My teacher denies that Christianity is a Creation Myth


Nov 1, 2004
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So i recently got back to school again and one of my first assignment in a class was to research a Creation Myth. She talked about what things all creation myths have in common etc. I told her that the reason why there are creation myths is because people back in the day needed an answer to why they exists, they couldnt stand without knowing where they came from so therefore they made up a creation myth, often with a supernatural entity. After arguing some points about it (only me and her talking and the entire class just listened for about 10 minutes as we argued). I told her i wanted to do Christianity and she litteraly dropped her jaw. She just looked at me in awe for a long couple of seconds. She then said in a sharp tone that i cant do that. I asked why and she told me that its wrong to lable christianity as a creation myth and that people already know about christianity. We argued for a while and i tried to get some sense into her to understand that Christianity is just another creation myth just like any other. I wasnt denying the existance of god or anything, i simply said that it was a creation myth. She can label all other creation myths as creation myths, while i cant label christianity only because thats the one she choose to believe in. This doesnt make any sense, why are we given an assignment to research about something but cant use all of its content? Why say that everything else is a myth and leave only 1 creation myth to be true? She says that its offensive to her and to others if i label christianity as a myth but she doesnt even realize that if thats the case then she is offensive to all other creation myths. I cant be allowed to be offensive towards her beliefs but she can be offensive to others?

Finally when i noticed that more and more people became chocked at my words i decided it was time to cool down and i just quit the discussion.

What do you think? Should the bible be put in the mythical section of the libary and should christianity be labeled as a creation myth? What makes it different from Hinduism etc? (which by the way was acceptable to choose as your assignment :/ )

btw this is an american school
Hit her.

With your penis.

In the face. it anyway, if ur grades are good enough this assignment shouldn't matter and you'd be making a hell of a stand.

Damnit Christianity gets a free ride....
where is this school? I thought Sweden was very secular
You're in Sweden, 80% of people agree with you :)

Hit her in the face with her own hypocrisy.
oh damn maybe i should change my location after all. Im swedish but i dont live there, i moved a few years ago to italy so i go to an American School cuz they have an airforce base here blablblalba i tell this 999 times over and over again. Sry about the confusion.
Do it any way, and then post the paper with the grade on it and everything on the internets so we can all enjoy it. What about "Separation of church and state?"
I'd do Christianity anyway. If you get low grades, go to the head of the school (unless they are the same).

Just back it up with a lot of proof that Christianity is false. There's plenty of stuff floating around the nets.
I'd do Christianity anyway. If you get low grades, go to the head of the school (unless they are the same).

Just back it up with a lot of proof that Christianity is false. There's plenty of stuff floating around the nets.

Aye do that.
If she gives you a low grade, just argue with the head of the school that she didn't want you to do Christianity because it was offensive to her, but she'd allow anything else.
Bring in the fact that, what about the other people who believe in the other creation myths, and how offended they would feel if what they believed in was called a myth.
EVERYONE is equal, no RELIGON is more important then any OTHER RELIGON.
So when will you stop being a blood traitor and return to the fatherland?
Id love to be in your situation. I would do the paper no matter what on Christianity. You should post it on here before turning it in and we can give you feedback.
That's unacceptable. Although she may have her personal beliefs on the subject, any religion is basically fair game in this case. If you really want to do the assignment, then do it anyway, though I highly suggest asking her if you can do it first, this time without justifying yourself in an offensive manner (i.e. "you worship a lie"), because that'd just make you look like a jerk trying to get people riled up. Just explain how the Bible is a mythology like any other, true or not, and that it should be available for you to write about. If you get a bad mark simply because you insulted her beliefs then you can always appeal it to a higher authority.
Agreed. I think the key point here is not that she has Christian beliefs - although most people here tend to respond to that fact alone with disproportionate vitriol - but that she finds it insulting to have the Genesis story referred to as a 'creation myth' but is still happy to refer to other faiths in that way.

If you can make her appreciate her hypocrisy in this respect, in a diplomatic and completely unconfrontational manner, then you might succeed in making the world microscopically better.

Alternatively she might become one of those coward-theists, who pour scorn on every other faith but back them up when they suspect it might strengthen the position of their own faith. That is to say, she might start giving equal respect to any 'creation myth' regardless of how stupid they are or even if they've been made up on the spot, and she won't use the term 'creation myth' as frequently because she's been made to personally appreciate that it can hurt a person's feelings.

Still, worth a try.
So i recently got back to school again and one of my first assignment in a class was to research a Creation Myth. She talked about what things all creation myths have in common etc. I told her that the reason why there are creation myths is because people back in the day needed an answer to why they exists, they couldnt stand without knowing where they came from so therefore they made up a creation myth, often with a supernatural entity. After arguing some points about it (only me and her talking and the entire class just listened for about 10 minutes as we argued). I told her i wanted to do Christianity and she litteraly dropped her jaw. She just looked at me in awe for a long couple of seconds. She then said in a sharp tone that i cant do that. I asked why and she told me that its wrong to lable christianity as a creation myth and that people already know about christianity. We argued for a while and i tried to get some sense into her to understand that Christianity is just another creation myth just like any other. I wasnt denying the existance of god or anything, i simply said that it was a creation myth. She can label all other creation myths as creation myths, while i cant label christianity only because thats the one she choose to believe in. This doesnt make any sense, why are we given an assignment to research about something but cant use all of its content? Why say that everything else is a myth and leave only 1 creation myth to be true? She says that its offensive to her and to others if i label christianity as a myth but she doesnt even realize that if thats the case then she is offensive to all other creation myths. I cant be allowed to be offensive towards her beliefs but she can be offensive to others?

Finally when i noticed that more and more people became chocked at my words i decided it was time to cool down and i just quit the discussion.

What do you think? Should the bible be put in the mythical section of the libary and should christianity be labeled as a creation myth? What makes it different from Hinduism etc? (which by the way was acceptable to choose as your assignment :/ )

btw this is an american school

as much as I dislike religion in general i'd have to say that you should probably do what she asks're going to fail the assignment because in her mind you didnt do the task that was asked ..pick another creation myth, you're not accomplishing anything by trying to prove chrisitianity has it's own creation myth(as noble as that is) especially when the person reading it isnt receptive'd be surprised by how even seemingly rational people think irrationally when it comes to their religion. So bite the bullet pick your battles and write about the Hopi Indians or the bushmen of the kalihari ..purposefully annoying someone in control of your academic life is not worth it unless there is something to be gained ..there isnt in this case
as much as I dislike religion in general i'd have to say that you should probably do what she asks're going to fail the assignment because in her mind you didnt do the task that was asked ..pick another creation myth, you're not accomplishing anything by trying to prove chrisitianity has it's own creation myth(as noble as that is) especially when the person reading it isnt receptive'd be surprised by how even seemingly rational people think irrationally when it comes to their religion. So bite the bullet pick your battles and write about the Hopi Indians or the bushmen of the kalihari ..purposefully annoying someone in control of your academic life is not worth it unless there is something to be gained ..there isnt in this case

Shits and giggles are at stake!
I agree with the "Do it anyways" people. If you already do the paper and she fails you for it, then take it up with the principal and he will take care of it.
it depends on if your a good writer. If you try and plead you case and fail miserably, you're screwed. If i was religious and gave this assignment, id respect my students viewpoint and grade it accordingly. Don't be purposefully malicious in your intent, but do offer your opinions and back them up as much as possible. I wouldn't just rant for 5 pages.
Well yeah, assuming you're not being a twat in the essay, and instead writing about it objectively like you would with another creation myth, then there is no reason for her to fail you.
richard dawkins himself could write that essay and he'd probably fail ...people become completely irrational when it comes to religion ..which is a prerequisite anyways
I doubt his principal would let it hold up though. Actually, it would probably be better to go to the principal first, and get clearance from him to do it beforehand.
i agree with stern here. don't risk your grade for nothing.

but if you must...trick her. do something about the orthodox Christianity or moron Anglican...
If you're Christian, do it.

If you're not, stop being a dick to the teacher.
If you're Christian, do it.

If you're not, stop being a dick to the teacher.
He was going to do Christianity to begin with, before his teacher told him not to. He's not being a dick, he's doing what he wanted to do.
No dont do it, the teacher asked you not to so you have to obey. Why get a shitty grade just to prove a point to the teacher, at the end of the day, you will have acomplished nothing from it. I mean yeah, I do believe huge amounts of the christian faith may have been made up and would be interesting to write about but there are loads of less controversial 'creation myths' out there to write about.
I mean yeah, I do believe huge amounts of the christian faith may have been made up and would be interesting to write about but there are loads of less controversial 'creation myths' out there to write about.
Less controversial why? They're all the same in the end. If you consider one to be 'myth' then your religion (if you have one) is open to the same tag. If anything, she's being controversial by defending her religion, but debasing all others.
you probably don't want to get off on the wrong foot , you just started your year if you rub her the wrong way you might have to pay for it throughout the year , it just isn't worth it. you should step around it this one time and then maybe discuss it in a less offensive manner in further debates.
**** her, right the best damn essay you can on why she's wrong.
If you do it, make sure the cover-page is this:
If her jaw actually dropped when you said Genesis was a creation myth, I'd say be very careful at least. If you do do it, make sure the principal would back you up first. It might me worth saying at the start of the essay that you are in no way trying to be offensive or deliberately controversial, and that Christians are free to interpret Genesis metaphorically. That way you might shield yourself from any critisims of jerkishness. TBH though, I'm not sure this would work - I'm rather inclined to follow Stern's reasoning here. She could be perfectly capable of ignoring any reasoning you throw at her, even moral reasoning, if it contradicts her faith.
You choice though, I suppose. Don't do it unless you've got the principal behind you, and even then you're likely to get off on the wrong foot with her, as Modder said.

Less controversial why? They're all the same in the end. If you consider one to be 'myth' then your religion (if you have one) is open to the same tag. If anything, she's being controversial by defending her religion, but debasing all others.

Controversial means arguable, not stupid or hypocritical. Not many people in an American school would argue with her desicion I'm guessing, or at least not enough for it to be considered controversial.
Just do it. She can't fail you just because of her personal belief.
Sorry, I was a bit confused; Were you trying to prove that Christianity was a creation myth or that the Christian creation myth is a creation myth? Anyway, your teacher is stupid but you should either do what she asks or go complain to yer principal or whatever.
Is it like a presentation or a paper? I had a similar case once and I finally decided to simply enlighten my ignorant classmates in my own religion. Thats right, they left knowing everything there is to know about the chruch of the flying spagetti monster. Most of them were amused at first... and then they became terrified... and then most of them became angry and started pushing jesus on me... including the teacher. I got a decent mark though.