Name and avatar meanings

Name: I'd have to kill you...

Av: Favorite band. Not that anyone would care. :thumbs:
Little known fact:When a monkey throws its feces its their way of self-defense.
Name: tiny headcrabs from hl1 that swarm you and generally stir up shit :D

Avatar: early gordon prototype model from alpha hl1 :D
Raziel-Jcd said:
From the anime Evangelion. Best show in the world. So many ways to look at it and understand it, its insane. I can right about it forever but no point.

Name is a mix between Raziel, Soul Reaver and Jc Denton, Deus Ex. My two favorite characters. Besides Asuka.

A fellow Soul Reaver/Eva fan, excellent.
hehe... I like my new avatar.

Watch it....

Ohhh! He's eaten the meaning of life. Damn that cat.
Name: Short for WarBastard (from spaced) That's a bit long to say over comms in matches (and not very pleasant sounding) so ppl started calling me War, then Warb, and then Warbie - which stuck.

Avatar: Mog the Moogle from FF6 :) The dude's a diva :afro:
Warbie said:
Avatar: Mog the Moogle from FF6 :) The dude's a diva :afro:
You should make an animated avatar that makes him dance.
The name is from Icarus, somehow one day i wrote Icarus Intel and then i shortened it to Icarusintel and it just worked
My avatar, well, isn;t it obvious, it's god himself
He_Who_Is_Steve said:
You should make an animated avatar that makes him dance.

I wouldn't know where to begin.

You're welcome to have a go :)
Warbie said:
I wouldn't know where to begin.

You're welcome to have a go :)
Pfft. Right. Oh well...guess seeing him do the Snowy Samba or whatever will forever remain a dream...
lets all have dalamaris avatar , but with the sad face on. LOL. jk
Warbie said:
I wouldn't know where to begin.

You're welcome to have a go :)

Oh come on.. FF6 is a classic, i bet you could just type "moogle GIF" in google and find thousands of results.

The trouble with dancing is it would just be a looped animation of the character walking... As SNES RPGs used the walking animation for everything :laugh:

KoreBolteR said:
lets all have dalamaris avatar , but with the sad face on. LOL. jk
why would we want to steal other ppl's av's it lacks all creativity
Name: It's your codename in Mechwarrior 4 Mercenaries.
Avatar: Doom 3 revenant shrouded in darkness.
Voracious means hungry.

Or in the sense that I use it, a murderer or killer.
Name : I'm called Glenn, but with a ghetto buzz word in front.

Avatar: David Brent from the Office, played by Ricky Gervais, great comedian, look out for it! fact.
KoreBolteR said:
LOL, chill out

notice the "jk"? :sleep:
i was joking too. But anyway i like your av better than his anyway. More interesting.
Name: Irish for computer Edit: (It is pronounced reev-er-ah)
Avitar and sig: Made them myself. I came up with the vortigaunt revolution after my first sig was too long. They are done using console comands and photoshop (And a little Garry's Mod).
ríomhaire said:
Name: Irish for computer Edit: (It is pronounced reev-er-ah)
Avitar and sig: Made them myself. I came up with the vortigaunt revolution after my first sig was too long. They are done using console comands and photoshop (And a little Garry's Mod).
It's still too long, 4 lines max please (including spaces) :)
Name: I took my name and the name of a video game I like.
Avatar: Grover from Sesame Street. I just like Grover. :)
Real Name : Miguel Teixeira
Nick: MigaS tX

Avatar: Pink Floyd rules. It's the cover of the "dark side of the moon" album.

Sig: Well, I think it's obvious. xD
Name: satch919 - Im a huge fan of Joe Satriani, the guitar player. His nickname is "Satch". The 919 part has no significance other than I like the number 9.

Avatar: A pic of Joe from the cover of one of his albums titled 'Crystal Planet'.

Sig: The Disclosure Project. They're all about uncovering the truth about UFOs and extraterrestrials. It goes far beyond just that though. Its backed by many credible witnesses from the military, air traffic controllers, pilots, scientists, etc. I believe its a great effort so I donated some money.

And, DOWNLOAD MY MAP! :thumbs:
Avatar: Torgo from Manos:Hands of Fate.
Name: Dunno, made it up.
Sig: A line from the ManOwar song "Metal Warriors".
nick: means nothing, I just liked the sound.
icon: also means nothing, just a baby waving its arse.
Name : Opposite (i guess) of New Age Rockers, them little punk kiddies who know nothing about real decent rock music :)

Avatar : Johnny Depp from Willy Wonka and a chocolate factory... he just has a funny pervy face in it, so i stole it to replace my Christmas Av.
Changed my avatar to this, fits the cloud thingie I am portrayed as in sulkdodds comics. :D And I really like the sky and clouds, especially when they're moving fast in those leet videoclips.

The original was a long .mov file, took a while to get it below HL2.nets size limit (Increase it, for heavens sake! ;) ) and not to make it an eyesoar that most blatantly abruptly repeated .gifs are.
Harij, your new av is pretty and makes me feel happy. Thank you.
ewww...the clouds are so small and wimpy.

You need big lightning thunderclouds.
Woohoo for clouds! Now I'm going to have to wonder whether or not "eyesoar" was a spelling mistake or a clever/sad pun :D

But in returning to your old form you've rendered my comic meaningless! Now people will laugh at its inaccuracy!!

...wait, that was the whole point.
UltraProAnti said:
icon: also means nothing, just a baby waving its arse.
Your avatar scares the crap out of me. It's so... So... Well, I wouldn't want to insinuate any illegality on your behalf. <Shudders>
Name - Suikoden II bad ass character
Avatar - Holy Shield!!!!
name: random name that came into my head when i needed one. (hint look under the insert key) ;)
avator: google + random effects done in ms paint :P