My Prey Review! Plus Vote!

Do you agree with my Review/Score. - Will you buy Prey 2?

  • Yes - I agree with your Review/Score

    Votes: 17 29.3%
  • No - I dont agree with your Review/Score

    Votes: 12 20.7%
  • Yes - I will buy Prey 2

    Votes: 13 22.4%
  • No - I wont buy Prey 2

    Votes: 9 15.5%
  • Maybe - I still haven't played/Beat or got Prey

    Votes: 25 43.1%

  • Total voters


Companion Cube
Jul 4, 2004
Reaction score



1. A introduction to a great universe and story.
2. Story is engaging and original.
3. Very disturbing story elements, no pointless objectives. (This games has some very disturbing images and for once its not pointless)
4. Almost everything is explained, why its happening, why its you, and what the stacks are.
5. Has the potential of becoming a great series just like Half-Life


1. I don't think this game/story is for everyone. The whole Native American story backbone wont appeal to everyone, but trust me it fits in perfect and its VERY new.



1. The organic things look a lot better then they did in Doom 3. You can clearly see the upgrades made to the Doom 3 engine. Personally i think this engine is perfect for a organic/mechanical architecture.
2. The metal looks like metal, i didn't notice any plastic over it. For the most part.
3. The wall walk Platforms looked great, so did the portals.


1. Tho the game isn't NEARLY as dark as Doom 3, (you use your lighter maybe 2 times for about 5-10 secs each.) It still has this dim look to it. This isn't a bad thing just you cant enjoy the detail put into most of the aliens. That and you never get close to them.


1. Yes its the Doom 3 engine so it still suffers from its weaknesses, just not nearly as much as Doom 3.

Game play:


1. The #1 thing going for Prey, GAMEPLAY! FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN!
2. 100% original i mean you have not played a game like this before. EVERY PUZZIL is 100% new i mean your going to be flipping walls, while walking on the side trying to get to the top while being shot at from the right and bottom. CRAZY!
3. Wall walking and gravity flipping MAJOR points.
4. Spirit walking very fun and keeps you tense. Don't leave your body at the wrong time or ELSE! Plus your using this feature throughout the whole game while wall walking and gravity flipping. It all just comes together seamlessly.
5. A new way to play a game with a new way of battling and fighting.
6. Quake 4 was terrible, in my opinion all it had going for it where the bosses. They where huge and fun to fight, plus somewhat challenging. Well this game makes Quake 4's bosses look like strawberries, this game has some of the most fun and best Bose fights.
7. Some really epic battles.
8. Portal battles/puzzles, there is this one part of the game where its all these chambers, its really a maze. Now your running around blasting these aliens away but its crazy because you see yourself running on the other side of the map while your chasing a alien while seeing a alien chasing you on the other side of the map while trying to not shoot yourself, or running from a nade while you really are running towards it.......AHHHH MY HEAD!


1. You are immortal in this game, meaning you cant die. Basically you don't need to save once. Every time your life reaches zero you go into this realm where you need to shoot these flying weird birds. There are 2 kinds one for your spirit energy and one for your life. You have to shoot as many as possible to regain life/energy then you go back exactly where you "Died" and all the enemies are exactly where you left them with exactly the same life. It works out perfect with the story. Plus it releases some tension.


1. Again being immortal wont appeal to everyone and even tho you'll be entering the realm a lot, you can imagine how many times you would have loaded if it wasn't for this feature. Makes the game to easy if looked at in the wrong way.



1. All weapons are organic. They just look awesome!
2. Somewhat original concepts. Its like yes some of the guns work like in other games. Rockets, Chain gun, grenades, etc. But in this game they work really weird, it just makes all of them feel different and new.
3. There is this one gun, you get it very early in the game, think its the 2nd gun you get. Thing is this guns ammo is what it absorbs. For example there are these stations and whatever you leach is what your gun shoots. This is is the strongest but yet one of the weakest also. Nice idea and it gets VERY useful at the end. Not to mention the strongest energy leach for it sounds and looks AWSOME!
4. Most guns feel and sound very powerful.


1. Some people will argue the weapons arent that original. I don't agree i think they are very original.



1. Good length took me about 13-14 hours to beat, took 1 break because i had to.

Level Design


1. This game must have been a pain to make. I mean holy shit they have to think in 4 dimensions to make this game. Top bottom left right, seamless portals all over the place, spite walking, wall walking, gravity flipping! Completely mind blowing.
2. Ironically beautiful world.



1. It works for this game. AI isn't insanely good like in FEAR but that isn't the focus. The AI is smart but not smart some guys stay back use cover some full out charge you. Some look like they are dancing lol trust me it looks funny but very weird at the same time. Some try to fly towards you but have this chaotic movement.



1. Story really unfolds at the end.
2. I thought the game was going to end about 4-5 times :)
3. Check out what happens after the credits. OoOooooOooooo


1. Not as epic looking as FEARS or Half-Life's but it sure as hell holds its ground.


1. Now we wait for Prey 2 :( :)



1. Nothing amazing, but it does its jobs. Mostly Native American music some other sounds etc. Does it job all that matters.


This is a must have for any gamer. It brings a lot of new and does very little old. Extremely fun and engaging story. Fair amount of horror, a lot of action, a lot of story, a lot of potential. This is a mix of Science fiction, religious beliefs and drama/love story. Yes your saving the world, yes your shooting aliens but its all different. Your doing it upside down or any direction. Your flipping gravity and leaving your body behind. Your immortal and its fun! Everything is explained nothing is left behind. Not to mention the puzzles, combat is fun but once you see some of the architecture for the puzzles your going to be amazed. Simply put this is a rare breed of game and it will be a shame if you miss it.

Check out the ration on new and old in this game!


1. Portals (The way they are used, the way the work, the way the effect game play and level design.)
2. Wall walking (No ladders in this game, BEARLY any stairs. Again effects level design like crazy and adds a new level of game play while in battles or puzzles)
3. Spirit walking (Once again effects game play and puzzles and level design)
4. Gravity Flipping (Yup you guessed it effects game play and puzzles oh ya and level design)
5. Now all of those used a lone are new, now think about all put together, that's a completely different ballgame!
6. Story (Indian nature, background mixed with alien invasion, mixed with drama and horror....Love it.)


5. Weapons (I think they are new and most people i believe will agree)


1. Aliens (OK yes but so is Half-Life.)
2. Bosses (Big room epic battles, its old but they do it very good and its a blast to fight these aliens.)

6-2 :)

92% for my Final score and i cant wait for Prey 2!

I know I'm missing some key points but ya if i remember ill edit.

The vote has multiple voting options.

If you agree with my score/Review. Yes or No
If your buying Prey 2. Yes or No, Maybe

Screenshot Pack:

Screenshot Pack #1:;5246682;;/fileinfo.html
Screenshot Pack #2:;5248664;;/fileinfo.html

Screenshot Pack Details:

Resolution: 1600x1200
AA: 4x
AF: 16x

My previous Reviews:

SiN: Emergence Episode 1:
Half-Life 2 Episode 1:
Bad^Hat said:
Downloading demo now. Great review :)

Just to warn you the demo shows NOTHING of what is really ahead. Its just the 1st 20 mins of the game. Btw does anyone have a good TGA to Jpeg Image converter. I hate how all the screenshots are in TGA and each are 5.5 megs. I have over 450, need to filter them so i can upload the screenshot pack.

People who are voting and not posting, thats really lame. I mean you vote you dont agree with my review or that your not buying the game yet you dont post why. I just think thats lame. Same goes for the people that posted they agree. Id like a discussion not just a tally. :/
Raziel-Jcd said:
Just to warn you the demo shows NOTHING of what is really ahead. Its just the 1st 20 mins of the game. Btw does anyone have a good TGA to Jpeg Image converter. I hate how all the screenshots are in TGA and each are 5.5 megs. I have over 450, need to filter them so i can upload the screenshot pack.

People who are voting and not posting, thats really lame. I mean you vote you dont agree with my review or that your not buying the game yet you dont post why. I just think thats lame. Same goes for the people that posted they agree. Id like a discussion not just a tally. :/
I use Paint Shop Pro to convert TGA to JPEG images. This is just one small feature of it though, and so the program is about $85 US.

If you don't want a tally, then just don't put a poll up next time, then, if they want to agree or disagree, they will have no choice but to post. I would like to read it, but I don't want to read any spoilers. I am interested in the screenshots though.
I pretty much disagree on anything you said.
Not to flame , but saying that "Story is engaging and original" is laughable and simply not true. Yes , i know , it's your opinion but i feel like people are using that just to say stupid stuff , and saying Prey has engaging and original story is just stupid and not true.

If people would like me to post my own review , i'll accept.
80% from me. I'm pretty dissapointed by the lack of real "anti-gravity" battles, meaning there should be at least one battle in an open environment where the gravity was always changing etc, and you had to find a way to use this to your advantage.
Use Irfanview to batch convert one filetype to another.
why aren't you writing for one of those major videogame sites ?
Nice review!!!!! I agree with you on every point ! I got the game yesterday poped it in . Man what a ride:) Vary Fun love the weapons and it looks good on my 60" LCD.
Maybe - I still haven't played/Beat or got Prey.
PvtRyan said:
Use Irfanview to batch convert one filetype to another.

Shakermaker said:
Nice review. Can't wait to play it.
It's totally free.

Thx, iv been looking for a good image converter forever. Never found one. This is a lifesafer!

destrukt said:
why aren't you writing for one of those major videogame sites ?

Iv always wanted to start my own site but i lack the knowledge on how to build one. Ill try and learn someday, or team up with someone who knows.

P43.2/1Gig/X800P said:
Nice review!!!!! I agree with you on every point ! I got the game yesterday poped it in . Man what a ride:) Vary Fun love the weapons and it looks good on my 60" LCD.

Nice. I have to wait till september for my 60''. :( New sony model is coming out, FULL 1080P support.

btw, uploading screenshot packs now. There will be 2 of them. They are divided by when i took them. Should be up by later today.

Also keep in mind i tryed to take a few screenshots of a moving object or objects to show whats going it. It worked and it didnt work. All the amazing moments in the game need to be seen in real time to really get whats going on.
Good game, but definately not a 92%.

More like 82%
The score i gave mainly goes for its potential to become such a great series. I mean this is new to the developers and players. You canr dump everything in perfect mode. As i said in the review making this game must have been insanely hard, so i dont see how people can ask of more. Im sure in Prey 2 they will improve on every concept. But this is truly innovative. If i felt this was a 1 hit wonder, i would have gave it a 87% but thats not how i feel, i believe this developer has made a jem and they will keep polishing it.
It was okay. I would have given it an 80, maybe even a 75. It was quake 4with gravity puzzles. the end. The only part that I found mildly entertaining was the big cube that you had to guide a little cube through, and the binary planet thing.

The combat sucked. There was nothing interesting about any of the enimies at all, except maybe for the half-human ones. The final boss battle was terribly cheezy. (JUST QUIT LAUGHING!)

The story was cliche, Jen was the most unimaginative charachter ever. The only thing I liked about the story was the invasion, which they didn't show much of, and the fact that there were humans resisting in the sphere (which, again, they didn't show any of at all. Basically they all die and you just fight everyone. Stupid.) It was also cool that he got to control the sphere at the end, but it was after all nothing but a CGI movie.

The weapons were all ho-hum, and felt extremely weak. Virtually the only weapon I liked was the light version of the leech gun, now that was awesome! I only wish the other guns felt like that...but instead it felt like I was throwing pillows at my enimies.

Environments were all the same, through the entire game you were just staring at metal walls, ugly looking organic holes and panels. It was very doom III-esque. The environments that I did like, however were the huge ones with the mini-planets and asteroids. Those were entertaining. It was especially cool to try to get small objects to orbit around stuff, and I learned alot about gravity by messing around with the physics.

All of the gimmicks were pretty cool at first, but got old really fast. If you've played the demo, you've played the game, only the game is much longer and the gimmicks are interspersed throughout it rather than clumped like they are in the demo.

There was alot of interesting problem solving in the game, and for that I give it a plus. The puzzles were superb. But they became extremely easy after a while. There's only so many ways you can go beyond a forcefield and push a button, or walk across a magic spiderweb bridge and push a button. The only time it ventured from this was in one area at the end where you had to push two buttons at virtually the same time. Also notable was the planet surrounded by a forcefield, so you had to find the button, and then spirit walk through the forcefield. Those were quite interesting.

I found it distrubing that you were shooting children in the game, and I really think thompson is going to get on them for that. They never explained why the children were like that anyway, I think they just wanted to make an excuse to have disturbing imagery.

And you're right, the imortality and the Indian stuff are not for everyone. I thoguht it was horribly cheesy and stupid. It wasn't like turok where you're and indian brought into a strange world, but it was like you were a normal military type who refuses to accept his past yet goes around shooting people with an incredibly lame "light bow".

Raziel-Jcd said:
The score i gave mainly goes for its potential to become such a great series. I mean this is new to the developers and players. You canr dump everything in perfect mode. As i said in the review making this game must have been insanely hard, so i dont see how people can ask of more. Im sure in Prey 2 they will improve on every concept. But this is truly innovative. If i felt this was a 1 hit wonder, i would have gave it a 87% but thats not how i feel, i believe this developer has made a jem and they will keep polishing it.

what are you talking about? there's no potential at all for a series, he killed all of the aliens at the end. Are you suggesting they will come back? did I miss something?
..well I wont have to play that game now that I know how it ends ....
theotherguy said:
It was okay. I would have given it an 80, maybe even a 75. It was quake 4with gravity puzzles. the end. The only part that I found mildly entertaining was the big cube that you had to guide a little cube through, and the binary planet thing.

The combat sucked. There was nothing interesting about any of the enimies at all, except maybe for the half-human ones. The final boss battle was terribly cheezy. (JUST QUIT LAUGHING!)

The story was cliche, Jen was the most unimaginative charachter ever. The only thing I liked about the story was the invasion, which they didn't show much of, and the fact that there were humans resisting in the sphere (which, again, they didn't show any of at all. Basically they all die and you just fight everyone. Stupid.) It was also cool that he got to control the sphere at the end, but it was after all nothing but a CGI movie.

The weapons were all ho-hum, and felt extremely weak. Virtually the only weapon I liked was the light version of the leech gun, now that was awesome! I only wish the other guns felt like that...but instead it felt like I was throwing pillows at my enimies.

Environments were all the same, through the entire game you were just staring at metal walls, ugly looking organic holes and panels. It was very doom III-esque. The environments that I did like, however were the huge ones with the mini-planets and asteroids. Those were entertaining. It was especially cool to try to get small objects to orbit around stuff, and I learned alot about gravity by messing around with the physics.

All of the gimmicks were pretty cool at first, but got old really fast. If you've played the demo, you've played the game, only the game is much longer and the gimmicks are interspersed throughout it rather than clumped like they are in the demo.

There was alot of interesting problem solving in the game, and for that I give it a plus. The puzzles were superb. But they became extremely easy after a while. There's only so many ways you can go beyond a forcefield and push a button, or walk across a magic spiderweb bridge and push a button. The only time it ventured from this was in one area at the end where you had to push two buttons at virtually the same time. Also notable was the planet surrounded by a forcefield, so you had to find the button, and then spirit walk through the forcefield. Those were quite interesting.

I found it distrubing that you were shooting children in the game, and I really think thompson is going to get on them for that. They never explained why the children were like that anyway, I think they just wanted to make an excuse to have disturbing imagery.

And you're right, the imortality and the Indian stuff are not for everyone. I thoguht it was horribly cheesy and stupid. It wasn't like turok where you're and indian brought into a strange world, but it was like you were a normal military type who refuses to accept his past yet goes around shooting people with an incredibly lame "light bow".

Dont agree at all. Yes this isnt nearly as great as Half-Life or F.E.A.R but it holds its ground very tight. (Talking about story)

theotherguy said:
what are you talking about? there's no potential at all for a series, he killed all of the aliens at the end. Are you suggesting they will come back? did I miss something?

Did you wait till after the credits? Guess not.
theotherguy said:
It was okay. I would have given it an 80, maybe even a 75. It was quake 4with gravity puzzles. the end. The only part that I found mildly entertaining was the big cube that you had to guide a little cube through, and the binary planet thing.

The combat sucked. There was nothing interesting about any of the enimies at all, except maybe for the half-human ones. The final boss battle was terribly cheezy. (JUST QUIT LAUGHING!)

The weapons were all ho-hum, and felt extremely weak. Virtually the only weapon I liked was the light version of the leech gun, now that was awesome! I only wish the other guns felt like that...but instead it felt like I was throwing pillows at my enimies.

Environments were all the same, through the entire game you were just staring at metal walls, ugly looking organic holes and panels. It was very doom III-esque. The environments that I did like, however were the huge ones with the mini-planets and asteroids. Those were entertaining. It was especially cool to try to get small objects to orbit around stuff, and I learned alot about gravity by messing around with the physics.

All of the gimmicks were pretty cool at first, but got old really fast. If you've played the demo, you've played the game, only the game is much longer and the gimmicks are interspersed throughout it rather than clumped like they are in the demo.

There was alot of interesting problem solving in the game, and for that I give it a plus. The puzzles were superb. But they became extremely easy after a while. There's only so many ways you can go beyond a forcefield and push a button, or walk across a magic spiderweb bridge and push a button. The only time it ventured from this was in one area at the end where you had to push two buttons at virtually the same time. Also notable was the planet surrounded by a forcefield, so you had to find the button, and then spirit walk through the forcefield. Those were quite interesting.

It wasn't like turok where you're and indian brought into a strange world, but it was like you were a normal military type who refuses to accept his past yet goes around shooting people with an incredibly lame "light bow".

Edited that...that's how much I agree with ya.
My thoughts.

Spoiler warnings

1. Setting - the so very familliar alien spaceship. I'm sick of the metalic alien sapceship look. I sometimes wonder if the D3 engine can't present anything other than this kind of environment. The setting really narrows down the gameplay options and the quality that can be extracted. Prey is better than D3 and Q4 but it seems the devs. could pull of more in a less confined game design. Ok , it's now a organic alien spaceship , but it just doesn't add to the game in terms of gameplay.

2. Weapons and enemies - The weapons are taken straight from the arsenal of sci-fi alien themed games. You've got plasma , "machine-gun" , rocket launcher and so forth. The models , though , are more fresh and original and the alt. fires add to them but at the end it's the weapons we came to expect and maybe even hate. I agree , the leech gun with the electricty and the beam is the best weapon in the game.

The weapons sound very un-satisfing. The prime example is of the "shotgun" weapon which sound like they put max. volume and played a Windows error message or something like that.
The first gun you get just sounds blank with no real "substance" , just *trank*.

The enemies tend to very pesky and annoying and poorly animated. Each new enemy seems more ridicolus than the other. I still have the WTF feeling from that dancing-spinning hippo enemy (WTF was that?!).
The same goes for those little animals you first eno****er in the demo and the beast that attacked by standing on it's two back legs. Ugly and poorly animated.

3. Level Design - Very repetitive , mostly close places and corridors - again the issue of the setting.

Spirit walk is just noclip and most of the time you would be using it to flip out-of-reach switches in some way or another.
The spirit walkways for me ruins the feel of the game and cohernity of the level design. Why would there be a symbol to let me know there is a walkway and why there are mostly across gaps to place i need to go?
All in all , i thnk the spirt walking and the walkways are a "easy way out" for the devs from making the puzzles less straightforward and less complicated and they hurt the game-world.
Not to mention the passwords for the doors that are shown , so conveniently , on a near-by screen ( and the story excuse for it is , once more , an easy way out).

The portals and gravity walks are all nice touches , but that's all they are - touches. When the basic mechanisms of the games are not done well , these touches doesn't help and propel the game higher.
Sometimes they can get irritating as you are getting shot at from god knows where , when you're upside down inside out.
The portals are just a fancy doors and the gravity paths just don't add anything to the gameplay , it's different , yes but they don't contribute - just nice touches.

The rotating rooms are pretty simple and they don't really add much to the game. It's a nice touch but with no real means for it. You just flip the room and get over the obstacle , again i see it as an easy way out and not inspired level design and "puzzels".
If they at least gave the option to hold objects and stuff maybe that would have open another ways for less straight-forward puzzles.

The shuttle is refreshing at first , and it chance to have more "open levels" but it get old fast , the control is decent at most and those robot enemies are ,again, pesky.
With that said , the puzzles that you encounter in the shuttle parts are better (not by alot) than the routine of pressing the button but overall the vehicle levels fall short.
The levels are not open enough , the action is flawed and not fun.
This is not how a "Vehicle sections" should be like in the year 2006.

Bosses - need I say more? they are not even any hard to beat at all.

There are some nice puzzles , mainly the cube thing and when encountring the first fight with the Sphere but they were not easy to figure out. Usually it's a good thing , but if you were to ask me how you get through the part with the cube , I wouldn't know how to answer that. I just tried stuff and somehow got past it ( the same with the dark shuttle and the "moon" with the beams) but overall those are the only decent puzzels in game where you only press button ia alot of fashions.

The re-spawning of enemies in the first fight against the Sphere is very annoying and frustrating.

The fact that you basiclly can't die - It's a double edge sword. The positive side is that I didn't save while playing at all , only when I needed to go.
The negative is that it reduces the tension - I know i'll be back at the same spot with the same ammo so I played the game head-strong , not taking too many cutions and just charged at the enemies. Besides that , the game is just easy , most of the enemies just charge at you.

The fact I couldn't die encouraged me to keep playing and was a major reason I finished the game just under 8 hours and I didn't rush or miss stuff - mainly because there is nothing to miss or explore, though I heard all the Bell radio shows.

4. Story - Chessy and corny. The 3rd side in the story adds nothing to the game , you see them here and there but you don't fight with them or have any sagnificant encounters except with Eluhit which is just a story tool.
Near the end there is a kind of a change in the story and it's not 100% a boy saves girl story but nothing that would get you appriciate the story or go out of your mind.
Obivously it wan't engaging at all or original.

Moreover , I didn't like the voice acting of Tommy. Seemed over the top and those one-liners really doesn't do it for me. Add to that the plastic models syndrome that can seen really well on the Grandpa char. and I really didn't care about Jen.

Side note , I don't take it as a good sign that at the end of the game they already hint at a sequel. Like , would you mind first to make this game good enough before you think about another one? That's just lowers the value of the devs. in my eyes.

That's it , I guess. I know it's pretty long but that how I feel.
Raziel-Jcd said:
Thx, iv been looking for a good image converter forever. Never found one. This is a lifesafer!

Iv always wanted to start my own site but i lack the knowledge on how to build one. Ill try and learn someday, or team up with someone who knows.

Nice. I have to wait till september for my 60''. :( New sony model is coming out, FULL 1080P support.

btw, uploading screenshot packs now. There will be 2 of them. They are divided by when i took them. Should be up by later today.

Also keep in mind i tryed to take a few screenshots of a moving object or objects to show whats going it. It worked and it didnt work. All the amazing moments in the game need to be seen in real time to really get whats going on.
It really helps with a bigger screen THe game comes to life! Raziel What Brand did you go with i remember a while back you were deciding on 2 different screens Sony and Samsung i think. Let us know .
Finished it tonight, liked a lot more then the demo. Definatly gonna buy it.
Had a lot of nice puzzles, level design was to tight and narrow, but otherwise pretty clever.

The story was cliche, but adequate and some parts were simply fun like the fight near the end with you know who. But the narrative did not do enough to build tension and intruige me about the world.

The weapons looked amazing, but most of them were not that fun.
The sounds of the guns was also bad.

The enemies were interesting. But could have been more fun to fight with if it wasn't for the feeling like you were shooting pillows at them. I had the same problem with D3 and Q4, the bodies of the enemies just don't react to your fire.

It looked good, and ran incredibly good for it's level of detail on my PC.

The length was more then enough, 14 hours for me. It may not have had much length timewise, contentwise the length was great.

I didn't like the presentation much of the world, it didn't build enough suspence and really grip me in it's world. Mainly because of the narrative, I would have enjoyed knowing more about the machines, hl2 did a good job building up the tension leading to the citadel.

I also did not like the structure of the game, to confined and walk trough hallway's type of thing.

Still though, mainly for it's puzzles it get's an 8.5
P43.2/1Gig/X800P said:
It really helps with a bigger screen THe game comes to life! Raziel What Brand did you go with i remember a while back you were deciding on 2 different screens Sony and Samsung i think. Let us know .

Thats what im getting.

2nd screenshot pack is up;5248664;;/fileinfo.html

Resolution: 1600x1200
AA: 4x
AF: 16x
Raziel-Jcd said:
HOLY COW THAT THING IS NICE!!! I want to hook up my pc to my 60" lcd
I think my graphic cards DVI imput is bad cause the picture came in fuzzy and bad, I did Dvi to HDMI . I tried 2 times once on my 32" lcd and another time on my 60" and they both looked like crap Fuzzy picture also the picture was vibrating too. Maybe when i get a new computer when vista comes out and i get the direct x 10 card it will be fixed . I really think its the card.;(
I didn't bother to read most of this thread yet, but I just wanted to say that the ONLY thing I didn't like about Prey is that you simply can't die. Most people would think thats a good thing, but I thought it just gave me more of an excuse to just run and gun without a care in the world.

That said, I didn't "die" very often.
demo was fun, def. new stuff you dont expect...Im gonna get it tomorrow i think. Im not sure why a spaceship sucks up an idian bar, but im sure they have their reasons :). And those little boxes that take you to different rooms.....really weird.

If your interested in creating a site raziel, send me a pm....
Quite honestly? I'd give it above a 92%. I liked it that much. I thought the weapons were excellent- the acid shotgun actually rocked, in my opinion, and each one really felt unique. Graphically, it's gorgeous, and astonishingly well-optimized. I was blown away by all the cool effects- all the stuff they did with gravity made me die a little on the inside, it was so good. I'm relatively neutral on the whole "spirit-walking" thing- it does make it easier, but I hate dying as much as anyone :p. So yeah, I loved it.

stop lying!!
Game is good, but not worth 92%, it give it 80-85% simply because of it`s length, it`s gimmicky portals, and the annoyance of Tommys voice work.

Oh and the fact it crashes all the f*cking time too.
I liked Tommy. And especially all the comments he made, he told it like it was. Every time he made one I was thinking about the same thing. i enjoyed it, and I felt more connected to his charcter then in other games.
I have been playing Chronicles Of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay. This game also used the DOOM3 engine, but with much better results that Prey. The enemies DON’T look plasicy and the physics is slightly better too. The lighting is a lot more realistic and the whole experience is very rewarding However, it’s the atmosphere that gets you. Its soo impressive from the start to end. I’m always gonna say that Prey is a MOD for DOOM3, but Escape from Butcher Bay is in a class of its own. Its totally different to DOOM3 and Prey but still uses the same engine. Why couldt Prey have been something better than just a “Serious Sam” type arcade shooter!!??

PS: Why the hell did PCZONE give it 86%!!??
elrasho said:
I have been playing Chronicles Of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay. This game also used the DOOM3 engine, but with much better results that Prey. The enemies DON’T look plasicy and the physics is slightly better too. The lighting is a lot more realistic and the whole experience is very rewarding However, it’s the atmosphere that gets you. Its soo impressive from the start to end. I’m always gonna say that Prey is a MOD for DOOM3, but Escape from Butcher Bay is in a class of its own. Its totally different to DOOM3 and Prey but still uses the same engine. Why couldt Prey have been something better than just a “Serious Sam” type arcade shooter!!??

PS: Why the hell did PCZONE give it 86%!!??

Chronicles of Riddick doesn't use the DOOM 3 engine. It was Starbreeze's own proprietary engine.

I do agree, though, that Chronicles of Riddick is a fantastic game. The atmosphere was definitely one of it's strong points.