My weird dream

you have no dream posted on the first page?!?
I did but ill copy and paste it for you

I had the weirdest dream ever when i was like erm i was 8 i think. I was in my local wood which i used to walk in at that age in that wood there was a little i mean tiny chasm maybe 7 meters down with steep sides to easily get in also to make things strange i could hear a witch u know cackle etc... and i knew it was there, and suddenly i flew into it the chasm and for some reason the steep sides extended to make a valley i bounced on the side and one word went into my head when i did "duvet" i knew it was something to do with a duvet. I bounced back up to the top and a dog for some reason talked to me and told me to beware of the witch and i think it was a red dog maybe. there were loads more dogs there i only just noticed for some reason and i realised that it was the red dog's home at that time i woke up. More strange dreams to come....

I also had a dream when I was in my neighbours' house and i picked up a shotgun which looked worringly like the half life shotgun and killed all my family and then got depressed. Half life never again!! (until hl2 )

Last edited by Fat Tony! on 30-06-2003 at 11:05 AM
Wow, this is fun. Ok, I have two more.

A Spider - (from my childhood)
My eyes widened slightly in response to the appearance of my house. My family was making its hurried way across the street to our normally tranquil abode, but the sky was overcast, the colors a monotone grey. There were thick spider webs covering the plants around the front door. My mother had a large rectangular flashlight, held by a handle, and she led the way to the front door. We crowded around her, watchfully guarding our backs and anxiously waiting for the door to open. My mother unlocked the door, and we stepped in. I quickly sprinted up the stairs to our level of the apartment (we rented the 2nd level and the basement out) and opened the second door. Inside, a layer of dust covered everything. To my left, our hallway stretched out before me. I stared into it. Eight glowing lights about the size of lightbulbs wobbled randomly, then coalesced into the eyes of a massive spider. It crawled its way down the hall and shot web out of its mandibles, pinning me and my family to the walls. I struggled in the sticky webs while my sister whispered "don't move, don't move". The spider's eyes focused on me. It lowered it mandibles to my hand. I felt a sharp pain-

then I woke, feeling as if someone had jabbed a needle into my right hand.

This one's from last night, and it's much less coherent then my childhood dream.

I was riding my high-school bus. I knew it was mine, even though this one had the number 4 on it, instead of 11. I rode it home and for some reason it never left my home. I rode it to school in the morning, and somehow got there when school was letting out. I stepped out of the bus (which, come to think of it, had no driver) and I somehow stepped into the principle's lawyer's office. He had a receding hairline and it was turning slightly grey. In asymmetrical places on his face, he had kanji carved into his skin, as if with a pocketknife. They were not quite open wounds, but they were not scabbed over or scarred yet, which meant I could still see the blood. He informed me that I had to pay $1000 in DVD damages.

That's it for now. If I remember another dream, I'll write it down here.

EDIT - Has anyone had dreams that show you a place in the future? Just wondering if I'm all alone... - EDIT
I had a wierd one once......

/que harp music and shimmering fade

Me and my friend were at home and we realised that we had left our bikes in Blackpool (about 3-4 hrs from where i live). So we decided to skate there. We skated along the path to my school and met a load of runners. We skated with them for a bit and then i got trampled under a fence. Which was nice.

/que harp music (backwards) and shimmering fade
hahah good job stone, i had a dream last night, but it was boring, and i cant remember it at the moment, so ill bring one tommorow. and yes, you rock, haha that was funny.
lol I think farrowlesparrow is obcessed about HL2... :

aint we all aint we all.. :)
Ok i had another 2 confusing dreams last night which are a bit confusing: First i had a dream at a place i had to assume was school because my P.E teacher was there and many class mates. I can remember sstanding at the line and the teacher shouting go! suddenly i ran but found myself heavy but instead of going slower my weight pushed me forwards but when i got to the end where i had to turn round and race back i skidded quite badly and lost lots of time then as i ran back my weight backfired and i went really slowly then suddenly really fast untill the very end when i struggled to even move, the pe teacher rather patronisinly gave me support but i was so slow and it was embarressing so i stopped but was told to go again and eventually got there, i think this bit is to do with embarresment at sports day (which i dont have to do anymore which is strange) btw i am not fat lol. But the most important part but the most obvious bit was when the girls ran they seemed to be riding semi invisible horses and as they came back one of the girls fell i think because the horse disappeared but the girl just happened to be someone i care about unforunatly no one actually ran out to help her even though she looked badly injured i felt i should but i had thoughts that people would get suspisious if i did, however everyone stepped back leaving me the only one forward so i thought id may as well look. I felt along her bare legs to find out where it hurt i couldnt find a spot but the women pe teacher told me to look higher as she came to help me, fortunatly to stop it looking perverted her back was to me so i felt along it but couldnt find a spot. But then another girl came along- someone who is quite loud and annoying, she came and checked but instead of helping she started to move her hand toward the girl's crotch which i found terrible also for a reason i dont know she was on her back now, i tried to stop her but i couldnt cos my nerves stopped me from saying something then i cant remember what happened next all i know that somewhere along i went into my next dream but this time it was really wierd i can only remember the last half of it but here is wat i remember : A small silver fish with legs had stolen a bag of gold off a rabbit, the rabbit kept on chasing it and somehow i managed whilst standing still to grap the gold off the fish, i knew somehow that if i threw it or moved or anything the fish would be able to get it so i threw it in a bush and magicly the rabbit had it in its hand it thanked me and i said bye and went off then suddenly i thought it was a bit strange turned round and saw that the enviroment had completly changed the were small trenches and a knocked over hollowed out trunk of a tree over it and the rabbit was relaxing on it i somehow knew there was an invisible barrier stopping me get in even though i just did get in which didnt occur to me as confusing at the time. I left the area and realised that things had turned around there was a barrier stoping me get out of the area which i tried to force myself through but it pushed me away i put my arms in as far as i could go and let my legs off the ground and felt myself "flying" which was quite fun but i stopped after a while, i got annoyed and started punching the invisible barrier and it started to smash seeming a lot like something of metal gear solid 2 so i suppose its just me playing it too much that bit. i moved forward and almost made myself to the end, the end was a enormous waterfall from a mountain, there was an evil crockdile that kept of firing something at us but for somereason it never hit us unless we got near, there was also a caterpiller which got hit in the crossfire so got pissed off and started throwing knives i already had a catterpillar in my "party" and when it got attacked by a bird the catterpillar in my party showed then new guy how to cut of its beak with hedge clippers also before that the new guy put a green sweet in front of him making him look green or just a siloette to try and hide. There was another enemy who was really an evil bloke who was generally evil, a kind of a "boss". The evil bloke hurt the crocodile for some reason so it joined my side, i clambered up the now visible wall which turned into rocks, and the evil bloke cast something to do with rocks all i knew was that i had to get off the rocks which he was about to control, the croc told me to jump back quickly and i did onto some safe grass. And finally that was the end cos i needed the loo. Ha try and work that out. lol :bounce: :bounce: :cheese: A couple of things that might be related in real life however is : i miss the girl i was tlking about since i havent seen her in a while, a bird attacks me when i try and get in the shed, i play to many computer games, the dreams might be a little wrong cos i cant quite remember probably. Anyway gd luck on this one ull need it. :cheers:
Fat tony....its time you should know.

Im sorry to say there isnt an award for longest post.
:'( oh no wot a waste of my time o well ill spam my way to 1000 posts...only joking :cheers:
Wow Stone.. I'm impressed :)

it's a really good explanation, and it's really true..

I had another dream in about the same age, like a continuation to the last one..

I saw myself like a side scroller game, and I was running in thousands of stairs, going up down left right in every direction, like an Alice in Wonderland type of thing.. and after me was the chair from the previous dream, and I remember all the dream was me running from the chair in the stairs, that's all..
I just thought I'd bump this and see if anyone has had any more wierd dreams recently......?
Originally posted by Farrowlesparrow
Just the one i mentioned in another thread about being in Hl2....Man that was cool.

FarrowleSparrow this is that thread ;)
*chuckles at the difference between my amount of posts and Stones/Badgers amount of posts*
lol yea got bored with forums too much spam here glad im remembered though :)
Hey stone answer these poor people!! and me ;(

Ps where u been sniper? havent seen u either
Meh, I've just been busy, only normally post in the general discussion area. You got ICQ or MSM or AIM? If so, PM me your details for whatever one you've got and we can speak via that.
Enough of this chit chat, you should use an IMer...oh wait you are. Nevermind.

And stone, this isnt that thread. Remember, this thread is about meeting up and the other dream was to do with the buggy and the world war 2 guys.
*waves at sparrow*

How are you mate?

*totally ignores the fact Sparrow in currently on MSM*
Originally posted by Farrowlesparrow
Enough of this chit chat, you should use an IMer...oh wait you are. Nevermind.

And stone, this isnt that thread. Remember, this thread is about meeting up and the other dream was to do with the buggy and the world war 2 guys.

oh ok, well i have answered these people i thinks......

I just was bored so thought I'd necro this thread and see if anyone has anything they wants me to do
I think necro came about when i posted a picture of some card and it said "Forum Necromancy" Then it had a picture of some freaky guy on the card and then underneath an explanation of how to raise the thread.
But yes, its just bumping a thread back up into the light.
no thread necromancer!!! unfortunatly i dont remember any dreams so your outta luck stone.
I don't remember my dreams anymore, but I used to have some really weird ones.

When I was about 8 I had a dream that I was at school. I was with my friend, and heading towards my old classroom (the classroom I was in when I was about 6). We were almost at the classroom when Lenny and Carl from The Simpsons appeared (!), and started talking to me. My friend disappeared around about now. Suddenly, Homer Simpson came round the corner and he was hypnotised or something. Lenny and Carl ran off, and an armadillo (!!) jumped down from the roof of our swimming pool and said something like, "Wake Homer up or you all die" and I was like "I can't!" and then the armadillo said "Then I have to kill you." Then I woke up.

It probably just means that I used to watch the Simpsons too much, but where did I get the armadillo from? Weird.

I also used to have these awful dreams. They happened every night, and it involved the same people, but different stuff happens in each. Here's what happned in the very last of those dreams:

I woke up, went downstairs, and my mum gave me a bowl of cereal. But instead of telling me to sit down and eat it in the kitchen like she normally does she told me to have it in the dining room. I didn't think anything of it, and went off to eat in the dining room.
So I sat there and ate. After a few seconds the door opens, and my mum walks in, but she transforms into this really big guy in a red jumper and blue hat. He grabs me, and I can't move. Then, all of a sudden I'm in the back seat of a car, and I can't move at all. (In the first of these dreams the guy told me it was a magic car or something). The car always takes me to the same place, a dark cave, and then these two women ask me weird questions (I can't remember what).
In this last dream I realise that they're asking questions meant for my mum. I tell them that she knows the answers to these questions, and they go "Ok then." and let me go.

That was it. Those dreams terrified me though, I was scared to go to sleep sometimes.
I had this dream three nights in a row when I was around 5-9 years old.

I would be walking with my father down a sidewalk and out of the corner of my eye I see a huge mass of crushed cars in the shape of Megatron from the Autobots. (I don't remember ever watching the show at that time in my life.) My Dad would take me by the hand and we would run to my school, which so happened to also appeared out of nowhere. We would get inside and it would look like my old elementary school. Rug, tiled floor, those white cardboard things with the many black dots that you see in office buildings. Anyway we kept running in, it was a large lobby and we were heading for the gym. Then a foot came through the ceiling. It was cartoon-ish; it was covered in metal like it never went though anything just bent the ceiling to the curvature. Then it was the shape of a rather large foot, it had individual toes. We kept running around, dodging the cartoon-ish feet that would just appear. Then all I remember is that we would run into a room and I would wake up just in time to get up and get ready for school.

I am strange.
YAY dreams, i'll get to work when i come back for "PuzzlePirates" Anomalous... (god that game is addictive)