Name and avatar meanings

WySiWyG said:
That sucks.

I'm gonna have to give this 6800 gt back to my mate soon. Time to fork out for a better one methinks. Been looking at the gainward version not sure though. Might just stick with what I got, well buy one of my own at least.
Worked out a way around it using my patented and critically-discredited method: the Pile Of DVDs Method.
Fat Tony is just a name I picked out of all the things I could think of, obviously a character from the simpsons.

my avatar: noo noo from the program "teletubbies" :P
my last Name is King I like eating Lemons while playing CSS or CoD
so Lemonking I would like to have a Lemon Avatar but Aki Ross is hot so thats ok
Name... that's my name since the online-beginning... sounded cool, got it from a bad action movie; nobody knew what it ment for a long time, not even me :D

Avatar... Videl from the Dragon Ball series... teh secks!!!1
i got my name from a my chemical romance song. O_O
as for my avatar, nothing special. just a star.
Name: Well it's my name
Avatar: G-Man pic from the HL2 secret challenge thing. Destrukt claims it belongs to him and harrasses me about it.
Name: Whats in a name? ;)

Avatar: Inignot from ATHF...oh and for the people that haven't noticed...he's giving you the finger. :P
Name: My name is mark. Marksman was taken.. so I stuck "HL2 :)" on the end :P

Avatar: Found it on some other forum somewhere, thought it suited me and my name. I love cats btw.

EDIT: If a moderator wants to take the "HL2" part off my name, please do... it has no real use there lol. :)
Name: Look it up.

Avatar: It's the cover art for Boards of Canada's "Geogaddi".

Signature: I like Something Awful. I like Zack's articles. I like the quote.

My preferred alias is "Anasynth", but I can't edit my name. If you've seen this name recently, it's probably been in CS:S or HL2DM. I'm the guy that flips out, berates the team, curses everybody off, and then leaves the server.
my old AOL name was kore, always has been since 1996 when i first had the net.

and the name BolteR has always been my game name.
excepts a little time for Call of Duty when i played under the name of SkyBlue. :D:D
I honestly have no Idea where my name came from
my avatar is the pennywise symbol
my sig
is a family guy quote and a quote from the coolest forum goer around :p
My name: Well, my names Jimmy. :)
Avatar: After that art competition, I just thought I'd get a picture of an eye just for the sheer coolness :D
My name is Mark and my favourate album is Origin of Symmetry. I don't think I have an avatar. Someone pointed out that it could also mean I have zero marks
The Thing said:
I know what that is. :D.

I do too :).

Anyways, about the name and stuff.

Name: I really don't know why I picked this name. I picked it back in '93 when I first started gaming. I was only 6 or 7 years old at the time so I can't remember why I picked it. People always ask me why I named myself this, guess it's not a common name lol.

name: erm.. cant remember. I used to play bf1942 as Cpl. Jangle.

avatar: its a muffin. it moves when youre not looking.
I played red alert 2 and i liked the kirov airships. i then decided to change my online name (from Dr Dead)
name: Nick
avatar: Lil Jon because he's awesome and Chapelle makes a good impression of him.
Pob is a nickname i've had since I was about 4 (my brother saw a resemblence between me and pob) and the name kinda stuck. Changed to Pobbo when I first went on the interweb, then matured to 'Pobz' in 2000 because 'Pobbo' seemed too immature. I added the french 'le' a few months ago because I hated all my forum posts appearing in search engines when people searched for me.

The avatar is just something I knocked up in 3dsmax to make you all know i'm better than you. :P
that programme scared me when i was little. I loved rosie and jim though.
Name = Inspired by a friend's use of a box of pocky being turned into a rocket ship. He also used the name of the tv show "Pocky Power" Pocky power sounded cool. He did something similar with something else and called it smokey beef, but that never caught on. He died on Jan 22, 2005 from a fatal seizure. :(

Avatar = no.
name = Variation fo my realy name

Avatart = Fit bird tho it might get changed soon :P
Nick = Started when i needed a name for cs, after 10mins of hard thought i came up with this, then a few days later watching futurama i happened to see a certain 'Crushenator'... :rolleyes:

Avatar = Eddie! :D
Name: Nordic mythology.

Avatar: Scolar Visari from the game Killzone.
Well, name is Stephen....and I'm a guy...and I

My avatar is quite obviously Err, one of the Mooninites from Aqua Teen Hunger Force.
Neither my name nor avatar is what I would prefer to go by. Maybe I'll create a new account.
Name: Transformers, duh. Selfish badass who keeps coming back after being foiled repeatedly. Hates his own right-hand man.
Avatar: Internet joke / forum emote that I came across once or twice, using as AIM icon currently. Kinda half-assed, i know.

Soon-to-be name: MuToiD_MaN - online handle, reference to the boss from Smash T.V., the arcade game of obvious lameness and moderate obscurity, but of quarter-eating awesomeness.

I know I only have like 100 posts, but still feel reluctant to re-register and start from scratch again.
Megatron42 said:
I know I only have like 100 posts, but still feel reluctant to re-register and start from scratch again.
Ask the Mods really nice and they might change your name for you. They did it for Audiophile, if I'm right.
You know if you PM an administrator, we can change your name if you give a good enough reason :)
Well, my reason isn't all that huge like "I've just been informed that my screen name was a racial slur" or something like that, I just leave transformers discussions in my wake wherever I go and want to switch out one giant evil robot for another, more-favorite one.
Name: isn't it obvious? my name shows two oppostite ends of this existance- suicide is the depressing, de-moralising pit we fall into which sucks away everything we hold dear and removes our existance from the world in the most un-natural way, and 42 is the meaning of life- the holy saviour, the thing everyone strives tawards. The meaning of life is the only thing that keeps us going- the only thing that we can truly hold dear in this world (as everything else is pointless, depressing and repetitive), And suicide is the demoralisation into ignorance and relief.

Oh and my avatar is the cat from "making freinds"... notice that there always has to be red in my avatar :D i don't think I've ever had an avatar without red in... it just suits the number "42".
Name: Because i used to be an expert sniper with practicly everygame so ppl nicked me with bullseye.. and also because they used me for target practicing :P

Avatar: you gotta love Dumbass from the flash movie DE_DUST
Name = Not sure...sword maybe...
Avatar = Evil monkey from Family Guy...which I love...
Sig: Couldnt think of anything good...although some have liked it so i havent bothered changing it...
ComradeBadger said:
You know if you PM an administrator, we can change your name if you give a good enough reason :)
AKA: Some type of sexual pleasure. ;)
Name: Hazar Dakiri (as some of you may remember) was my origninal name, wich was a 'randomly' generated KOTOR name, which is what I was playing when I registered.

Avatar: I downloaded the original one (see profile) from some site when I was looking for one. I changed it to gold when HL2 went gold, and I've been to lazy to change it for awhile. However, I think it might change in a bit ;)
Hazar said:
Avatar: I downloaded the original one (see profile) from some site when I was looking for one. I changed it to gold when HL2 went gold, and I've been to lazy to change it for awhile. However, I think it might change in a bit ;)
I dunno. Kinda looks cool that way, like an even stronger archon, NES-palette-swap-new-enemy style :naughty:
(hopefully) just wait for the new one :naughty:
name: i typed it wrong. supposed to be pAiNiNtHeAsS. no mening unless i am one.

avatar: i like zelda.