My PSP VS DS Thoughts!!!


Jul 9, 2003
Reaction score
Before reading please understand everything below is my opinion.

Basically this is most likely a given but heres the tail.

The DS:

I got the Nintendo DS close to launch. It was quite a leap in graphics from the GBA. The PSP whas only a dream at the time. I bought Super Mario DS and thats it. They didn't and still don't have any other games that look half decent to me. I booted up Super Mario DS and began to play. The graphics where decent aside from not supporting the Nintendo 64's shader effect making the game look slightly pixellated. The DS seems to be about the Nintendo 64's graphics minus the pixel smoother effect. The game went through a series of changes some for the better and some not. The game was good but the problem was the controls where not. When I got Super Mario 64 for the N64 I adapted the controls almost in a day. I played and played the DS Mario and it just doesn't work. Basically you can NOT play a 3D game with a 2D directional pad. It just doesn't work that well. I stopped playing it basically because I can't. They recommend using the stylus but thats even more harder. How are you suppose to use the stylus with your right hand and hit the buttons on your right side. :shock: It's been about 5 months since the DS's release and there is only a total of 13 games released so far. Most of them got below a 7.0. Almost everyone had a horrible review calling the games repetetive, ETC! Nintendo is forcing the game companies to make sure you HAVE to use the stylus and touchpad for every game and for me this just doesn't work. The games so far range from musical to weird puzzle games all feeling like lame tech demos. They announced a new Castlevania game however it has the same graphics that the Super Nintendo ones had on the old 16 bit which isn't to appetizing after played Ridge Racer for the PSP. They also announced a 2D Zelda multi player game. Again it's 2D and it's main focus is multi player. There is no decent single player games in the works in my opinion and it actually feels like Nintendo is breaking everything. The system is of course not as feature packed as the PSP. The two screens could be good for an RPG game having the map on the bottom or something but Nintendo has no RPG games in the works. At lease nothing decent. The system feels cheap. It feels like it can be broken easily which is not a good feeling. The two screens appear to be the same ones they used in the original GBA and maybe even the GBC which is gross. The DS can play GBA games but not GBC or GB games. I got Zelda: The Minish Cap for it. I was disapointed to find that the DS doesn't make the GBA games fit the screen which is pretty lame.

The DS Verdict:

It's just broke. I have no motivation to play my DS again and what is most sad is that I use to be the most hardcore Nintendo fan that I know.

The PSP:

I was very skeptical on how well the PSP would be. Specially knowing this is Sony's first attempt at a handheld. I was glad to find out that the system was all that and more. I got it home and booted it up. The first thing I noticed was the nice display screen which is considered by many "Like Having A Handheld HDTV" and had very nice and vibrant colors. It started with a neat and crisp Sony logo and then had a colorful design that played for a second and then the setup stuff came up. A quick and easy to setup guide came up. The menu is very very slick and very professional.Even the background slowly moves (But not repetetive in any way). You go through the options and your booted in. After where done and in the menu, you can see the battery power indicator in the top right corner of the screen as well as the date and time. Everything on the PSP is real easy to read which is nice and surprising to say the least. When you inser a game or movie it automatically goes into the game/movie. Whats nice is there is a home button that you can hit to automatically take you back to the menu and will even let you resume your game should you go back. When you are in the menu and got the game/movie in you can select the game icon and it will actually turn the menu theme to the menu but with a small movie clip of the game/movie, music and background pictures (VERY graphical). The PSP is easy to use and the USB connection features is awesome. Nothing beats watching "Amish Paradise" music video on your PSP. :) There are 24 launch games with a huge list coming of planned games with hits like: GTA, Prince Of Persia: Warrior Within, Gran Turismo 4, Splinter Cell, Final Fantasy: Advent Children and lots more. I got Ridge Racer, Untold Legends, and Twisted Metal. Ridge Racer is truthfully one of the best if not the best racing games I had ever played. Untold Legends is just freakin awesome. It's basically like a pocket Diablo, Baldur's Gate, Neverwinter Nights, Dungeon Siege style game. Don't think it's been skilled back for the PSP because it has not. It's got a full inventory system with a HUGE amount of items and goodies. You can even combine items and make things stronger (Like In Diablo). It has a small map in the top right corner which is not a problem but rather very useful. The game has very good graphics, ETC! Definetly a must have title. Twisted Metal I didn't play to much yet as I am waiting until I get my Router setted up so that I can play people online. The DS won't see online play until Fall. The PSP feels very sturdy which is a good thing. The battery life is a little bit less then the DS but not by much. I get about 4 hours on a charge. You can buy and extra battery for only $30 to have as a spare. I guess one of the weak points to the PSP is the memory cards are expensive. Sony is pretty greedu with them and they are the most expensive form of memory cards I know of. The biggest you can get it a 1GB and that sells for about $120 when in stock. Right now they are sold out everywhere. The controls are awesome and the joystick works very well for a handheld. The PSP is $100 more then the Nintendo DS but that $100 goes a LONG way.

The PSP Verdict:

I truthfully think it's Nintendo's end. The PSP is so much better in every way and I don't think thats an opinion. Nintendo calls the DS innovative with it's touchscreen but it's more lame to me. A dumb idea to me. Sony's PlayStation series has ALWAYS outsold all of it's competitors and this one won't be any different. The DS is all over the news on the TV and on the internet. If you go to the Nintendo DS forums on GameFaqs people are ripping on it where as the PSP is getting much good attention on the PSP forums.

Am I Being To Rough On The DS?

Maybe, but comparing a Nintendo 64 like system with limited funcationality to a PS2 media center system is a big difference and I honestly believe that the DS is generations behind in technology. You might say that graphics don't matter. It's not just the graphics that I like. The gameplay is very smooth on the PSP with no contro problems at all and the games are actually fun getting good reviews.

The Future Of Games:

The DS doesn't have to many good looking games and the games that are announced are broken in some way. For example they announced Age Of Empires 3 but it's only a turn based game which is disapointing to many AOE and DS fans. The PSP has a major list with more added all the time.


A recent PSP rumor which has been confirmed true:

Rumor #2: Sony will upgrade the PSP with a slew of new functionalities, including Web browsing and streaming television.

Source: The PSP information Web site

The official story: Sony Computer Entertainment America reps declined to comment.

What we heard: The PSP 411 story is one of many that surfaced this week regarding a "dummy updater" found on a PlayStation Web site. Besides linking to a video of the updater in action, the site broke down the new features, which include voice text reading, voice chat, PSP Web browser, e-mail, and word processing and spreadsheet software. The site also references a Gaming Horizons article that quotes Sony Computer COO Ken Kutaragi as saying the PSP will be able to stream television shows via Wi-Fi much like Sony's location-free TV, which was on display alongside the PSP at the Consumer Electronics Show last week. It's strange, then, that American Sony reps refused to comment on the PSP updater or even Kutaragi's comments, for which a reliable source can't be found. Still, given the fact that the PSP has the computing power to handle most of the proposed upgrades and TV streaming, Sony would be foolish not to exploit the handheld to its full potential.

Bogus or not bogus?: Not bogus, though not official--yet.

Those are major features and when those come out it's going to be yet another major revoltution for Sony's slick handheld.


This is an interesting aspect to the handhelds. Truthfully I don't think there can be any emulation on the DS since theres no way to get data to it. The PSP has a lot of projects in the works one which is PSP Linux. Which is a full size Linux distribution for the PSP. May sound dumb, but the PSP's screen it big enough to make it more functionable the a pocket PC and since the PSP has internet you will be able to browse the web and stuff. A nice free toy. I am also betting that you will see a SNES emulator soon.


E3 is less then two months away and I'm sure both the PSP and the Nintendo DS will get lots of attention there. I sure hope the two systems gets major announcement. Like new games and new features.


This is all my opinion. The ultimate way to find out whats better is to go and try the two systems out. Looks for a local game store and try out the DS and the PSP and see what you like better.

Other's Opinions:

To find out what people think about the two systems I'd start with Just be warned that there are fanboys who will protect their systems no matter what.


I hope you like my PSP VS. DS Comparison. If you have any questions regarding the two handhelds please ask.
The PSP is so much better in every way and I don't think thats an opinion.
Yes it is.
A recent PSP rumor which has been confirmed true:
Hasn't been confirmed at all.
GameSpot says it is. Sony probably didn't though. I certainly hope those features do come out. Awesome features none the less.
both look very cool but i won't get them b/c i don't think i would use them enough as i did with my gameboy from 89 :P

The PSP really needs a better battery tho.

PSP with better battery and touchscreen would rock :cheers:
il just use my P4 3.6gig, 4 gig Ram, x850xt computer any day
There's umpteen DS and PSP threads about, and i've put my point over many times (

Put simply, the future DS lineup looks considerably better (imo) and any feature other than playing games doesn't interest me (which you'll find is the case for many others)


Untold Legends does look very neat (there's a good preview of this in last months Edge) and, as co-op rpgs are my thang, could sell the system to me alone (assuming that my friends all buy a PSP and a copy of the game)
Tight-ass Llama said:
il just use my P4 3.6gig, 4 gig Ram, x850xt computer any day

*Pointless post alert* :)
Warbie said:
Put simply, the future DS lineup looks considerably better (imo) and any feature other than playing games doesn't interest me (which you'll find is the case for many others)
How's that? I would be willing to bet that most PS2 games and maybe some X-Box games will be ported to the PSP and not the DS. More games = bettar!
ray_MAN said:
How's that? I would be willing to bet that most PS2 games and maybe some X-Box games will be ported to the PSP and not the DS. More games = bettar!

I'm basing this on the announced lineups for both machines (

Also, I don't want ported PS2 and Xbox games - that's what I have a PS2 and Xbox for ;)

Of course, there's plenty of unnanounced games in production - but we can't really comment on them.
I think this is a bad time to have this discussion. The PSP just launched in the states and new games are announced every day. I'm not going to comment on the PSP from a games perspective because there's too big of a chance that new titles will be added/removed and the list will change. As of now, the PSP list is ok, but not as good as the upcoming DS titles.....but true judgment needs to be taken with a grain of salt here. I can't believe I'm giving Sony a bit of a break here. This question needs to be asked again when both systems are a bit more established in the US market. far as quality of build...they are having a BIG problem with dead pixels. BIG. did a survey of the 10 or so PSPs they had over there and 50% had one or more stuck/dead/malfunctioning pixel. That is not a random occorance or a small % as Sony claims it is. That's a problem in their manufacturing....I have not had an opportunity to look into their suppliers for the PSP, but I'm going to guess the LCD, although a beautiful screen, is not of the highest quality....another Sony issue....low quality suppliers......big surprise. Check forums all over the's the same and it's not folks flaming this handheld. And Sony's regular attitude of saying go Shaq-Fu yourself is unacceptably arrogant and it makes me sick. This is exactly why I say it's overpriced right now. Sony can call me in July when they've reached hardware revision 1/1.5.
Warbie said:
*Pointless post alert* :)

no it wasnt - i voiced the opinion that since my machine is far superior, i would choose it over the 200-400 spent on a PSP
Warbie said:
Do I want another PS2 I can put in my pocket?? ;)

Look on the brightside, at least its not an Xbox :dozey:
Those things are huge
Tight-ass Llama said:
no it wasnt - i voiced the opinion that since my machine is far superior, i would choose it over the 200-400 spent on a PSP

Be honest - it was just a 'pcs > consoles' and 'check out my uber rig' comment ;) It really had no place in this thread.

(my PC is on par with yours, yet I get far more enjoyment out of my GC, Xbox, PS2 etc. It's all about software)
Warbie said:
Be honest - it was just a 'pcs > consoles' and 'check out my uber rig' comment ;) It really had no place in this thread.

(my PC is on par with yours, yet I get far more enjoyment out of my GC, Xbox, PS2 etc. It's all about software)

yeah ok, you got me. But i do get more enjoyment from my pc games (HL2, Doom 3, Joint Operations), though its probably just me
I have always been a playstation person. So I would rather have a PSP. But I won't spend 400 bucks when I have a gameboy with pokemon pinball :D
Danimal said:
I have always been a playstation person. So I would rather have a PSP. But I won't spend 400 bucks when I have a gameboy with pokemon pinball :D

i have all the Pokemon games, great fun. Crap...but somehow addictive :smoking:
I will have to wait for my birthday in July or Christmas to get a PSP. I might never get a DS.
Warbie said:
There's umpteen DS and PSP threads about, and i've put my point over many times (

Put simply, the future DS lineup looks considerably better (imo) and any feature other than playing games doesn't interest me (which you'll find is the case for many others)


Untold Legends does look very neat (there's a good preview of this in last months Edge) and, as co-op rpgs are my thang, could sell the system to me alone (assuming that my friends all buy a PSP and a copy of the game)

I'm with Warbie on this one. If I wanted a portable media center I would have went with the PSP, but the truth was that I wanted games, that's it. I have my iPod for music on the go, and I certainly will never in my life need a portable DVD player.

I still don't think comparing the PSP to the DS is a fair comparison. Both are very very different. It's almost as if you're comparing a PS2 to an N64. Think about it:

DS/N64 - cheap
PS2/PSP - expensive (when compared with the above products)

DS/N64 - meant for games
PS2/PSP - multimedia

But if you really want to compare both systems, it's pretty obvious the PSP, spec-wise is much better, but it all comes down to the consumer's needs, and people like me want games.

Also, I personally think the touch screen is great fun and that the controls in Super Mario 64 DS worked fine. I use the touchscreen to move with my left hand (you know you can change the controls by pressing select, right?) and control everything else with my right. It works fine, although occasionally the controls have costed my life. I think the problem is that I'm so accustomed to old-school N64 Super Mario with a joystick, which is why most people have some trouble with them.
I don't see the point in buying either to be honest. If I want something that keeps me busy while I wait in a line or when I'm in the airport etc., I'll pull out my cell phone or my laptop. I know some fair games come out that are PSP/DS exclusive but I really don't want most of them anyway.

Just my opinion.
PSP All the way because its just the best plus its sony company. :)
I will probably end up buying a PsP but my PC does all that a PsP can and more, however for road trips a PsP would be nice. And Warbie, I dont know if you do or do not want another ps2 in your pocket, its not up to me
Homie said:
PSP All the way because its just the best plus its sony company. :)

Oh wow, you have great reasoning. Your awe-inspiring addition to this thread has changed my view on the PSP, no, LIFE ITSELF!

Malfunction said:
Oh wow, you have great reasoning. Your awe-inspiring addition to this thread has changed my view on the PSP, no, LIFE ITSELF!



Is there honestly a better reason to buy a Sony product other than because Sony made it.....I don't think there is.

:laugh: :|
The thing about Sony as well, is that they have a LOT of money, much more than Nintendo do, so they can definately continue funding the console.

I am slightly worried about Nintendo, they seem to be going the same way as Sega imo. :(
Well I just got a new PSP today, the F*CkInG THING HAS 3 dead pixels. old one had 4. I seriously hate sony, they dont know what the words "quality control" mean. And I haven't lost faith in my DS just yet.
My DS has 3 dead pixels. 1 on the top screen and two on the bottom.
mattgirv said:
The thing about Sony as well, is that they have a LOT of money, much more than Nintendo do, so they can definately continue funding the console.

I am slightly worried about Nintendo, they seem to be going the same way as Sega imo. :(

Don't be silly. Nintendo sell an absolute crap load of machines and games.
Warbie said:
Don't be silly. Nintendo sell an absolute crap load of machines and games.
Their marketshare is nowhere near what it used to be, and each console they market, makes less and less money from what I have seen.
mattgirv said:
Their marketshare is nowhere near what it used to be, and each console they market, makes less and less money from what I have seen.

I agree with you Matt.

If Nintendo doesn't have a hit with Revolution they'll be in serious trouble as far as hardware development goes.
DarkStar said:
I agree with you Matt.

If Nintendo doesn't have a hit with Revolution they'll be in serious trouble as far as hardware development goes.
not really, you've got to remember that the game boy is the most popular console in the world still, though looks like the psp might change that.

i think i might get a psp sometime this year, it's looking absolutely excellent.
DarkStar said:
I agree with you Matt.

If Nintendo doesn't have a hit with Revolution they'll be in serious trouble as far as hardware development goes.

Of course they won't be. You do realise how many Gameboys and GBA's they've sold? The DS has been hugely successful all over the world and sold like hotcakes. Also, the GC has sold roughly as many units as the XBox. Now add their hugely popular first party titles that also sell very well, legions of loyal fans, and you'll realise you couldn't be more wrong ;)

They aren't the giants they used to be - but still sell a massive amount of hardware and software. Easily enough to stay afloat and bring in the profits :cheers: