National Crisis Site Opens


Oct 20, 2003
Reaction score
Hello all,

Just dropping a quick line to introduce 'National Crisis' to the Half Life 2 community. We are a new TC realism mod for Half Life 2. You can find our site over at lease don't expect much content as currently we are working on all the concept for the mod. We want to get the game design fully complete before we start work. I personally feel this is vital to the completion of a mod - a good concept and design document. Once this is done I will (attempt to) hire a development team.

However I am introducing the website now in an attempt to get other people's ideas on the mod. There's no point us designing a modification that no-one will play! I would appreciate people's ideas and input, preferably on our forums but this thread would do perfectly.

I am personally new to the Half Life community despite playing the game for a fair few years. However i have experience in UT mod making and so understand the basics of how to get a mod project off the floor. I look forward to becoming a member of, what seems, a fantastic and supportive community.

Thanks very much

"National Crisis is a first-person shooter modification for Valve's Half Life 2 in which players take part in a full-scale modern world war in which all Europe has collaborated against American forces in a quest for the last remaining oil fields. The player can choose to side with either team as the European army go to war with America with their finest soldiers and weaponry from all nations."

I love this concept:)

Mod looks like it has great potential, i for one will be following your progress with interest. I am yet to find a truly good mod which blend realism and gameplay fully effectively.

It's good that you seem to be really getting all your ideas on the table before starting, as long as your not afraid to change bits later on:) Oh, and dont forgot to get the shellshocked stuff in there:)

Good luck
i'd be fun but not realistic.
IF America attacks Europe CHina woudl be with Europa because of Russia that would go with Europe and therefor it would be world against America. CHina has a milion MIg's Waiting and the British SAS are itching to move in :P America never wins that
Yeah ok the backstory aint too realistic but the gameplay will be! If someone can think of a reason why Europe would invde USA which is more realistic gor fot it!
Me likes concept :)

So, will there be different classes depending on nationality for us Europeans? Like English SAS, Swedish Engineer, German Rifleman etc etc?
Or is it just one class, and you buy weapons in the beginning of the round like in CS?
For the europeans classes will be generic as in 'infantry', 'sniper', 'Machine Gunner' but to get across the european idea the player spawns randomly as German, English, French etc. So we will be doing different uniforms and sounds for the major european countries.

The weapons purchase system will be class based but you can customize your class with equipment such as a flashlight, NVG's, thermal scopes, Night vision scopes, binoculars etc. depending on the mission.

If your interested in the game then please head over to the forums and ask all your questions and give all your suggestions!

There's no point us designing a modification that no-one will play

That's where you go wrong, you want to make a modification for YOU to play, a game that you can enjoy, a game fit for your tastes. Don't let you spirits down if no one likes your concept, the main thing is that you like it. If someone decides to give it a run and loves it, then you as an artist or designer in this case, can sleep peacefully at night. :)
Originally posted by Stitch
That's where you go wrong, you want to make a modification for YOU to play, a game that you can enjoy, a game fit for your tastes. Don't let you spirits down if no one likes your concept, the main thing is that you like it. If someone decides to give it a run and loves it, then you as an artist or designer in this case, can sleep peacefully at night. :)

I'm with stitch on this. Unless its business and the roof over your head depends on it. Then yep do it cause you want to do it. I'm doing my mod for me, if others like it then thats excellent, but end of the day, I'm doing it cause I wouldn't trust someone else to do it right and cause I want to play it :)

Edit: Though people will like it, or I'll beat you all to a pulp with a old wet fish :P
Cheerz for your input guys,

Well people are liking it as we are filling positions on the dev team pretty well!