also probably find something that says it really doesn't make a difference either way. Doesn't make any of it true.
Sainku said:
I think he is probably talkin about drinking a glass of red wine a day is supposed to be good for your heart or something.

And I would like to ask you all why it is you take drugs?

Yeah, there is research, quite convincing stuff, that says that a glass of wine a day is very good for you.

Why do I take drugs?
Drugs work by altering your state of mind, you can look at everything in a totally new, and often incredibly great new light.

When I drink alcohol I tend to lose a few inhibitions, and get chatty - but the negatives, like price, being sick, embaressment, tend to outweight the positives.

When I smoke dope I enjoy doing certain things much more. Music is much more enjoyable to listen to, I get more out of films becuase I'm thinking more deeply about elements of them. When a group of us get high we often end up talking about interesting stuff which we'd never talk about otherwise; like the meaning of life, relativity, quantum mechanics, the concept of thought etc etc.

When I take shrooms it's for the ride. Experiencing literally everything on a new level. Finding new meaning in things. But less seriously its about giggling my ass off and feeling great for four hours.

When I take ectasy its for going out. Being with all your friends, hugging and smiling ecstatically, being honest about things for about the onlt time in our lives. Literally speaking it removes all inhibitions, but floods you with so much serotonin you can only feel great about things - so you tell all your friends how much and why you love them, and have a big hug and feel happy.
Then when there's a quality song on, if I'm coming up, I get euphoria. Literal bliss, eyes closed, hands in the air, feeling the tune flow through me - lovely feeling.

And I smoke fags because I'm addicted :(
dekstar said:
Now, more recent:
He was NOT in school, but in our home town, and selling this guy Hemp. Now, hemp is legal in Britain because, well, even though it's in the same family as cannibis, it's just not as bad. And then this guy went to his mum, who went into our school, and got Chris suspended. I mean what a loser. for one, Chris was TOTALLY within the law, and he wasn't even on school grounds when smoking/selling the hemp. They also pick on Chris a lot, because he has been known to smoke outside of school grounds during school hours, which is again legal, whether their school rules say it is or isn't.

Stupid teachers.

I don't smoke, drink, or take drugs by the way :thumbs:
Hemp ain't legal buddy. It's decriminalised. Meaning that possesion of personal quanities rarely constitutes a punishable offense. Your friend was dealing, which is illegal, and can land him in prison for 7 years - which, by the way, is f**ked up.
The vast majority of the time I live off the high of being straightheaded. But for treats once in a while I like to choose to drastically alter the chemical make-up in my head with drugs. You could argue that's unnatural, yet many things are 'unnatural' and we do them, but frankly I couldn't care less if they're deemed natural, unnatural whatever, I'm a human being and we don't do things 'naturally' - I make a conscious decision to alter my consiousness, something only us homosapiens have the power to do.

And when the effects wear off suddenly I'm aware how great being straightheaded is too, and I enjoy it perhaps more than before.
pr0nking said:
Rifk show me this article...
he was refering to 1 drink a day for your heart. read it in my post up there

I wanted to say also my parents and teachers kept saying they thought I was using drugs and I would laugh, and smile, becuase I was a kid, and they thought that ment that I really was, but I WASN'T.

eventually though I did start using drugs and alchohol, maybe becuase they made me aware of the shit, and no one ever suspected that i was using it.

I could never purposely make a decision to put up some form of artificial barrier between me and my conscious and if I wanted transendence I would tie a rope to my leg and jump of a bridge. But that is just my personal opinion :thumbs:. Of course I probably don't know what I'm talking about because I take enough legal drugs ( because of a rare medical problem ) to fufill any drug addicts needs.
burner69 said:
Alcohol kills more than 4000 people in Britain a year, ectasy kills around 4. Just to put things in perspective.
That's because every Brit I know was drunk before they were 16.
Sainku said:
I could never purposely make a decision to put up some form of artificial barrier between me and my conscious and if I wanted transendence I would tie a rope to my leg and jump of a bridge. But that is jump my personal opinion :thumbs:. Of course I probably don't know what I'm talking about because I take enough legal drugs ( because of a rare medical problem ) to fufill any drug addicts needs.

Barrier? Barrier?

Quite the opposite I find. Certainly all the illicit dugs I've taken have removed inhibitions from me, not put them up.
ray_MAN said:
That's because every Brit I know was drunk before they were 16.

Well half a million take E every weekend. Even more on a monthly basis.

Plus, the people who die on E die indirectly from the drug; either dehydrating on the dance floor, or overdosing on water. As long as you know what you're doing the chances of death are zilch. Alcohol directly and indirectly kills people; liver faliure, car accidents. It's bad sh*t.

Not to say E can't screw you up. It's strong stuff. People to get messy if they hammer it hard for long periods of time, simple answer is, don't. Or, when the comedown isn't worth the high, quit it.
Not another drugs thread...

There are people of all ages on these boards, and the subject of drugs isn't very appropriate for the younger ones.

If you really want to talk about drugs then do so on a drugs related forum.

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