NDA: Can they rip your balls off?


Sep 18, 2003
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Almost posted a thread about the Warhammer 40K : Dawn of War BETA but then I had a thought. If I agreed to a NDA (Can't remeber if I did) and I posted here could they prosecute me for it?

I registered under a different email address (and I browse these forums from work so I have a diff IP at home anyway) so I couldn't be tracked, but I thought I'd post this thread first to see what you peeps views are on the NDA subject.
If you signed an NDA, then post information about the beta, then they could indeed prosecute you. We'd also remove anything you posted to adhere to their NDA.
They will analy rape you, as will all companies running betas with NDAs.
I did testing for IGI2 - Covert Strike, i still cant talk about what was in it at the time because of the NDA and that is nearly 2 years ago now :( So yep, if you did mention anything they could sue you.
They may not rip your balls off, but they may well sue you so badly that you wish they had.
LOL. Alrighty. I'll keep the info to myself then. MUHAHAHAHA!
they probably wouldn't go far as to sue you, because I've been in numerous betas where information was leaked and all they did was kick the people out of beta
There was a guy streaming video of the beta last night, listed in winamp.