Necrophelia help

Choose whichever option fits best

  • I find necrophelia immoral.

    Votes: 54 58.7%
  • I do not find necrophelia immoral.

    Votes: 19 20.7%
  • I do not have an opinion on the subject

    Votes: 19 20.7%

  • Total voters
When I'm dead I want my body to be like puppeted and then do a dance to a funny song. I want my funeral to be funny or people to remember me for putting a crazy antic in my will.

Like have a fake casket that rolls out a head that looks like mine but it's fake, then the real one is rolled out with my holding a sign that says

"Just kidding. Alrato. Mucho amor y respeto, Pablito"
I don't think it's immoral. Personally, someone should have to sign something if they want their body ransacked while they were dead. If yes, then they get put up in a "house" that people pay some good money to get into, get off on teh corpse, and call it good.

Hmm..I see something fun coming around..
Skaadi said:
I read the thread title and i thought: Whoa, Ikerous really has problems. :O :O :naughty: :E :naughty:

I thought the same thing! <hugs Skaadi, ignoring her thrashing resistance>

To stay on topic though... necrophilia is wrong... sooooooo very wrong. What would you say to the person if they were revived?

"I thought you had a really COLD body, so I just couldn't help myself."

CptStern said:
? gah corpse rape can that not be immoral?

rakurai: that's the weirdest thing ever ...consenting to sex ...but only after your dead about dedication

If some really really hot woman came up to you on your death bed and asked to make sweet love to your corpse right after you died, i bet you wouldn't say no :smoking:...and neither would i :cheese:
Razor said:
If some really really hot woman came up to you on your death bed and asked to make sweet love to your corpse right after you died, i bet you wouldn't say no :smoking:...and neither would i :cheese:

I would say no... why? I wouldn't get anything out of it...
Raziaar said:
I would say no... why? I wouldn't get anything out of it...

What would you care then, if a hot woman wants to pleasure herself over my dead body, i'd be game :naughty: long as i got to touch her boobs before i died though :(.
I'm all for legalizing both paedophilia and necrophilia, aslong as "both" parties are consent!
If I'm 18 I should be able to **** a well-developed 13 year old if she wants me to ffs!
If I'm 18 I should be able to **** a well-developed 13 year olds corpse if she wants me to ffs!
If someone abused/molested my father who recently passed away's corpse, I swear I'd hunt'em down and beat in their ****ing skulls, then cut up their body into several different pieces and feed it to the dogs, I would then go on to spread the dogs poo over the ocean in hope that the fishes ate it!
...They're dead people... and you're ****ing them...

What ISN'T immoral about that?!
RakuraiTenjin said:
It's not immoral if the person agrees to it before death.

It's still ****ing disgusting though.

This man speaks the truth
I dunno, i kind of have this opinion that nothing is really bad or wrong, everything's just relative and a matter of choices.

So I mean, it's not wrong or immoral per se. But I personally dont like it at all, i think it's disgusting.
I don't really have an opinion on it, but dude, if you're doing a college paper on it, learn how to spell it for pity's sake: NecrophIlia

Wikipedia article:
Someone might've posted it already but I can't be bothered to check through seven pages...
It wasn't actually illegal in the UK until recently.

You'd probably not get jail for it though, you'd probably just be sent to a mental institution.
Alot of people would agree that walking over graves is immoral, and youre questioning whether its okay to Aylsebury Duck them?
W4E said:
Alot of people would agree that walking over graves is immoral, and youre questioning whether its okay to Aylsebury Duck them?

LOL you just made me realise that I don't like walking over graves, yet I don't find necrophilia inherently wrong.

But I'm kind of like WackyHabib in that I think everything is relative. JUST LET IT ROLLZ0Rz.
Well, you wouldn't walk over someone's bed while they slept in it would you?
I thought Nat Turner made this thread for a second...

anyways, necrophelia is disgusting, WHY!!!???
Now remember, if you're going to have intercourse with a corpse, bring lube..and lots. Trust me.
I don't really believe in morality in the classic western sense of the word (human dignity, human rights, etc.), so, being amoral, I do not find necrophilia immoral.

However, it seems to me that percieved morality is heavily pragmatic. A good example of this is the exclusion of pork from the diets of Jews and Muslims. Pork carries worms. Not eating pork is good for the culture. The culture doesn't eat pork.

For this reason, it behooves society to consider necrophilia immoral. I don't actually know for sure, but it would really surprise me to find that it didn't facilitate the spread of disease. That, I think, is why bodies are traditionally treated as they are: to remove them from the community and limit the spread of disease.

So, in a pragmatic or social contract sense of morality, yes, necrophilia probably should be immoral, however in a spiritual or mystical manner, no I don't think it should.
Necrophilia, such a bizarre concept.

"Sooo, was it good for you?"

For anyone who isn't desensitised to dead bodies (e.g. a mortician) there's going to be a whole deal of emotions going through someone's mind in the presence of a dead body, and sexual thoughts aren't likely to be among them.

If sexual urges are among those feelings, you really have to question the person under consideration's mental state.
Razor said:
Is it bad that I thought that exact thing when I first saw this thread? :D

There are attractive dead people around. How dare you throw your predjudice upon them by saying you can't have any sexual urges around them. That's like saying no Down Syndrom kid will get laid because they just scream about the Tard Crusher green filing cabnet they found at school yesterday.

Pesmerga said:
That would be paranecrophilia, Pes. Zombie sex.

Necrophilia...immoral? Perhaps. Collectively as a society we honor our dead: we grieve, we remember them with services and headstones, those that we bury we keep the grounds around them kempt and we sometimes leave tokens of affection like trinkets or photos or flowers. And then someone comes along and digs up grandma and puts it in her. I think that qualifies as being immoral.

But morality is in the eye of the beholder, and in the end...the dead aren't saying no.
They aren't exactly saying yes, either, but I do agree with you.
CyberPitz said:
Is it bad that I thought that exact thing when I first saw this thread? :D

There are attractive dead people around. How dare you throw your predjudice upon them by saying you can't have any sexual urges around them. That's like saying no Down Syndrom kid will get laid because they just scream about the Tard Crusher green filing cabnet they found at school yesterday.


That is a mighty good point, and for Pesmerga, if you got that persons consent before they died.........
SHIPPI said:
It's not really a victimless crime. If one of my family died it would be deeply disturbing if I found out the body was raped. It's disrespectful to the family - they've lost a loved one, are most likely mourning the loss, only to have an individual take advantage of the situation for their sick pleasure. If everyone (family, friends, victim) consented then there's no problem.. but that would just be weird.

What I've been saying all along.

The only victims are those alive.

drunkymonkey said:
This thread is retarded. Of course necrophilia is immoral!

Care to expand or you're just gonna impose your opinion wihtout backing it up?
****ing a dead body is just like sticking your penis into the ground. At least, it has similar moral issues accompanied with it.
All I know is, dead girls may not so no, but they sure as hell don't say yes. And sex without consent is rape! Kids, don't give some poor corpse serious emotional damage for the rest of their afterlife- stick to live women and sheep.

And Ikerous and Cyberpitz.
Is your society ok with it? If they aren't, thats immoral.

I personally find it rather..... disgusting.