My weird dream

Originally posted by Sniper
I'll help out, if you want, Stone.

sniper, old buddy, old pall, I love you... erm i mean if you want to help, it'd be greatly apprechiated... (I can't spell wehn sober, never mind knurd..?!? so pfft )
I dream about stuff. Like the other night I dream that my cat would get ran over by the mail truck. This morning my cat got ran over by the mail truck. its funny. I have dream about stuff that came true.
Cats are cool. my cat enjoys attackin toilet paper rolls and making messes. then my other cat ambushes my first cat. Its funny cause the one cat doesnt suspect a thing. then they start fightin. then i start fightin too. I hit them with socks, and then they grab them and yeah, its fun.
Originally posted by The DemonWithin
Its a message from god, he is tellin you to drown your friends in the ocean.

And thanks stone, im confused now, but i would like to read more of how empty my life is.
My cat is really dumb too, one time i threw i toy thing, and it hit a mirror. then my cat went after it and ran into the mirror, i had a good laugh.
Can you explain my dream Stone? I've been wondering on the meaning of it for years :O

anyway, I dreamed about it like 5 times when I was a little kid, I think I was 6 or something

anyway, I'm in the living room with my dad, watching sesame street, then my mom comes and tells me i got to go to kinder garden, so I tell her "but I want to watch the show!", and she says ok im going with or without you, she exits the door, and a couple of seconds later i follow.
ok she starts going down the stairs, all normal... suddenly, I move in slow motion! she walks normal and reaches the door... i get down the second she walks out the door... the door closes, i go and try to open it, but the handle is too high.. i try a few times and give in.. suddenly, I hear a noise from the stairs.. i turn around.. and see.. A CHAIR! a normal wooden chair with 4 legs, he's going down the stairs.. chasing me, i think he was moving in slow motion too not sure though, then i run to the elevator (funny thing is I didn't have an elevator in the old building I used to live in...) i press 4 or 6 dont remember (I live in the 6th floor now, heh) elevator closes just as the chair reaches the entrance.. then starts going up.. elevator gets stuck, i wake up. :|
Originally posted by :>~
Can you explain my dream Stone? I've been wondering on the meaning of it for years :O

anyway, I dreamed about it like 5 times when I was a little kid, I think I was 6 or something

anyway, I'm in the living room with my dad, watching sesame street, then my mom comes and tells me i got to go to kinder garden, so I tell her "but I want to watch the show!", and she says ok im going with or without you, she exits the door, and a couple of seconds later i follow.
ok she starts going down the stairs, all normal... suddenly, I move in slow motion! she walks normal and reaches the door... i get down the second she walks out the door... the door closes, i go and try to open it, but the handle is too high.. i try a few times and give in.. suddenly, I hear a noise from the stairs.. i turn around.. and see.. A CHAIR! a normal wooden chair with 4 legs, he's going down the stairs.. chasing me, i think he was moving in slow motion too not sure though, then i run to the elevator (funny thing is I didn't have an elevator in the old building I used to live in...) i press 4 or 6 dont remember (I live in the 6th floor now, heh) elevator closes just as the chair reaches the entrance.. then starts going up.. elevator gets stuck, i wake up. :|
Your ****ed.
Originally posted by :>~
Can you explain my dream Stone? I've been wondering on the meaning of it for years :O

anyway, I dreamed about it like 5 times when I was a little kid, I think I was 6 or something

anyway, I'm in the living room with my dad, watching sesame street, then my mom comes and tells me i got to go to kinder garden, so I tell her "but I want to watch the show!", and she says ok im going with or without you, she exits the door, and a couple of seconds later i follow.
ok she starts going down the stairs, all normal... suddenly, I move in slow motion! she walks normal and reaches the door... i get down the second she walks out the door... the door closes, i go and try to open it, but the handle is too high.. i try a few times and give in.. suddenly, I hear a noise from the stairs.. i turn around.. and see.. A CHAIR! a normal wooden chair with 4 legs, he's going down the stairs.. chasing me, i think he was moving in slow motion too not sure though, then i run to the elevator (funny thing is I didn't have an elevator in the old building I used to live in...) i press 4 or 6 dont remember (I live in the 6th floor now, heh) elevator closes just as the chair reaches the entrance.. then starts going up.. elevator gets stuck, i wake up. :|
God is telling you to kill your mother with a sharpened chair leg.
I am not having any dreams at all..because i dont get stressed and i relax fully when i sleep and i am not getting disturbed..

But the usual dream that i have is i am trying to do something or fight someone and i am being too slow and the person or thing that i want to affect is too fast..

I asked my parents about it, they when you fly or you are too slow in a dream it means your are growing up physically..weird

And the most weird and rare dream that i have was i was having sex with a chick ! It was soo real..then i had to wake up and i didnt want to come back to real life ..i tried to fall asleep and couldnt get the same dream ever again

The other weird dream that i had is i met a very good looking girl and i went out with her and stuff then i was so bad in love with her and then i wake up and guess what, i am so in love !

Haha i need to get laid

Originally posted by xXSMGXx
I am not having any dreams at all..because i dont get stressed and i relax fully when i sleep and i am not getting disturbed..

Haha i need to get laid

Hahah certainly. Good thing you didnt ask for an interpretation, some could probly tell what i would say by now.
Im goin to sleep soon, then tommorow i will post my almost-certain-to-be wierd dream. later boys and girls
lol in the future they are going to have custom dream machines...
Originally posted by xXSMGXx
lol in the future they are going to have custom dream machines...
if they did, i would buy one immediatly, dreams are the only reason i sleep man. I would make it make me have the most random dream it can come up wit, where all kinds of random shit happens.
Man id love a dream machine, especially if it recorded them so you could watch them over and over.

I tihnk i might eat some cheese tonight, that normally gives you weird dreams. Infact strong curries do too, things like that.
Originally posted by xXSMGXx
I am not having any dreams at all..because i dont get stressed and i relax fully when i sleep and i am not getting disturbed..

actually, if you don't dream something must be on your mind, as you are not reaching proper REM sleep, which you dream in...

so :P hehe, and i'll look at anyones dreams... although this week won't be good for posts for me, due to me and close friends doing every pub around our college this week, to celebrate finishing our courses :cheese: , so If people keep posting I'll be happy to help :P

Oh yes and the comment about FLying dreams, these are classic Puberty dreams, with the most common one being.....

You jump off of something and you fly for a while and then near the end you can't anymore and you fall, and you wake just before you hit the floor

Another common theroy is theory is the obvious if you die in your dream you will die in real life, this is a scientifically believed theory... and notice when you dream you always wake up when you die, or when your dream you are still concious (IE a ghost/spirt/soul)
Ima eat cheese then, so i can dream wierd. last night i had a pretty cool dream, it was a couple sequences acctually. some were boring tho. the best was i was in this town an the townfolk or whatever (was back in the day, midevil i guess) wanted me to help them eliminate some sort of witch chick. So i said ok, an they gave me some old rifle and a german machine gun thing (dont think it exists, had a vertical round drum with the ammunition in it. located right behind the barrel.) So i went to go find the witch. but then it switched to a different sequence. I was in some tomb underground (it was one of those rooms wit the shelves for bodies) An there was two figues i could only describe as brothers, but it seemed as tho we were all evil. We were talkin but i forget what it was about. Then the dream shifted to a cliff on a beach. i was at the top of the cliff an i could see the witch up there wit me. the other townsfolk were hunting her too, but they were out in a boat. i started shootin at the witch and whatnot, but she disapeared. I had thought she went to get the townsfolk in the boat, and i felt as tho there was someone i wanted to protect in the boat, someone important. But when i got there they were ok. we headed to the village but it was destroyed. we went searchin for her and came upon a cave. it was the save tomb/cave thing as was in the last scene. and after we went in i stopped dreaming an woke up.
Wasnt too wierd compared to what i usually dream, but it was cool enough to mention. and since stone is a dream expert (may i ask why btw?) I thought that you could perhaps analyze this if you wish to do so. Ill post another one tommorow cause its fun.
Another common theroy is theory is the obvious if you die in your dream you will die in real life, this is a scientifically believed theory... and notice when you dream you always wake up when you die, or when your dream you are still concious (IE a ghost/spirt/soul) [/B][/QUOTE]

Hey ! Just like in matrix..the mind dies..the body cannot live without the mind, MY 2 CENTS
My dreams
Are seen as through tinted glass
Black shadows move
From room to room
Glistening weapons
Tightly in hand

My eyes
Snap open
A disturbance is sensed
My hand grasps the hilt
Of my one-thousand fold blade
I swear to myself and my sword

We are one
We are unstoppable
We are a force of Nature
We are death to those who trespass

er...I have dreams where ninjas infiltrate my house and I awaken and defend myself from assassination.
Hehe he.... -_-;;
*awkward silence*
Originally posted by The DemonWithin
What do you mean thats it!? you didnt ask a question. i jus decided to ease your discomfort by sayin yeah.
What do you mean discomfort!? You didn't say anything about that. I just decided to post because I'm tired and confused. I am sorry for any offense incurred...

Haha there was no offense man, i jus added the exclamation mark to show my bewilderment. and you said *akward silence*
So i said yeah to make in un-akward heheh.
Demonwithin ure dream is a message someone you know will die due to an old lady therefore you must kill all old women that you can find with a gun which doesnt exist so u gotta invent it. confusing eh?
Originally posted by Fat Tony!
Demonwithin ure dream is a message someone you know will die due to an old lady therefore you must kill all old women that you can find with a gun which doesnt exist so u gotta invent it. confusing eh?
sweet ok!
/me runs out of the room and goes to gun store.
well, i'v got a day off of college tomorrow, giving people there a break from me after today... ekk! ;(

anywho, so i'll read everyones posted dreams, and try my best to work out what they mean for all you guys.... :cheese:
You said you would do more of mine!
OK, decrypt this one...

I'm in the jungle of Vietnam, like Rambo or something, but I'm completely unarmed. I find the entrance to a cave, so I go inside. I get ambushed by Vietcong at the entrance. There's two guys on a platform above me, one is trying to drag me up and the other is trying to stab me with a sharpened bamboo shoot thing. In the struggle I break the bamboo, stab the guys above me and fall to the floor. I get up, see hundreds more Veitcong running towards me, so I hurtle into the group stabbing wildly with the spear thing, killing anyone who comes near me. After killing about 20 Vietcong soldiers, my friend Emily appears in the group, but I can't stop myself and I stab her as well, she starts bleeding and screaming and that point I wake up.
Right I geuss first I should answer answer Demonwithins question...
since stone is a dream expert (may i ask why btw?)

I went though a long and hard period in my life, and I found that I was having lots of wierd and really disturbing dreams, I approached a close and quite wise, in these matters, friend and he told me to sit down and write out everytime i wake up, the dream I've just i did (and i still do, in a book that i've got)...And he told me to sit down and look at each dream and then think of what it could personnally mean to i did and i wrote it down next to the dream the same morning, then I started to research on the internet, in libraries, in different reglions bibles (as i've said in a previous thread, i've read most of the major religions bibles), in cultures philosophy and the definitions definide my psychology...making sense of my dreams help me through alot of my fears in life, and through the hard times...making me less worried and tense about the situation, myself and my friends...
Ic but i still dont understand how u r so knowledgable about it.
Originally posted by Stone
then I started to research on the internet, in libraries, in different reglions bibles (as i've said in a previous thread, i've read most of the major religions bibles), in cultures philosophy and the definitions definide my psychology...

I believe that section covers it.
Right let me start......

Zermiski -
Sometimes a chair is just a chair, if you get my meaning, I beleive that the setting of this is really not important, although if looked at it could be about the Terrorest war (assosication to Nam), but i believe that this is insignificant. The stuggle could be significatant, maybe at this moment in time you believe that everyone is against you, that maybe everyday is a struggle against other people, but I really don't think this is signifactant again...but the definatly signifcant thing in my mind is the stabbing of Emily, your friends usually don't apear in these types of dreams without a reason, I believe that this is a symbol that you have a fear of hurting her accidently or unintentionally, maybe you harbour feelings for this person that you have not yet discovered or maybe she is a really close friend...If the struggle in your life is a plays a significant role, maybe in fighting this struggle you are going to hurt her unintentionally.... My best advice to you my friend would be to sit down and think about your feelings for her...and once this is done even if you have no feelings for her in that way, you should sit down and talk to her about the current situation between the two of you..

I not particually strong on the freudian ways of interpretation of dreams, as I believe that he was a freud (no pun intended), just out to make money and to become famous, he supposedly believed that all humans dreams came down to primal instinct, Ie here goes what I could decifer from his theroies about your dream...
Hill= Male Sexual Organ
Valley = Female Sexual Organ...
Personally that makes no sense to me... maybe if Sniper tried an interpreation of your dream, that you would be able to understand it better than mine

what you are exprerancing there is called pre-cognition, this is a very common thing in dreams, so it is nothing to really worry about, whether it is a psychic atribute or just your mind working out the most likely probability is maybe a factor to think about, all though I believe the first explination :P

:>~ -
right, Slow motion as previously mentioned, by somebodies parents, is a symbol of growing up. I think that your dream is about your belief that prehaps were trying to make you grow up too fast (maybe still are?), and that you wanted to stay where you were (ie. watching sesame street with parents making you leave)... the imagary that your not moving as fast as your mother, could be that you feel, with your parents trying to make you grow up to fast you are drifting apart from them or possibly that you felt that you were not growing up as fast as your mother would of liked, so you felt they had abbandoned you (ie them leaving and closing the door and you not being able to get out)...I really don't know what to think about the chair bit, maybe this is were the dream looses its meaning and just turns into random stuff, or maybe the chair is a another symbol of growing up... I will leave this for you to decide

TheDemonWithin -
I think this is too do with the cheese, as most of this is just really random... A factor for all to remember is to try and remember what people say as these can be a major factor in the dream...(ie the brothers)...I think the only other possibly signifacant thing in this dream is the seem to be caring for somebody but you don't know who... maybe the witch is representation of what ever you fear, maybe it is the fear of losing who you care I said to Zermski sit down and think about your friends do your harbour feelings that you have not yet realised or did you harbour feelings for someone you think you've lost (ie witch disapearing and the not mentioning of finding someone on the boat who you care for) I sugest that you do as you did in your dream, go to the one you care about and help them and then go after your fears...

you've just got an obsetion with Ninjas this dream means as much as Bush's reason for starting a war..

hope this helps people, If this doesnt help, i will try to help more...and if it does it's ok...

EDIT: And Zermski thanks for pointing him to that it saves me doing so :P
No problem people... glad to help,

If anyone else wants anyhelp I'm still here :cheese: